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January 16, 1969 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-16

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Pag _~

,. - l

Proposed fisal 1970 bud
OUTLAYS $SY FUNCTION (in billions of dollars)

national defense .. ..... ...... .... .
int'l affairs . . ..................
space research.
natural resources ........ .
commerce and trans.
ieducation and manpower
housing, com'ty develop.
health, welfare
veterans benefits ..........
interest on debt
gen'l gov't. . .. . ....



Friday 1:00 p.m. From The Midway:
S "The Use and Abuse of Drugs", with
Dr. Daniel X. Friedman, University of
Chicago. Friday 5:00 p.m. Focus on
I Students, produced by students in the
1970 speech department. Friday 5:15 p.m.
Business Review with Prof. Ross Wil-
81,542 helm. Friday 8:00 p.m. U-M Orchestras
3,755- a concert broadcast live from H i l l
Auditorium, part of the 24th annual
3,947 Midwestern Conference on School Vo-
5,181 cal and Instrumental Music. Friday 9:45
1891p. U. S. Political Exiles in Sweden -
1 Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law School
8,969 reports in full on his recent visit with
7,887 U.S. servicement in exile.
2,772 The UM Concert Dance Organization
54.966 offers beginning and advanced tech-
7,724 nique classes in Modern Dance in Bar-
7,2 bour Dance Studio.
15,958 Tuesday 7:15 - advanced coed.
3,275 Thursday 7:15 - men (beginners web.
Thursday 8:15 - advanced coed
Saturday 10 a.m. - beginners
90,400 The Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Pro-
37,900 Sect invites requests for grants to sup.
39,863 port research within the scope of the
term "peaceful uses of nuclear ener-
3,575 gy." Typical areas in which the Pro-
2,431 ject is interested are: Nuclear wea-
pons proliferation and disarmament;
15,700 Evaluation of hazards to urban popu-
3.400 lations from nuclear activities; Econ-
omic studies of nuclear power produc-
3 tion; Biological effects of radiation;
3,117 New uses of radioisotopes; New tracer
techniques and novel applications of
existing techniques; Direct conver-

Income taxes, individual.............68,726
corp. income taxes................. 28,665
employment taxes, ..29,224
unemployment insurance ...... .. 3,346
other insurance ...... . ....2,051
excise taxes. .................... 14,079,
estate, gift taxes...............3.051
customs receipts.................. .2 038
other receipts........................2,498

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of tlhe Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should'
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3528 LSA Bldg. before 2 p.m.
Friday for Saturday and Sunday.
General Notices may be published a
maximum of two times on request;
Day Calendar items appear 'once
only, Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication.
Foi more information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial, Relations Sem
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro
gram No. 78": North Campus Commons
8:15 a.m.
Physical Chemistry Seminar: Dr
Jeffrey Laufer, Department of Chem
istry, University of Michigan: "Lattice
Frequency Calculations for Molecula
Crystals", Room 1200, Chem. Bldg., 4:0
Education Colloquium: Robert Or
lando, Head, Research Psychology De
partment, Plymouth State Home an
Training School, "Engineering Behav
ior Management in the Real World"
Thurs., January 16, 1969; 4:00 P.M. Uni
versity Elementary School Cafeteria.
Department of Slavic Languages and
Literatures and Center for Russian and
East European Studies ltecture:, George
Gomori, University of Birmingham
England, "Political Novel in Postwa
Poland": Auditorium D, Angell Hall
4:10 p.m. I
Cinema Guild: Mizogushi's Street o
Shs.me: Architecture Auditorium, 7:00
and 9:05 p.m.
Geology 111 make-up examination
7:30 - 9:30 p.m., Room 3056 .Nat. Set
Bdg. Please bring Blue Book.
University Symphony Band - Wil
liam D. Revelli, Conductor, Angel Rey
es, Violin Soloist: Hill Auditorium, 8:00
A representative from Stanford Uni
versity School of Law will be in 1223
Angell Hall,, to talk with prospective
candidates. Appointments may be made

| by calling Mrs. Johnson, 40312 or by
coming to the Junior-Senior Counseling
G;ener(i'a'Notic es
A neW, sixteen-page Summer H a lf
Term (IIIB) General Information br9-
chure has superseded the traditional
Announcement. This publication is
made available through the combined
efforts of the Scheduling Office and
the University Publications Office.
Single and bulk orders may be plac-
edby telephoning 3-2113, or directing
a memorandum to the Scheduling Of-
fice, 3564 LSA Building.
Student Government council:. The
approval of the following student spon-
sored events becomes effective after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be with-
held until the approval has become
effective. Approval request forms for
student sponsored events are available
in rooms 1001 and 1546 of the Student
Activities Building.'
..Mobilization to end the War in Viet-
nam - Bucket Drive - Jan. 15 and 16
- 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Diag., Arch, Fishbowl,
- Union and N. Campus Commons. .'
, The Lord Chamberlain Players -
Ticket setting for play - Jan. 12-30
C.A.F. Booth - Union.
- Baha'i Student Group: A lecture and
e film Jan. 16 - 8 p.m. - Rackham As-
r sembly Hall.
Junior Year in France and Junior
Year in Germany: All applicants for
1969-70 should turn in their applica-
d tions tothe Office for Study Abroad,
-1223 Angell Hall no later than Friday,
January 31.
" Broadcasting Service: WUOM R a d. i o
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to -11 p.m. daily,
i Thursday 1:00 p.m. Assembly f o r
Human Rights "Meet the Delegate".
e with S. O. Adebo and A. A. Moham-
, med, Nigeria, and Anton Vratusa, Yugo-
r slavia. Thursday 4:45 Conservation Re-
, port with Prof. Karl Legler. Thursday
5:15 p.m. U-M Feature Story with Jack
f Hamilton. Thursday 7:30 p.m. U-M
0 Symphony Band - one of a series of
half-hour programs conducted by Wil-
liam D. Revelli. Thursday 8:00 p.m.
. U-M Symphony Band - a live concert
from Hill Auditorium, part of the 24th
annual Midwestern Conference on
- School Vocal and Instrumental Music.
- Friday 11:00 a.m. The Eleventh Hour
(repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrows hosts
an hour of news and conversation about
- the arts and literature, featuring a
3 visit, to the opening of the "Magic
Theater" exhibition at the Toledo Mu-
e seum of Art.

sion of nuclear energy to electrical
energy; The fusion process; Plasmas as
related to controlled fusion. A list of
grants awarded in the Fall Term is at-
New research ideas and pilot projects
are particularly encouraged. The rela-
tionship to' peaceful uses of nuclear
energy. however, must be clearly stat-
ed in the application. Routine use of
isotope tracer techniques will not by
itself justify support.
Requests for g'ants of $3,000 or less
are considered appropriate. Grants
may cover equipment, supplies, re-
search assistance, and field trips. Ex-f
cept under unusual circumstances, the
Project will not pay the salary of the
principal investigator. Applications for
grants should be returned to the
Phoenix Project by Monday, January
27, 1969. Grants will be made by April
11, 1969.
Application blanks may be obtained
from the office of the Phoenix Project
at the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory on
North Campus or by calling 764-6213.
Exam ina-bons,!
Doctoral Examination for: Paul Fred-
erick Hollenberg, Biological Chemistry,
Dissertation: "Studies on the Subunit
Structure and Catalytic Site of Pyru-
vate Kinase," on Thursday, January
16 at 10 a.m. in Medical Science Bldg.,
Chairman: M. J. Coon.

3200 S.A.B.
Current Position Openings received by
General Division by mail and phone,
not interviews on campus, please call
764-7460 for complete application pro-
To the best of our knowledge all of
the companies listed below are equal
opportunity employers. Practically
without exception these companies are
stressing the desire to interview minor-
ity group candidates. Inasmuch as
businesses of all types are making a
real effort to reach the student body
regardless of race, creed, sex, or re-'
ligion we encourage you to stop in at
Placement Services, room 3200 SAB
and explore current openings.
Sarkes Tarzian Inc., Bloomington,z
Ind.: Design Draftsman. Met, or Chem.I
engr. Semi-conductor applic. engr.i
Chem. Engr. Chief Engr. Head ResearchI
and Dev. Lab. Physicist, Jr. Engr. Q. C.
Supv. Sales Applic. engr. Technical Il-
lustrator. ytoadcast equip. sales engr.
Fld. Serv. engr. Pckg. engr. General Re-
porter. Sports Editor. Copy Editor.
Photographer. FM Radio Time sales-
man. Traffic and continuity clerk.
Monsanto Company, Trenton, *Mich.:
Mechan. or Chem. engr with 1-5 years
exper for design and maint engrg in
mechan. extrusion operation.
Target Stores, Minneapolis, Minn.:t
Wage and Salary Administrative An-
alyst, adv. in personnel and admin.
areas, BA or MA in psych or indust.
relations, no exper. needed, good analy-1
tical and writing skills.1
Sales Consultants International, Cleve-
land, Ohio: Branch Manager for place-
ment organization in professional place-;
ment in sales management areas. Total
Profit responsibility for branch, supv.
account executives .select team and,
train all other staff.
Starr Commonwealth for Boys: Al-I
bion, Mich.: Child Care Workers, full
or part time, supv. of boys ages 11-17,t
delinquent and disturbed, degree pref.,
2 years necess, hours can be ,arranged.
State of Michigan: Public Informa-
tion Specialist, 4 levels, BA degree in
Engl., Journ., or communications areas,
2 years min. exper. in writing for publ.
or broadcast, Clinical Psychologist, MA
and 2 years. Pharmacist, registered, 1,
year min. Computer Programmer, ex-,
per. necess.
Kysor of Cadillac, Cadillac, Mich.:
Assistant Production Manager, BS in
areas of production, stock control man-
agement and data processing.
New Jersey State Department of
Health: Engineering and hygienist posi-
tions. in air and water pollution.
Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Indian
Affairsfl San Carlos Indian Agency,
Phoenix area: Criminal Investigator,
Public Safety Officer position, admin.
and supv. of bureau and tribal person-
nel. Degree with coursework in areas
of Soc. sci., Psych, and police admin. 3
years general exper and 3 in criminal
investr -
Bridgeport Hospital, Bridgeport, Conn.
- Librarian in School of Nursing, 3
year school, current enrollment of 150.
1,000 volume library.

Alexander Grant and Co., Chicago.
Ill.: Seeks Vice President in Finance
and member of the Bbard for company
in metals manufacturing. Mgr. of 10
years exper in operations budget and
cost controls and reports, pref. indus-
try exper in metal fabrication and job
shop production.
State of Wisconsin: Social work con-
sultant for children's services, MSW
and 1 year admin., supv. or consult.
work in mental health, residential, wel-
fare or corrections work involving ado-
lescent clients.
" State of Utah: Civil Engineer, degree
and 1-2 years exper.
State of Washington, Forestry Aide,
college, no experience necess. Sanitary
Engineer, degree at MA level, plus 2
years exper and registration as PE.
State of Utah: Rehabilitation Coun-
selor, degree in soc., soc. wk., psych.,
guid-couns., or rel. flds. plus I year
exper or grad work. Fish Biologist,
Game Biologist and Conservation Of-
ficer, approp. degrees.
State of Connecticut: Medical Social
Work Consultant, MSW and min. 2
years in this area.
212 S.A.B., Lower Level
Camp Tamarack, Mich. Coed and soc.
wk camp interviewing Jan. 17 from 9
a.m. - 5 p.m. General Couns., spec. in
waterfront, arts and crafts, nature -
camperaft, tripping, music, dramatics,
unit supervisor and assist., caseworker,
truck - bus driver, nurse, and c a m p
Camp Scotmar, California, coed, Jan.
22, 1-5 p.m. Riding instructor, inst. in
arts and crafts, head counselor for
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.: Broward Coun-
ty will be interviewing prospective
teachers at our office January 17 in-
stead of January 21. To arrange ap-
pointments call 764-7459 Immediately!
i 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Make interview appointment at Room
128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other-
wise specified.
JANUARY 23, 1969
Amisted Industries Inc.
Bucyrus-Erie Co.
Chrysler Corp.
Consumers Power Co.
E.I. du Pont de Nemoutrs & Co.
General Mills, Inc. - Central Research
General Motors Corp.
International Voluntary Services
Lord Corp.
Meredith Corp.
A. 0. Smith Corp.
The Trane Co.
United Aircraft Corp. - Hamilton
Standard Div.
U.S. Gov't. - USAF - Air Force Logis-
tics Command
U.S. Army Material Command
Naval Ship Systems Command
Naval Ship Engrg. Center
Naval Electronic Systems Command

a prfc sze 7

I r

Learn from him and let him learn from you.
Seek him out by calling the U of M tutorial project 663-
8607 P.M.'s or 769-4758 late eves.
or by stopping in 2547 SAB 1-5


f '
1 4

JANUARY 18, 19, 20

Sat., Jan. 18:.

Workshops & Teach-in on Imperialism,

Paris Peace Talks, etc.
Sun., Jan. 19: Counter-Inaugural March
Counter-Inaugural Ball (free)
Mon., Jan. 20: Protest along inaugural parade route
Tues., Jan. 21: Protest of Military occupation of ghetto in
Wilmington, Delaware (coordinated by People
Against Racism, PAR)
"FISHBOWL" or Rm. 2527 SAB
$15 roundtrip fare (rental cars, not buses)
Leave Jan. 17th or 18th, return Jan. 19, 20, 21, or 22
Free, food, Free housing

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PAMPRIN makes sure a perfect
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Order Your Daily Now-
Phone 764-0558

Sponsored by Mobilization Committee

761-3252 or 769-1400




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4 1



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7 P.M.

ii~.~r;, A 4 III'

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