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April 17, 1969 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-17

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Page Ten


Thursday, April 17, 1969


- .

why cart all those
clothes home?
* Call Greene's Cleaners today!
We'll deliver a storage box-
Fill it with your winter garments-
We'll pick it up-clean your garments-
Mothproof them and
Store them in our air conditioned vault.
Next fall-give us a call. We'll deliver-
fresh and clean-beautifully pressed.
It's so convenient-and cheaper,
than shipping. Still only $4.95 plus

Hard hitting rocks spring practice


By CHRIS TERAS said, "You have to hit all the time.
Spring is not the time to be even in the spring." His squad re-
picking flowers and such in the signed themselves without com-
Arb. Spring is the time to be down plaining to the fierce head-knock-
on Ferry Field trying to m a k e ing, but things became a little too
the Michigan football team. And spirited at least once as tempers
if one wants to try, he better not blazed.
be afraid of getting knocked Schembechler, however, would
around with few holds barred. have none of this because a loose
} temper may mean 15 yards in a
Coach Schembechler was down game. He had no lullabies to sing
at Ferry yesterday directing his into the ears of a player caught
players in a rough "passing scrim- by the officials in the act of a
mage." After practice he explained major "no-no."
why this drill is named as it is. Most of the time, though, things
"In a passing scrimmage it is a went without incident. It was the
merpetual third down and eight first time the first string offense
situation. Third down is themo had been pitted against the first
crucial so we want to give both
ateam defense.
the offense and the defense a Don Moorhead started at quar-
chance to become quite familiar - Do .Mooheadstared a .. -

s i
i 111

"Doughty has a lot of ability," and in the face of a hard-charging
this was evident in a couple of defensive line.
15-yard sprints through the de- Schembechler expects m u c h
fense. Doughty.has been troubled from his quarterbacks, and he is
of late with a leg injury, but still willing to let them call their own
appeared to have little trouble in plays. "It depends on the situ-
carrying his 200-pound frame at ation," he said. "Anyway, the
a good clip past a number of frus- quarterback has much more think-
trated tacklers. ing to do after the ball is snap-
Leg injuries have, in fact, been ped. He must be able to read de-
the most serious hurts to plague fenses quickly and decide in an
the Wolverines this spring. Schem- instant among a number of op-
bechler commented, "We've been tions. This is what makes a smart
fortunate with injuries so far. I quarterback and why it takes so
think this is because we're in such long to learn the position.'
good shape." Quarterbacks and the rest will
He must have a good deal of be out once again in the, warm
confidence in his squad's physical spring winds tomorrow. Friday is
condition because precious signal- a day of rest before the full-scale
callers, Moorhead and Jim Betts, scrimmage on Saturday afternoon
were allowed to run with abandon in the stadium.
Links ters sputt
fini 'Msh. ne Var bottom j

regular cleaning charges. Call and
reserve your b6x today.


Greene's Cleaners
NO 2-3231


with it.
"We threw every defense we had
at them," he continued "and since
it was third down the offense was
limited mainly to pass plays."
Overall, Schembechler said play
was "ragged but that's what I
expected. We'll be all right--all we
need is a lot of work."
Speaking of the hard-hitting he
Bil I bo ar
The Wolverine trampoline
team will attempt to defend its
national title Saturday at the
Events Building in the NCAA
trampoline championships.
The preliminaries will begin
at 2:00 p.m. and the finals at
7:30 p.m.

terback witnh iarvie Craw and _
sophomore Bill Taylor at running,
backs. Paul Staroba was at wing
position, Jim Mandich played tight
end, and Jerry Iitnsland saw ac-
tion at the other end slot.
On defense, Schembechler was
most pleased with his roverback,
Tom Darden. "Darden moves
quickly, hits hard, and makes good
tackles," he said with enthusiasm.
The rover position is, new to1
the Michigan defensive scene this
season. He is moved to any placek
that the coaches think will do thea
most to thwart the oppositions of-
The coach also thought his line-
backers played commendably, but
defensive tackle, split end, and
guardare all question marks so
far. The tailback spot is also still
"wide-open" according to Schem-
Glenn Doughty may be the man%
to fill the shoes that Ron Johnson
left behind. Schembechler saidr

Save up to



over 300 sets of Clubs
over 400 Golf Bags
over 75 Golf Carts
over 250 pairs of


is Outline Time
se our condensed

Michigan's golfers aren't exactly
burning up the fairways this year;
and it could be a long season
ahead. Their performance at the
Robert Kepler Ohio Invitational
Tournament, in Columbus last
week-end, was, to put it mildly,
The Wolverines finished 12th,
out of 14 places, and just could'
not find the groove the whole
week-end. It was a sudden rever-
sal of the form that shot the links-
men into fifth place at the Miami
Invitational three weeks ag o .
Coach Bill Newcomb was not
The tournament in Columbus
cast doubt into the possibility of
Michigan doing anything in the
Big Ten's this year, as several
conference schools placed ahead
of the Wolverines. Ohio State
grabbed dirst place, with a 54
hole to'tal of 1153. Michigan lag-
ged behind htis score by 60 strok-
es, with a 1213. The tournament
did haxe some thrills, however, as
The Dascola Barbers
Near Michigan Theatre
Campus-Maple Village

Ohio State just edged out Purdue
by one stroke.
Randy, Erskine paced the Wol-
verines for the total week-end
with a score of 236 (three rounds).
Rod Sumter followed close behind
with a 238, and was followed by
Keith Mohan, aMrk Christenson,
freshman Dan Schewe, and John
Roska respectively.
The Big Ten season looks grim,
indeed, with Michigan State, Pur-
due, and Ohio State all looking
tough. Unless the Wolverines start.
pulling some aces from the deck,
they may find themselves in the
middle of the pack by the end of
the season..
The squad is currently in a
state of instability, as players con-
tinue to be juggled around. As a'
result of the recent Big Ten rul-
ings, allowing freshmen to parti-
cipate in minor varsity sports,
rookie Dan Schewe was able to do
some, swinging in Columbus. The
only men who seem to have their
positions sealed up are Erskine
and Sumpter. will have a chance
The linksmen wl aeacac
to redeem themselves this week-
end, as they travel to Illinois for
a small invitational. This will be
followed May 2, by the Northern
Intercollegiate Tournament, in
Columbus, and then; the Big Ten
As the weather improves, so will
the Wolverines' scores, but if they
plan on making any waves in
coming Big Ten play, they will
have to replace their paddles with
outboard motors. The seas are,
indeed, rough going this year.

ANN ARBOR-2450 W. Stadium
across from Arlon's-near K-Mart


QUARTERBACK DON MOORHEAD prepares to unload a pass
in yesterday's scrimmage at Ferry Field. Moorhead looked ex-
tremely sharp as Coach Bo Schembechler put a strong emphasis
on the passing game that will be so important to the Wolverines
next season.
Haskins to coach Titans;
Knicks' Frazier injured
DETROIT - The University of Detroit will hold a press
conference tomorrow to announce the signing of Don Haskins, former
head basketball coach at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP),
as the new head coach at Detroit.
Haskins will replace Bob Callahan who will remain at Detroit
as the school's athletic director.
Haskins is reported to have received a multiple year contract
at over $20,000 dollars a year.. While at UTEP Haskins led his teams
to five straight post-season tournaments including the national
championship in 1966.
4 NEW YORK -- Walt Frazier nay be lost the the New York
Knickerbockers for the critical playoff game with the Celtics in
Boston Friday night in the Eastern Division playoff final of the
National Basketball Association.
The Knicks announced Wednesday that the 6-foot-4 guard from
Southern Illinois pulled a groin muscle in the final minute of Mon-
day's game at Madison Square Garden, won by the Knicks 112-104.
The Celtics lead in the series, three games to two, and need only
one more victory to go into the NBA championship series against the
Western winner.
Frazier, a second year man and a second team All-NBA, is the
top playmaker of the New York team, one of the surprises of the
league this season.
The club said that Frazier was being treated with enzymes and
therapy and that it was not definite whether he would be able to
suit up for the sixth game.
" MONTE CARLO - Arthur Ashe Jr., playing nonchalantly, ral-
lied after dropping the first set and beat Roger Taylor, British pro-
fessional, 3-6, 6-4, 6-4 Wednesday for a quarter-final spot in the
Monte Carlo Open Tennis Tournament.
Julie Heldman of New York and Peaches Bartkowicz of Ham-
tramck, Mich., won their second round matches in the women's divi-
* * *
1 PHOENIX, Ariz. - Terry Colangelo, Phoenix Suns' general
manager, said Wednesday University of Florida star Neal Walk will
sign a contract with the National Basketball Association team inthe
next few days.
Walk, the Sun's first draft choice, was sought by the Carolina
Cougars of the American Basketball Association. Colangelo said
as far as he knew, the ABA conceded the 6'-10" ace to Phoenix.
" NEW YORK - Jerry Quarry of Bellflower, was named Fighter
of the Month by Ring Magazine Wednesday for his lopsided victory
over Buster Mathis.
Quarry also was boosted from No. 4 among the heavyweight con-
tenders to No. 3 moving ahead of Sonny Liston. Mathis, of Grand
Rapids, Mich., was dropped from sixth to seventh.
Iwould place Pete Seeger in the first rank of American folk
singers."--Carl Sandburg
TICKETS: $5.50, $4.50, $3.50, $2.50. Available at Ford Audi-
torium, all Grinnell and J.L. Hudson stores, Wayne State University
and University of Detroit. Student Discount of $1.00 per ticket at
each price level for tickets purchased at Wayne State University or
University of Detroit
Mail orders should include self-addressed, stamped envelope
Auspices: American Civil Liberties Union


Ulrich's Bookstore

Daily 9-9

Saturday 9-9

Sunday 11-6





WAhy Be An Absentee,





F- :

Many of you tenants, both strikers and non-strikers, have come to the office of the Tenants Union
to ask what you can do if you have a 12-month lease and plan to be out of town during the summer.
Some of you are only now realizing the full injustice of the 12-month lease you signed more than a
year ago and are'beginning to see how landlord monopoly power in Ann Arbor affects you.
The Rent Strike Steering Committee has studied the alternatives and lists them here for your
(1) You CAN PAY ALL of the Summer's rent even though you're not living there. That is, you can
pay for nothing just because your landlord had more bargaining power than you did when you
signed your lease. The advantage of this choice is that your landlord will love you even though he
may cackle to his business partners about what\a sucker you are.
(2) You can still try to SUBLET. If you haven't succeeded by now you'll have to offer a sublet
rent .that is only a fraction of your own rent for the same apartm'ent. Suppose you do sublet;
your landlord will tell you to make up the difference between your rent and the sublet rent.
a) You can pay that difference. That places you in category (1) above.





. 41



b) You can refuse to pay that difference. See category (2) below.
In either case the landlord has you doing his job for him.

Close any bank accounts your landlord knows about and if you are returning in the fall be sure you
have a lease for next year before you leave.
Many students do this every year. It is no new alternative, but it is going to be used this summer
on an unprecedented scale. It involves no red tape and is simply executed.
This method is popular with tenants who have been unable to sublet because the worst that can
happen to them is that the landlord will get the money he's telling them to pay anyway. The Tenants
Union has been successful in establishing the failures of landlords in carrying out their end of the
lease. In almost every instance, the landlord has in some way breached the terms of the lease. When
the lease has been so breached, the tenant has the legal option of vacating and paying no further
rent. It is then the obligation of the landlord to prove there has been no such breach. Whether the
landlord pursues this course reduces to a very pragmatic question: Is it worthwhile for your landlord
to chase you around the country (world?) to get some money that he may not be able to get anyway,
particularly when he has hundreds of people doing this and a lot of strikers, as well. The strike has
already caused him a lot of headaches and he won't have much time to scour the country for you.

.. ........ . . . . . ................... t..r.... t :... ... ................ .. $..... ............:.... .... ................. :v" -.:....n :.. rn.:.' r':. r:....}":::::.....::... . . . . . . . ...,......... ..
N y Rooming and/or Boarding
at a CO-OP HOUSE this summer
..... ...t ... v ..$ ..,........ . ... ... . ..... . - {i} ::







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