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July 28, 1964 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-28

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Is Higgins Fulbright Suggests U.S., USSR Build Can
Fja~vnlNpw V

Fulbright, chairman of the Sen-
Associated Press staff wrater ate Foreign Relations Committee,
WASHINGTON-Sen. J. W. Ful- in a new book to be published
bright (D-Ark) suggests that Rus- today, says he is not advocating
sia join with the United States Soviet participation in a new
and other nations to build and canal project but added:
operate a new sea level canal "Neither do I think it must be
across Central America. ruled out as 'unthinkable'."
1a m Disrupt Operation
t, } hRenewing his campaign to get
Americans to think "unthinkable
thoughts" Fulbright argued that
the Soviets would not be able to
use their membership in a "con-
sortium" (an international part-
nership of governments) to dis-
ruph the operation of the canal
z t>anor gain new base for "subversion
in Latin America."
On the positive side, he said, the
Soviets mights be strengthened
in "their commitment to a peace-
ful status quo" so that through
this international cooperation
there could be a gain "for world
peace and stability."
The book, "Old Myths and New
Realities," is based on an expan-
sion of recent speeches which Ful-
bright has made.
Cold War Thoughts
It develops his basic theme that
SENATOR FULBRIGHT the United States needs to over-
come what he calls a "cold war
Grondi n Named mentality," rid itself of unrealistic
ideas about the state of the world,
To Campaign Post and work for "a world-wide state
O~~of mind in which peace s favored'
over war."
WASHINGTON-Senator Birch "The cold war and all the other
Bayh (D-Ind), national chairman national rivalries of our time are
of Young Citizens for Johnson, not likely to evaporate in our life-
announced Saturday the appoint- times," Fulbright says. "The major
ment of Michael W. Grondin, '66, question of our time is not how
as college coordinator for Michi- to end these conflicts but whether
gan. He is presently chairman of we can find some way to conduct
the Young Democrats Club and them without resorting to weapons
Students for Johnson. that will resolve them once and for
Judge, Lawyers Investigate
Demonstration Decisions
Circuit Court Judge James R. Breakey 'has recently postponed
his decision on a city hall demonstrator until July 31.
The decision, delayed several times in the past, is being post-.
poned to give Breakey and the lawyers time to investigate relevant
decisions on demonstrations in buildings.
The defedant, Quin McLoughlin is appealing a conviction in
Municipal Court for "loitering" in city hall. He was there in a
protest demonstration against weak planks in the Fair Housipg
ordinance. The case brought against McLoughlin by the city is
based on a disorderly conduct law which includes provisions against
Sloitering. The defense contends
that neither this law nor any
previous decision by the Michigan
\ or United States Supreme Courts,
specifically prohibits loitering in-
side a building for the purpose of
P pta' PR- pLdemonstrating.
iC 9P h"' McLoughlin said that this same,
glack of precedent on such loiter-
ing seems to convince Breakey
that existing law against loitering
in general should apply inside as
well as outside buildings. This is
the argument pursued by the city.-
The defense claims that the city
is using the "loitering" charge
as an excuse to muffle free speech.
McLoughlin's lawyers have pointeda
out that demonstrations outside1
the building are protected by law.
They are pressing their case to
keep the city from using "in-
appropriate devices" to halt fu-
ture demonstrations. A successful
appead could spur racial protest ina
cities throughout the state.
McLoughlin's initial conviction
in Municipal Court carried a $50
fine or five-day jail term.,

all by wiping out the contes-
tants ...
"Extreme nationalism and dog-
matic ideology are luxuries that
the human race can no longer
afford. It must turn its energies
now to the politics of survival."
National Security
Fulbright writes that the United
States has an opportunity now to
try to build "stronger foundations
for our national security than
armaments alone can ever pro-
"That opportunity lies in a
policy of encouraging the develop-
ment of a habit of peaceful and
civilized contacts between our-
selves and the Communist bloc,,
His discussion of the present
canal leads into his statement
that when a larger sea level canal
is required Washington "should
consider the possibility of its being
constructed and operated by an
international Consortium rather
than by the United States alone."
Principal Users<
He said the consortium could be
made up of the principal users of
the present canal. This, Fubright
said, would save the United States
money and avoid "the extremely
sensitive political problems" aris-
ing out of exclusive American con-
trol of an international waterway
across foreign territory.
Russia, he says, is a minor user
of the presentycanal and this
raises "the possibility of Soviet
Fulbright, who has sometimes
been criticized for not speaking
out more on civil rights issues, in-
cludes in his book a discussion of
civil rights problems as part of
a chapter on "the Cold War in
American Life."
Defense Spending
Fulbright accuses Congress of1
an "abnegation of responsibility"
in the field of defense spending
because of what he considers its
failure to cut military budgets.
At another point he suggests
"the American people prefer mih-
tary rockets to public schools,
and flights to the moon to urban
Against this background Ful-
bright argues that "even the
strongest civil rights legislation
can have little more than symbolic
Disclose Steps
OAS To Takey
Against Cuba
(Continued from Page 1)
idarity in achieving the purposes
of this resolution." This was chief-
ly an appeal to Great Britain,
France and other European coun-
tries to cease trade with Cuba.
Whether the four countries now
maintaining diplomatic relations
with Cuba will sever them remains
to be seen. Mexico indicated clear-
ly it would not do so, but there
are some signs that Uruguay and
Bolivia might. The fourth coun-
try, Chile, holds presidential and
general elections in September, and
should anti-Communist elements
win, it might break also. It did1
not wish to do so now on the
theory that such an action would
redound to the benefit of a pro-
Communist candidate, rated a
strong contender.]
How effective the economic
sanctions might be-assuming they
would be applied by all but the
four dissenting nations-is a mat-1
ter of conjecture. Cuba has never
had a great amount of trade with
any American nation except the
United States, and that, under
Washington's economic boycott of1
Cuba, has dwindled to practically
nothing. Other republics do little
business with Cuba. The trade
sanctions, plus the boycott on
maritime traffic, would backstop
the United States measures which
Washington officials contend have

helped bring economic chaos to

Some other Fulbright observa-
Other Points
The United States has "no
choice but to support the South
Vietnamese government and army
by the most effective means avail-
able." ubrighti was critical o
French intervention in the South-
east Asian situation through
French President Charles de
Kaulle's call for neutralization.
France, he said, "is neither a
major military nor economic force
in the Far East and is therefore
unlikely to be able to control or
greatly influence the events which
her initiative may precipitate."
The idea that the Communist
bloc is a solid "monolith" is "the
master myth of the cold war."
Fulbright said the Communist na-
tions like the Western nations are
"caught up in a crisis of indeci-
sion" about their relations with
countries outside their own groups.
On this point Fulbright advo-
cated flexible United States poli-
cies directed towdrd individual
Communist countries.
Chief Visits
Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON - When Phili-
bert Tsiranana, president of The
Malagasy Republic arrives here
today, President Lyndon B. John-
son will welcome him as a senior
statesman of Africa and a staunch
friend of the West, whose coun-
try is snubbing the Communists,
whether they should come from
Moscow or from Peking.
The 53-year-old leader of the
island of Madagascar is a rare
phenomenon in Africa today. He
openly scoffs at the lukewarm
non-aligned policy of most of his
fellow heads of state of Africa
and makes no bones of being an-
ti-Communist. MWalagasy is one
of the few countries which has
no diplomatic relations with any
Communist capital.
In addition, Tsiranana does not
consider his country 2100 per cent
African. Madagascar is an island
in the Indian Ocean-the fourth
largest island in the world, slight-
ly smaller than Texas - and its
populace, especially inside the is-
land, are of Asian origin.
Cotier People
The peoples of the coast, the
Cotiers, are mixed-containing A-
rican, Arab, European and Asian
elements, and are generally Cath-
olic, while those living on the
pdateau are Protestants.
Yet Tsiranana is playing an im-
portant role in Africa's present po-
litical life. His contry is a mem-
ber of the organizationi of Afri-
can Unity, though other ,African
leaders complain, it remains some-
what aloof from African develop-
United States experts consider
it significant that Tsiranana, at
the recent African summit in
Cairo, bluntly told his colleagues
that they were talking too much
and that some of them were day-
dreaming about' the immediate
possibility of a united Africa. This
was obviously a reference to Gha-
na President Kwame Nkrumah's
insistence that the African na-
tions give up their recently won
sovereignty and form one coun-
Tsiranana is expected to ask
Johnson for a greater contribu-
tion to his five-year economic plan.
The United States is the island's
second best customer, taking over,
for instance, 80 to 90 per cent of
Madagascar's precious vanilla crop,
an export item which was Tsira-
nana's main concern when he vis-

ited here the first time in 1959,
before his country became com-
pletely sovereign.





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