Thursdoy, April 17, 1969
THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, April 17, 1969
Making of
a teacher
-- RC R /vis
-~ - . -- w*,j w ~-
(Continued from Page 1) who are in that bag shouldn't be
People below assistant professors in the Residential College."
-lecturers and instructors-have Guskin, however, is in the mi-
professional pressure as well, but nority,-and most young staff mem-
it is a little more distant and cer- bers do tend to think about how
tainly less threatening, their departments react to their
Teaching fellows have a prob- work,
lem of a different sort. They are In addition to these personal
under pressure, sometimes direct dilemmas, there is a forceful fi-
and sometimess less so, to finish nancial problem to contend with.
their "prelims" and their disser- The Residential College is far
tations. But once again, they are from rich. It is, in fact, seriously
a little more distant from the cru- underfunded, and must depend on
cial time when tenure may be departments to pay men for the
decided upon. 'time they work in RC. In general,
Dean Robertson is able to reim-
But outside pressures are still burse departments for only about
a factor. Most professors respect half the time a professor spends
the pressures that are on them in the Residential College.
and tend to float back toward As a partial result, the depart-
their departments. ments don't have enough money
"The job market is too good to to hire men to replace the people
get hung up on the question of they lose to RC, and must some-
tenure," says Alan Guskin of the times call back professors for their
psychology department. "Tenure own needs after a semester tour
is good for the guy who wants to with the RC.
settle down, and a lot of people 1; or example, Prof. Thomas Ten-
get hooked on the status of Mich- tler of the history department, a
igan," one semester RC veteran, now;
"The Residential College does finds himself unable to return to
detract from normal academic the college in the fall because of
pursuits," he' agrees, "but those heavy departmental obligations.
"I wasn't forced not to return'
to the Residential College. The
history department has been very
liberal about this," he says. "But
someone has to teach History 101.
There is a shdrt supply of men
in this area (Medieval history)
and the departmental commit-
ment is just too great."
The difficulty pf adjusting an
individual's relationship with RC
and his own academic career has
brought about delicate balancing
between commitment to RC and
continuity in its programs.
In a constantly innovating in-
stitution like RC, continuity is im-
portant. While change goes on,
there must be certain features held
constant. The best assurance of
continuity is some type of perma-
nent staff, in RC permanence is
not always desirable. RC is an in-
volving place where a limited time
commitment prevents individuals
from focusing their life on the
"The gratifications of working
in the Residential College are,
enormous," says Guskin "but you
can't work there full-time too
long. The place is just too de-
But to'keep dynamic the college
must continue to demand much,
and be prepared to change much.
The rate of change has been
Continued from Page 1)
lessness. "Things change too Other departments do not feel
quickly," one professor says," peo- particularly constrained by the
ple here change programs before limited budget, since the number'
they know what the original pro- of students and professors willing,
gram could do." "'to stay for the summer is small.1
Summertime activity
on campus suffers
HRC claims U' mortgage
aids in hiousing discrimination
Whether or not change will' be
institutionalized cannot be pre-,
dicted with certainty since the
college is still only two years.old.
But educational changes inno-
vated in the RC will most cer-
tainly rub off on LSA.
The immediate effect RC has
had on LSA has come through
the professors who have taught in
the college. "Faculty members who
havetaught in RC bringrback
their learning experience to LSA
when they return," says Prof. Co-
hen. "I've heard quite a few pro-
fessors say that they just don't
teach the same way in LSA once
they've taught in the Residential
RC recently set up an advisory
committee on teaching to work'
with Dean Robertson on evalu-
ation of RC teachers. The commit-
tee will certainly be important
within RC, but what role it will
have on the literary college as a
whole remains to be seen.
Dean Robertson feels the virtueI
of the committee is that "We can
make material more readily avail-
able for departments in evalua-
ting teaching. And \we expect to
do it routinely for departments in
the future, even when not asked
for it."
Robertson says the information
has been used by the literary col-
lege in consideration of tenure and
teaching awards.
"I really can't say what effect
it will have." he says, "but we
won't let departments forget what
their men are doing here."
The role of the Residential Col-
lege in this area, as well as in
other edupational areas, is a grow-
ing one. But there seems to be
general agreement that the RC
will enhance the status and the
quality of teaching in the literary
"In this department there is no
demand that hasn't been satis-
fied, with the one exception of a
full-term graduate reading course
in French 111," says Prof. James
O'Neill, chairman of the Ro-
mance languages department.
O'Neill admits, however, that
his department "has not been able
to offer a complete undergraduate
program in the long trimester
term," as it was originally envis-
The philosophy department ac-
tually will have a surplus in this
year's summer budget, because it
is not hiring as many full profes-
sors to teach as it did last sum-
"We could offer a larger p r o-
gram if we wanted to," says De-
partment Chairman Prof. Richard
Brandt, "but there hasn't been
any indication that we have to."
Last year, students underenroll-
ed in his department.
Nor is the English department
~sinking from lack of funds. Prof.
Russell Fraser, chairman, says
the budget squeeze "hasn't had
any really dramatic effect o v e r
here." He does admit, however,
.Bus service
University North Campus b u s
service will be extended starting
Saturday (April 19) to provide ad-
ditional runs' to cover late library
closings during final examination
The extende bus service will
leave central campus at 15 and
45 minutes after the hour as well
as the regular times on the. hour
and half past the hour. The ad-
ditional service will begin each
day after the last regular run, and
will conclude with a final run at
5:15 a.m, each day.
(Continued from Page 1) issue over a moi'al issue," Hunter
"Legally the University doesn't charged. "Do they have a right to
have responsibility," said Hunter take federal and state funds to
in reply. "But they have a moral perpetuate racism?"
obligation to help stop this dis- Griffith said yesterday the Uni-
Oriffith said that while "theor- versity stopped issuing mortgage
etically,it would be possible for loans to commercial companies
the University to get rid of the after the Cutler Hubble
mortgage, but not without a loss."
He indicated the mortgage was "As a matter of practice for the
within a short time of being paid last ten years we have confined
off. mortgage loans to members of the
"They are playing an economic University staff only," Griffith ex-
Mrs. Fagin, along with nine other
local citizens, decided to test the
degree of discrimination in Ann
Arbor housing.
Mrs. Fagin said the group, five
whites and five blacks, went out to
15 apartments posing as blacks,
whites, and mixed couples.
She testified that at one Cutler
Hubble apartment the manager
arranged to meet prospective ten-
ants when they drove up to t h e
building. She said when the oc-
cupants of the cai' were not white
the manager drove on without
In another apartment, the man-
ager - canceled the appointment
when he learned the couple com-
ing was racially mixed..When they
showed up anyway the manager
asked them personal questions
about themselves and said their
application would have to be ap-
proved in Detroit.
that the department' "is no longer
able to bring in eminent visitors to
teach for the summer."
While the college's various de-
partments have weathered t h e
budget squeeze with varying de-
grees of success, it is clear that the
trimester system as originally
planned seems doomed.
For even if. more and more pro-
fessors and students choose to
stay at the University for the
spring-summer term, the literary
college budget for that term ap-
parently lacks the potential to
support any expansion at all.
Social Work
students slap
Dean's offer
(Continued from Page 1)
of students and faculty on the
committee. Under this proposal,
the students would judge prospec-
tive professors. on their teaching
ability, while the faculty members
would judge the candidates' com-
petence in research, publication
and understanding of theoretical
This amounts to a rejection of
Fauri's proposal said SWSU pres-
ident Jesse Bernstein.
Under the SWSU resolution,
students on the Search committee,
as well as students on the student-
faculty committee in the method
(specific area) for which the pro-
fessor was to be hired, would have
the opportunity to interview all
candidates. After both students
and faculty had made their evalu-
ations of the prospective faculty
member, Dean Fauri would chair
a meeting to resolve any differ-
ences which might arise between
the two groups' findings.
The vote on the resolution was
immediately called into question
because a quorum of 25 delegates
was lacking. However, Bernstein
ruled that since, no quorum had
been called for before the vote
was taken, the vote was in order.
A rival resolution which called
for acceptance of the Fauri pro-
posal was withdrawn by its spon-
sor, Sandy Setzen. Setzen, who
declared that equal student rep-
resentation on the Search Com-
mittee,. though, desirable,; was not
feasible at this time, said that he
could not accept a vote on his
resolution in the absence of a
Setzen's resolution had also pro-
posed that a prospective faculty
member's 'vita' be maderavailable
to students on the Search Com-
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The decision to call hearings
came after Louise Fagin testified
at an HRC meeting Tuesday night,
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