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August 08, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-08-08

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Fair with
moderate temperature

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

LXIV, No. 34-S




. W

Report Turk Air
Raid on Cyprus
Turkey Issues Denial; Greek Navy
Mobilized; Makarios To Go to UN
By The Associated Press
NICOSIA-The Greek Cypriot government charged four Turkish
air force sabre jets attacked Polis village and hit an Italian ship
there yesterday, but Turkey firmly denied it.
The Turkish government said its planes flew over the embattled
eastern Mediterranean island yesterday .and would be back today,
for reconnaissance, but insisted no bullets were fired.
On being told in Athens that Turkey had attacked Cyprus,
Greek foreign minister Stavros Costopoulos said:














> 4



La w

'President Wins Key
Congressional Battle
Opponents Raise Technical Issue
Stall Official Passage Until Toda

i °


SGC Asked
To C larifyAt t* -.
The Office of Student Affairs
has asked Student Government'
Council to clarify the procedures
involved in scheduling and approv-
ing student-sponsored events.
Requesting the clarification,
John Feldkamp of the OSA said
yesterday he, believes SGC does
not understand that it has the
final say in approving events.
But in the meantime, Feldkamp
is informing all student organiza-
tions with -events planned for the
fall that SGC still has to approve
The confusion stems from the
fact that before an organization
can put on an event, it must go
through a two-step process -
scheduling and approval. First, the
event must be assigned a date
which doesn't conflict with other
student events or vacation periods.
Second, it must be approved for
its purpose, planning and fi-
Last December, Council set up
a University Calendaring Commit-
tee in most 'ambiguous terms,
Feldkamp reports after a thorough
perusal of SGC minutes.
T h e student-faculty-adminis-
trator committee, according to
Feldkamp's interpretation, appears
to have been empowered to carry
out "scheduling" functions-as-
signing time, place and date to
student as well as non-student
He feels that SGC retained the
power to carry out "approval"
Thus, the sponsoring group
would have to go to both calendar-
ing committee and Council before
its event would become official.
But Feldkamp explained yes-
terday that SGC members don't
seem to understand these proced-
ures. Apparently, some questions
exist as to whether the calendar-
ing committee does not both
"schedule" and "approve."
Student organizations w h i c h
had their events scheduled last"
spring by the calendaring com-
mittee may be equally confused.
So, Feldkamp has .informed these
groups that they still have to file
petitions with SGC for "approval"
Advising Council to straighten
out the issue in the fall, Feldkamp
wrote SGC President Thomas
Smithson, '65, recently: "Our of-
fice feels that some formal clari-
fication is necessary to fully de-.
fine what was delegated to the
University Calendar Committee.
"Specifically we would like the
Council at an early meeting to re-
solre the isseasn to. where the

will not be the beginning of an
Greece, however, has taken full
Odefensive measures and her armed
forces are in full readiness."
A large part of the Grecian
navy was reported mobilized bX
late last night..
The new crisis developed at the
climax of two dpys of renewed
fighting between the Greek Cyp-
riot majority and Turkish minor-
ity, iii the northwest and in the
capital itself.
The reported attack was des-
cribed by some authorities as ap-
parent retaliation for a reported
attack by two Greek Cypriot pa-
trol boats that fired about 70
rounds of ammunition into the
Turkish Cypriot village of Man-
soura and Kokkina Thursday.
Turkey had warned Greece yes-
terday that it might feel obliged.
to protect the Turkish.Cypriot
population if shooting' incident's
on Cyprus do not stop.
An island-wide alert ordered by
the government of President Arch-
bishop Makarios affected both the
30,000 young conscripts of the
National Guard in their barracks
and several thousand more part
time volunteer national guards-
men living at home who are avail-
able at a moment's notice.
Makarios moved quickly to take
charges of Turkish aggression to
the United Nations Security Coun-
No Instructions
At UN headquarters in N~ew
York; the Cypriot delegation said
it had received no instructions up
to early last night. The Turkish
delegation showed concern over
the reports but made no com-
ment. Therewas speculation that
an urgent meeting might be called
today or perhaps tomorrow to
take up the Cypriot charges.
The council earlier this week
was called into urgent session
within hours ,at the request of
President Lyndon B. Johnson to
discuss alleged North Viet Nam
attacks on U.S. warships in the
Gulf of Tonkin and U.S. counter-
The Turkish navy had maneu-
vered frequently in the past half
year from its bases near northern
Cyprus and caused invasion scares
from time to time. But the re-
ported aid strike would represent
the first direct intervention.
The Greeks and Turks have re-
peatedly accused each other of
bringing in manpower and ma-
terial to reinforce the respective
sides in the long conflict between
the majority Greek Cypriots and
the island's minority of Turk
Both Turkey and Greece are
members of the North Atlantic
Alliance and pivotal in maintain-
ing its eastern flank.


SAIGON-Nguyen Khanh slapped virtual martial law on South
Viet Nam last night to minimize distractions in the tension-packed
struggle with the North. And United States officials watched for but
saw no signs of a Communist military response to Tuesday's U.S.
attacks on North Viet Nam.
U.S. officials said that the lack of a Communist military response
to the U.S. retaliation against North Vietnamese naval bases means
chances are diminishing that the Reds will widen the war. Whether
the Southeast Asia fighting would be stepped up following that raid
lepends on what the Communists"
decide to do, in Washington's UN*To Invite
opinions. O R le
The high U.S. authorities were
well aware of scathing rebukes N r h South
from the Communist capitals, butN o t uti
they said they knew of no overt
military action which would in-
dicate Communist intent to step
upcate og ting now


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The House handed President Lyndc
Johnsona solid, major victory last night, approving his r
priority anti-poverty bill, but a final vote was delayed
Opponents raised a technicality-demanding a specif
ly printed copy of the bill--after administration forces
saved the bill from the brink of defeat and approved it
228-190 roll call vote.
The roll-call vote -approved the current measure a
amendment to the original bill brought before the H
The amended version is in closer conformity than the ori
with the bill passed earlier by the Senate. Today's vote w
on the poverty package's final'
passage as a bill, not as an
amendment. Last night's vote,
however, indicated a hard-won
triumph for Johnson was all g
but sealed.

Rebels Hold
Congo City,
Move West
By The Associated Press
BRUSSELS-Reports yesterday
still indicated that the Congo
rebels have complete control of
the important city of Stanleyville.
But the battling in and around
the city seems to have died down.
There is now anxiety that the
rebel army, led by Gaston Emile
Soumialot, has set Luluabourg,
former capital of Kasai province,
as its next target. The rebels are
currently moving westward toward
that town from Maniema, Sou-
mialot's birthplace.
Premier Moise Tshombe of the
Congo stands in imminent danger
of losing the entire northern
Congo now that Stanleyville is in
rebel hands. Informed sources in
Leopoldville say that the United
States is sympathetic to a report-
ed request by Tshombe to speed
up deliveries of American trucks,
planes and other military equip-
The Belgian policy of non-com-
batant aid to the rebel-ravaged
Congo remains unchanged for the
time being, Foreign Affairs Min-
ister Paul-Henri Spaak said last
There had been speculation in
Leopoldville, the Congo capital,
on the possibility of military aid
to try to stem rebel advances.
Belgium is granting technical
assistance to the Congolese Na-
tional Army in the form of non-
fighting advisers up to a total of
80 Belgium army officers and non-
commissioned officers and 120
air force personnel.

up the fighting now.
For instance, they said there
has been no particular evidence
of extraordinary.Communist forces
at sea, of planes which might be
searching for targets, or of mass
movement of troops.
In Saigon, curfews and censor-
ship prevailed by a decree of
Premier Nguyen Khanh. Death
was threatened for all terrorists
and saboteurs, even black market
With the danger of an attack
from the north evidently ebbing,
Khanh proclaimed a state of
emergency across a land where
U.S. and South Vietnamese mili-
tary forces have been in a state
of alert all week.
see related story, Page 3
A U.S. embassy spokesman said
Ambassador Maxwell D. Taylor
talked to Khanh before the de-
cree was made public. The spokes-
man said it was not proper for
the United States to comment on
the decree because it was an in-
ternal matter, but if results in-
cluded increased obilization and
helped in prosecution of the war,
"then it would be all for the
The Premier suspended normal
legal processes. He banned strikes
and demonstrations, imposed a
domestic censorship and ordered
a general mobilization of national
resources and manpower.
Khanh clearly intended to try
to convince his people-particu-.
larly cynical and indifferent Sai-
gonese-that South Viet Nam,
which has been fighting Viet Cong
guerrillas for three years, is at
Just as clearly, he wanted to
stem such distractions as political
infighting, student demonstra-
tions and sporadic wild rumors in
the local press of prospective up-
heavals in his regime.
Meanwhile, North Viet Nam
charged that U.S. military air-
craft "intruded" into its air space
today but were chased out by
military fire.
A Hanoi radio broadcast moni-
tored here, did not mention the
number 'of planes nor indicate
whether any were hit.

By The Associated Press
Nations Security Council yester-
day authorized its president to in-
vite both North and South Viet
Nam to take part in debate on the
new Southeast Asia crisis.
But the invitations were worded
to leave the door open for both
sides to submit statements instead
of sending delegates to appear in
person. This raised the prospect
that the council will shelve fur-
ther debate unless there are new
developments in Southeast Asia.
Council President Sivert A. Niel-
sen of. Norway informed the 11-
nation council that there was gen-
eral agreement among the mem-?
bers on dispatch of the invita-
As worked out in private con-
sultations by Nielsen with coun-
cil members, the invitations said
the council would welcome the
views of both Communist North
Viet Nam and Western-supported
South Viet Nam, either through
taking part in the debate or in
a form preferable to them.
No objection was voiced by any
member to the wording of the in-
vitations, and Nielsen said they
would be dispatched at once by
the UN Secretariat.
At the previous council session
on Wednesday the Soviet Union
proposed sending an invitation to
North Viet Nam, or allowing it to
transmit information. The United
States said it had no objection,
but that South Viet Nam should
also be invited.
No Signs
Informed sources said that no
indications had been received by
the Soviet Union that Hanoi
wanted to take part in the debate.
Some diplomatic sources'-said that
the Soviet Union wanted the in-
vitation worded so that North
Viet Nam had a choice.
South Viet Nam is not expected
to take part in council debate
unless North Viet Nam does so.
If the invitations to send dele-
gations are accepted the council
was prepared to hear them, prob-
ably early next week.

OK'd Easily
houses of Congress gave .President
Lyndon B. Johnson a vote of con-
fidence yesterday in the !Viet
Nam-Southeast Asia crisis.
By a vote of 414 to 0 the House
adopted a bipartisan resolution
backing the President's actions as
commander in chief of the armed
forces, and the Senate followed,
with an 88-2 endorsement..
The opposition votes were cast
by two. Democrats, Sens. Wayne
Morse of Oregon who has repeat-
edly denounced U.S. policies in
Southeast Asia as a threat to
world peace, and Ernest Gruen-
ing of Alaska.
Sen. Barry Goldwater of Ari-
zona, the-GOP presidential nom-
inee, joined fellow Republicans in
voting approval and support of
Johnson's decision to strike back
at North Viet Nam.
The resolution-Morse said it
gives Johnson blanket "author-
ity to wage war"-says:
"The Congress approves and
supports the determination of the
President, as commander in chief,
to take all necessary measures to
repel any armed attack against
the forces of the United States
and to prevent further aggres-
Morse, allotted an additional
two hours under a debate closing
agreement which gave the other'
senators one hour among them,!
cried out to a virtually empty
chamber that no matter who was'
President nor how good were his
intentions, "unsanctioned acts of
war can lead to an all-out nuclear
war and the end of this republic."

By The Associated Press


Second Stage
The 228-190 vote victory was
the second successful stage in a
fight for passage by the bill's
backers. The first battle was
won earlier in the day, when the
bill's leadership quickly turned a
35-vote defeat into a 28-vote vic-
In the first battle, Rep. How-
ard W. Smith (D-Va) had moved
to strike the enacting clause and
thus kill the Senate-approved,
$947.5-million measure. On a tell-
er vote, with only 305 member6
on hand, the motion carried 170
to 135. Republicans and conserva-
tive Southern Democrats-combin-
ed in the majority.
But the immediately following
roll call vote brought out 117 more
members-and put them all on
record-and in thi test the lead-
ers won by 225 to 17.- /
After today's final vote, the bill
goes to a Senate-House commit-
tee, where differences between the
House- and Senate-passed meas-
ures will be ironed out.. House
leaders appear confident their ver-
sion will be accepted promptly and
sent to the White House.
Basic Aims
The basic aim of the legislation
is to break the cycle of poverty
which keeps many families dis-
advantaged for generations. Near-
ly half of the money would be
spent in trying to help younger
persons lift themselves out of this
cycle. But it wraps in several oth-
er programs as well.
Republicans have called the
measure "an election-year gim-
mick" to gain votes for Demo-
crats. While praising the goal, the
GOP members have argued the
bill is poorly drawn.
Some Southerners oppose it in
fear that its programs would
hasten racial integration in their
states. To counter this, the bill
was altered to permit governors to
veto programs in their states.
And Rep. Phil Landrum, Geor-
gia Democrat who was floor man-
ager for the bill, contended the
enactment of the Civil Rights
Bill of 1964 has made academic
the question of use of federal
funds in programs where racial
discrimination is practiced. Such
use is forbidden under the civil
rights law.
Three Programs
There are three major programs
aimed at doing something for
younger persons-if they choose to,
One is a proposed Job Corps
that would take 40,000 young men
and women between 16 and 22 out
of slum environments and put
them in centers where they would
get basic education and job train-
Another would provide job exper-
ience for 200,000 youths, 16-22,
through public service work that
would otherwise not be performed,
such as in schools, parks, hospi-
4-1 .-A n-sh - n sfinpe

World News
By The Associated Press
ROME -Italy's President Ar
tonio Segni, 73, suffered a cet
bral stroke yesterday while he w
conferring with Premier Aldo Mo
and Foreign Minister Giusep
Saragat. Doctors said the fra
white-haired president lost co:
sciousness for several minutes b
that he gradually regained I
A medical bulletin from t'
Quirinal Palace said Segni's hes
and pulse were regular and th
his general condition was sati,
factory. The Palace announceme
described the illness as "circul
tory cerebral disturbances."
ATHENS, Ga. - Four me
identified by the FBI as Ku KI
Klansmen, were named yesterd
in state warrants charging murd
after their arrest by federal ager
ipvestigating the shotgun slayir
of a Washington, D.C., Negro ed
cator. The arrest of the fo
Thursday w a s announced
Washington by FBI Director
Edgar Hoover.
FBI agents said the four mf
did not know Lemuel A. Penn ar
had no personal grievance again
him. The FBI complaint said tl
four conspired to threaten, i
jure, oppress, intimidate and k:
Negroes. The plan, the FBI sa
was to prevent such citizens fro
exercising the rights secured
them by the civil rights act.
* * *
resumed debate last yesterday
President Lyndon B. Johnsor
$3.5 million foreign aid bill an
portents of a bitter clash ne
week over a Republican-sponsol
legislative apportionment rider.
Administration forces were cc
fident of enough votes to deft
amendments by Sen. Wayne Mo:
(D-Ore) to cut foreign aid aul
orizations by more than $500 m
* * *
tr A flT1TTDVi. -- 5.Cln 'Rii

'U' Players Travel to 'The Secret Place'

Backward, 'turn backward, 0 Time in your Flight,
Make me a child again just for tonight.-
-Elizabeth Akers Allen
There is a branch of the performing arts that creates a special
world all unto itself. Set within the confines of an ordinary stage, the
theatre is transformed from a hall where people have come to view
drama, to a world unlike any other-a world of dreams and wishes
and fantasies.
This is the world of children, seen through the very special
media of children's theatre.
The University Players this summer is offering its second
children's theatre production, "Greensleeves Magic," an hour-long
fantasy of princesses and kings and queens and evil duchesses and
foolish chancellors.
For the short but happy space of an hour at 4 p.m. Monday,
n.1 AsaAf,...4,A,.. .1mi ti ahvpal x .w-far awar i . secret

are determined to discover what
it means "to laugh and dance and
Greensleeve's (Richard Weaver),
who has been banished from the
kingdom for many years, comes
back to show the Princesses the
magic of laughter, but it has been
so long since anyone has laughed
that the girls have difficulty mas-
tering it.
Yet they know they must, if
the Grand Duchess' power is to
be broken.
The scene is set in the garden
of the palace, designed by Janet
O'Brien and brightened with the
music of gay country dances and
fantasias on "Greensleeves."


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