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August 05, 1964 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1964-08-05

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4rbr £ic1tgatt Daly
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Preval" BD.
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Shrinking the Dry Lie:
Widening Individual Horizons

'Anonymous Editorialist


from Mosher-Jordan Hall-set up as a
bar. Or, imagine stepping across North
University after your four o'clock class
and sitting down for a shot or two.
That old student nemesis-the Ann Ar-
bor dry line-might be shrunk to about
one-seventh its present size if city voters
give their approval in November.
IF THERE WAS EVER a time for stu-
dents to register, this is it.
There are about 1800 signatures, on
petitions, sitting in the City Clerk's of-
fice. They ask that voters decide Nov.
3 whether or not to keep the present dry
line or to create a dry island around the
University campus. Only 1400 signatures
are needed to initiate a referendum.
The petitions have been submitted by
an anti-prohibition, free-thinking citi-
zens' group calling itself the "Committee
for Fair Licensing." The old dry line
'Moral Mail'
HOMEOWNERS will be able to avoid
receiving "morally offensive" mail if a
bill, already passed by the United States
House, gets similar approval from the
Senate. Upon receiving a complaint, the
postmaster general would give the sender
30 days to stop sending any mail to the
complainant's home.
The possibilities of this great bill would
be virtually limitless.For example:
-Junk-mail advertising is annoying
and wasteful, and hence morally offen-
sive. Wouldn't it be nice not to have to
crowd your wastebasket with the Huron
Valley Ad-Visor every week?
--It's not too hard to get morally in-
dignant about taxes. All you'll have to do
is find Form 1040 morally offensive, and
next year you can cut yourself off from
the Internal Revenue Service.
-Bills from telephone and electric
companies frequently send citizens into
a rage. To preserve his moral sensibilities,
the taxpayer can silence these sources,
-There's nothing more morally offen-
live than militaristic propaganda. Soon,
merely by complaining about the Defense
Department, our young men will no longer
have to suffer this outrage. They can
avoid receiving this insulting material-
and in the process, can also avoid receiv-
ing their draft notices.
Published daily Tuesday thrnugh Saturday mnrning.
Summer subscription rates $2 by carrier, $2,b by mail.
Second class postage paid at. Ann Arbor, Micb.

which they are seeking to revise prohibit-
ed selling "liquor by the glass" in the
area of the city east of Division St., Pack-
ard and the Huron River.
The interesting thing is just what the
dry island would include-and exclude. As
the petitioners have requested, the is-
land would look something like this:

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last
in a series of articles on the Re-
publican Convention.
T WOULD SEEM that the Re-
publican party has of late tak-
en to a universalhcondemnation
of the press and the broadcast-
ing media; much of the report-
ing from the Republican National
Convention contained accounts of
rebukes for the nation's reporters.
And, one surmises, perhaps
some have condemned the press
in general unjustly, for by and
large, as most Republicans will
readily acknowledge, the rank and
file reporters have done their ut-
most to report matters with fair-
ness and objectivity.
From where, then, have the
apparently erroneoustreports of
universal GOP hostility to the
press in general come?
The answer is simple: They
have come from those members of
the press corps at whom the hos-
tility was directed-a small but
vocal minority who are spoiling
things for most reporters.
* * *
IT IS TIME to name names, dis-
tasteful as that may be, and to
condemn those who deserve con-
denmation. The guilty ones are
not the everyday, hard-news re-
porters. Nor are they (with one
exception) broadcasters.
Rather they are the columnists
and commentators, who are em-
ployed by newspapers and broad-
cast media to dispense their opin-
ions to the public. And unfor-
tunately we have -tended to con-
fuse these editorialists with the
rank-and-file news reporting peo-
There must be no confusion. The
reporters, such as Walter Cron-
kite, David Brinkley, Ron Coch-
ran and Douglas Edwards on the
air {waves, and Willard Edwards,
Gene Schroeder and Preston Gro-
ver in the newspapers, make a
sincere attempt to present the
news, stripped of its bias as much
as ishmumanly possible.
The .editorialists, such as Eric
Sevareid, Howard K. Smith, Ed-
ward P. Morgan, Lowell Thomas,
Paul Harvey, Fulton Lewis Jr., and
alas, Chet Huntley (who masquer-
ades as a straight newsman) on
the air and Walter Lippmann,
Emmet John Hughes, Murray
Kempton, David Lawrence and
Holmes Alexander in print, are
presenting the news with their
own bias throughout. Some make
diligent attempts to point out
what is fact and what is opinion
(Sevareid is a good example);
others make no attempt to dif-
ferentiate and one wonders wheth-
er or not they themselves know
(witness Lippmann, and, worse,
THE DANGER, however, does
not really lie in these people.
Rather it comes with the anony-
mous editorialist who is not re-
sponsible enough to keep his opin-
ion out of those places where we
normally seek fact.
A blatant example of this is
the lead headline in the Toronto
Star-Telegram of Friday, July 17,
which exclaimed "Goldwater Calls
for Extremism," in big red let-
ters. This was an out-and-out lie.
Goldwater never did any such
thing; in fact, the story which
ran under this frightening head- .
line did not even support the
Yet it is easy to see how this
dramatic headline left the com-
pletely erroneous impression of
Goldwater's acceptance speech in
the minds of Star-Telegram read-
ers. And this is but one in a mul-
titude of similar sins. Other not-
able guilty parties include the New
York Times, the Washington Post
and Times Herald, and NBC's
Chet Huntley and CBS' Daniel
To quote the National Observ-

Goldwater is too polite to say
so, but his words, manner, and

actions smack of a man who
feels he hasn't gotten a fair
shake. We think he has a sound
point. In fairness to thereport-
ers, we believe that the senator
has often spoken off the cuff
and that he sometimes spoke
ambiguously. But Goldwater has
cut that out. Many of the re-
porters haven't cut out what
they ought to cut out.
When Goldwater speaks, we
often have the same Journalis-
tic situation as when Roger
Blough of U.S. Steel "dared"
to manage his own business
without President Kennedy's
permission. Or when, somehow,
the news of the Russian missile
build-up in Castro's Cuba was
ignored or dismissed as incon-
sequential. Or when the city of
Dallas became a journalistic
punching bag after Kennedy's
assassination there.
The situation, in a few words,
is that many reporters see only
what they care to see.
This is not a letter to the edi-
tor or an interview with a right-
wing extremist. This is a news-
paper criticizing its fellows. And
the point is well-made-and well-
THE NATIONAL Observer cites
the Der Spiegel interview, where
Goldwater said, in response to
whether he had a chance to de-
feat Johnson: "If you ask that
question as of now, and I always
like to answer political questions
as of now: No. I don't think any
Republican can, as of now.
But come election day, there is
going to be another horse race."
Yet after the New York Times
got aho d of it, and Gov. Scran-
ton got ahold of the Times, Gold-
water was supposed to have said
that the GOP couldn't beat John-
Another one: On the American
Broadcasting Company's "Issues
and Answers" program, Goldwater
was asked how he would uncover
Communist supply lines along the
Laotian border.
it is not as easy as it sounds,
because these are not trails that
are out in the open. I have been
in these rain forests of Burma
and South China. You are per-
fectly safe wandering through
them as far as an enemy hurting
you. There have been several sug-
gestions made. I don't think we
would use any of them. But de-
foliation of the forests by low-
yield atomic weapons could' well
be done. When you remove the
foliage, you remove the cover. The
major supply lines though, I think,
would have to be interdicted where
they leave Red China, which is
the Red River Valley above North
Viet Nam and there, according to
my studies of the geography, it
would not be a difficult task to
destroy those basic routes."
But the Associated Press, which
serves hundreds of papers and
stations across the nation didn't
say that. It reported that Gold-

water wanted to defoliate Viet
Nam. He never said that at all.
TH ESE ARE the things that fix
themselves in the minds of the
American people. And they are
lies, no matter how unintentional
they may have been.


The nation's press has a great
responsibility to avoid indulging
in such pasttimes, however un-
malicious such indulgence may be.
Onie must take issue with those
who condemn the press as a whole,
for the condemnation is ill-

deserved. But one must laud tI
efforts of those who point up it
responsible journalism-whether
is the Newv York Times reportin
in haste or Walter Lippmann a
serting opinion as though it wei
fact-for these practices do every
one a grave disservice.


~ c. *~KEEP
~ m m .~I r !
Nero LedertLos Cotro

HICH MEANS that the "hill," State
St. businesses on the east side of the
street, North University businesses, the
Oxford housing project, the Women's
League, Hill Aud., the Rackham and
Frieze Bldgs., a good portion of fraterni-
ties and sororities and, yes, even Health
Service would be in the "wet" area.
While University and city laws pro-
hibiting the sale of liquor to persons un-
der 21 would still hold, think of all those
students over 21-especially those living
northeast of campus-who would no long-
er have to traipse to someplace west of
Division St. for a drink, as the present
dry line requires. And think of all those
professors and teaching fellows who
could get replenished between classes.
Sure would liven classes up.
We might not have a greater Univer-
sity or a more enlightened student body
and faculty if the new dry line is approv-
ed, but then no one knows for sure if
things would be worse, either.
certainly mean is that those who want
to drink won't have to work harder at it
than ought to be necessary. And that
would leave most of the decision with the
individual-who ought to have it in the
first place.

THE RAW EDGE of the Negro
riots in Harlem and in other
northern cities is that the recog-
nized Negro leaders lost control of
the mobs. For some time, close
observers of the mounting Negro
protest have been watching ap-
prehensively for this development.

They have feared the dread mo-
ment when young Negroes, unem-
ployed or badly employed, unedu-
cated and desperate, would break
away from the preaching-of non-
violence and go on a rampageof
hatred and destruction.
This breaking loose from the
recognized leaders is a critical and

Peace Caravan Tours Nation

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Roberta Pol-
lack is one of four students trav-
eling in Michigan tils summer as
part of a Peace Caravan sponsored
by the American Friends' Service
Committee. The following article
tells of their work and objectives.
TWENTY college students are
traveling across the country
this summer talking to people
about peace; they compose five
separate groups of four each. The
entire Peace Caravan is sponsored
by the American Friends' Service

Haydn .Symphonies
Performed well

These students are seeking to
make Americans aware of their
individual responsibility and im-
portance in national government,
to make them aware of the al-
ternatives to war and violence and
to encourage them to have open
The Friends are a pacifist group
which believes that only through
love and nonviolent resistance can
conflicts-ideological, racial or
economic-be solved permanently.
The initial area of concern of
the Peace Caravan students is
nuclear weapons. They find that
Americans on the whole seem un-
aware of the disastrous effects of
nuclear war. The responses they
get to when they talk of these
effects are often, "We have to de-
fend our country" and "The weap-
ons will never be used." Yet the
facts that what is being defended
would be destroyed in a nuclear,
war and that building weapons
offers little if any real security
pass unnoticed, the students feel.
THUS THEY ARE doing more
than question the practicalities of
war; they are demanding that
people examine their values. The
students feel that people's willing-
ness to wage war is a violation of
other more basic ideals in the
Judeo-Christian tradition.'
These ideals include turning the
other cheek and respecting and
valuing human beings and human
life. Pursuing policies of violence
and enthusiastically supporting a
governmental policy which plans
the use of force as a means of
attaining supposedly desirable
ends is a blatant contradiction of
these higher ideals, the Peace
Caravaners think.
They contend that there are

pose fostering a spirit of inter-
nationalism instead of national-
ism, a feeling of humanitarianism
instead of Americanism or Euro-
One specific proposal they are
making is cultural study programs.
These would involve elementary
school students studying particu-
lar areas of the world-their lan-
guages, people and customs. Liter-
ature might be studied in native
languages rather than through
The basic assumption behind
these prosopals is that all people,
no matter what superficial nation-
al values and customs differen-
tiate them, can empathize with
others. It is necessary only to make
people aware of their basic sim-
THE STUDENTS emphasize
other facts and values as well:
-The value of preserving hu-
man life and utilizing and devel-
oping man's most outstanding
qualities, his ability to think and
-The fact that violence has
not solved conflicts in the past
and that the United States is
arming itself for what it claims
will not be another war-after
two wars "to end all' wars" have
been fought;
-The value of keeping an open
mind and realizing that the de-
fense of one's principles need not
be done through violence;
-The value and necessity of
each person realizing his respon-
sibilities as a human being, as an
American and as a member of the
world community.

ominous event, and civil peace in
this country depends on whether
the breach between the young Ne-
groes and the older veteran lead-
ers can be healed.
It is essential to begin by real-
izing clearly the basic difference
between the American Negro pro-
test and almost all African move-
ments abroad. It is that the
American Negroes are not agitat-
ing for a new social order, but for
admission to the social order
which now exists.
* * *
THIS COULD change.'If the
established Negro leadership is
pushed aside and the desperate
young crowds fear nothing be-
cause they have nothing to lose,
the Negro movement could become
the prey of guerrilla agitators.
With this in mind, we must
choose between the two courses of
action which are now open to use.
One is to stamp out the disorders
when they appear, using the local
police and if necessary the na-
tional guard and the federal
army; the rest of the problem is
to be left to the states.
The other course is to stamp on
the disorders wherever they break
out and at the same time to try
at all levels of government to re-
dress the grievances which are the
causes of the disorders.
* * *
THE FIRST course is that of
the Republican Party since it was
taken over in San Francisco. As
a national party it is, like all the
rest of us, opposed to Negro dis-
orders, and it is in favor of the
use of police forces at all levels of
government to stamp out these
disorders. But as a national party
it is no longer interested in the
redress of the grievances at the
national level and - considering
Gov. George Wallace-at no level.
Leaving out all considerations
of liberty and justice as they ap-
ply to Negroes, the Goldwater
policy opens up the prospect of
endless disorder.
To stop the protests and to shut
off real hope of redressing the
grievances is a recipe for disorder.
The alternative course is to
police the disorders and to redress
the grievances. The rioting cannot
be tolerated. But for an increasing
number of Negroes, the grievances
are intolerable and will not be en-
dured very much longer. The es-
sential point is to prove to the
large mass of peaceable Negroes
that there is light at the end of
the tunnel, that the same public

Haydn: Symphonies 82(C), 83(g),
84(E-flat), 85(B-flat, 86(D), 87
(A). Ernest Ansermet, L'Orchestre
de la Suisse Romande; London
Records CM 9333, CM 9334, CM
9335 (Stereo: CS 6333, CS 6334,
CS 6335).
T HESESIX "Paris" symphonies
were written by Haydn during
the years which he spent in the
service of Prince Esterhazy; the
first of the six was completed in
1785. By this time Haydn had met
Mozart and so these symphonies
are probably the last which were
not influenced, in one way or
another, by Mozart.
The middle symphonies of
Haydn are unreasonably neglected
today and so it is a great pleasure
to see these six recorded with

six, and the most earnestly per-
formed in this set. Number 83
("La Poule") is the spunkiest.
Numbers 84, 86, and 87 are done
rather listlessly; there is nothing
which is, by itself, particularly
disturbing, but the three are per-
formed in an uninspired manner
throughout. Yet they are virtually
unobtainable in other recordings,
which makes it difficult for com-
parison and also is reason to be
grateful for their existance.
Number 85 ("La Reine") was,
the record jacket tells us, Marie
Antoinette's favorite symphony
(thus its nickname), and no won-
der, since the slow movement is
a series of variations on the
French folk song "La Gentille et
Jeune Lisette." However rustic
the movement may be, its per-

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