urSday, April 17, 1969
Page Nine
.irsday, April 17, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
Pace NIn&
IS peculation and how it grows
(Continued from Page 5) change in, policy was a coinci-
While the median student fam- dence. "The city went to an own-
ily income is $18,000, the median er-occupied inspection system for
income in the North Central area the first time in April, 1968," he
is only $5,500, according to the says. "We happened to apply it
1960 Census. The poor, in short, for the first 'time in the North
cannot afford to live elsewhere- Central area."
their existence in the ghetto is an So 'now, building offic als have
all-or-nothing proposition. called a temporary moratorium on
"In the total neighborhood one repairs-hoping the city will re-
fact dominates all others-namely ceive a federal grant which will
that there are virtually ho vacant subsidize poor home-owners who
units available!" says the city's bring housing up to code. Mean-
Model Cities Program proposal.-j while, absentee landlords - who
"Any action, be it fire code in- can afford repairs-don't have to
spedtion or sale of rental property do a thing
is certain to result in a critical Some houses, like the six Harary
relocation problem," houses, are in such bad condition
So if the city does not enforce that the city condemned and
good housing conditions, the poor evacuated them within days after
have little way to fight it. the inspection. But with the hous-
And the city hasn't enforced ing shortage, there is seldom a
good housing conditions. Over 43 guarantee that displaced families
per cent of the city's houses are can be relocated, so they must
"deteriorated or dilapidated" ac- tolerate barely tolerable conditions
cording to the 1960 Census. The -often for months.
Harary houses violations went un- "Locating housing for large low-
corrected despite warning lettersinomaiesous agrualow-'
and threats from the building and income families is a virtual im-
safety department and city attor- possibility," ,declares a. Model
neys. Although Judge Sandford Cities report.
Elden claims repeated violators As a result, the city's Office of
"must come to bear the full Emergency, Housing has a wait-
weight of the law," the Hararys ing list of about 115 families who
have never paid more than a $25 need new homes-but can't find
fine for any single violation. them.
continue paying rent; the viola-
tions go uncorrected; and finally,
the tenants move out, the house is
boarded, and the city foots the
Harary, meanwhile, makes a
Families on Emergency Housing
Director Paul's waiting lists don't
even begin to account for welfare
families, or families who would
leave their impoverished but tol-
erable houses if.there were some
other place to go.'So when Paul
can find any vacant housing --
no matter how bad, as long as it
isn't condemned - he considers
it a blessing-
CHARTER REALTY has offered
several houses tagged with
major violations to the Emergency
Housing Office at the city's re-
quest. The Daily reported on Feb.
21 that three Charter houses on
Mack street and two on Wilmot
were issued violation notices and
claimed .the firm ignored them un-
til the houses were finally con-
demned. However, Charter claims
the city .deliberately asked 't h e
'firm to maintain the houses de-
sp4e the violations for emergency
housing and welfare tenants.
According to Paul, 1336 a n d
f1340 Wilmot w e r e occupied by
families placed by t h e city, as
were 510 and 512 Mack. But he
cannot confirm that the city per-
mitted Charter to maintain viola-
tions in the houses -- nor C a n
City Administrator Guy Larcom,
housing inspector Ralph Lloyd, or
city attorney Peter Forsythe.
Assistant w City Administrator
Don Borut says "I doubt we would
have let families stay in the hous-
es if they were below code."/ The
houses at 510 and 512 Wilmot
were condemned Sept. 23, 1968 -
after several violation notices; so
were 1336 and 1340 Wilmot (chief
inspector Ralph Lloyd founld the
furnace leaking so badly Nov. 1,
1967 at 1340 that he evacuated the
tenants immediately into a hotel).
Whether or not some city offi-
cials did allow Charter to keep the
houses open despite violations is
almost a moot point. W h a t is
significant is the desperate prob-
lems w h i c h forced the city to
place tenants in houses that even
approached the condition of Char-
ter's. "I can't believe the city
would put tenants in 1340 Wil-
mot," says inspector Lloyd. "That
place was a hole.",
NOW ANN ARBOR must attack
the housing crisis on two
fronts - it must construct low-
cost housing, and revamp and
strengthen the building and safe-
ty department.
A recent $5,000 study of t h e
city's code enforcement program
by the Building Officials Confer-
ence of America has clarified some
of the code enforcement problems
such as lack of rigid fining pro-
cedures, and dependence instead
on inspector's discretions. The re-
port also suggested 75 terse, one-
sentence solutions, but there is no
guarantee the city will accept
And with the Model Cities Pro-
gram pending, the North Central
area may finally get low-cost
housing - but again, there is no
guarantee. Ann Arbor already has
two "low-cost" housing projects -
Pontiac Heights and Ann Arbor
Park - but both have quotas on
the poor and cater mostly to fam-
ilies in the middle income range.
Right now, Ann Arbor h a s a
desperate need for low-income
hou'sing and some land on which
to build it - Harary's lots in the
North Central area. If the Model
Cities Program eventually takes
him up on his offer to sell - be-
low market price, and no money
down - Ann Arbor will have tak-
en one step closer to meeting its
obligations to the poor citizens,
and not just the rich. And Ann
Arbor will be one step closer to-
the "All-American City" it has
claimed to be.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar: "Management of Managers, Pro-
gram No. 86; North Campus Commons,
8:15 a.m.
Department of Electrical Engineering
Conference: Discussion of Closed-Cir-
cuit Television Proposal for aiding
graduate education throughout south-
ern Michigan: Chrysler Center, 3:00
Cinema Guild: Marilyn Monroe, Clark
Gable' and Montgomery Clift in "The
Misfits": Architecture Auditorium, 7:00
and 9:05 p.m. '
School of Education and Department
of Library Science Lecture: S c o t t
O'Dell, Newbery Award Recipient,
speaking on "WritingdSea Stories".
Rackham Assembly Hall. 8:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Susan Nelson, bas-
soon: School of Music Recital Hall, 8:30
p m.
General Nptices
Grade Sheets for Winter, 1969 have
been sent to departments for distri-
bution to instructors. Any grade sheet
for degree students should be sub-
mitted to .th Office of the Registrar
within 48 hours after the examination,
and no later than 12:00 noon, Friday,
May 2. Failure to do so may prevent
graduation for certain students. All
grade sheets for non-degree students
should be submitted within five days of
the examination, and no later than
Saturday, May 3 at 12:00 noon., A, grade
messenger service will be provided on
a regular basis by the Office of the
Registrar to departmental offices on
the Central Campus beginning wednes-
day, April 23 and continuing through
12:00 noon on Saturday, May 3. Grades
may also be submitted directly to the
Office of the Registrar at "Window A",
L.S.&A. Bldg., during working hours.
Questions pertaining to grade reports
may be directed to 764-6292.
Student Identification Cards: Any'
student identification _card marked
"Valid Winter 1969 .Only" must' be re-
placed before the student may regis-
ter for the Spring or Fall term, 1969.
Replacement of this card may be ac-
complished by making application at
window "IA" in, the L. S. & A. Bldg.,
prior to May 1, 1969. Proper notifica-
tion of the student's correct, social se-
curity number should be available
when the application is made.
All students should check their iden-
tification cards for errors. The first
nine digits of the student number South and Southeast Bag Lunch, if otherwise qualiifed, call 764-7460 for
should be equal to the student's social James D. Clarkson, Dept. of Geography, application procedures and further In-
security number, "The Ecology of Food Production in formation:
If the numbers do not match, the in- Southeast Asia", Fri., Apr. 18. Lane State of Wisconsin: Administrative
correct card should be brought to SalBasement, noon. positions with variety of agencies In
Window "A", L.S.&A. Bldg., for re- areas of afunce, controller, personnel,
placement. No replacement fee will Women Students: Recreational Hours supplies, lnev-stments, criminal invest-
be charged, at the Margaret Bell Pool. rgation, work incentive programps, civil
During Spring term registration, May Saturday, April 19: 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. engrg, data process., deitetics, ee, man-
5-6, all matters concerning I. D. cards (Co-Rec), agement information spec., manpower
will be handled in the Lobby and Room Sunday, April 20: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. (Co- counselor, medical librarian, nat'l. sci.
102 of the L.S.&A. building. Rec). projects in aquatic research, psyaholo-
Monday, April 21 thru Thursday, gist, public health. purchasing, secur-
SPRINGCOMMENCEMENT April 24: 12 noon - 1:00 p.m. 4:00 - ityntherapy, rehabilitation, occpat-
EXERCISES 5:00 p.m., 7:00 - 9:00 pm. tioinal, alcoholic, physician,'engineering
May 3, 1969 Pool closed April 25; reopens Thurs- aids, manpower utilization forest .con-
Graduates assembie at 9:30 a.m.i {ay, May 8. servation, handicapped coord, health
Procession enters at 10:00 a.m. - education.
Program ebgins at 10:30 a.m. i-i,-Joint County System of Cedar, John-
Exercises will be held at 10:30 am. in IFtx+Gc~ie'eli son, innr and Washington Counties,
the University Events Building. Exer- Sedar Rapids, Iowa: Director of Re-
cises will conclude about 12:30 a.m. GENERALS ABISION 'search, stat. and behavioral. Library
All graduates as of May 1969 are eligi- 30S.A.B.3consultant MALS. Set. Consultant, MA
ble to participate. Attention Students Taking the FsEE and teaching exper.
11!TICKETS: Maximum of four to eachSattentrionS9"TdentfiTain yoth e -E White Pine Copper Company, White
prospective graduate, to be distributed Sat, Ari9ro: Washi ngtonincofrin yu re- neMich.: Computer Programmer, ap-
from Monday, April 21, to 5:00 p.m. ied fro ashigton Inctly plication to geol., metallurgy, physics,
listed the place of the examination, it engrg., forestry, degree In sci., engrg.,
Friday, May 2, at Diploma Office, 1518 will be given in Auditorium C, Angell or math with coryrses or esper. in prg.
L.S.&A. Building.-i Hall, 8:30 a.m., not where the notifica-s P. Pro-
Some unclaimed tickets may be avail- tion said it would be.
able at the Information desk, f i r t The Interviews for FSEE management SUMMERPLACEMENT INTERVIEW
floor, L.S.&A. Building, on Saturday, intern eligibility will be held at Place- 212 S.A.B. Lower Level
May 3, 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. ment Services next Tuesday, April 22,. April 18: Southwestern Company,
ACADEMIC COSTUME: May be rent- day before exams begin. You are noti- Nashville, Tenn., 1-5 p.m. Be outdoors
ed at Moe Sport Shop,A711 North Uni- fled if you qualify for these. all summer and make good money, de-
versity Avenue, Ann Arbor. 0 r d e r s Current Position Openings received. byt tailsatSP.'
should be placed immediately. General Division by mail and phone, I at.
ASSEMBLY FOR GRADUATES: At these' positions are open immediatelyI n -a
9:30 a.m. in area east of Stadium. Mar- spring graduates are welcome to apply J inTh e Daily Staff
shals will direct graduates to proper _.-. - ~-__,_.----- ______
stations. 1 case of inclement weather,
graduates will go directly to the build-
ing where they wil be seated by mar-
SPECTATORS: All spectators should 0-D*
be seated insshe builng by 10:00 a.m.
dithbuligb100am.when procession enters. 0 E
Invitations, etc.: Inquire at Desk, 1st
floor Lobby, L.S.A. Bldg.CE P M
be distributed at exercises. T
plomas conferred as of May 3, 1969, IN Tr ES TED?
may be called for at the L. S. & A.
Building May 23, and again May2 -r
through May 22, MedicalSchdol d plo CA LL 764-0910 or 764-0912
mas will be distributed at Senior Class
Night exercises June 6; Flint C 011 e g e
diplomas at the convocation on June
6; Dearborn Campus diplomas at the - -
graduation' exercises June 15;1 Law _ -
School diplomas may be called for af- - --- -
ter June 16 at 1518 L.S.&A. Building.
Doctoral degree candidates who qual-
ify for the, Ph.D. degree or 9 similar 0; IEA
degree from the Graduate School and
MENT EXERCISES will be given a hood'
by the University.
learn about people, what school,' big cities, and
VINS de FRANCE factories won't teach you.
Asell dictionaries with us in the rural and small-town
a f i !South.,I
BEFORE LAST September, in
fact, the city did not even
know which North Central houses
were substandard at all-because
it .hadn't inspected them. Only
public pressure finally forced the
city to begin a concentrated hous-
ing sweep through the area, billed
as the beginning of Ann Arbor's
great push for better housing.
And then six months later pub-
lic pressure brought the same
sweep to a halt. For housing in-
spectors had checked not only thee
dwellings owned by absentee land-
lords-but for the first time in
Ann Arbor's history, cracked down
harshly on owner-occupied houses
as well. To the poor, the elderly,
struggling to keep their homes,
the housing violations meant not
safety but an unbearable added
expense for repairs.
Previously, building inspectors
have avoided issuing violations
against owner-occupied dwellings.
The theory: homeowner may live-
in substandard conditions as long
as no one else suffers from it.
According to assistant city ad-
ministrator Don Borut, the sudden
This means, in effect, that the
city knowingly allows violations
in houses to go unchecked since
the tenants technically continue
living there (and usually paying
rent) only until they can find an-
other h o m e - or rather, until
Walter Paul of the emergency
housing office can find one for
Under Section 2A of the Federal
Housing Act, the city must take
responsibility for tenants who are
evicted as a result of governmen-
tal action. Condemning a house is
such a governmental action - it
doesn't matter if the house was
condemned as a result of landlord
That is why the Harary's ten-\
ants at 705 N. Fourth are patiently
paying rent to the Hararys for a
substandard home, while Paul
tries to find them a new place -
all at the city's expense.
The same thing happened at 619
N. Fifth, the other houses on N.
Fourth and 907 Wildt. The city
finds major violations, orders i'e-
pairs; the Hararys asked the
Emergency Housing Office to re-
locate the tenants; t h e tenants
I -
-~ a S ~a S S a a a a a a a sapapa a a -
Announcements Will
Be on Sale Today
through April 18 at
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