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August 05, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-08-05

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Cooler and fair,
with light winds

LXXIV, No. 31-S






Senate Committee
OKs Distrctin Bill
.WASHINGTON (P) - A bill to delay court-ordered legislative
reapportionments won speedy Senate committee approval yesterday
and was ticketed for a fast ride to President Lyndon B. Johnson's desk.
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill) said he will try to attach the
measure to the $3.5-billion foreign aid authorization bill now before
the Senate.
"The foreign aid bill is certain to hit the President's desk soon,"
Dirksen told newsmen.
Dirksen, the Senate Republican leader, predicted quick Senate
approval after the judiciary committee voted 10-2 to clear the bill
- ithout the usual formality of
kS public hearings.
O~esy l./l. nCounter Chaos
Spor sesi ien Dirksen said a stay of court or-
ders for reapportionment is need-
ed to counter what he described
Pro oSe C i as chaos "when the courts assume
A ty the role and function of the legis-
r -lative branch of government."
Ilace A ct 0o S Dirksen said time is needed for
Congress to consider a proposed
By JEFFREY GOODMAN constitutional amendment to over-
turn the Supreme Court ruling of
City Council last night heard last June 15. That ruling laid
vigorous action proposals for deal- down a one-man-one-vote rule
ing with race relations-from buy- which would give cities greater
ing and reselling housing to low representation in state legislatures
income families to employing a and reduce the influence of rural
full-time consultant on federal areas. If approved by Congress,
programs - from 11 community such an amendment would have
leaders: to be ratified by three-fourths of
The spokesmen were invited to the states.
a council working session on what Hart Opposed
the city can do to improve con- Tbe two judiciary committee
ditions for its Negro population members who voted against the
adto ;avoid' destructive racial measure were Sens. Philip A. Hart
violence. (D-Mich) and Quentin N. Bur-
violence.dick (D-ND).
The spokesmen discussed pro- Sen. Frank Lausche (D-Ohio),
grams in the areas of employ- announcing he. supports the meas-
cmnit rlatigouhns. Highliht- ure, said the framers of the Con-
recommendations were stitution intended that state and
ing theirng w U.S. senators should be elected to
they following:.
-Prof. Jack Rothman of the represent states or districts with-
--of. Jak Rthol m n dhedout regard to population factors.
social, work school recmmnended "If" the Supreme Court has
hiring a specialist to guide thea t t hatusate s
city in taking advantage of "the authority to say that state sen-
Citgeinumerkifgfdantgerpo.mheators shall be elected on a popula-
large number of federal programs tion basis," Lausche said, "it
offering consultation and finances
forlhelping solve" th problems of 'would lie logical to go a step
epo t osing dfurther to say that large states
eLioymnhosn.ndeua should have more than two
tion. t n
The Rev. Richard Cockrell, senators."
chairman of the Ministerial Con- Dirksen said time is needed for
ference, suggested: 1) that the Congress to consider a proposed
city administrator and the city$~ Constitutional amendment to
Yoth Cmmisiorn te ity overturn the Supreme Court rul-
Youth Commission take initiativesin.
in contacting businesses and pub- ing.
lic and private schools about
"rigorous, active" programs to " 1
train youth and find them jobs, Saltu er Gets :
and 2) that the city match funds
with the state to give youths re- Sentt Seat;
cently.,Out obf school an, allowanceL
while they are receiving job
trainng. TO Face Fight
Patrick Clishman, chairman
of the Catholic Interracial Coun-
cil, urged stepped-up efforts to SACRAMENTO (A)-Pierre Sal-1
recruit Negroes for the police and inger was appointed to the United
fire departments and higher gov- States - Senate yesterday with
ernmental levels. He also asked: President LyndonbB. Johnson's
1) that efforts be made to attract blessing and flew back to Wash-
to the Ann Arbor area industries ington to a possible contest over
tht would employ unskilled his eligibility.
workers; and 2) that citizen rep- Gov. Edmund G. Brown named
resentatives be considered for the the former White House press sec-
rcitys administrative police review retary to fill out the five remain-;
boardm. ing months of the late Democratic
-Prof. Albert Wheeler, execu- Sen. Clair Engle's six-year term.
tive board member of the local Salinger, long absent from his
National Association for the Ad- native state, set off a legal storm
vancement of Colored People to campaign for-and win-the
chapter, asked council to halt Democratic nomination for the
dealings with businesses that dis- Senate.
criminate Opponent
-Alex Hawkins, social worker, His Republican opponent, one-
pointed to the city's housing time movie actor George Murphy,
needs. He noted that 19 per cent protested that Salinger's not elig-
of the city's non-whites earn less ible for the interim appointment1
than $3000 a year and that 77 per because he is a voting resident of
cent of these people live in four Virginia.
census tracts where 51 per cent of Brown disagreed. So did Demo-
the dwellings are dilapidated. cratic Atty. Gen. Stanley Mosk in
His proposals for government a formal opinion.
action included buying, remodel- But, in Washington, Sen. Ev-
ing and leasing vacant housing erett Dirksen (R-Ill) said Repub-
and offering free housing for life licans may move to delay Saling-
to any resident who would deed er's oath-taking until the Senate
his dwelling to the city for reno- Rules Committee decides whether

vation and resale to low income he should be seated. V
families. Mike Mansfield ED-Mon), Sen-
-Fred Remley of the Confer- ate majority leader, countered by
ence on Race and Religion sug- saying that if there is a challenge,
gested that the city might enter he will ask that Salinger be sworn
the public housing field on its own in without prejudice pending an
through issuing revenue bonds. inquiry.
-Martin Timmins of the ju- Mosk Rules
venile court described inequitable Moskruled "invalid" state re-
procedures for juveniles in which quirements that the governor
Negroes are dismissed from cus- must appoint an elector. He de-
tody later than whites and are fined an elector as someone who
less often sent to private detention has lived in the state for a year.
institutions or referred for psy- Salinger returned to California to
nhiatr n ouinselina file his nrimary election papers

Moves into
S tanleyville
Congo rebellion surged yesterday
into Stanleyville, the biggest of its
targets, and then evidently ebbed.
Congolese troops pressed Commu-
nist-backed insurgent warriors in-
to a withdrawal across the United
States consulate's lawn.
Fearful that Stanleyville would
fall by attack from without and
a leftist fifth column within, of-
ficials had already ordered an aer-
ial exodus of white women and
children, including dependents of
theU.S. consulate staff.
Dispatches reporting the clash
south of the city said the rebels
were lightly armed. But they are
skilled bush fighters who have
rarely been equipped with modern
weapons in the skirmishing that
has given them control of a 500-
mile are northward from Albert-
ville, the captive capital of North
Larger Group
They were believed to be part
of a larger insurgent group at-
tacking Wanie Pukula. At last re-
ports, the troops there were hold-
ing out.
Should Stanleyville fall to the
rebels, they would then be ex-
pected to seek diplomatic recogni-
tion for their regime, raising once
again the specter of secession in
the crisis-weary Congo.
The morale of the 600-man gar-
rison of Stanleyville was describ-
ed as fairly good. In only a few
instances, however, have the Con-
golese troops been able to hold
their lines successfully against the
howling, spear-bearing rebels who
believe they are protected by

Pay Raises
WASHINGTON () - Congress
quickly hustled passage yesterday
of a bill providing yearly pay
raises ranging . from $10,000 for
some top government officials
down to $100 for lowest ranking
civil service and postal employes.
The bill, covering about 1.7 mil-
lion federal employes, now goes to
the White House for signing by a
sympathetic President Lyndon B.
Johnson, who has repeatedly con-
tended federal salaries are too low
to attract and keep highly com-
petent personnel.
Members of Congress, who fre-
quently worry about voting them-
selves pay raises in an election
year, appeared assured the action
would not become an issue this
Favored by Both
Just before the ,House shouted
through the bill by voice, Rep.
Morris K. Udall (D-Ariz) said
both Johnson and Sen. Barry
Goldwater (R-Ariz) favored it.
Members of Congress get $7500
salary hikes under the measure,
bringing their pay to $30,006 a
year, except for the speaker of
the House who gets an $8000 boost
to $43,000.
The vice-presidency, now va-
cant, is also down for an $8000 in-
crease to $43,000.
$556 Million Cost
The total cost of the bill is es-
timated at $556 million a year.
That comes on top of another
estimated $207 million in pay
raises Congress approved Monday
for military personnel.
Under the civilian pay raise
measure, the 10 members of the
President's cabinet get $10,000 a
year raises, boosting their salaries
to $35,000.
At the bottom end of the scale,
more than one million classified
civil service workers will gain
raises ranging from 2.7 per cent
to 22.5 per cent of their present
salaries, and 600,000 postal em-
ployes will get average hikes of
5.6 per cent.
The nine Supreme Court jus-
tices will get raises of $4500,
bringing the chief justice to
$40,000 a year and the others to
Several House members said
the raise for the Justices was too
low and ascribed it to members
of Congress who are angry at
certain Supreme Court, decisions.
"When we enagage in an act of
vengeance because we don't agree
with the Supreme Court, we are
setting a very dangerous prece-
dent," said Rep. Charles S. Joel-
son (D-NJ).
All other federal judges get
raises of $7,500 under the bill,
bringing district judges to $30,000
a year and court of appeals jurists
to $33,000.
But Sen. Gordon Allott (R-
Colo), who had led a move that
resulted in slashing the Justices'
raises from $7,500, said the $4,500
boost was still to high.
Senate Passes
Defense Bill
completed congressional action
yesterday on the biggest annual
appropriation-a $46.7 billion fund
to equip, operate and maintain
the nation's defense forces this
fiscal year.
Senate approval was by voice
vote. Earlier House approval came

FBI Finds Bodies;
Believed Workers
JACKSON, Miss. () - The FBI last night found three bodies
buried in graves at a dam site near Philadelphia, Miss., where a trio
of civil rights workers vanished six weeks ago.
Roy Moore, chief of the FBI office in the Mississippi capital, said
his agency is "fairly certain" the bodies are those of the missing
workers but he cannot be positive until laboratory tests are made.

Jersey City.
Again Hit
'By Violence
JERSEY CITY, NJ.,(A')-A .rash
of isolated disturbances hit the
Negro section of the city 'last
night where Negro youth rioted
Sunday and Monday nights.
No injuries were reported. Police
said they had arrested a number
of Negroes, perhaps as many as
About a dozen gasoline bombs
were. thrown in different places
around the area.
At one point a crowd of about
100 Negroes gathered outside as
public housing project. About 50
policemen 'fired a score of shots
into the air and the Negroes
walked back to awire fence
around the project. The police did
not follow "them. A bottle flew
from the crowd.
Began at 10
The incident began around 10
p.m. when policemen drove up to
a corner where a group of Negroes
had gathered took a Negro boy
from the crowd, placed him in the
police car and left.
Addison McLeon, a Negro mem-
ber of the board of education,'
said he followed the police car in
a board of education vehicle, only
to be cut'off by a police car that
hemmed him in at a curb.
One bomb set fire to a vacant
four-story building at about 9
p.m., but damage reportedly was
not heavy. At 8:15 pm. a bomb
flew from the roof or an upstairs
window of a building. It splattered
in the middle of the street but
caused no damage.
Police Pull Up
Ten minutes earlir a police
truck plled up to a street corner
where a group of young Negroes
were standing with newsmen and
John Bell, city head of the Con-
gress of Racial Equality.
Patrolmen armed with night-
sticks jumped from the vehicle and
yelled at the Negroes to get off
the corner "before you get your
heads cracked."
"Oh, oh; that was a mistake,"
said one of the Negroes.
"They (the police) are looking
for trouble," Bell said. "One of
these guys (policemen) is going to
provoke nsomething."
There were indications that
groups of white youths were
traveling in cars around the area
where Negro youths fought police
in bloody battles Sunday and
Monday nights. Bell said he fear-
ed this would start more trouble.
He said he and other civil rights
leaders and clerygmen had been
in the streets all day trying to
persuade young Negroes to go
home after dark.
"Everytime we'd see a bunch of
kids that looked like trouble we
stopped and talked to them to tell
them to cool it, that this kind of
stuff isn't going to get us any-
where," Bell said.

The bodies were discovered in
graves in a wooded area about six
miles southwest of Philadelphia,
around 6:30 p.m. The only word
the FBI received was by radio
from its agents.
Moore said he had talked with
Mississippi officials and the bod-
ies would be brought to the uni-
versity medical center in Jackson
for identification tests.
The three, Andrew Goodman,
James Earl Chaney and Michael
Henry Schwerner, were last seen
on the night of June 21 near
The FBI said a search party of
FBI agents turned up the bodies
while digging in thick woods and
underbrush several hundred yards
off Route 21.
The governor said the FBI told
him the bodies were located on a
farm southwest of Philadelphia
near the Neshoba County fair-
, When the searchers first comb-
ed the area, Johnson said he was
told, they found what appeared to
be a fresh dam thrown up to
catch water in a low area.
Later, it was noticed that the
lam had collected no water de-
spite several showers in the area.
An investigation of the dam was
ordered and the excavation uncov-
ered the bodies in the fill of the
Primary Votes
Close in Kansas,
Missouri Races
By The Associated Press
Missouri and Kansas were the
scenes of tight gubernatorial pri-
mary races yesterday.
In Missouri, Secy. of State War-
ren E. Hearnes jumped into an
early lead over Lt. Gov. Hilary A.
Bush in first returns in the hot
contest for the state's Democratic
nomination for governor.
Three other candidates collected
only token votes.
The winner will face Republi-
can Ethan Shepley, former Wash-
ington University chancellor, in
November. Shepley got off,.to an
early start in a field of four and
kept widening his lead.
U.S. Sen. Stuart Symington,
seeking a third term, easily won
Democratic renomination. His No-
vember challenger will be Jean
Paul Bradshaw, Springfield lawyer
who also was nominated easily.
In Kansas, Rep. William H.
Avery took a slim lead as a close
three-man race for the Republican
nomination for governor develop-
ed in he primary voting.
Incomplete returns from 343 of
2929 precincts gave these figures:
Avery 7,599, Boyd 6,927, Wunsch
5,011, Atty. Gen. William M. Fer-
guson 2,403. Four other candidates
In the Democratic gubernatorial
primary a race developed early
between Harry G. Wiles, member
of the Kansas-Corporation Com-
mission, and Jules V. Doty, Ottawa
attorney. Early counts gave Wiles
3,018 and Doty 1,294 with four
other candidates trailing.

Red Naval Act101
Elicits Response
TOYKO (A)-Communist North Viet Nam asserted thi
morning that the United States report of another attack b
North Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers in inter
national waters yesterday was "a sheer fabrication."
WASHINGTON-President Lyndon B. Johnson announced
night that United States air strikes were under way against Cc
munist naval facilities in North Viet Nam.
The announcement came as Johnson addressed the nat
over radio and television following a second attack Tuesday mc
ing by North Vietnamese PT boats on U.S. naval vessels in
Gulf of Tonkin.
"We still seek no wider war," the President said. "But," he a
ed, "repeated acts of violence against the armed forces of
United States must be met note

only with alert defense, but with
positive response."
Air Action
"Air action is now in execu-
tion," the President said, "against
gunboats and certain supporting
facilities in North Viet Nam which
have been used in the hostile
An urgent meeting of the Unit-
ed Nations Security Council to
discuss the attacks and the U.S.
response has been called for this
morning at the United States re-
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara announced in a news
conference early this morning that
air strikes against North Vietna-
mese facilities would continue to-
Refuses To Identify
He refused to identify in any
detail the facilities involved, but
said that Hanoi, the capital city,
was not being attacked.
McNamara said that attacks
were against "the bases from
which these PT boats have oper-
ated . . . and certain other tar-
gets directly supporting the oper-
ation of the boats."
He announced the buildup of
American military strength in the
Southeast Asia region from the
Western Pacific, 'and replacement
of the forces thus moved by troops
from the continental United
Congressional Resolution
The President said that he also
is asking Congress to adopt a reso-
lution "making it clear that our
government is united in its de-
termination to take all necessary
measures in support of freedom,
and in defense of peace, in South-
east Asia.".
The chief executive injected
word that he had reached Sen.
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz), the
Republican presidential nominee,
in Balboa, Calif., to tell him of
what he was going to say.
"I am glad to say he has ex-
pressed his support of the state-
ment'I Iam making tonight,"
In Balboa, Goldwater backed
Johnson's proposal as "the only
thing he can do under the eircum-
'Will Subscribe'
"I am sure that every American
will subscribe to the actions out-
lined in the President's state-
ment," Goldwater said. "We can-
not allow the American flag to be
shot at anywhere on earth if we
are to retain our respect and
Johnson said he also had been
given assurances the resolution he
wants from Congress will be pass-
ed quickly with overwhelming sup-
Johnson reported to the nation
by radio and television-at the re-
quest of the networks - several
hours after a 90-minute confer-
ence with congressional leaders of
both parties, and other top offi-
Follows Disclosure'
The conference followed right
after disclosure by the Pentagon
of a second North Vietnamese
attack on United States destroy-
ers-the Maddox and the C. Turn-
er Joy-in which it said two of
the attacking Red PT boats were
probably sunk and two others
It was more than three hours
after the congressional session
broke up that Johnson went on
the air to speak as President
and commander in chief and say
that renewed hostile actions
against U.S. ships on the high

ViewFutu reF
Three local candidates forCon
gress last night read between th
lines of the Civil Rights Act c
1964 to debate what the bill mean
-and what the next steps to as
sure Negro equality should be.
The three, Stanley Thaye
Gerald Faye and Wes Vivian, ar
seeking Rep. George Mea er's 2n
congressional seat in ngresi
Meader, also seeking re-electior
was detained in Washington an
unable to attend the sessio
sponsored by the National Asse
ciation for the Advancement c
Colored People.
Thayer will face Meader in t
Republican primary and Faye Wi
oppose Vivian in the Democrati
primary Sept. 1. The winners wi
then meet in November.
Further Advancement
Agreeing that the bill was '
beginning, the three candidate
looked ahead to the further ad
vancement of the Negro.
To foster this advancemen
Faye spotlighted education, Thay
er pinpointed slum clearance an
Vivian stressed rehabilitation1
the individual.
Faye pointed out "our go
must be education and I don
think we should hide from it,
Calling for a slashing and redit
tribution of defense budget fund
he said it is time that the govert
ment stop supporting educaio
through national 'defense educinats'n efne~ a
tion acts and defense researc
grants. Support of education mu
come from agencies specificall
conceived to help education, b
'Crash Program'
Looking to slum clearance
the best solution to the Negro
ghetto plight, Thayer called fc
"a crash program to eliminate tb
conditions that cause crime, jr
enile delinquency and unemploy
ment." He elaborated that til
Negro has been placed "in a sc
ciety not of his own choosing, nc
of ,his own making -yet hef
blamed for actions which resu
f r o conditions within th
Thayer, the chairman of tl
Republican caucus in the sta
Senate, emphasied his crash prc
gram would lookahead:to b
"mnore than legislation *hic
creates rights. It would be legi
lation that develops motivatic
and eliminates the double stand
ard of opportunity."
He did not specify, either in h
speech or a question period late
what the program would offe
specifically. He indicated that
would contain elements of t1
poverty p r o g r a m, education
training and re-training provisior
and stimuli to private spending.;
Bolster Spending Power
Vivian stressed that Congre
should work to bolster the Negro
spending power. While there s "
need for more general subsidize
measures-such as public housin
-the best answer "would be
high enough minimum wage b
help the Negro afford standar
housing of his own."
He emphasized that protectio
of the individual -must qxtend I
a variet fareas--votin . scho

Set Back


The fall of Stanleyville to the
rebels, who are backed by the
Chinese Communists, would be a
sharp setback to Premier Moise
Tshombe's campaign to pacify and
unite the huge, turbulent coun-
try. The entire northeastern Con-
go would be effectively cut off
from the control of Leopoldville.
Rebel leader Gaston Emile Sou-
mialot might claim the city as
the capital for a "Popular Re-
public of the Congo" he recent-
ly proclaimed. It was the seat
in 1961 of the Communist-sup-
ported breakaway regime of An-
toine Gizenga. Gizenga is a for-
mer deputy premier freed by
Tshombe July 15 after 22 years
Troops were at last report still
holding Wanie Rukula, about 30
miles southeast of Stanleyville,
after a brush with a rebel band

Committee Reports Out Succession Bill

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A formula for dealing with presidential in-
ability and any vacancy in the office of Vice-President was unani-
mously approved yesterday by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The proposed amendment, developed by a judiciary subcommittee
,ar h..-. C 1-..h O Rdf ) mTnd)wou dA D nermit filling the office

of the Daily Albany Herald, as state chairman by acclamation.
Gray's election came after he told the cheering group of 74
that President Lyndon B. Johnson had written off the South through
his espousal of the civil rights bill in order to carry states in the
North and East with big electoral votes.
* * * *

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