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July 31, 1964 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-31

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ElAte " gat Btty
sevent y-Tbid Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
German Military Discilne

Macbeth's Anguish: 'Inner Evil'

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
review is the second in a series of
articles on the Irish Hills Play-
house. George A. White is editor of
Generation and the New Poet
THE POWER of evil and its dis-
integrating effect upon a noble
man becomes a terrifying drama
of crime and punishment, trans-
forming Macbeth from bloody
melodrama to profound tragedy.
In repertory at the Irish Hills
Playhouse Sunday night, powerful
performances by a few players re-
w..emed what might have been a
P. wed and mediocre performance
of one of Shakespeare's greatest
Macbeth derives its power and
perhaps, its greatness, not from
complex plotting, but from the
anguished interaction of double
protagonists: Macbeth and his

lady. Dissimilar in character yet
linked by a common ambition to
greatnessat any cost, the paths
of both are hopelessly and tragic-
ally intertwined and exhibit more,
clearly and more poignantly than
any other drama, save Oedipus,
the Greek maxim: "A man's char-
acter is his fate." I
Review, retrospective examina-
tion, demands measurement
against standards, not precon-
ceived notions of what the play is.
Too often a performance is damn-
ed because the director's imagina-
tion (witness the case with Bald-
ridge's APA "Merchant of Venice")
exceeds his critics' tolerance. Di-
rector Feobert Cagle had a "crux"
conception of the play. That is,
from several consistant individual
performances, the play took on a
"shape"; that of a man who knew
many things but not himself, who
turned the suggestions of Fate in-

tary is as old as organized armies
emselves. Spartan spirit has been ap-
ed to crack troops in every country, in-
ding the United States, to achieve top
;ciplnary and physical results.
But such Spartan education is some-
les not easily distinguished from abuse;
>st notable in recent history is the
and style abuse in Hitler's SS con-.
illed "Wehrmacht"; but similar abuse
d been more or less common under
rler German and Prussian totalitarian
To prevent baitings as these, the West
rman parliament instituted an inves-
ating position in 1957. The man who
ce then has checked the Armed Forces
West Germany, retired Vice-Admiral
lmuth Heye, recently came up with
ne astonishing results. In three articles
blished in the German magazine Quick,
exposed some of the trouble spots in
e Army's military education program.
n addition to these (very strongly
irded) articles, he sent a factual re-
et to parliament, describing the situa-
in matter-of-fact tone.
BOTH REPORTS, Heye attacks the
lacking educational background of of-
How's That?
City Council Monday night that a
icial meeting with Negro leaders to
&. into possible racial explosions in
n Arbor was unnecessary.
'After all, the most violent reactions by
groes have taken place in New York,
lih has the strongest civil rights law
the nation," his reasoning went. "How
. can we go?"
Douncilman LeRoy Cappaert: "But
vs are not the whole answer. It's the
Itude with which you go at a problem."
rohnson: "You're right. But no mat-
how much we do, we'll always won-
t' if we've done enough."
AIT A MINUTE. Let's take that again.
*New York, with strong laws, still ex-
denced racial rioting. This is because
rmaking is not the most important
y to deal witlh crises. Therefore, council
as not need to act in other ways, such
finding out what the city's Negroes
)r did Johnson mean: We have made
fly laws. No matter how many more
make, we will still not be sure there
enough. Therefore we should stop
king laws. Therefore we should. stop,
f only one knew how to interpret
Editorial Staff
INETH WINTER ...................... Co-Editor
lARD HERSTEIN .................. Co-Editor
&Y LOU BUTOHER ...a..........Associate Editor
RLBC TOWLE.......... ..... Sports Editor
IPRI6Y GOODMAN........... ..Night Editor
ERT HIPPLER_..................... Night Editor
hENoE KIRSHBAUM ................ Night Editor
Business Staff
NEY PAUER.............. Business Manager
ER DODGE.........Assistant Business Manager
WELLMAN .................. Supplement Manager
'H SoHEMNITZ .............. Circulation Manager
iblished daily Tuesday through Saturday morning.
mer subseriptlon rates $2 by carrier, $250 by mail.
.nld class posage paid at run Arbor, Mich.

ficers. He charges that they often ex-
pect too much discipline without expla-
nation and, specifically, he says that they
educate the soldiers "with the weapons
of tomorrow, but in the spirit of yester-
In NATO circles, the officers corps of
the German armed forces is highly es-
teemed as one of the militarily most reli-
able ones. But Heye questions their total
commitment to the principle of civil-
Ian control of the army. He perceives
threatening signs of the armed forces
becoming a "state within a state"; this
new state tends to become less and less
responsible to the representatives of the
German electorate, he feels.
In an organization with this tendency,
authoritarian abuse, such as baiting or
insufficient moral backing of discipline,
can grow at an alarming rate, if not
checked early. Heye says that the time
has come that the "rudder must be
thrown around and that a radical change
of style must be achieved."
But the government reacted bitterly;
an almost immediate response was fired
off from Bonn to deny the chargesmade
by Heye. His reproaches were "contradic-
tory" and "generalizing," the response
said. Heye was accused of projecting a
bad image of the whole army from a few
instarices which have come to his atten-
tion. A defense authority stated that "a
crisis of confidence" had developed over
the report in parliament.
BUT THE ABUNDANT attention which
he got was exactly Heye's aim. In an
application to the press, he reasoned that
his criticism was intended to make leg-
islators wake up to some developments
which are not in the spirit of an army
"by the people and for the people." Civil-
ians must realize to a greater extent that
the army is here for them and military
personnel must get a feeling of responsi-
bility towards a cause, rather than ad-
here to blind discipline.
Despite the violent response of the
Bonn government, Heye is confident that
through actual pace by pace work de-
scribed in his alarming report, democratic
solutions will be assured. At least he has
the public interest aroused and waiting
for an outcome in the dispute.
Daily Correspondent
Picking A Mate
PRESIDENT JOHNSON said yesterday
that he had "reached the conclusion
that it would be inadvisable for me to
recommend to the convention any mem-
ber of my cabinet or any of those who
work regularly with the cabinet."t
Though he apparently did not explain
why it would be inadvisable, there are
two possible explanations:
-He doesn't think the country can get
along if both he and another prominent
member of the administration were run-
ning . around campaigning in the next
couple months. Who would be left to
run the country?
-He doesn't like the looks of any of
these people. As he said at his news con-
ference earlier yesterday, "I would like
for him (the vice-presidential nominee)
to be attractive. . .

Goldwater's Conflict
Of Goals Dangerous

THE $64 QUESTION about Sen.
Barry Goldwater's principles is
how he disposes of the head-on
collision between his domestic
and his foreign beliefs.
In internal affairs he is an
ardent anti-Federalist who would
like to reduce sharply and deeply
the national power over the in-
ternal economy of the nation, its
natural resources, its transporta-
tion system and its large-scale
industry. In foreign affairs, on
the other hand, he is an ardent
nationalist who is ready to con-
front the Soviet Union and China
with a choice between capitulation
and war.
So far as I know, he has never
tried to explain, or perhaps he has
never considered, how this coun-
try is to risk the third world war
while at the same time it is liqui-
dating the federal institutions and
measures with which it can mobi-
lize the national economy.
ONE OR THE other, his foreign
or his domestic beliefs, would
make a conceivable line of policy
for the nation.
The foreign policy of confront-
ing both the Soviet Union and
China with an order that they
must cease and desist and with-
draw entails murderous risks to
all mankind. But such a policy
would have a certain kind of lurid
and fanatic logic behind it if we
were prepared not only to accept
the risks, but were prepared also
for the costs and sacrifices of the
There might also be a kind of
logic in setting out to dismantle
as much as possible of the federal
expansion which has been created
in the 20th century. A really
thorough-going Goldwaterism at
home would not, however, be
merely amiable and picturesque
nostalgia, like rebuilding Williams-
burg or the Wayside Inn. With-
out doubt, Goldwaterism applied
rigorously at home would provoke
some social disorder. For the con-
gested urban masses cannot live
in a loose 19th-century social
But if, while Goldwaterism were
being applied at home, we were
also practicing Goldwaterism in
foreign affairs, the country would
be in the crazy position of risking
a very great war while it was dis-
organizing itself at home.
is possible to combine Goldwater-
ism at home and Goldwaterism
abroad. The two combined howl
at each other. They raise the
question of how a sane man can
believe both of them at the same
Will the senator deny that if
you decide to risk war you must
prepare for war? Will he deny that
to be prepared for modern war
you must be prepared to mobilize,
not only the armed forces, but
the whole national economy? Can
anyone argue that the way to pre-
pare the national economy for war

is to reduce the national power
and influence over it?
Yet, Goldwaterism at home, the
longing to restore America as it
was before this century, makes
sense only if we can also restore
the world as it was before the
great wars and the great revolu-
tions and the population explosion
and the technical developments of
the 20th century.
THERE ARE, however, some
answers to the $64 question.
The first is that Senator Gold-
water is not serious about Gold-
waterism at home.. Only the very
gullible among his followers can
believe that he could or would
repeal so much of the history of
this century. What he really means
is that if he were President he
would oppose almost every new
federal measure. His wild declara-
tions against the progressive in-
come tax and the Social Security
and the Tennessee Valley Author-
ity are to be condoned as wild
But the most important answer
to the $64 question is that Senator
Goldwater believes he can con-
front the Soviet Union and China
without the risk of war.
He is not trying to bluff. It is
more serious than that. He is
suffering from a delusion that the
United States is omnipotent and
irresistible and that our adver-
saries would not stand up against
THIS IS THE most dangerous
illusion that can possess the head
of a government: that all the other
governments will do what he com-
mands them to do. It is because
Senator Goldwater is obsessed by
the delusion of American omni-
potence that he sees no contra-
diction between a foreign policy
which would risk great wars and
a domestic policy which would dis-
mantle the national power.
For in the realm of delusion,
nothing is impossible.
(c),1964, The Washington Post Co.

to actualities as a result of his
own inner evil, who could not
control himself.
appeared at the outset of the play
as a brave warrior, a courteous
gentleman and a loyal subject.
The evil was within him, not
tempted, not exposed. The witches
unsettle him-they stir this dark,
unconscious evil. Jones faithfully
recorded the anguish, the tur-
moil of a man driven almost
against his will by forces not un-
derstood. Before any scene with
Lady Macbeth, Jones successfully
transmitted the ambivalence, the
vacillation between desire and
reason, ambitionand the "right."
The drama began its lop-sided
tendency with the entrance of the
King, Duncan. I saw too much of
Feste, the clown George Wright
acts in Twelfth Night, in his por-
trayal of the fated king. Too
youthful, too full of bubbling af-
fectations, Wright was less the
kindly, compassionate old man
that Shakespeare created as a foil
to darken Macbeth's ldeed.
The reading of Macbeth's letter
was the first entrance of Ann
Rivers as Lady Macbeth who
showed excellent inflection In
voice and great poise. But she
lacks, at least as Lady Macbeth,
understanding of the role and the
intricate timing and control it
HER READING gave the au-
dience the impression that Mac-
beth had decided, then and there,
to do the old man in. This was a
diametric contradiction to the pre-
vious performance of Jones who
had just begun to experience the
darkness within. Miss Rivers made
concrete a league that had not yet
formed, a union that had its
strength, intended by Shakespeare,
first in the woman-an Eve forc-
ing and cajoling a confused and
emotion-torn Adam.
Her "un-sexing" soliquey lacked
this necessary definition. It need-
ed power, power that Miss Rivers
evidentally had, but did not see
fit to interject and consequently,
AT POINTS, Jones was superb.
The "dagger scene" became a
moment of sheer terror: "Is this a
dagger which I see before me/The
handle toward my hand?" But in
addition to weak support, he had
to battle a too eager host of sound
effects. The subconscious evil was
constantly (and too loudly) fore-
shadowed by music. In later scenes
it was put to good use, emphasiz-
ing the enormity of the crime.
In addition to the sound effects,
scene changes were poorly timed.
True, Shakespeare's theatre saw
no scenes-action was continuous.
But Cagle should have thought to
allow the impression of each
scene, at least at critical points,
build and batter the audience.
In the "drunken porter" scene,
the bloodstained murders of Dun-
can were on stage at the same
time as the tipsy porter. The ef-
fects of the emotion-laden murder
were lost.
Tall and lean, Eric Nord played
the drunken porter well. He ban-
tered back and forth with Victor
Raider-Wexler as Macduff, true
to Shakespeare's conception of

com and Donalbain were exasper-
ating. Both lacked voices that
projected emotion. Joe Schwerer
as Malcom, just didn't have a
thorough enough understanding of
the play as a whole to contribute
to the climax. His actions :and
speech, a little too boyish while
at Macbeth's castle, fell flat in
the encounter with Macduff at
the King's palace in England.
Only the poise of Eric Nord as
Ross breaking the difficult news
to Macduff saved the scene. And
even this was tested by Macduff's
rallying speech, one that is best
* * *
MUCH OF the credit for the
massive doses of fear goes to the


Advice toRobin' Viewers

At the state Theatre
MOST MOVIE reviews are writ-
ten to people who haven't
yet seen the particular movie. But
after seeing 100 long-faced citi-
zens straggle1out of the State
Theatre at around 11:30 last night.
we feel moved to dedicate this
message to them.
Cheer up. We understand. Alas,
we were there, too. Oh yes, we
were warned not to blow two hours
on "Robin and the Seven Hoods."
But we could not be traitors to
our childhood. We still remember
Sherwood Forest, Nottingham, the
Merry Men.
We could easily forget this mo-
vie, but we fear the friends who



told us to stay away may not let
bygones be bygones. Have the
same problem? If so, here are a list
of do's and don't's which we in-
tend to use in fending off would-
be gloaters. You may have them
without cost-all we ask is a vol-
untary pledge never to see this or
any other Clan movie again.
DO TELL THEM that Frank Si-
natra, in the lead as Robbo, a
Chicago speakeasy operator, avoids
the usual stereotype of the "typ-
ical roaring-twenties gangster.
Don't tell them that much of the
movie's humor was dependent on
his fulfilling that stereotype.
Do tell them it's been an aw-
fully long time since a good, orig-
inal musical comedy came out of
Hollywood. Should they remain
undeterred, asking if "Robin and"
ended the drought, tell them the
truth-but quickly add that's all
right because "Robin and" Was
,neither very musical nor very
comical. Don't, under any condi-
tions, let them know that it was
intended to be both.
If they press you, make the
most out of the few pearls the
movie offered. Mention Maxie Ros-
enbloom, whose face resembles sil-
ly putty with a nervous system,
twitching and contorting at the
most effective moments-usually.
(You may omit the "usually" if
necessary.) Tell them about the
keen revolving sets that turn a
booze-and-gambling joint into a
revival meeting, and hope they
never saw the late Ernie Kovacs
doa simili trick vanrago n Tl

piece, punctuated with machine-
gunnery, called "Bang-Bang."
* * *
TELL THEM HOW brilliantly
the Clan has placed its musical
numbers in the context of the plot.
Don't tell them what "brilliantly
placed" means; i.e., that most of
the songs constituted about the'
only hope of rescuing their re-
spectie scenes from total col-
And don't tell them that, once
the incongruity of their place-
ment had elicited a few grudg-
ing chuckles, the songs themselves
were even less entertaining than
the scenes they were supposed to
rescue. Don't tell them that Bing
Crosby looked so bored during one
dance number that hedidn't even
bother to stay in step with Si-
natra and (tyy to leave this name
out of the discussion altogether)
Dean Martin.
And don't attempt to recon-
struct that moment when about
the third non-song began-that
moment when most of you audibly
groaned and squirmed, realizing
that the ordeal would go on all
* *
IF YOUR FRIENDS are tradi-
tion-oriented, you might try a
few of the great lines, straight
from the tradition of American
humor. Such as:
Gangster A at Gangster B's fun-
eral: Lotsa people said he wuz
a dirty hood. Udder people, how-
eveh, had nuttin' nice to say
about 'im.

No. 1 in E minor; FELIX MEN-
DELSSOHN, Capriccio Brilliant.
Gary Graffman, pianist; Charles
Munch conducting the Boston
Symphony Orchestra. RCA VIC-
1030, $3.00 (monaural VIC-1030,
HERE ARE MANY who will re-
from the early days of recording,
Now RCA Victor is using the
name to designate its new line of
low-pricedreissues of material
formerly available on the regular
Victor label. The new Victrolas
are well-packaged, with the covers
graced by reproductions of works
of art; and there are even record
notes, which is not always the
case with inexpensive records.
Furthermore, since in many cases
these performances have been re-
issued within months after the
original records were withdrawn,
the sound is of as high qual-
ity throughout as most recent re-
cordings costing twice as much.
The best feature about this par-
ticular reissue is Gary Graffman's
superb performance of Mendels-
sohn's "Capriccio Brilliant." The
effortlessness with which Graff-
man tosses off the opening meas-
ures of the main body of this piece
must be heard to be believed. In-
deed his entire performance of
this seldom-heard little gem alone
is worth buying the record to ob-
Graffman also delivers a fine
performance. of the Chopin con-
certo, including a beautiful rendi-
tion of the slow middle move-
ment as well as a dazzling per-
formance of the final Rondo, the
fastest I've heard this movement
played in some time.
However, the opening tutti of
the first movement is consider-
ably cut, not an uncommon occur-
rence in nerformances of this

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