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April 17, 1969 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-17

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Thursday, April 17, 1969


Page Eleven


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doug heller

1MIiLain topsIndians, 8-2 v
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Everybody traditionally starts out a farewell column in this pa-
per with "Instead of saying the usual things, I will .
To hell with that. I think I'll do it right, after a fashion.
Cazzie Russell, Ron Johnson, Jim Detweiler, Rick Volk, Jack
Clancy, Carl Ward, Tom Curtis, Oliver Darden, Jim Pitts, Rudy
Tomianovich, Dave Porter, Pete Cornell, Bob Fehrs, Wayne Miller,
Dave Jacobs, Chip and Phip, Ron Rapper, Carl Robie, Paul Sche-
erer, Juan Bello, Russ Kingery, Gary Kinkead, Bruce Brown, Mel
Wakabayashi, Jim Keough, Bill Lord, Dave Perrin, Ron Kutch-
inski, Gary Knickerbocker, Jack Harvey, Larry Midlam, Dick
Dell, Pete Fishbach, Brian Marcus, Karl Hedrick, Elliott Mad-
dox, Geoff Zahn, Bill Newton.
These were my favorite athletes at Michigan the last four years.
Not because they were the best, although most of them were, but be-
cause they had the most personality playing their sport and were the
most fun to watch. Anybody who missed any of them missed some-
thing worth seeing.
Anybody who missed most of them doesn't really like sports.
To me they were the best part about sports at Michigan. I even
joined this paper and met some of them. Most of them are amazingly
Actually I watched individuals because the teams as a whole
were disappointing. They were disappointing in a fashion important
only those graduating in 1969 after four years at the Big 'U'. In 1964,
the year before I came, Michigan was first in the Big Ten in almost ev-
ery sport; not just football and basketball, but nearly everything. It
looked like a dream world for someone raised on the New York Yank-
ees, like I was. I wonder what it seemed like to a hick whose high
school teams were always last.
After I got here, the existing athletic situation was an anti-
climax. Not only were the teams not perfect, but they all seemed
to get a little bit worse every year.
Then came the revolution. It seems that of the two bureaucra-
cies at Michigan, the University and the athletic department, the
athletic department traditionally has been by far the most efficient.
During the Hatcher regime it was no contest. After he retired, the
University began to catch up fast, but the timely retirement of Fritz
Crisler gave the athletic department the opportunity to move ahead
once more.
And so here we stand at the threshhold of something big in
Michigan athletics. And no doubt in the future the Wally Webers
and other sports historians will look back at the four years ex-
actly coinciding with my college career as the datk ages compared
with what is to follow.
I first realized this last semester and it gave me the opportunity
to give my impression of a football-crazy alumnus gone berserk all
over the campus and in the Daily demanding that the players and
coaches win or get out. Well; the players won and the coaches got
out. I had a ball.
If I had written this column last year, I would have used a part
of it to give some of the coaches around here a parting punch in the
stomach, so to speak. But now, some of the coaches are either too new
or too good to make it worthwhile for them. I do notice an awful lot of
help in the athletic administration building lately, and I certainly
would recommend to any interested school that there are some pros-
pective athletic directors available at the corner of State and Hoover.
Actually, Michigan under Crisler was the "birthplace" of num-
erous athletic directors, just as Miami of Ohio is the background of
many major football coaches. Forest Evashevski of Iowa, the late Ivy
Williamson and his successor "Crazy Legs" Hirsh of Wisconsin, Big-
gie Munn of Michigan State, Davy Nelson of Delaware, Bert Katzen-
meyer of Wichita State (I'm sure I'm forgetting somebody) and of
course Don Canham are contemporary athletic directors with Michi-
gan backgrounds.
Going back to coaches, there are still a few who have been at
Michigan (and still are) long enough so I can throw in my two
cents about them.
Since he led his team to a national championship in 1963,
gymnastics coach Newt Loken has been progressively victimized
by a series of rules changes that have allowed lesser teams to beat
'him or go to the NCAA championships instead of him. Loken is
a talkative man, but if I were him I would cry myself to sleep ev-
ery night.
Swimming coach Gus Stager has won a few Big Ten and National
Championships, but that was years ago. He has finished second for
nine straight years and the gap between him and constant champion
Indiana appears to be widening. Why is this? Stager says he only
wants swimmers who want to swim for Michigan and are willing to
work in getting their education. -Or to quote the unanimous opinion
of every topflight swimmer that the Daily has asked since I've been
here, "He doesn't recruit."
It might seem funny to hear such champions as Carl Robie and
Paul Scheerer accuse Stager of not recruiting, since the obvious re-
tort has to be "why did you come here then?" The answer very often
is diving coach Dick Kimball, who apparently spends so much time
recruiting swimmers that he doesn't have time to recruit enough good
divers. It's too bad about Stager, really. Never since Vince Lombardi
has a man gotten more out of less material.
Baseball coach Moby Benedict is also a victim of circumstan-
ces, this time the annual baseball draft that grabs his best play-
ers right in the middle of their college careers. In addition, he
can't play all year like Southern schools. But he is also the vic-
tim of something else: enough accusations of racism to make peo-
ple wonder about the "where there's smoke, there's fire" theory.
The other sports I know somewhat less well. Al Renfrew's hockey
team apparently plays itself into shape by midseason. But the main
problem with hockey is that the Canadians coming to play in the
United States are coming out of Junior A, which is stronger than

college hockey. It hurts their careers.
Bill Murphy, the tennis coach, is of course victimized by the
climate in that he can't compete effectively against schools like
Southern California and Arizona. He does win the Big Ten about
80 per cent of the time, the secret being the way his current play-
ers recruit for the future as they tour around the country. He also
is a great technical coach.
We've heard so much about Canham the businessman, it's in-
teresting to note how this affects his decisions on coaches. John Orr
and Bo Schembechler are less personable than their predecessors, but
apparently harder workers. They certainly show enough enthusiasm,
and with help in the right quarters could turn out to be effective re-
In sum, athletics at this school, while not all that I expected, will
inevitably soon be back on top. But that's the best thing about Michi-
gan, anyway. Most of the parts of this school have an obsession to be
on top. Not only academics- and athletics, which goes without saying,
but also relatively unimportant parts like the bands, the Daily, a few
of the frats, and the acid-heads.
In fact, four years of this "We're number 1" mania is prob-
ably all that I could stand.

By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND -- Jim Northrup
drove in four runs with a double;
and a home run and Denny Mc-
Lain scattered nine hits as Detroit
whipped Cleveland 8-2 last night.
Northrup's fourth-inning dou-
ble following singles by Willie.
Horton and Norm Cash gave the
Tigers their first two runs. Then
McLain singled Northrup across
for a 3-0 Detroit lead.
Cash's first home run of the I
season in the fifth inning madet
it 4-0.E
Yesterday's Resultst
Detroit 8, Cleveland 2
Baltimore 11, Boston 9
Chicago 5, Kansas City 2
Washington at New York, rain
Minnesota at Seattle, nightC
California at Oakland, night3
Montreal at Philadelphia, rain
Pittsburgh 11, New York 3
Atlanta 6, Houston 4
Chicago 1, St. Louis 0
San Diego at Los Angeles, night 1

{ daily11
The Indians cut the Tigers' lead
in half with single runs in the
fifth and sixth but Northrup's
eighth inning two - out homer
sealed it for Detroit. Three Tiger
hits added two more runs in the
It was McLain's second victory
of the season, both against Cleve-
land. Jose Cardenal homered for
the Indians.
Orioles belt Bosox
BOSTON - Baltimore pounded
out 16 hits and outlasted Boston
yesterday 11-9 in a game called
by rain in the bottom of the
eighth despite a spectacular debut
by Red Sox rookie Billy Conig-
liaro, who hit two homers in his

first major league start. Sever
home runs were hit in the wilc
Don Buford drove in four runs
with a homer and two singles tc
pace the Baltimore assault. Brooks
Robinson smashed a three-rur
homer, Paul Blair hit a solo shol
and Dave Johnson contributed
four straight singles.
The 21-year-old Conigliaro,
playing right field because hi
older brother Tony was out with
a muscle pull in his leg, struck
out his first time up but ther
drilled solid shots into the left
field screen on his next two trips
George Scott had two homers
and two singles for the Red Sox
who hung in until Baltimore
wrapped things up with a four-
run seyenth inning.
The Orioles were leading onl3
7-6 when Johnson opened the sev-
enth with an infield single. Mark
Belanger also singled and winning
pitcher Dave Leonhard drew a
walk to load the bases. Buford
singled through the drawn-in in-
field for two runs and one out
later Boog Powell singled home
two more.
Sox whip Royals
CHICAGO - Rookie Carlos May,
slammed two homers and Buddy
Bradford belted one in the Chi-
cago White Sox' home opener
triumph oversthedKansas C i t y
Royals, 5-2 yesterday.
The White Sox unveiled the
first outdoor artificial infield turf
in the pajors, but it played a
minor factor on offense, while
perhaps contributing to five dou-
ble plays.
Kansas City's Joe Foy, former
Red Sox third baseman, belted a
two run hom~er off winner Joe
Horlen in the first inning for a


BALTIMORE STAR FRANK ROBINSON makes a head long slide into third base narrowly beating
the throw. Robinson has seemingly fully recovered from double vision which bothered him all last
season and is red hot with the bat, currently hitting .450. The Orioles moved into first by virture of
their 11-9 victory over Boston in yesterday's slugfest.
~ - - - - -

Student football tickets
Students will now be allowed to buy season football tickets
through the mail this summer, Don Weir, Michigan ticket man-
ager announced yesterday.
With the change in registration procedures by the Univer-
sity, students will now be receiving registration materials
through the mail this summer. Football coupons will also be
included in the registration packet. Students desiring season
tickets should return their football coupons and a $14.00 check
along with the registration materials before August 20. 1969.
Those students not ordering by mail. will be Wbe to purchase
season tickets during registration next fall at Barbour Gym-
nasium or the Cashier's Office in the LSA Building.
The imprint, of your I.D. card on the football receipt will
indicate the proper priority for your seat location. The priority
for group location is as follows:
g I.D. with a No. 6 or less to the right of your name indicate
group No. 4
O I.D. with a No. 7 to the right of your name indicate group No.
* I.D. with three embossed letters across bottom indicate
group No. 2
" I.D. with one embossed letter on bottom indicate group No. 1
All students, graduate or other, whose I.D. does not reflect
the proper priority group should pick up their football ticket
on their proper day and furnish evidence to prove a higher prior-
ity than shown by the I.D.
Further information on date and times of the actual ticket
distribution will be furnished with the mail return of your
paid Football Exchange Card. Again, it is urged that all students
take advantage of the mail registration plan.

Where can you turn for full
information about
the draft ..
from deferments to
conscientious objection
from appeals to physics
from volunteering to resisting
how to find a good draft
counselor or lawyer
..,. all the rights, choices,
and strategies you should
know to make your own
decisions and carry them
out with maximum
chances of success?
Now there is a book to
Guide to the Draft
by Arlo Tatum and
Joseph S. Tuchinsky
Available at
Draft Counseling Center
502 E. Huron
Centicore, Marshalls,
and SBS

12-0 Kansas City lead. 400-foot mark in centerfield after sixth. Bradford's blow came off
Then 20-year-old May slam- Sandy Alomar walked for a 3-2 Dave Wickersham.
med Dave Morehead's first pitch White Sox lead in the fifth. None of the homers fell within
for a homer into the left field Bradford also slammed a two- the shortened outfield fences be-
stands. May chased Morehead in run homer after Duane Joseph- tween the bull pen and the four
the fifth with a homer over the son singled with two out in the ' lines.
V.1969 :
g Distribution-
Ij (or those holding couporns)
3 }'
I Student Publications Bldg.
Thursday and Friday
~~..... ...... .. ~:47" X . 14" r .1. ::
.... J. . J::JJ.Y:J.:JY ::.:...: ::'X .S Ja,..:."..."..5. f


TONITE .7:30-midnight
with Capitol recording stars
K and
Commander Cody Soul Remains
and others
at the
AVEHICLE (old Hullaballoo Club)'
S. Main & Mosley donation-$2
please come, we're in desperate shape


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