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July 31, 1964 - Image 1

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Skies fair to

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

LXXIV, No. 28-S




t I

hinese Rebuff
ovie Proosal
0Vle :,rO PR
Attempt To Postpone Confrontation
With Russians on Ideological Issues
By The Associated Pressj
MOSCOW-Communist China yesterday rebuffed a new Soviet
ipt to arrange a conference of Communist parties to deal with
ino-Soviet split.
Peking claimed that "the Soviet Union is prepared to call such
eeting arbitrarily, unilaterally and illegally with the aim of
ting an open split in the international Communist movement."
The refusal by China had been anticipated by most. The reason

Harlem's Peace Corps

President Disqualifie

id it is thought to be that
the ueen

China seeks to delay a reckoning
-*before the world with the Moscow
Communist leadership. In doing
this, it is seen as gambling that
time is on its side and that more
and more Communist parties will
choose the Peking line of militancy
and ridicule of peaceful co-
The Soviet Union has asked the
Chinese and 24 other Communist
parties to meet for discussion on
the recent rift in the world move-
Same Parties
The parties which Moscow in-
vited to the proposed meeting are
thought to be the same parties
which served on the drafting com-
mittee that drew up the 'Moscow
Declaration of 1960. The declara-
tion-supposedly a charter for ac-
tion for the world Communist
movement-is a key' point in the
rift. Both Peking and Moscow
claim to have been faithful to it
and accuse each other of violating
Peking said in its statement
that it still wants an international
Communist meeting for unity, but
only "after ample preparation."
"It is clear to everyone that the
differences in the international
Communist movement are so ser-
ious and the dispute is so{ fierce a
hasty international meeting can
yield only bad results," the Chi-
nese said.
Agree in Principle
The Russian request for the
meeting called for China to agree
in principle "in the immediate
future that a meeting must be
convened and should not be put
off for long."
The Chinese statement replied
that the Russians "distort and
reject the reasonable proposal ad-
vanced in our letter of May 7,
1964 and turn a deaf ear to the
views of the many fraternal par-
ties, demanding unity and oppos-
ing a split."
Peking's letter also repeated its
rejection of Russia's right to par-
ticipate in the Asian sphere of in-
It accused Soviet Communist
leaders of "interference and sub-
versive activities against the Jap-
anese Communist party, the In-
donesian Communist party and

EDITOR'S NOTE - The social
problems underlying last week's
Harlem riots have long been recog-
nized by leaders in the Negro com-
munity. But attempts by outsiders
to attack them have generally met
with little success. Here is how a
new social agency plans to go. at
them from the inside.
Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK-To Richard Wirtz,
24-year-old son of Labor Secre-
tary Willard Wirtz, the project is
one way to help direct a social
Other volunteers, many of them
veterans of the international
Peace Corps, find it the best way
to lend their education and train-
ing to those in need.
They are members of the Har-
lem Domestic Peace Corps, a self-
help program that could be one of
the keys to a future of explosion,
or controlled growth in this area.
This group of 122 paid workers
and more than 250 volunteers was
set up two years ago by President
John F. Kennedy's committee on
juvenile delinquency to provide
recreational, educational and oc-
cupational help for Harlem's
100,000 youngsters.
Varied Programs
Its varied programs, aimed pri-
marily at the thousands of chil-
dren who play on the teeming,
littered streets, are directed by
Associated Community T e a m s
(ACT) from a five-story build-
ing in a row of tenements on Har-
lem's west side.
The backbone of the agency is
the paid "Peace Corpsmen," most
from Harlem,rand the adults who
volunteer their time.
Duties range from supervising
after-school r e m e d i a 1 reading
classes to persuading employers
to hire more Negroes, to conduct-
ing field trips for thehthousands
of young 'people who have never
been more than two miles from
their homes.

"A lot of these kids have never
seen a museum or a play," says
Associate Director Carl Johnson.
Explosive Power
He and the other 25 paid staff
members are vividly aware of the
potential explosive p o w e r of
300,000 undereducated, resentful,
poorly housed Negroes and Puerto
Ricans jammed into four sordid
square miles, with little hope of
ever getting out.
"There's a wave of change com-
ing and you're on the crest," is
how Wirtz put it. "Some predict
violence. Some predict economic
resurgence. Some predict the
breaking of the gretto. I don't
know what's going to happen, but
something is. Things like ACT will
make what happens constructive.""
Wirtz holds a master's degree
in public affairs from Princeton
University's W o o d r o w Wilson
school of public and international
He, along with most of the other
corpsmen, are young, well edu-
cated and eager. Many, including
Wirtz, have spent some time in
the international Peace Corps.
'Hard Work Pays'
Their primary task is to con-
vince Harlem's youngsters that, as
one official put it, hard work pays
off, even for Negroes.
Their work is well cut out for
Negro psychologist Kenneth
Clark, whose work on discrimina-
tion and its subtle effects on the
mind led to a Supreme Court ci-
tation in the 1954 desegregation
decision, calls Harlem a "product
of violence," and its existence "a
symbol of inhumanity and injus-
The ghetto's youth, he says,
"react with deep feelings of in-
feriority and with a sense of per-
sonal humiliation . . . almost no-
where do they find their own dig-
nity as human beings respected or
Clark says young people in Har-
lem "are victims of greed, cruelty,
insensitivity, guilt and fear."

Forty-one per cent of Harlem's
students drop out before finishing
high school, but says Clark, "they
are aware of the fact that other
human beings have been taught to
read, are prepared for college and
are able to compete successfully
for white collar, managerial, and
eventually executive positions."
ACT has programs to attack the
symptoms of ghetto life - high
rates of dope addiction, juvenile
and adult delinquency, school
dropouts, unemployment, unwed
mothers and broken homes-and
the causes, poor education, unfair
employment practices, inadequate
social welfare and ill-informed
Corpsmen have been trained as
teaching assistants, playground
directors, guidance aides, arts and
crafts directors, hospital case
workers and consultants in the
fields of employment and welfare.
The adult volunteers also work
on voter registration, housing, so-
cial welfare and health problems.
Several special programs have
been developed, including Com-
munity Hands United Mutually,
aimed at pairing youngsters with
adults who will take them on trips,
encourage them and inspire them
academically; Youth Leadership
Corps, to give teen-agers a chance
to serve their community;Iand
Community Employment Infor-
mation Center, which has infor-
mation on jobs and job training
Future Plans
Future plans call for a seminar
on narcotics addiction, and a fos-
ter home placement and adoption
The adoption program will at-
tempt todalleviate the plight of the
great number of Negro children
in the New York area who have
virtually no known relatives to
care for them. The immediate aim
will be to give children to the bet-
ter off Negro families in the city.
The corpsmen, recruited pri-
marily from Harlem, although
some have come from as far as
California, are paid about $1.50
an hour.l
'We are looking for people who
know the community and its prob-
lems," says Retha Odom, the
agency's public affairs director.
'"We want people who live here1
we want to circulate more
money in the Harlem community.
We also feel we have some poten-
tial leaders in the Harlem com-I
munity; why not develop some of
ACT has spent more than
$600,000 in its two years of opera-
tion. It started with a $475,000]
federal grant which ran out last
February. The city then donated
$30,000 a month until July 1.
The agency is now drawing fed-
eral funds pending approval of
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
anti-poverty bill, which includes
money for ACT and other Harlem
Hopeful, Confident
No study has been made of the
agency's effectiveness, but its
staff is hopeful and confident.
Director Livingston Wingate,
48-year-old former aide to Har-
lem's congressman Adam Clayton
Powell Jr., hopes to reach 6,500
youngsters this summer with a
supervised recreation program and
limited reading classes.
ACT's staff feels the agency has
reached about 5,000 youngsters a
year since it was formed. That
figure is expected to rise after
September, when 7,000 youngsters
are scheduled to begin an employ-
ment program
Wirtz would like to stay in the
effort after his one-year assign-
ment ends.
'"There are so many things a
guy withan education can do," he
says, "In most agencies you im-
mediately put yourself away from
the people you're supposed to be
working for. It seems very pre-
sumptuous not to. be with them.
I get the feeling working in Har-
lem that the original batch of

Peace Corps volunteers must have

~ Stevenson,
Shriver Out

Three Major


PEACE CORPS DIRECTOR Sargent Shriver (left) and U.S.
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy were among those ruled out of
Vice-Presidential contention yesterday by President Lyndon B.
Johnson. The President added that his 1choice will not be any
cabinet member.
Farmer, LewisHesitate
King Blasts Police Chief
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-James Farmer, national director of the Congress
of Racial Equality, and John Lewis, director of the Student Non-
violent Coordinating Committee, yesterday still declined to give spe-
cific approval to the "summit conference" declaration of six civil
rights leaders calling for a moratorium on mass demonstrations.
A spokesman for Farmer said the civil rights leader agreed with
the conference's rebuke of Sen. Barry Goldwater, but could not yet
commit himself to the moratorium.
Lewis, concerning the moratorium, said: "Demonstrations must
continue. The pressure must be kept on, not only in the South.
Demonstrations must be played"
by ear. If we need to, we willR *f
demonstrate in connection withResigns from
voter registration, or to seat thef
Freedom Now Party at the Demo- Harlem Group
cratic National Convention."
"I argued at the conference that NEW YORK (M)-Prof. Kenneth
demonstrations 'shouldn't be men-
tioned, that the emphasis should B. Clark,, recently engaged in a
be placed on voter registration." controversy with Rep. Adam Clay-

12-YEAR-OLD Barbara Jean
Patton was crowned soap box
derby queen last night in a beau-
ty contest held by the Junior
Chamber of Commerce. Miss
Patton, who atteids Forsythe
Junior High School, was one of
19 entrants, all 12 to 15 years
old. She will reign over the
soap box race to be sponsored
by local merchants and indus-
try. The judging was held on
Main St., preceding a street
Follows Path,
N'" ar Target

Engle Dies in California;e
Salinger May Be Choice
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Clair Engle (D-Calif> died yesterday
within a year after a brief tumor partially paralyzed him and finally
forced him to abandon determined efforts to fight for re-election.
The 52-year-old Californian underwent brain surgery last Aug.
23 and again on April 24. Generally bed-ridden since the second
operation, death came to him early this morning at his home with
his wife, Lucretia, and a physician beside him.
It was last month that Engle made his final dramatic ap-
pearances in the Senate in a wheel chair, to vote with a wave and
a nod-his speech being paralyzed-for cloture on the civil rights
bill June 10 and for passage of
VT £1 a Ithe bill June 19.

Johnson Gives Stamp
Of Approval to Two
Minnesota Senators
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Lyn-
don B. Johnson eliminated Atty.
Gen. Robert F. Kennedy and five
others yesterday from the list of
those he considers eligible for the
Democratic Vice-Presidential nom-
Others eliminated from the
President's list of prospects are
Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara, Secretary of Agricul-
ture Orville Freeman, Adlai
Stevenson, United States Ambas-
sador to the United Nations and
Peace Corps Director Sargent
Johnson also eliminated all the
rest of the 10-member cabinet and
all eight or 10 officials in higher
echelons who sit in regularly on
cabinet meetings.
No Cabinet Members
Johnson told reporters that he
had decided it would not do for
him to recommend any member of
the cabinet, or anyone who meets
regularly with the cabinet, for
second place on the Democratic
Later, informed sources explain-
ed that the President, who has
been working with these men day
after day, watching them and the
tensions they are under, had de-
cided he did not want to ask any
to resign their jobs now to plunge
into a political campaign.
A member of the cabinet or
second echelon would have to ease
up on his duties if he were a
Vice-Presidential contender. It
may be the President will want
to transfer to his running mate
much of the burden of their road-
work and hard campaigning.
Shortened List
This leaves a greatly shortened
list of possible nominees.
Most prominent among them are
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-
Minn), Sen. Eugene I. McCarthy
(D-Minn), Mayor Robert Wagner
of New York, and Gov. Pat Brown
of California,
A poll of Democratic conyen-
tion delegates which was released,
by a coincidence, at the time of
Johnson's disclosure, showed Hum-
phrey a 3-2 choice for the second-
place on the ticket, to be named
next month.
The Presiddnt's move was viewed
as sure to stir up immediate specu-
lation that it was aimed at halt-
ing Kennedy and perhaps boost-
ing Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of


PASADENA (P) - Ranger 7 other Marxist-Leninist fraternal
coasted toward the moon yester- parties."
day with its cameras properly aim- ' Bitterness
ed for what could be history's first The increasing bitterness of the
close-up pictures of the mysterious exchanges between the two Cam-
surface American astronauts hope munist giants in recent months
to explpre in a few years. have pointed to a permanent rup-
United States space marksman- ture.
ship has been so accurate thus far Earlier reports of plans for theI
that Jet Propulsion Laboratory 26-party meeting said it would be
scientists decided this morning to summoned this fall, with the 90-
cancel a final iTmaneuver they party talks to follow next spring.
thought might be needed to point Peking told Moscow the meeting
the cameras straight at the moon will be a "minor schismatic gather-
before impact at '7:25 a.m. this ing" since those advocating peace-
morningm ful coexistence are "seriously dis-
Atrmg..yseraunited and divergent in their
At 1 p.m. yesterday the 806- views."
pound spacecraft was only 51,512 In a scuffle with Russia yester-
miles from its target. Its speed day China won a first round vic-
has slowed down from the original tory as Japanese sponsors barred
rocket-boosted 24,900 miies an the Russians from top conference
hour to 2,157 m.p.h. ' committees of the 10th World
All instruments abroad, includ- . And-the-Bomb Congress.
ing its six television cameras, were A vote to exclude the Russians
reported in normal condition by was taken by the Japan Council
laboratory experts tracking and following a stormy six-hour open-
guiding Ranger 7 on its 228,000- ing session of the Communist-
mile flight. dominated conference. It followed
If all goes well those cameras noisy denunciations by the Chi-
will be turned on by gr-ound signal nese and their followers.
and relay more than 4,000 pic-
tures, from an altitude of 1,100 W ORLD NEIWS R
miles down to the surface, in the IYV".
final 13 minutes 40 seconds.
An air of "optimistic anxiety," M
as one scientist put it, gripped V ie t
the scientists involved as Ranger! ie
7 neared its goal,
"Everything is going fine," he, By The Associated Press
said, "but we do have a sad his-
tory" SAIGON-Communist machine
That history includes 12 pre- gun fire raked forward elements of
vious failures in various types of a Vietnamese ranger batallion ad-
moon probes, including the six vancing cautiously through guer-
earlier shots in the $200 million rilla - infested jungle yesterday.
program. Best shot to date was 'killing a United States Army cap-
Ranger 6, which hit the moon tain and nine rangers. The bat-
last February but failed to send talion had moved about eight

U. . Answers
Soviet Message
WASHINGTON (Y')-The United
States replied yesterday to Rus-
sia's latest call for a big new
international conference on the
prolonged crisis in Laos. The Unit-
ed States is understood to have
insisted on withdrawal of Com-
munist forces from newly con-
quered territory as one condition
for a meeting.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
called Georgi M. Kornienko, So-
viet minister-counselor, to the
State Department in the absence
. of Ambassador Anatoly Dobrinin,
and gave him the message.
Kornienko had presented the
Soviet proposal here on Sunday.
Russia called for a new 14-nation
Geneva conference on Laos and
warned that it might resign its
role as co-chairman with Britainj
if there was not some effort to
get a conference organized.
The Soviet messages to Britain
and the United States covered the
same ground, diplomats said. Brit-
ain was the main recipient, how-
ever, because of its co-chairman

Saddened by Engle's death,
Californians awaited Gov. Edmund
G. Brown's decision on whether
he'll appoint Pierre Salinger to the
popular Democrat's United States
Senate seat.
The Democratic governor was
silent on his plans and Salinger,
himself, said in Saigon "it is too
early to discuss matters such as
But Democrats felt Brown would
choose Salinger to succeed Engle
on an interim basis.
In The Wilds
R. Gross (R-Iowa) was puzzled
yesterday by a provision in a
House bill that defines a wil-
derness as an area having "out-
standing opportunities for a
primitive and unconfined type
of recreation."
"This has nothing to do with
topless bathing suits, does it?"
he asked on the floor of the
Gross was quickly assured by
sponsors of the bill that the
words mean only that a wilder-
ness area is free of man-made

Lewis and Farmer are still
testing sentiment in their organ-+
zations concerning the morator-;
ium; until they are done, neither+
can be expected to commit him-
At the site of the meeting, New
York City, Martin Luther King Jr.
yesterday emerged from a meet-
ing with Mayor Robert F. Wagner'
and criticized the policies of the
city's police commissioner.
King, a leading Negro advocate
of non-violence, said police com-
missioner Michael J. Murphy "is
utterly unresponsible to either the
demands or the aspirations of the
Negro people."
Among Negro demands has oeen
the creation of a civilian board to
handle charges ofpolice brutality,
and the immediate suspension of
a white police lieutenant whose
fatal shooting of a 15-year-old
Negro boy touched off the New
York City violence.
.The Communist Party mean-
while disavowed any connection
withwhat it called "self-proclaim-
ed Communists" in the Progres-
sive Labor Movement active in re-
cent Harlem unrest.
Gus Hall, Communist leader,,
noted that, "These people are not
Communists. Their rantings and
irresponsible actions have nothing
in common with communism or
the position of the Communist

ton Powell (D-NY) over direction
of Harlem's anti-poverty drive, re-
signed yesterday from the board
of the social agency directing the
Clark, a New York City College
psychology professor, had been
acting chairman of Harlem Youth
Opportunities Unlimited before
that group merged with Associ-
ated Community Teams to form
a central agency for handling of
federal anti-poverty funds.
Several weeks ago Clark charg-
ed that Powell was trying to as-
sume control of the $117 million'
program by dictating the choice
of officers of the merged group.
Clark's letter of resignation to
Arthur Logan, program chairman.
gave the pressure of his college
duties as his reason for resign-
ing, according to the New York
The letter cautioned against use
of the anti-poverty drive to "per-
petuate political dynasties," saying
public officials must understand
"that the time for lip service,
double-talk and even well-financed
gimmicks has passed."
Clark said the Harlem efforts
must have a. strong, independent
board of directors and a staff
of highly-qualified people who are
identified with the problems of
Harlem youth.


However, associates of Johnson
cautioned against interpreting the
Presidential announcement as an
attempt to stop any surge toward
Kennedy who might have provid-
ed a sentimental problem at the
national convention' among dele-
gates desiring to capitalize on the
luster of the Kennedy name.
The associates also cautioned
against interpreting Johnson's
statement as opening the gate for
Humphrey or anyone else. They
noted that it still leaves the Sen-
ate, the House, governors, mayors
and prominent citizens of demo-
cratic persuasion on the technical
list of eligibles.
Earlier in the day, in a press
conference, Johnson had declined
to name names with regard to
his vice-presidential choice. How-
ever, he had commented that his
choice must be a "prudent pro-
gressive" who appeals to "people
all over the nation."
Civil Rights
The civil rights issue also fig-
ured in the news conference. It
was introduced by a questioner
who noted Wednesday's appeal by
six civil rights leaders for a broad
curtailment, if not a total mora-
torium, on demonstrations until
after the Nov. 3 election. Johnson
was asked whether he thinks such
a cooling-off period would be
halfralt h n-~ n

Cong Kills Army Advisor, Nine Others

anti-government activities of the he will take to the United Na-
press and students. Park's party tions General Assembly a demanC
submitted the bills to the na- for full independence for Cyprus,
tional assembly after opposition He spoke on his return from Ath-
parties rejected a bid for a joint eso e h d re o th s
proposal of the measures. ens, where he hd told reporters
the aim of Greece and Cyprus is
ROME-Premier Aldo Moro ask- "complete and unbound independ-
ROME-Premier AhldftrritiMor n alsk-

we exchanged views at great
4 * *
WASHINGTON-A House-pass-
ed bill to increase Social Security
benefits headed into a Senate fight
to add to it controversial health
care provisions. The House passed
the measure yesterday, 288 to 8
c 4it itta hrsfi.Na,m n'fa-


' <; '

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