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April 17, 1969 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-17

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Thursday, April 1 7, 1969


For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557
Monday through Friday, 10:00-3:00

(Continued from Page 6)
KAY Classical Guitar. $30, must sell.
Small ' Ampeg amp., and speaker
columns. 764-8679. X11
STEREO components-Amp, turntable,
tuner. Save much. 769-1126 5-11 p.m.
HAROM-KADON Garrard amp. and
turntable. Good condition, good price.
769-0352 or 761-9761. X10
FISHER-440 FM Receiver, 70 watts.
$250. Grace, 769-1280. X9
Stereo Receiver-Factory guaranteed-
perfect condition. Call 769-3585. X5
CLASSICAL RECORD sale. Hundreds of
LP's. Perfect cond, and very reason-
able. Call 662-8701 or come to 412 E.
Huron after 6 p.m. X6
Electrical-acoustical instruments,
repairs, lessons. 209 S. State.
665-8001, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
FENDER Stratocaster elect. guitar with
hard shell case. $175. Rick, 761-2870
compact. Best offer. Must sell. 764-
9746. X37
BIG FENDER Bassman-Farfisa mini-
compact. Best offer, must sell. 764-
9746. X37
VOX, hollow-.body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-volt amp. ($200 value
$80); or both for $250. Call Mike.
764-1133. X30
BIG FENDER Bassman-Farfisa mini-
compact. Best offer, must sell. 764-
9746. X37
KUSTOM'AMP. 200 watts. 8 months old.
Ex. cond. Power 560. Call Clare, 764-
4916 X7
SONY 260-4 track stereo, tape recorder
and mcrophones ex. cond. 769-1044. X8
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-watt amp. ($200 value
$80); or both for $250. Call Mike, 764-
1133. X30
NEW MARK II super trak stereo cart
w 2 elliptical needles. 764-2622. X21
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-watt amp. ($200 value
$80): or both for $250. Call Mike,
764-1133. X30
UPRIGHT PIANO, excel. tone, good
cond. $85. 665-6307. X22
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-volt amp, ($200 value
$80); or both for $250. Call Mike, 764-
1133. X30
TYPING done in my home. Call 665-
7258. J10
STENCILS, theses, and term papers
typed in my home. 769-5441. J5
TYPING - Your choice of type.' Free
pick-up and delivery. 663-7894. J4
TYPING WAN'ED-business or college.
10 yrs. experience. Call 971-2806 after
6 p.m. J2
work in her home. Thesis, technical
typing, stuffing, etc. IBM selectric
Call Jeanette, 971-2463. J48
TYPING OF THESIS, papers, etc. Ex-
pertly done at home. IBM selectric.
761-3139. J1
3 BEDROOM, 3 or 4 man. Across from
Law Quad. May-Aug. Cheap. 769-6251.
EXPERIENCED SEC'Y. wants to type
many scripts, thesis papers, etc. 971-
4066. J33
TYPING DONE on elec. typewriter. Very
reasonable. Call 483-1008. J37
Paddles, Flowers, Bands.
Special Favors & Sportswear show
on Feb. 26~ 27-over 500 items. Call
Neil or rick for appointment at 761.
6632. J34
WE TYPE and duplicate term papers,
thesis, etc. We also take dictation
for conferences. Now's the time, call
us soon, 665-3767. J
Call 668-6200
over 35 years.
J 19


Free,. KITTENS. Housebroken, we de-
liver. 663-2544. T46
BI-LEVEL 4-man, 1% baths, air-cond.,
dishw., patio, one block from Diag,
Call 769-0441. U50
ATTENTION! You can sublet this beau-
tiful 4-man, 2 bdrm., 2 bath jewel
just 500 yards from Union. Front and
back doors. Call 769-2524. U49
1 OR 2 COEDS needed for modern 4-
man. $36 per month. Call 761-2625.
ARE YOU Your Landlord's Keeper? Let
Him Sublet His Own Buildings. U3
2 GIRLS NEEDED to fill 4 man, large
modern, air conditioned apartment.
Between hospital and campus. Bal-
cony facing South for sunning. Will
negotiate price. 761-4950. . U9
808 OAKLAND-Apt. 204. 1-2 man effi-
ciency. Modern, air cond., covered
parking. 2 blocks to South Univer-
sity. 761-0208. U50
MAYNARD HOUSE, Apt. 303. Sublet
May-Aug. 662-8744, 665-4406 (man-
ager). U47
SUBLET with Fall option-Single or
double near campus, cool basement-.
2 rooms, kit., bath. Call 663-3281. U46
SPACIOUS, beautifully ,furn., carpeted
5 room apt., covered parking, near
campus. Washing facilties in ad-
joining bldg. Avail. June 15. $95. 663-
5754. U20
2 MAN APT.-Modern, will negotiate.
Call 663-0470. U11
2 MAN SUBLET spring-summer terms.
665-6469. U12
MOD. 2 BDRM., air cond, apt., disp.,
furn., campus area. Avail. May 1.
$110/mo. Call 665-9625. U13
NEEDED-Girl to sublet in a 3-man
apartment. May thru August. $65
per month. Close to campus. Call 769-
5158 after noon. U49;
Bi-level{ apts., furn., air-cond., free
parking, on campus. Call 665-9627
after 5 p.m. or see manager in Apt. 15.
511 E. Hoover
TWO ROOMS in comfortable three story
house for spring-summer. Option for
fall. Rent negotiable. 761-1952. U3
2 BDRM. 2 or 3 man apt. Full 2nd floor
of house, 2/terrace. $100/mo. Maq-
Aug. 764-7911. U4
TWO BDRM. furn., pool, parking, air-
cond., free bus to campus. Call 761-
5837 after 5 p.m., Mike. US
AIR COND., 2 bdrm.; for summer, 2
blocks from campus, modern, bal-
cony sun deck, parking and free elec.,
Call 761-8227. U6
SINGLE-One block from campus. Pri-
vate bath and refrigerator. Call 769-
3217 after 5. U7
ONE GIRL to fill 2-man in comfortable-
house. $55 per mo. 721 Church St.,l
No. 3. 769-4231. U8
Apts. for Summer
921 S. Division

MOD. 2 BDRM. 1 block from Diag
A/C, balcony, disposal, washing facil.,
parking. New bldg. Negotiable. 769-
0565. U27
ONE GIRL needed for mod. 4-man,
May-Aug., good loc., negotiate. Donna
at 769-4727 or 665-3333. U25

GREAT DEAL on an air cond., 2 bdrm.
apt. across from E. Quad. 1100 Hill,
No. 4. 769-2836. U24

JULY-AUG. - Carriage House. Modern
bi-level, air cond., dishwasher, cov-
ered parking, cheap. 769-1181. Ask for
Russ. U9
5 LARGE ROOMS-3-4 man, porch. 511
Hill. 665-8188. Parking. U26
1 and 2 BEDROOM
McKenley Associates
1223 Hill St., Apt, 10
Stop in for listings

4 BDRM. HOUSE, great loc., 1-4 people
needed spring, summer or both. Price
neg. 764-3884 or 664-6515. U31
3-MAN APARTMENT, attractive, 1st
floor, very close to campus, air-con-
ditioning. 761-3935. About $135. U32
Limited number of
Beautiful 4-Man Apartments left
Only ' block from campus
Call 761-1227 or 761-0533
For Rental Information

AIR COND. 5 bedroom house on Forest
Court, either half or both. Ex. cond.
Rock bottom price. Call 764-1770 or
769-2674 after 6 p.m. J46
HAVE YOUR OWN large room in 2 girl
apartment. 2 blocks from campus.
May-Aug. 20. Rent very negotiable.
663-5096. U48
NEED 3 OR 4 MEN, May-Aug., 3-bdrm.,
mod., air cond., 4 man. Bi-level, TV,
kit, utensils. State and Packard. 761-
3103. U26
Stuck with a 12 mo.
Leaving town? Moving?
Let us rent your apt. for you
Sublet Service
1217 S. University
NEED 2 MEN to fill bi-level modern,
air cond. Church St. across from East
Engin. Rent negotiable. 769-4786. U10
2 GIRLS needed to complete mod. 4-
man for fall. Great landlord. Very
extremely reasonable. 761-8784, UF
Per Man per month
2-3 men needed - A/C., dishwasher,
balc., covered parking, 1% baths. 769-
5937, 5-7 p.m. U9
BI-LEVEL, 4-ma napt. Close to campus,
and hospital. Dishwasher and air
cond., big kitchen. 1412 Geddes. 769-
3195. 11
4TH GIRL needed for May. Close to
campus. Modern apt., no damage de-
posit. Call Ellen, 769-0986. Leave num-
ber. U3
APT. for married couple. Chatham Vil-
lage (Pauline and Stadium). 2 bdrm.,
contemporary furn., swimming pool.
668-8194 evenings. U501
TWO BEDROOM, 2 blocks from cam-
pus, parking. 761-8034. U9F
JULY-AUG. sublet. Furnished, air con-

SWIMMING POOL-football field across
street. 2 bdrm., 4 man air cond., bal-
cony. Call 665-7839. U50
ONE MAN APT. furn., large separate
bdrm., living, kitchen, bath; parking;
close to campus. Avail. now! $130. 822
Arch, Apt. 3. 662-2263, 663-1258. U26
NEED 1 MAN for 2 bdrm., 2 man apt.,
mod, apt., fully furn., 2% blocks from
campus. May-Aug. 761-5118. U29
ONE TWO or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August. $50 each. Ideal
apt with carpeting, many closets.
disposal, parking, basement laundry,
congenial open-minded neighbors and.
landlord. Call 769-4784. 110 Hill No. 2




SUMMER SUBLET - Room and bath. GIRL WANTED to sublet furn. room
$35/mo. Call 769-1048. U16 on campus, off street parking. 761-
9266 after 6 p.m. U9
ONE GIRL needed for modern four - ________ __

Inquire Apt. 8


2 BDRM. MOD. apt. 2, 3, 4-man. Still
available. Laundry, parking, air cond.
May-Aug. Forest Terrace. 665-7204. U45
2-MAN, modern, air-cond. 2 blocks
from Diag. Call 769-2280. U44
FEMALE ROOMMATE needed, May thru
August. $40/mo. 482-3771. U4
TWO MAN. Great location, near campus
in old house with character. Call
769-4665 anytime. U43
OWN BEDROOM in six room house with
2 grad students. From May-Aug.
Rent: will dicker. Call 663-7271. U5
CLOSE MOD. 2-bdrm., air-cond. apt.
911 Oakland, No. 4. Offers? 761-9122.
SINGLES or DOUBLES in frat. house.
Very cheap and quiet. Call 761-2016.
3 bdrm., 4° man, mod., bilevel, air
cond., TV, all kit. utensils. 663-0055.
State and Packard. U25
APARTMENT avail., near A&P aid Can-
terbury. Rent negotiable. 769-5310. U20
MOD. 4 MAN apt. near campus and
hosp. (St. Joe's). Air cond. Parking.
Laundry, 665-9624. U21
MOD. 2 MAN, furnished, air cond.,
large, 824 McKinley, No. 4. 663-1163.
ONE MAN wanted to live with one
other in 2 bdrm. apt. $35/mo. 919 S.
Division, No. 104. 761-9084. U18
1 MAN NEEDED to fill lux. bi-level
4-man from May-Aug. All conven-
iences at cheap sublet rate. 912 S.
Forest, No. 18. 761-1193. U28
SPACIOUS 5-man for summer sublet.
$200/mo. 761-0570. U42
NEED 1-4 GIRLS to sublet mod. apart-
ment on Forest. Air cond., cheap.
663:~7273. U8
SUNNY skylights, air-cond. 11b blocks
to Diag, mod. 4-man. Avail. spring
and/or summer. $50, negotiable. Call
663-3644. 1314
LARGE HOUSE to sublet-3 bdrms.,
garage, yard. 761-9670. U15
3 min. from campus; parking; air-con-
ditioned; close to booze. 761-9156. U41
WANT A SINGLE? Don't despair! Three-
room efficiency for summer sublet.
Near hospital. A real gem. $90. Call
663-7093. U40

TO SUBLET-Large mod. 2 bdrm,, 4
man apt. Air cond., parking, near
campus. 663-9616. U29
MAY-AUG.-Modern, near-by apt., 2
bdrm., parking, piano. One or 2
mature girls to share w/my roommate.
663-3995. U39
BIG 4-MAN-So, U. location. Summer,
half. Mod., air cond., park., cheap.)
761-2953. U38
LARGE, CLEAN room w/kitchen privi-
leges. $55/mo. April 28-Aug. 28. 10
min. walk to campus. Call Bob, 761-
3517 U34
One Man Needed
For bilevel apt. with 2 air cond.,
dishwasher. $30/mo. 769-2804. C43
Large, elegant, spacious, 2 bedroom
beautifully furnished. Reasonable
rent. NO 8-6906. U36
Air Conditioning
All these features can be yours in
a charter realty apt. Call 665-8825
for complete sublet information.
665-8825 1335 S. University
Near campus and hospital. 663-
7156 or 663-7157. U47
SUBLET 1 BEDROOM 2-3-man. New
carpeting, air conditioning. 1 block
from campus, next to laundra-mat
and Ralph's. Underground parking.
Price negotiable. Call 761-3972 any-
time. U43
1 OR 2 MAN apt. Air cond., parking,
bi-level. 731 Packard, Apt. 220. 769-
3371. U23
2 OR 4 GIRLS NEEDED spring sem. for
modern bi-level apt., air cond., dish-
washer, good location. 761-2494 .U37
ROOM FOR GIRL in spacious houst.
May-Aug. $40/mo. 769-2725. U40
SHARE 2 MAN 2 bedroom apt. $60/mo.
665-7288. U41
courts, air conditioned, 2 big bed-
rooms, huge closets, parking, good
landlords, $135 negotiable. 761-8327
between 5-7. U42
TIRED of ,apartments? Try sharing a
2-bdrm. house with one another.
May-August. Call Dean at 662-3978.
CHEAP: 2-3 men for July-Aug. Mod.
apt. 769-5025. U44

our sublet of sublets! Each room of
our roomy 5% room 2 bdrm., 4-
man is huge in itself, fully carpet-
ed, air-cond., of course, modern as
an apt. can be. Need dishes? Pots
and pans? East Madison near Pack-.
ard and that's close! Call 769-1649,
ask for anyone. UF
2 MAN MOD. APT. Air cond. Corner
State-Packard, May 1-Aug. 24. 769-
5688 after 6 p.m. U30
MOD. 4-MAN, close to campus, air
cond,, parking, balcony. $45 each,
will negotiate. Call 665-6253 after 5.
ONE, TWO, or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August. $50 each. Ideal
apt. with carpeting, new furniture
cooling, new kitchen, many closets
disposal parking basement laundry
congenial open-minded neighbors and
landlord. Call 769-4784: 110 Hill, No
2. U750
2 BEDROOM summer sublet. Modern.
furnished, cool, quiet. Minutes to
hospitals. 663-3666. U31


Management Inc.
Sublet Assistance
We have complete listings of our
tenants who will be subletting for
this summer.
30 SEC. from iag. 2-3 girls, 2 bdrms.,
yard, cool, quaint. 425 Church, 761-
'8645. Rent neL, Uits

man apartment. One block from Uni- MODERN APT., air cond., parking, on
versity Hospital, close to main cam- campus. 1-2' men. 662-8307. U41
pus. Call 761-8906 after 5 p.m. U7
- __- LIVE IN a friendly house, 3-4 man,
big living room, breakfast nook. Call
S M ER 1769-2841. 40
SPACIOUS 3 or 4 m n, parking, air-
cond., close to campus. 927 S. Forest,
No. 203. Call 663-9866. U13
he following tenants of Apartments MAY-AUG. sublet for 2 men to share
imited have indicated a desire to with one until July. Good location,
ublease . their apartments for the furn., air cond., will negotiate. 769-
ummer. 1627. U14
* Fuller no. 769-7652. no. 662-5950, SWIMMING POOL, air cond., 2 bed-
ex. hospital location, rooms in mod. 4-man, 1 or 2 girls
* 526 Packard no. 103, need 1 girl needed May to Aug. 764-9626. U30
* 848 Tappan, no. 18-1 room in 4- - SPRING-SUMMER sublet, 2 bedroom, 3
man to share. 663-8307. man. Dishwasher, appliances, parking,
mo. 761-9554 good locationcampus-hospital. Rent
negotiabie. 521 Walnut, No. 12. 769-
f you are a tenant of Apartments 4144.11
.imited and have not yet contacted
as regarding a sublease, please do so FREE TV, balcony, air cond., 3 bdrm.,
mmediately so we may update our 2 baths, luxury apt. on campus needs
iles. 4 or 5 for entire summer. 769-1726. UD
APARTMENTS LIMTED-663-051 1 2 MEN NEEDED-for modern, 3-man
THIS AD CHANGES DAILY sublet. Air-conditioned, balcony, dis-
U4C 6posal, parking, excellent location. $40.
UC 665-5920. 1U25
GIRkLrNEEDE Dtoshae large 2man.SUBLET_2 bdrm. apt. unfurnished.
Packard and Monroe. Negotiable, Call Chatham Village May 1-June 30.
769-3994.i138 Lease available for 69-70 school yr.
Will sell furniture. 769-4180 after 6.

.._ 1

AVAILARTE MAY 1-1. 2, 3, and 4-man.
The Ambassador Co. 761-7982. U27


R. kL~.- g, .
ditioned, two bedroom apt. 721 S. J YL I . ___ ne____11
Forest. Call 769-3390. U6 C LARGE, Mod. apt., bal,, air cond., park-
-_-- Come in and'chek our listings at: ing. Call 761-2046. U21
5 BEDROOM 737 Packard - -----
FURNISHED HOUSE 1-5 pm. 761-8063 2 GIRLS NEEDED to share large
U2 apartment for summer. Very close to
For 5 or 6 people, 1% blocks from campus. 665-0003. UB
campus. Wall to wall carpeting, new fUMRSBE-w f -. .
us, W ll toal. c in wSUMMER SUBLET-Two-man efficiency 2 GIRLS NEEDED, 2 bdrm., 3-man,
furniture, 2 full baths, $300/mo. inc. In house, Great location-price nego- i ti 6-89 2 summer ,p2. A/C. Close to campus.
util. 761-3889. U314 tiabse Gralt 764at-760U NC. bus, women's pool. 769-0577.U46
5 BEDROOM Need a Summe r Apt ?MODERN, 3-bdrm. apt. for up to 5
FURNISHED HOUSE '-ppeople. Sublet for Spring-Summer.
For 5 or 6 people. 112 blks from FREE LOCATING SERVICE Air cond., dishwasher. 769-1146 or
campus. Wall to wall carpeting, Best deals in town 761-8340. U6
new furniture, 2 full baths, $300/ Sublet Service 3 BEDROOM, 3 or 4 man. Across from
mo. ncl. utiL 761-3889. U14 1217 S. University law quad. May-Aug. Cheap. 769-6251.
665-8996 1327
SUPER-Close/campus furn., eff. for 13386-5-89 U2
1 or 2, fall opt., all or part summer. __--------- -- --- NEED 1 MAN-for sublet to complete
665-9562.3U16 MODERN air conditioned apt., 5 min- 4-man 1 block from campus (near
NEED for summer sublt-, utes from campus and South U. 761- Law Quad), has dishwasher, disposal,
NEEDngrom for summer gl 9023. U48 2-bdrms, balcony air-cond. mod. fur-
spring and for summer. Mod, apt., ~ nishings normally $93/mo., subletting
seconds from everything. 769-5544.1321 SUBLET May-Aug. Couple only. Packard for a mere $45/mo. May-Aug. Call
MARRIED COUPLE wanted for new, and Fifth. Reasonable. 662-2286. U50 769-1091. UF
2 b d ~ ~C~t o-ou e n t e d o r-n-wC-a -
-brm. townhouse on North Cam- 3 MAN SUBLET May-Aug,. Modern, air HOUSE FOR SUBLET, May-August:
pus, Spacious, furnished, parking. cond., Park Plaza, 1320 S. Univ., No. 769-4472; three girls needed: fireplace,
769-0798.3U29 12. 761-7657. U44 back yard for sunning, air-condition-

) {

SUMMER SUBLET-2 girls in 4-man
near Frieze. 761-8020. U22
BEAUTIFUL 2-man apt., one huge bed-
room, huge living room, large kitch-
en, porch, bay window. Rent nego-
tiable. 769-4520. 1 UD
CHEAP TICKETS to Europe, round trip
or one way; departure May 15 Det. to
London.-keturn Aug. 20 Lon.-Det.
dnCall 769-5234 for further info. 041
FLY LONDON-NY Aug. 19. $120 or best
offer. Call 665-8202. G40
SAN FRANCISCO bound? Riders want-
ed with female summer migrant. Call
663-7093. G42
RIDE WANTED to CALIF. Will share
driving and expenses. April 29-May 7.
764-2856. 037
1 OR 2 PASSENGERS wanted. Leaving
for Boston early Saturday, April 19.
Call Dave, 764-5260 or 761-0205. 038
13 in VW. Free trip for shared driving.
761-1952. G39
RIDE TO JOLIET, Ill. or Chicago after
6 p.m. Apr. 29 NEEDED. 764-1635. GE
ALL EXPENSES paid toS Francisco in
re'urn for driving our furnished and
new U-haul truck, end of May. Phone
after 7 p.m. 662-3528. G35
WANTED DRIVER to drve out '66 VW
to S. Francisco, end of May. If inter-
ested phone after 7 p.m. 662-3528. Gas
paid. 036
MALE 19 years or older interested in
seeing U.S. and Canada by private
train caboose to do historical study
of railroads. Send 50 cents for more
info., Box 402, Rochester, Mich. 48063.
NEED SUMMER RIDE daily to Detroit
GM-Fisher Bldg. Will help buy gas.
Call Neal, 761-6953. G33
FLY DETROIT to Paris or Rome for 5
wks. June 10-July 14 for $409. Call
Tom Hilbish, 764-0583 days. Evenings
Tim Caldwell, 663-9957 or Grover Wil-
kins, 769-1663. 023
FLY DETROIT to Paris or Rome for 5
wks., June 10-July 14 for $409. Call
Tom Hilbish, 764-0583 days. Evenings
Tim Caldwell, 663-9957 or Grover Wil-
kins, 769-1663. 023


HOUSE-1st floor, 3-4 man; furnished
and carpeted; huge kitchen, living
room plus study area, porch, free
parking, near Law Club. 665-2781. U41
EFFICIENCY - May-Aug. Air cond.,
close to campus. Can use dishes,
linen, radio, etc. Call 761-6982 before
10 a.m. or evenings or 665-4406 during
day. Ask for Apt. 602. U24
5-MAN--3-BDRM. Apt. Dishwasher,
balconies, air conditioning
2 bathrooms
Near Hospital and Campus
525 Walnut, No. 6-769-3143

1 BEDROOM apt. May-August. Has
patio and many extras. 344 S. Divi-
sion, No. 105. 662-9388. , U48
MODERN two-man summer sublet.
Fantastic location. $110 negotiable.
665-8797. 1341
MAYNARD HOUSE-1 bdrm. furnished,
air-cond.; summer with fall option.
Calla665-4406, 12-5:30-Apt, 1006 after
7 call 761-8119. 1339
3-4 BEN in 4 man apt. or 4 females,
central air cond., off street parking.
St, Joe area-$40/mo./man. 665-9617.1

'er, very near campus UF
APT. UBLET; July-Aug.; 2-3 men;
cool; cheap. 769-3619.uU41
3 GIRLS FOR May through August.
CHEAP. Call 761-2625. U
3-MAN SUMMER Sublet. CHEAP Close
to campus, Call 761-3678. UD{
AIR-COND., 2 bdrm. choice. All kitchen
equip. and extras included. Near
athletic field. 1-864-3852 or 1-352-
1490. U32
? OF 2 MAN, 2 bdrm. Call 663-9475.

Inqu(re Apt. 8
AIR COND.--4-man, 2 bdrm.
campus; balcony, disposal,
laundry. Call 769-2418. 608
No. 20.



apt., on

NEAR CAMPUS and hospital. Modern
2-bedroom. 761-6872. U11
Boo! UNIQUE APT. available May 1-
Aug. 20t Perfect for 3, better for 2
who can pay like 3. Mervin or Vena,
663-7974 anytime. U17
FURN. one-bedroom, May-Aug. Cheap.
Call 761-3602. You may be a winner.

WHY BE AN Absentee Tenant?


1 GIRL NEEDED for mod. 3-man apt.,
2 bdrm., air cond., parking. 2nd
term or all summer. 665-6949. U12
SUMMER SUBLET--House with fire-
place, starting May-option for fall.
3 girls. $55 per month. 761-8339. U133
TWO LGE. BDRMS. May-Aug. near
campus. $120. 761-5487. U35
4 BDRM. HOUSE, 701 S. Division. $120.j
Call Scott or John, 761-3177. U30

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