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July 14, 1964 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-14

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"wbero dinie --Ar $SvomiS T NPMATIONS BtG., Awtr ADox, Mrcm., PfoN! wo 24241
Truth Will Prevail"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Italy After Boom

last ten years, Europe has gone
through a period of tremendous boom.
But political and economic periscopes all
over Europe report that the end is in
sight. Already, Switzerland and Germany
have introduced financial brakes to make
the changeover from boom to stability as
smooth as possible. And Charles de Gaulle
of France is in the process of advertis-
ing his.own stabilization plan.
But a few countries are running the
danger of a grand recession as soon as
the peak of the present boom is passed.
One of these countries is Italy; the salary
average has been rising 15-16 per cent the
last couple of years, as compared to a
gross national output rise of 3.4-4 per
cent. This lopsided boom is the reason for
general fear of inflation in Italian politi-
cal circles.
The two flanks of Aldo Moro's coali-
tion have long been discussing possible
boom brakes. But two weeks ago, that
coalition received a vote of no-confidence
-and Moro has lost his job. But more
importantly, Italy has lost much of her
hope of getting boom-controlling legisla-
tion in good time to prevent all-out in-
MORO'S OLD DREAM of the "apertura
a sinistra" (opening to the left) coali-
tion plan lived scarcely more than half a
year. This coalition tried to combine
Moro's Christian Democrats (Italy's main
rightist party) with Italy's largest party,
the Nenni Socialists and a few splinter
parties. This coalition spanned only about
ti . .
Editorial Stafff
KENNETH WINTER..................... Co-Editor
EDWARD HERSTEIN .....,............. Co-Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER...........Associate Editor
CHARLES TOWLE.................. Sports Editor
JEFFREY GOODMAN ..................Night Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER.................. Night Editor
LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM................Night Editor
Business Staff
SYDNEY PAUKER...............Business Manager
Y WELLMAN...............Supplement Manager
- H SCHEMNITZ............ Circulationt Manager
DODGE ..........Assistant Business Manager
sated Press is exclusively entitled to the
we dispatches credited to it or otherwtse
newspaper. All rights of re-publication
re are also reserved.
r of the Associated Press and
ttbongh Saturday mrninng.
' by carrier, $2.60 by mail.
un Arbor, Mich.

two-thirds of Italy's political spectrum,
but it had the advantage of a large ma-
jority in Parliament.
During this past half year, the ques-
tion in Italian politics has thus not been{
whether the coalition will get enough
votes, or the constant fear of a no-con-
fidence vote, as it had been the case in
nearly all other post-war Italian govern-
ment coalitions. Those coalitions were
composed of right wing splinter parties
and the Christian Democrats and their
margin of majority had always been very
slim. Their steady opposition had been
the left wing with the Nenni Socialists, all
other socialists and Communists.
Moro tried to combine the centers of
both the right and the left wings; but
unfailingly, the question of internal coali-
tion struggles was always more pressing
than outside attacks.
When the coalition's right wing ad-
vocated the halt of a general salary hike
as a boom measure, the left wing an-
swered with financial reform plans; the
coalition was deadlocked on this question.
of principle, a few stabilization meas-
ures have been introduced. Credits were
restricted to cut down on liberal-and
all too liberal-spending which is one
main reason for Italy's boom. This has
had its odd side effects; investment has
slipped because of the business world's
distaste for Moro's opening-left coalition.
Some unemployment has resulted.
But ironically, Moro's coalition got its
vote of no-confidence over an issue of
principle, despite its financial character.
lire, just about $250,000, in aid to pri-
vate schools, most of them parochial, was
the bill at stake. Italy's constitution de-
mands separation of church and state as
the United States Constitution does.
Nevertheless, earlier coalitions had ap-
proved relatively small sums for private
schools. But this time, the anti-clericalj
Socialists and the small Republican par-
ty had its say - and was not afraid to
break the coalition over it.
Theoretically, Moro can now try to re-
build his coalition. But, boom stabiliza-
tion plans and aid to private schools can
be counted on to be heavy going issues att
the up-coming Christian Democratic Par-.t
ty congress.t
Daily Correspondent i

n n
S Materalistc

EDITOR'S NOTE: Th "fllowing is
a letter written to some friends in
Ames by Richakrd Schwairtz, Econ. 4,
who is presently wvorling in Cno.
Mississippi, on the Misissipi Su-n
mer Project.
What do I say? i'm sure you
know as much of what's going on
down here as T do. There are a
few instances where I may elabor-
ate some but mostly in the lare
category of fear-for I'm scared:;
not so much as I was when at
Oxford, Ohio for orientation but
still scared because of some re-
cent developments.
It isn't bad enough that the
White Citizens Council is con-
stantly harassing and intimida r-
ing us, the police force is doing
the same. The irony is that these
two groups are one in the same
and have been for many years--
but who knew? We all took it in
stride when we found out, which
was our first day here. They were
waiting for us at our local Free-
dom House and took all 14 down-
town, unwilling on our part, to
register and have our pictures
taken. Unconstitutional to say the
least, but this is the -sovereign"
state of Mississippi and anything
is possible. The cops, wien we
were there, seemed congeial with
an antagonistic air. They are al
about 6'4" and at least 200 pounds.
Those billy clubs get bigger every-
Yesterday was a fun day. I went
to Jackson to get a driver's license.
We were spotted immediately as
"those nigger lovers" and were
given the full treatment which
included personal insults, family
insults, waiting many extra hours,
and subjection to the most pro-
voking type of nonsensical investi-
gations they could think of. I
didn't mind so much. It was the
"sir" that they demanded that
angered me. Speaking of "sirs,"
on the application you check "Mrs.,
Miss, or Mr." I naturally checked
"Mr." and the cop crossed it out
saying "niggers down here aren't
called "Mr." He then put the
initial "C" on the race line which
stands for colored in the South.
These are just a few of the in-
cidents. There are many more.
Looking at them now, they seem
funny. Also, we're called "coons.
white niggers, boy, etc." There's
no difference to the people here
between us and the Negroes. We're
all treated the same.
I'm living with three other vol-
anteers-a Negro law student from

Msi Work
4S t il caed

Clumbia U niversity whose home
is in Boston, and two white girls
frm New York. Both graduated
lst yeVr and are cominuing on
wit id wrk.Thle house is
owned by a Negro couple who have
a Jon and the seven of us share
this small four room pad. No
p acy, cozy, open. but tame-
Nothing has started yet. The
Fredom Schools are being set up
but w e'e having problems getting
places. The people are extremely
scared and you can't blame them.
We 9:t at least one or two bomb
hres a night over the phone
but onli a few materialize and
they constitte a stick of dyna-
mite being thrown in the front
lawn which shatters a few win-
The homes are similar o those
that exist in the Appalachian
Aa-woode nm shacks, rotting and
t iled io one side with no nlumbing
or heat. The people sleep on iron
beds or on the floor. in their
clothes, and many times, as here,
the child or children sleep with
the pants. We have running
water and a bath, electricity and
a gs se and refrigerator. We're
well off, like a king in a pauper's
coun ry. The truly amazing fact is
that new cars are prevalent. Many
of these people haven't the slight-
est idea of personal hygiene and
,ine-tenths of the children run
barem-footed all day through glass
and ire, infecting cuts and shenl
burning the skin off. I sawe this
to)dayand was horrified. The lile
girls (four or five) cried a litleO a t os t e; a n m if l y
but took the pain manfully.
There are few paved roads and
decent homes and since this town
r niirdominantly Negro approxi-
ma telyv 70 per cent) w'ages are
low and prices are high, Exploita-
ion is first hand but now the
Negro leaders have called for a
"shop out-black out" which in
other terms is a "boycott" of the
white stores. They patronize only
the few Negro groceries and go
without mny of the daily neces-
sities, The reason for the above
term is that economic boycotts
have been declared illegal by the
city, naturally.
There are too many things to
write and I don't have the
strength and time. I'm fine- dis-
gusted-but fine.
-Richard Schwartz
(R1eprinted from the Iowa
State Daily.)

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EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is the first of two articles discuss-
ing the activities of the French
student. Kenneth Miller,' former
vice-president of Student Govern-
ment Council, recently received his
bachelor's degree in political sci-
ence from the University.
Daily Guest Writer
PARIS-The French system of
education is rapidly approach-
ing a serious crisis. The students
are disaffected, highly politicized
and well organized. As Prince
Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia
remarked in a friendly interview
with President Charles de Gaulle:
For my anti-communists I draw
on those students who have re-
turned from Russia, but it is
France which furnishes me with
my revolutionaries.
The basis of the problem in
French education is a rapidly in-
creasing population. But the situ-
ation is more complicated than
the similar problem in the Unitsd
States. In France it is possible to
get an entire education without
paying one cent of tuition because
the entire system is subsidized by
the state.
Federalism presents no problem
here, because the national gov-
ernment, and especially the Min-
ister of Education are directly re-
sponsible for the entire complex.
The professors are paid very
poorly, and despite the seemingly
attractive tuition-free education,
the main student problem con-
tinues to be finances.
structed fine schools in the pro-
vinces, but most of the students
prefer the exciting life of the
capitol. They come here by the
thousands to studyaththe Unive -
sity of Paris and at the Grandes
Ecoles which they hope will lead
to successful careers in commerce,
l-aw, or medicine. But many find
life in Paris hard and extremely
expensive. In fact the cost of liv-
ing seems to be as high or higher
than New York City.
A decent meal in a restaulant
will cost from $1.50-$2 and the
government has effectively met
this problem with the "Restaur-
nats Universitaires" where a stu-
dent can eat for twenty-five cents
a meal. There are forty-two of
these restaurants scattered around
the city and each student is as-
signed to one near his school. The
food is comparable to the dormi-
tory cuisine at the University, not
of a high quality but nourishing.
The housing problem is much
more difficult to meet, for it is a
chronic one in French society. The
student whose family lives in Paris
must live at home unless he has
money to burn. For those who
come from the provinces, there
are several alternatives, none of
which are very attractive. The Cite
Universitaire offers housin : at
reasonable prices but is soon fill-
ed. There exist certain "Foyers,"
somewhat like League houses at
Michigan where young girls can

The less epesiv rooms are far
from the center of town and the
student often finds himself spend-
ing precious hours commuting.
The largest scholarship is bare-
ly enough to live on, and stringent
economic prerequisites must be
met before one is eligible. Even
though a student may be living
independently of his family, if
the family is of the middle class
the =student is ineligible.
Financial pressure often forces
the student to find a part-time
job where he works four hours a
day. Work and study combined
mean ihat a student has little time
to take advantage of the artistic
events of the capitol. Money also
presents a problem in this regard
but most museums and theaters
make substantial reductions for
students. However, Paris is fre-
quently not as exciting as expect-
and libraries are a more obvious
manifestation of the approaching
crisis than the less evident but
more personally pressing housing
shortage. At the Sorbonne, for
example, one professor may lec-
ture to a standing-room-only
crowd of 2,000 students: some
hang over the balconies and two
or three sit on the professor's
desk. Those who do not care to
brave a lecture may be able to
procure a "polycopie" or written
sunmma y.
When the libraries become too
crowded, the students spill out
into nearby cafes where they can
nurse a beer, study, and talk to
For the novice used to the com-
parative quiet of the undergrad-
uate library the ability to study in
a cafe is worthy of the utmost
admiration. The clatter of plates,
backfiring cars, cats and dogs,
street cries make no ostensible im-
pression on the oblivious French
frankly materialistic. He is in-
tensely aware of the problem of
making a living. Students of the
preceding generation played a ma-
jor role in the French resistance
and the mystique of "a Resist-
ance," which is one of the most
important events in contemporary
French history, has allowed the
preset adult world to pass
through the experience of World
War II while still perserving a
type of romanticism.
The present generation is too
young to have lived the Resist-
ance and seems to be much less
enstive to the "granduer" of
this national effort. The financial
problems of student life dictate
a type of materialism and the
modern world itself a type of cyni-
cism unrelieved by romantic no-
N" dbE/lb

To the Editor:
THE UNIVERSITY community is
faced with a growing problem
which, if unchecked, might result
in almost insurmountable difficul-
ties in the near future. We refer
to the congestion of the campus
sidewalks. The logical solution to
this problem is to restrict the use
of the sidewalks to those who need
them most (as evidenced by their
willingness to pay for the use of
We propose a system of restrict-
ed sidewalks of varying types,
with corresponding permits, as
1) The major campus sidewalks,
and those involving the shortest
distances between the various
buildings, would be restricted to
staff use. Those on the staff who
wish to use these sidewalks would
buy a permit from the University.
A yearly fee of $25 seems about
2) Less important arteries, and
peripheral sidewalks, would be
open to students, upon payment
of a small fee for each use. Coin-
operated turnstiles could be set
up at appropriate points of entry
to the sidewalks, with a fee of
lc or 5c per entry, depending on
the length and degree of import-
ance of the sidewalk.
3) Even more remote sidewalks,
such as those next to the golf
course or on the Dearborn Center
campus, would be free, for the
time being.
* *, *
TO PREVENT the same staff
permit from being used by more
than one person, or worse yet, by
a student, a decal could be affixed
to the forehead of the authorized
individual. Or, better yet, the
forehead could be tattoed with a
different letter and color each
year. (An "A" would be used the
first year, and scarlet might be
a nice color to start with.)
Enforcement of the regulations
could be turned over to the Ann
Arbor Police Department. Even
though this would undoubtedly be
illegal, few people would challenge
the authority of the police to
carry out this task.
The proposed plan has many ad-
vantages: In the first place, stu-
dents would tend to stay away
from the campus unless they ab-
solutely had to be there. This

But the French students do have
ideals and their approach to the
problem of higher education is a
strange mixture of skepticism and
practical idealism. As the pres-
sures become more intense, the
French students become more
alienated and better organized;
and today they represent one of
the most effective pressure groups
in the nation.

Permits To Use S VIs

UNDOUBTEDLY there will be
lunatics, chronic grass-walkers,
sidewalk writers, jacks-players and
others who don't have the Uni-
versity's interests at heart who
will object to this plan, saying
that the payment of tuition or the
employment as a staff member
carries with it the right to the use
of the sidewalks, but, if precedent
from other areas can be applied,
such contentions can be ignored.
We are confident that the over-
whelming logic and practicality of
the proposed plan will result in
its immediate adoption. before it
is too late. Of course, we are sure
that you realize that secrecy is
essential in the planning stages
of this program, so that any pro-
test moves will be too late to have
any effect.
-David Gordon, Spec
For the Society to Terminate
Organized Parking
A Great Man
To the Editor:
Pierce last week, the Univer-
sity lost a great man. The history
books will not remember him, for
he was not the leader of a revo-
lutionizing movement or a great
and powerful nation. He did not
directly affect millions, nor did he

make great discoveries, nor did he
accumulate vast industrial em-
pires or fortunes. Nevertheless, he
was a great man, as there are
many great men who are never
recognized, except by those who
were fortunate enough to know
and be affected by them.
How then was he great? He
worked with individuals, not the
masses. He did not make nations;
he made men.
Why he died is a sign of his
greatness. He worked himself to
death doing what he loved to do,
helping others. He could have
heeded advice and slowed his pace,
only to be saddened in proportion.
His heart failed, but it had known
the greatest of happiness. No one
can be happy to die, but he must
have been happy to know that
the world was a better place and
will continue to be a better place
because he lived.
He was great by the good deeds
he did and by the good deeds that
will be done in turn, as each per-
son that he has affected will in-
fluence others and they will in-
fluence others and so on, as long
as there is a race.
The University has lost only
one in its army of teachers. Those
who knew him lost a great and
loved friend.
-Martin D. Bolgar, '05Ed

"To Borrow AnExpression - Why Not
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