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July 07, 1964 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-07

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Pvil re M STUDENT NP CATONS BLDG., ANN ARBOn, Mc., PHoNE wo 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in at; reprints.
Communist Hostility:
A 'Mirror Image'
WE ARE BASICALLY GOOD. Therefore stead of "subversion"-but, according to
everything we do-even when it ap- observers with experience on both sides
pears evil-is basically good. of the mirror, their views are just as deep-
They are basically bad. Therefore ly and sincerely held-and not neces-
everything they do-even when It. ap- sarily more irrational - than those of
pears good-is basically evil. Westerners.
When the West spies on Russia, it's Cuban Premier Fidel Castro's latest
commendable; our missile bases which statements provide a great opportunity
border on the Soviet Union, though only for the "mirror image" to swing into ac-
of military value if we strike first, never- tion again. For example:
theless are "defensive"-because the Com- Castro says: We'll stop supporting Lat-
munists, as the evil ones, are inherently ni American revolutions if you'll stop
the aggressors. When they use concilia- trying to overthrow us. The "mirror im-
tory language, they're only trying to age" replies: Don't make a deal with the
"soften us up"; when it is backed by con- devil. As soon as we take the pressure
crete offers, such offers are "propaganda off him, he'll go wild in Latin America.
ploys." Besides, what we're trying to do in Cuba
(as distinguished from what he's try-
TrHEINTERESTING THING about this ing to do in Latin America) isn't subver-
attitude, as many writers have ob- sion. It's liberation.
served, is that it cuts both ways: citizens
and leaders in Communist countries view CASTRO SAYS: Let's sit down and talk
matters from a perspective that is a things over. The "mirror image" re-
"mirror image" of our perspective. To plies: replies: Talk, ha! We'll come to the
them, everything the West does is in- table ready for earnest negotiations, and
herently evil, and all Communist moves Castro will reject all our realistic propos-
are ultimately good. The epithets used als. Then he'll submit a pile of impossible
may be different-"Wall Street" instead demands, call us insincere when we reject
of "the Kremlin" and "colonialism" in- them and cash in on the propaganda.
The only way talking with Communists
can produce agreement is for us to make
Priva e sil s unreasonable (translation: any) conces-
Castro says: Let's trade. The "mirror
J SAT DOWN in the Union's Faculty Club image" replies: What? And give aid and
yesterday while Hobart Taylor was comfort to the enemy? If he wants to
talking to some professors during a per- trade, it must be because his economy is
iod unofficially designated for interview- collapsing and his people are starving. If
ing. a few Communists starve, so much the
When I began taking notes he suddenly 'better. The good Cubans won't mind
turned and asked, "Ah, just what is this starving a bit if it will help frustrate
for?" I told him I was just a reporter. Castro.
"Well, you know," he said, "I didn't And so on.
think this was going to be an interview."
The gist of the rest of the put-down was ANOTHER IMPORTANT feature of the
that there are some things he would say "mirror image" is that it is self-rein-
to those gentlemen that he just wouldn't forcing. They make an apparently friend-
say to the general public. ly gesture, but we interpret it as hostile.
Our reaction, therefore, is hostile. In the
EVIDENTLY FACULTY members aren't face of hostility, it's both psychologically
general public. Or the government is and politically difficult to be anything
afraid of the press or of students. Or, but hostile. So-no matter what the in-
which is closer to the government's gen- tentions of their original "friendly"
eral attitude, there. are just some things move-their second move is almost sure
people ought to know about and some to be genuinely hostile. We respond in
things they have no right knowing about, kind, and the pattern of mutual hatred
even if the government does represent is firmly established.
them. And sure enough, the "mirror image"
After all, the government is never continues to operate - on our side, at
quite sure whether it believes what it's least. Yesterday we declared that these
saying or not. issues "are not negotiable."
J. GOODMAN It is too early to see what this will do
to Castro's conciliatory tone. But we
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and needn't be too surprised-and we have
collegiate Press Service. no business being self-righteous-if he
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the b
use of all news dispatches credited t or otherwise begins making fiery anti - American
credited to the newspaper. All rigts of re-publication speeches again.
of all other matters here are also reserved.
Publtshed daily 'uesday thremgh saturday mnrning. -KENNETH WINTER
Summer subscription rates $2 by carrier, $2.o by mail. Co-Editor
Second class postage paid at Aim Arbor, Mob-.

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French Olympic Preparation

'Unsinkable Molly'
Flounders on Screen

Daily Correspondent
BILTHOVEN, Holland-As the
Olympic Games in Toyko are
drawing near, top athletes in all
countriesare preparing themselves
for the competition. With every
nation, the methods and spirit in-
volved vary, in the West even
more so than in the East; some
countries are rather casually at
work, while others are takingmore
care than ever.
France, in particular, is expend-
ing great efforts in preparation
for the tournament. In the past
few Olympic meets, the French
have made a rather poor showing.
Rome, four years ago, was termed
"a national disaster" by President
Charles de Gaulle; only five med-
als, none of which were golden,

went to France. Apparently, that
record was too much for the
French to swallow, and a sports
offensive was begun which is not
equalled in any way by any other
Western nation.
During the past four years, na-
tional assistance to sport clubs,
as compared to the four years
preceding Rome, was tripled.
MOREOVER, a national sports
program was started in the French
armed forces. Top athletes who
"would normally be drafted for 18
months of military service, now
have a chance to take part in the
endeavor. Centered in the city
of Joinville at the outskirts of
Paris, the program offers just
four months of basic military
training, with the remaining 14

Lodge as Ambassador
Shows Diplomatic Skill

IN ONE RESPECT at least Henry
Cabot Lodge seems to have lost
touch out there in Saigon with
what is being thought and said
here at home. When he asked
President Kennedy for a difficult,
not a plush, diplomatic assign-
ment abroad and was offered
South Viet Nam, he accepted it,
believing that he was to be the
ambassador of the United States.
He must be astonished to find
on his return that in the eyes of
some of his fellow Republicans he
has not been the American ambas-
sador. He has been the Johnson
ambassador, and the very idea of
his being a faithful public servant
without regard to party is dis-
missed by Sen. Barry Goldwater
as incredible and hypocritical.
Yet, what he has shown him-
self to be on his return to this
country is exactly that, the faith-
ful public servant who has had no
ulterior purpose in serving the
American government in its most
difficult, dangerous and uncom-
fortable foreign embassy. It would
be a bad day for the republic if
his breed of public man were to
NO ONE who knows the meticu-
lous care which President Johnson
has listened to him can suppose
that Mr. Lodge has been nursing
some great grievance and resent-
ment with which he would stoke
up the fires of the election cam-
paign. His long interview with the
formidable New York Times staff
shows him to be a prudent diplo-
mat and a skilled and discriminat-
ing reporter.
He believes in the policy which
he and his successor, Gen. Max-
well Taylor, have been conduct-
ing, and, as a good diplomat, he
avoided in speculating on what
the future will bring-be it an
escalation of the war or an escala-
tion of the search for a political
What Mr. Lodge had to say
about the nature of the war was
highly informative as to the re-
lations between political and mili-
tary measures and also as to the
degree and the kind of interven-
tion carried out by North Viet
Nam. But what he refrained from
talking about was no less impres-
sive. There he was the true dip-
lomat. For he did not say that
we would, and he did not say that

war specifically and only under
exactly defined circumstances.
The series of vague threats have,
I realize, been intended to warn
Ho Chi Minh and Mao Tse-Tung
that we shall not be pushed out
of Indo China without using our
full power, not merely our con-
tigent in South Viet Nam, to pre-
vent it. We have wanted to make
sure that the Chinese and the
North Viet Namese did not act as
if we would never fight.
Such a warning was useful. But
it should have been delivered
privately through diplomatic chan-
nels. It would have been at least
as credible, and even more cred-
ible if it were carefully spelled
out. Furthermore, it would not
have compelled the adversary to
make public counter threats and
so give the impression that a war
of words was on.
MR. LODGE SAYS that he does
not see how a campaign issue can
be made out of Southeast Asia. He
must have meant that no rational
issue could be raised by the Re-
publican Party. For, theoretically,
there are two possible issues that
can be raised. One would be to
insist that Southeast Asia is not
a vital American interest and that,
as Sen. Wayne Morse proposes, we
should withdraw.
The Republican Party will cer-
tainly not take that line. The
other issue would be to argue that
the war can be won by threaten-
ing and if necessary using nuclear
weapons. Not even Senator Gold-
water will dare to campaign on
that issue. There remains then
only the present policy of re-
enforcing the resistance, building
up the American military presence
in the region and waiting for de-
velopments which will permit a
successful political solution.
S 4
SOME RECENT intelligence es-
timates, if we can believe them,
indicate that Red China may not
be able or willing to risk a military
showdown over the conquest of
Southeast Asia. We must be care-
ful, however, to discount care-
fully all reports that tell us what
we wish to hear, that our ad-
versary is weak. He may in fact
be wreak. But the Chinese are a
quarter of the human race, and
they are brave. Horcover, we must
avoid the extreme of wishful
thinking, which is to believe that
a war between China and the
United States the Soviet Union
would be neutral or on our side.

months devoted to sports dis-
Six hundred places are present-
ly open at Joinville, with an ad-
ditional 400 soon to be available.
Of the present openings, 200
places go to light athletics, 100 to
swimming, with skiing, basketball
and rowing each getting 50. Box-
ing has 30 places while cyclism
has 20.
But regardless of the type of
sport, all interns have to go
through a three-step training
course consisting of overall muscle
training, increased conditioning
and perseverance, and optimum
coordination of the first two steps.
* *. *
JOINVILLE has a subsidiary in
Chamonix in the French Alps for
winter sports; and all the French-
men who presently excel in winter
sports have partaken in the Join-
ville program.
Among Joinville's several suc-
cesses thus far, most of them were
unexpected. The European swim-
ming championship in Leipzig in
1962, the light athletics chain-
pionships in Belgrade, Paris and
New York last year and this year
are witnesses to this development.
Hence, the United States and
other traditionally athletic nations
have already felt the impact of
this new sports offensive. In To-
kyo, then, a great French come-
back appears likely.
*. * *
ever, the U.S. still has an edge
over France. Joinville includes
training for men only, so women
must complete their training in
the "traditional way."
The sports offensive is obviously
designed to promote the glory of
France; but despite its obvious
success, much criticism has been
levelled at the Joinville program.
This program, is, in fact, Just a
hair's breadth removed from pro-
fessionalism. Members of the Com-
munist bloc were the pacemakers
in this development, with France
merely following suit.
If this trend continues, soon
the question of Olympic success no
longer will lie in the hands of the
individual, but in the hands of
the legislators who appropriate
the funds for national sports ef-
OTHER critical considerations
concern the psychic stresses of
people who are so exclusively
trained for sports. No mental di-
versification is offered to the
sports soldiers; depressions, or
closemindedness often result.
Thus, the old principle of a
sound mind in a sound body seems
about to be shelved. At any rate,
it is obvious that such prepara-
tions for the Olympic Games is not
in the traditional Olympic spirit.

At the State Theatre
'THE Unsinkable Molly Brown"
is a True Confessions maga-
zine story come to life, and for
those who enjoy that sort of thing
it may not be too bad.
Debbie Reynolds is hillbilly
Molly who leaves her home in
backwoods Colorado to reach the
top-which to her includes being
a high society socialite in Denver
and being able to read and write.
Her plan is to marry a millionaire;
after the money, the rest will come
Unfortunately, she falls in love
with an easy-going miner named
John J. Brown. When he learns
what will please her, though, he
works hard and builds a nice
cabin, which is enough to make
Molly consent to marrying him. He
follows this up by selling a silver
mine he discovered for $300,000.
* * 4.
the money in a stove where her
new husband promptly acciden-
tally burns it. A few moments
later he tosses a pick over his
shoulder and the rocks it loosens
reveal a huge gold deposit.
The Browns then move to Den-
ver. Unfortunately, their fun-
loving, informal, folksy, friendly,
warm, human ways make them
thoroughly unpopular with their
neighbors. A friendly priest hap-
pens along, however, to explain
that they are unpopular because
they too closely resemble the not-
too-distant past of their fellow
socialites. He suggests they take
a trip to Europe.
They do. Unfortunately, Mr.
Brown hates high society, and
even culture, and he longs to get
back to his good old home town
of Leadville. Molly is getting what
she thinks she wants, so after
they go back home and are again
mistreated by Denver society, they
split up.
4* * a
where she discovers she doesn't

find happiness in being "Queen
of the World," while John J. finds
he can't be happy without Molly
back home in Leadville. So Molly
comes home on of all ships the
Titantic, which gives her an op-
portunity to prove herself both
unsinkable and a heroine. She re-
unites with her loved one in Den-
ver and they appear destined to
live happily ever after-whether
in Leadville or Denver remains
unresolvable and unresolved.
Some people may find humor
in the way that snobbish high
society gets its due comeupence
at the hands of Molly. Probably
more will be annoyed with the
stereotyped and even despicable
characters that are Mr. and Mrs.
THE SCENERY is beautiful in
the clean, glass-enclosed Holly-
wood sense. There are only aboit
three songs, all of which are all
right, but one of which is sung
four times. Both Debbie Reynolds
and Harve Presnell (John Brown)
display good vocal ability. In fact
the musical numbers at the be-
ginning are a tremendous relief
from the Beverly Hillbillies'
"Granny" manner that Miss Reyn-
olds displays as a poor little coun-
try girl during portions of the first
half of the film.
The opening scenes are the most
entertaining, with things going
progressively downhill from there.
A low point is reached when Mol-
lie single-handedly saves a life-
boat full of scared passengers
after the Titanic hits an iceburg.
It may go down in movie history
as one of the more unbelievable
scenes of all time.
Most musicals haven't travelled
the route from Broadway to Holly-
wood successfully. This one, not
that great on Broadway to begin
with, didn't have a chance.
-Edward Herstein

U.S. 'National Interest'
Allows Sympathy Only

THE UNITED States Depart-
ment of Commerce has refused
to let the Emergency Committee
for Disaster Relief to Cuba send
3500 pounds of powdered milk to
the Hospital Nacional in Havana
for children who had no milk

Spoof Sparkles
THERE USED to be (and still may exist) penny gum machines that
had intermixed with the bubble gum all sorts of prizes. The only
problem was that it took an awful lot of pennies and a great deal of
unwanted gum before you actually got the prizes you wanted. "What
A Way To Go" offers the same frustrating experience.
Basically, "What A Way To Go" is a spoof on movies in general
with certain types occasionally singled out. Shirley Maclaine is the poor
little hick-town girl who only wants to live in love. However she seems
cursed with a "Midas" touch and a succession of husbands make fan-
tastic fortunes for her and then die.
The general idea of the takeoff is evident from the moment Shir-
ley's mother issues her opinion of a neighbor girl: "I hate her guts".
This same comment is also evidence of the heavy-handedness that
nervades the film and eventually ruins it.

after Hurricane Flora ravaged the
east coast Cuban cattle country
last October.
Although President John F.
Kennedy favored shipment of food
to Cuba "for humanitarian rea-
sons"-that was on February 4,
1962-his Secretary of Commerce
decided that the powdered milk
shipment would not be "in the
national interest." (Does any loyal
American need any other reason
than that?)
The secretary, whose name is
Luther H. Hodges, is right.
LET THE children of Cuba have
milk and they will live to grow
up. If they live to grow up, they
may grow up to be Communists.
Keep them from getting milk
and they will die, and we'll have
that many fewer Communists to
contend with. And their grief-
stricken parents will overthrow
It's as simple as that.
* « s
WHEN THE five-day hurricane
struck, Ambassador (Adlai) Stev-
enson expressed in the United Na-

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