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July 28, 1964 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1964-07-28

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Sir ifau



Partly cloudy and humid
with late thundershowers

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

LXXIV, N,6,25-S







U.S. To Hike Viet Nam Aid

Council To Probe Chau
Of Local 'R.ace Ex'plosior


SAIGON (JP)-The government'
announced last night that the
United States has agreed to in-
crease immediately the number of
military and civilian advisers in'
this war-torn country and to send
additional equipment.
The wording of the announce-
ment made it clear the new Amer-

ican aid would be of the same
type it has been since 1961, al-
though greater in quantity.
No new combat role was fore-
seen for the American troops, who
would continue to serve as advis-
ers and in supporting roles.
Neither the Vietnamese govern-
ment nor United States officials

NICOSIA (M)-Archbishop Ma-
karios, Greek Cypriot president of
Cyprus, yesterday rejected a Unit-
ed Nations demand for freedom of
movement of UN forces in all
parts of the island, including port
"The stationing of United Na-
tions observers in Cyprus ports
would be an understandable meas-
ure if United Nations observers
were also to be stationed at Turk-
ish ports where an, armada for
invading Cypruis has been concen-
trated," the archbishop said.
Before leaving for Athens, Ma-
karios said the grave issue of Cy-
prus should be taken to the UN
General Assembly in the hope that
a solution could be found there.
Earlier in the day, the govern-
ment radio advised Cypriots to
dig trenches in their gardens and
take other precautions in the event
of air raids by Turkey.
"We do not believe the Turks
will venture to go into the bar-
barous act of bombing," the broad-
cast said.
CORE Wants
iaison Hired
The Ann Arbor \chapter of the
Congress of Racial Equality yes-
terday asked that the city school
system hire a full time liaison to
handle community problems aris-
ing from the closing of Jones
The request was one of three
which CORE added to its original
recommendation that the 75 per
cent Negro elementary school be
closed and its pupils bussed to
other schools.
CORE's original request sup-
ported a report by the Citizens'
Committee for the Study of Racial
Imb'alance in Ann Arbor Public
Schools. The committee's report
in June found that racial patterns
in the Jones district seriously
hampered the education of chil-
dren attending that school.
CORE at the time .also asked for
a full-time person, to give con-
stant attention to the problems
of racial imbalance and for a
regular evaluation of the integra-
tion program recommended by the
In a second new recommenda-
tions,, CORE1 asked that the pre-
school program called for by the
committee be "research-oriented
-constantly on the lookout for
better means of education and
willing to experiment with them."
Third, it requested a compre-
hensive after-school program for
Jones children.

OAS Communicates to UN
On Action Taken over Cuba
WASHINGTON M-)-The United Nations was notified yesterday
of the American republics' determination to resort to armed force
if necessary to check further Cuban export of subversion in the
Western hemisphere.
Legally, it will be through the United Nations that Cuban Premier
Fidel Castro's regime will hear the stiff warning of armed action'
"if it should persist in carrying out acts that possess characteristics
%of aggression and intervention

Boycott Can
Hurt Castro
Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON - Diplomatic
and economic sanctions against
Communist Cuba will deal a stag-
gering blow to the already wobbly
Fidel Castro dictatorship which
has found itself in the midst of
economic chaos, falling popular-
ity among Latin American leftists,
and threats of invasion by anti-
Castro forces.
But one of the strongest meas-
ures against Cuba, favored by a
majority of the American repub-
lics, constitutes a warning against
future subversive activities by the
Cuban regime, and authorization
for any American state, individ-
ually or in groups, to put down
such activities with armed force.
Some delegates to the conference
of foreign ministers of the Amer-'
ican republics privately called the
provision in the punitive proposals
"a .hunting license" for the United
States alone or in concert with
other republics to use all the force
necessary to put down future ag-
gressions from Cuba against any
The mandatory sanctions, for
which no time limit on the date
of application was fixed, call for
cessation of diplomatic or con-
sular relations with Cuba, suspen,
sion of all trade, except for foods,
medicines and medical supplies re-
quired by humanitarian reasons.
In addition to diplomatic and
economic sanctions, the majority
of American republics also favors
an appeal to non-hemispheric
states outside the Communist bloc
to "examine the possibility of ef-
fectively demonstrating their sol-
See DISCLOSE, Page 2

against one or more of the states"
which make up the 20-member
organization of American states.
With the warning against fur-
ther export of subversion, the
American foreign ministers agreed
upon diplomatic and trade sanc-
tions against Castro for his at-
tempts to overthrow the govern-
ment of Venezuela.
Mexico, Chile, Uruguay and Bo-
livia, which have diplomatic re-
lations with Cuba, voted no. Vene-
zuela, as the complaining party,
did not vote. All subsequently
signed the declaration.
Canada, which is not an OAS
member, will continue trade and
diplomatic relations with, Cuba
while maintaining a ban on ex-
ports of arms and strategic goods,
Canadian Foreign Secretary Paul
Martin said yesterday.
He told the House of Commons
Canada has received no formal
communication on the subject
from the OAS.
The OAS request that other
countries join in its boycott will
be carefully considered, Martin
Opposition leader John G.
Diefenbaker asked whether the
fact Canada does not agree with
the OAS members on sanctions
indicates "care must be taken in
joining the OAS."
"Care must be taken in any
matter having to do with Canada's
foreign relations," Martin replied.
On Ordinance
Trial Delayed
A pretrial conference in the Cir-
cuit Court appeal of Ann Arbor's
fair housing ordinance was post-
poned for the second time yester-
day when defendant C. F. Hubble
of Detroit came to court without
a lawyer.
The city is appealing a May
ruling in Municipal Court that its
statute barring racial discrimina-
tion in housing is unconstitutional.
The ruling grew out of a test
case in which Hubble was charged
with discrimination by a Negro
who attempted to rent an apart-
ment from him. The decision was
that the law violates an alleged
defendant's right not to have to
incriminate himself.
City Attorney Jacob Fahrner is
leading an appeal of the decision.
He contends that the law does not
violate this right.
A pretrial conference scheduled
for two weeks ago was postponed
for the same reason. At that time
Hubble asked the court to pay
his legal fees. His request was
refused after he had submitted a
financial statement pegging his
net personal assets at $16,300.
A new pretrial has been set for
this coming Monday.

would say how many new United
States personnel are expected
here. A United States spokesman
said, however; that the arrival
of personnel would be gradual,
and the number now planned
might be changed with develop-
ing circumstances.
In Washington, all indications
were that the increase might
amount to several thousand but
somewhat less than the 6000 men-
tioned in some reports.
Meanwhile, in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, South Viet Nam's de-
fense minister said his govern-
ment might launch a military at-
tack on Communist North Viet
Nam if anti-Communist rebel ac-
tivity there becomes widespread.
Maj. Gen. Tan Thiem Khiem,
arriving here for a five-day visit,
claimed there have been pockets
of resistance to the Communist
Viet Minh regime since 1956.
"We support this anti-Commu-
nist popular uprising and if it
becomes widespread then we could
begin a conventional military at-
He declined to say specifically
that Saigon was helping rebels in
the North but said "we support
all such popular movements."
He said the present over-all
assistance given his government
by the United States and other
Western nations was insufficient.
"We need assistance in every
field from friendly nations," he
said. "Military assistance is not
enough. We also need economic,
industrial, commercial and scien-
tific help."
The general said he came here
to study 'antiguerrilla techniques
used by Malaya which defeated a
10,000-man Communist army af-
ter a 12-year war. Malaya is now
part of Malaysia.
Race Rioting
ATLANTA (P-Martin Luther
King Jr. urged Negroes in New
York yesterday to halt violence
and lawlessness, warning that vio-
lence would set back the civil
rights movement.
"Though it is never expressly
stated, there are numerous impli-
cations that in some strange way
the Negro leadership is funda-
mentally responsible for the acts of
violence and rioting," King said.
"My position on nonviolence and
my continued adherence to non-
violent philosophy are well known.
I do not think violence can solve
the problem in New York, nor can
it solve the problem in Missis-
But King said the important
question "is not merely that there
be shallow rhetoric condemning
lawlessness but that there be an
honest soul-searching analysis and
evaluation of the environmental
causes which have spawned the

Court Rules
Sales Must
Forbid Bias
ATLANTA ,)--A federal judge
yesterday issued an order barring
the sale, lease or other disposal
of state-owned property at Jekyll
Island unless contracts explicitly
prohibit racial discrimination.
Described as unprecedented by
an attorney, the far-reaching order
came in the form of an injunction
against the Jekyll Island State
Park Authority.
United States District Judge
Frank A. Hooper issued the anti-
segregation ban on a complaint
filed last September by a group
of Negroes from Savannah.
Hooper's injunction, a final de-
cree, restrains the state agency
from enforcing any policy of pro-
hibiting Negroes from using and
enjoying all the facilities of the
island state park.
This includes the Aquarama, a
large convention building; bath-
houses, the golf course, a residen-
tial subdivision, picnic areas and
the execution of leases or sales
Denying a motion by the com-
plainants to add present lessees
to the suit, Hooper ruled that all
future leases "must require that
the lessees operate without dis-
crimination as to race or color."
His order explicitly forbids the
state selling or leasing any pro-
perty for business or recreational
purposes to anyone who would
maintain segregation.
Until about a year ago, Negroes
were restricted to a segregated rec-
reational and living area on the
south end of the island. The en-
tire island has since become de-
segregated, though there have
been few Negro customers.
Mrs. Constance Baker Motley of
New York, attorney for the Ne-
groes, said Hooper's order against
sale or lease of the property un-
less the contract forbids discrim-
ination was without precedent.
"So far as I know, this has
never been ruled before," she said.
Gets Attention
In Two States
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - A three-judge
federal statutory court Yesterday

-Associated Press
THE AFTERMATH of the rioting in Rochester, N. Y., left the
streets scattered with debris, as some of the city's Negroes survey
the damage. Firemen had to use tear gas and fire hoses to dis-'
perse the rioters.
'Unjustifed Extremism,
Rockefeller Says of Riots
ROCHESTER (P)-Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller said yesterday the
racial violence that has wracked this city is "clear evidence of extrem-
ism that . . . cannot be justified "
Rockefeller added, after a tour of Rochester's riot-torn area, that
his reaction was one of "shock and great sadness." "As governor and
as a citizen, I deplore this kind of
violence. This is not the way to
achieve progress in a democratic
The troubled areas were quiet
yesterday, but the city remained
an armed camp. Race rioting that
broke out Friday night continued
through the weekend and police
were braced for more trouble,
with 1500 guardsmen standing by
for duty if needed.
The rioting by more than 4000>
Negroes and some whites led to #a
about 800 arrests and property
damage estimated in the millions -
of dollars.
The rioting, which subsided in
the pre-dawn hours yesterday, :~

To Explor

Of Negrc

Spokesmen Say Riots
May Break Out Here;
Special Session Set
The possible existence of ra
cially "explosive situations" in An
Arbor will bring City Council an
Negro community leaders togethe
a week from tonight.
A special meeting of counoc
has been called at the request c
Councilwoman Eunice L. Burn
She told council last night tha
she received "several very dis
turbing phone calls" ovr th
weekend from people close to th
Negro community.
She did not elaborate on th
calls, but she said they pointe
out "several areas of potentie
racial disturbance."
Councilman Edward C. P erv
argued that the meeting was'nec
essary so that Ann ArbW woul
not become " nother Rochester."
Prof. Arnold Kaufman, a bar
member of the local chapter o
the National Association for tb
Advancement of Colored Peopl
contended after the meeting ths
"council,. has been so intransj
gent regarding every constructih
proposal brought to it in the ho:
of bolstering public confidence I
the city that a Rochester cour
very well happen here."
Another NAACP board membe
Albert Wheeler, said at the sal+
time that "unless council acts re
sponsively and immediately on tl
police situation, the tremendot
housing shortage for minori
groups in the community and di
crimination in employment, t1
NAACP proposes to establish pr
tests and to call upon state an
national agencies to assist-it _
securing equality in these areas."
"I am not trying to stir v
trouble. The trouble is alreac
there," Wheeler said.
The only council member' o
posing the special meeting w
PauldJohnson, who said that "v
have already demonstrated, as
legislative body, both our cogni
ance of the situation and our si
cerity. We have taken defini
measures-the fair housing ord
nance, strengthening the Hums
Relations Commission and a
pointing a director to it and hea
ing (City Administrator Guy C
Larcom's statement on police con
plaint procedures."
Against Him
But Wheeler argued that cou
cil's refusal last week of t
amendments to Ann Arbor's fa
housing law "is an example of %
kinds of action which reinforce tJ
Negro's idea that government
not with him but against him."
The two amendments wot
have extended the ordinance's pr
hibition of racial discrimination
cover rooming houses and tI
sale or rental of comercial spe
"The amendments themseW
would not really have answer
many of the basic problems abci
housing that Negroes have. Only
few people are concerned wi
business establishments and'
family is going - to move into
rooming house," Wheeler said
noting that it was primarily cou
1 cil's mere action in defeating t
t proposals that had "enraged ma
vpeople in the community."
Go Along
Mayor Cecil O, Creal said t
s if council members wanted a sl
cial meeting with Negro leade
he would go along. He said ti
r racial explosions were a result
peoples' "disregard of the law."
Council agreed to ask HRC
rector David Cowley to 'organ!
the meeting and "bring in anyc
he wants."
Mrs. Burns expressed her
s lief that council "has to be aw
s of what's happening and not)
around doing nothing. Someth
similar to what happened in M

York could happen here," she sa
d Johnson asked why the M
n couldn't handle the matter. "A
Arbor is years ahead of other
h ties in racial relations. Our c:
h zens are extremely open minde

McCracken Projects Vews
For Economy into 1984
Take a chart of national-income trends for the past 30 years;
place a ruler on the rising national-income line, extend it into the
future, and-eureka!-you'll discover that national income will double
by 1984.
Unfortunately, it isn't quite that simple, Prof. Paul McCracken of
the business administration school said Sunday night.
If this simple projection of current trends is to be a valid pre-
diction of the future, he asserted, "at least a couple of factors" must
operate during the next 20 years. Fortunately, "the free and open
Western economy is well organized to keep these two factors in har-
monious motion."
The first necessity is having people "constantly probing" for
better ways of using resources, McCracken said.
He held that the mechanics of the open marketplace best promote
such research: they both encourage new ideas by rewarding successful
innovations, and quickly bring death-by-bankruptcy to unsuccessful
The second necessity for economic growth is that the successful
new ideas of today "be the standard thing by tomorrow," McCracken
The process of competition is the best guarantee that a fruitful
innovation will quickly become a commonplace, he said. When one
, person or company brings out a
product that catches on, compet-
itors are driven by ambition and
necessity to follow suit. Soon all
have similar products on the
market, and the new idea has be-
come diffused rapidly throughout
the economy.
This creative force "is a force
which has never before been at
work for any consequential pro-
portion of humanity," McCracken
.. . .: r.-..r$.v 3 - 1 . .. a

ordered the state legislature to en- also resulted in declaration of a
act a valid apportionment scheme state of emergency and a dusk-to-
by next April but turned down a I dawn curfew that was modified
Democratic plea for reapportion- slightly yesterday to lessen the
ment before the November elec- hardship on residents, industries
tions. and business. All liquor, gun stores
The court ruled state senators and bars are closed.
and assemblymen elected this No- About the time Rockefeller ar-
vember should serve only one- rived, representatives of the Na-
year, instead of two-year terms, tional Association for the Ad-
and that a new system "in com- vancement of Colored People, left
pliance with the 14th Amendment a meeting with Mayor Frank T.
of the United States Constitution" Lamb and city manager Porter W.
be in effect before the elections of Homer indicating disappointment
November 1965. over failure to reachranagreement
In Hartford, Connecticult Gov. on settling racial problems.
John N. Dempsey asked afederal The group failed to obtain any
court yesterday to let the Con- specific commitment on long-range
necticut General Assembly reap- plans, said Thomas Allen, NAACP
portion itself in a special session. field secretary for New York and
He also proposed that the same New England. He said the discus-
session set up a constitutional sion' centered on the problems of
convention to make reapportion- joblessness, recreation facilities,
ment on a population basis perm- housing and education.
anent. / The city council, meeting in
The governor made the proposal special session this afternoon, di-
as an alternative to a court-di- rected Homer to "conduct a
rected method of realigning the thorough inquiry into the origin of
legislature. , the disorder."


Hint Kelley
May Permit
Sources close to Atty. Gen.
Frank Kelley' have indicated that
he will set a precedent for the
University Employes Union Local
1583 by issuing an opinion agree-
ing that the employes union at
Michigan Institute of Science
and Technology at Houghton can
bargain for a contract with its
public employer, it was reported
At present, state law is unclear
on whether such publicly-employ-
ed unions have the right to bar-
gain for contracts with their em-
ThesUniversity union, an AFL-
CIO affiliate, will petition to Kel-
ley for a similar opinion if it signs
up a majority of the University's
non-teaching and non-manage-
ment employes, union officials in-
dicated. If Kelley gave permis-
sion to the union at Michigan
Tech, the University union woul
be almost assured permission
should it apply.
The University local, which
launched a recruiting drive with


Detective Claims Negroes Told To Kill

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A Puerto Rican
detective said yesterday he at-
tended a secret Harlem meeting
at the height of racial riots last
week and heard calls for the slay-
ing of police and judges. Detec-
tive John Rivera told a state
supreme court hearing on an in-
junction against Harlem demon-

tempt to launch the Ranger VII troops into the Chinsali region
spacecraft on a picture-taking yesterday to quell a fanatical
mission to the moon. The launch- church sect called Lumpa, involved
ing was rescheduled today in a inurch dc ake s with n e
period between 11:50 a.m. and in bloody clashes with neighbors

1:58 p.m.
WASHINGTON-The Senate re-
jected a proposed new financial
disclosure rule last night in favor
of establishing a commission to
stud how hbstto nrevent con-

and police.

United States Marines at the!
Guantanamo Naval Base border
"we will . . . answer shot for shot.''
He was plainly upset over the
American denial of the Cuban
statement that a Cuban soldier
was killed by marines at Guan-
tanamo two weeks ago.
* * *
LONDON - Foreign Secretary

Blatt, first woman ever elected to
statewide office in Pennsylvania,
apparently sewed up the Demo-
cratic nomination for United

an tnrlnac pih~r Thursv thve said. N'oting that Ann A

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