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July 20, 1963 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page




Showers this morning,
partly cloudy for eclipse

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


LXXIII, No. 19-S




I'. ___________________________________________________________________

New Pact Asked
By Khrushchev
Proposes Air, Rail Inspections
To Prevent Surprise Attacks
MOSCOW 0P)-Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev yesterday pro-
posed to back up a nuclear test 'ban with a nonaggression pact and a
system of airfield and railroad inspections to prevent surprise attack.
The Soviet leaderjmade a series of proposals that seemed to
head straight for a summit conference. Khrushchev said that the
United States, Britain and the Soviet Union are approaching agree-

To Study Eclipse
A group of amateur astronomers from Michigan will view the
eclipse of the sun from the total zone today.
Instructed by Prof. Guenther H. E. Elste of the University
astronomy department, they will conduct tests about heat at the
sun's outermost layers. They have traveled to the Trois-Rivieres

E duecation



Grant forOperations

.. . more treaties
Place YR's
tIn Far Right
WASHINGTON-Leaders of the
United States National Student
Association have placed the na-
tional Young Republicans among
the vocal, far-right groups that
do not express, in their opinion,
the thinking of ,most college stu-
dents, the Washington Post re-
Their decision to "write off"
the YR's, which they say has been
taken over by the militant Young
Americans for Freedom, repre-
sents a departure from past
USNSA policy, which has called
for including in its program stu-
dents of virtually all political per-
"We always thought we could
work with both the national
Young Republicans and Young
Democrats, but now it's impossible
to work with the Young Republi-
cans because they are outside the
political consensus of students,'
USNSA president Dennis Shaul
The association cannot work
with the Young Republicans or
r Young Americans for Freedom
leaders because they do not be-
lieve in political debate, he com-
Shaul said that the "capture'
of the national YR's by the "fa
right" indicates that YAF leaders
will be more confident and will
have to be taken more seriously by
While outside the student con-
sensus, YAF and the YR's have
made gains on campuses, he noted
Manring Sees
kKennedy Bill
As Small Step
"The United States Nationa
Student Association wishes to sup
port H.R 7152 (President John F
Kennedy's civil rights program) a
a minimal effort the federal gov
ernment must undertake to insur
equal opportunity, equal rights
and equal protection of the law,'
USNSA National Affairs Vice-
President. Timothy Manring told
the House Judiciary Committee
Manring, testifying in behalf o:
the USNSA, called civil rights o:
all people, regardless of race, "th
very fabric of democracy, the es-
sence of that which distinguishes
our society from others whic
have little regard for the individ-
Commenting upon the public
accommodations section of Ken
nedy's legislation, Manring claim-
ed, "the power of the Congress t
regulate interstate commerce ha
been extended far beyond the leg
islation here."

wment on a nuclear test ban cov-
ering everything except under-
ground explosions.
Won't Approve Inspection
He wants those too, he said,
but added that the West insists
on inspections. Khrushchev im-
plied that inspections will not be
approved by the Soviets.
With the test ban he wanted a
nonaggression pact. "We think
that the question of the form of
the nonaggression pact can be
solved without any great difficul-
ties to the mutual satisfaction of
both sides," Khrushchev said.
"Most important is not the form,
but the content.
"Each side must display will-
ingness to ease tensions and to
liquidate the state of the cold
West Studies Proposals +
The proposals immediately were
studied anew, by the British and
American delegations here even
though there was some indication
that he had outlined them in their
first talk last Monday, when he
opened the negotiations in the
The United States said the
Western allies will be consulted on
Khrushchev's plan.
The Russian leader also brought
up several proposals the Kremlin1
has advanced ,m past discssions
on easing cold war problems.
Among them, he mentioned set-
ting up observation posts at air-
ports, railway junctions, high-
ways, and major ports inside
Communist and Western territor-
ies to guard 'against sneak attack.
Observers from the other side,
would be at points where they,
could report suspiciously large
military movements.
The United States said it wouldj
give "careful study" to his sug-
*Dare Chinese
1To Put Dispute
3Before Public
MOSCOW (P)-Sputtering with
rage over Red China's challenge
1 to his leadership of the Commun-
ist camp, Premier Nikita S. Khru-
shchev dared Peking's leaders
yesterday to take their ideological
dispute to the people.
"I declare to those who would
like to overthrow us: I challenge
you, gentlemen, comrades, let's
pick out any plant or any collec-
tive farm," he said.
s "You present your program and
1 we will present our program. Let
the people be the judge."
The Soviet premier flung down
the challenge in an extemporan-
eous outburst at a Kremlin rally
honoring visiting Hungarian Pre-
mier Janos Kadar
He twice departed from his pre-
pared text to flay his Chinese an-
tagonists, groping for words in ob-
vious vexation.
While Khrushchev was throw-
ing down the gauntlet to Mao
Tze-tung at the Kremlin, their
ideological experts were meeting
to discuss the arguments which
the premier's speech showed are
no where near a compromise.
During parts of his talk, the
premier was in good humor: But
when he got to the sections on
- China his anger showed. He press-
ed the Kremlin attack on the
Chinese call for war.

"area near Montreal, Canada to do
the research, Prof. Elste said.
Photograph Sun Area
He explained that they will take
pictures of the eclipse with a
relatively small camera. A limited
area of the sun with the limbs of
the moon, and of the sun, will be
photographed through a directed
The light will then pass through
a green filter before hitting the
measuring filter above the film.
The measurements received on the
film then, will be computed into
See related story, Page 3

Orlebehe Aids Governor


... eclipse study
To Cushionl
Ill Effects
OTTAWA ()')-Finance Minister
Walter L. Gordon announced yes-
terday Canada will seek talks with
the United States in an effort to
head off possible adverse effects
on the Canadian economy due to
President John 'F. Kennedy's re-
cent gold proposals.
Gordon made the announce-
ment in the House of Commons.
Kennedy's plan reportedly met
with sharp criticism from Cana-
dian financiers and industrial
leaders. They charged that im-
posing a tax on U.S. purchases of
foreign stocks and bonds would
injure them economically.
Hinting that the Canadian gov-
ernment would seek changes in
the Kennedy proposal, Gordon de-
clared that the plan would have
important-and I'm confident-
unintended effects" on Canada.
Hold Talks
Gordon disclosed that Harold
Martin, foreign secretary in the
new Liberal government, had al-
ready held preliminary talks last
night with U.S. Ambassador Wal-
ton Butterworth.
He sad that while Kennedy's
proposalb are aimed at reducing
the flow of capital from the Unit-
ed States in order to protectUU.S.
gold reserves, U.S. transactions
with Canada do not add to that
He noted that there is a large
surplus on trade and other cur-
rent transactions which the U.S.
earns in Canada, and added that
Canada does not get more capital
from the United States than is
needed to finance the imbalance.
Formerly Injurious
He recalled that a temporary
failure in Canada to raise U.S.
capital brought on Canadian for-
eign exchange difficulties last year
and resulted in Canadian import
surcharges that were more un-
popular in the United States than
in Canada.
"It is not credible," he told the
House of Commons, "that the
United States would try to incur
a repetition of these surcharges."
On the positive side of the led-
ger Gordon declared that Cana-
dians can be glad that the United
States is taking steps to improve
its balance of payments position
and strengthen the U.S. dollar.

temperature values of the sun.
The pictures of the moon and
the sun are distorted by the at-
mosphere, Prof. Elste noted-an
effect which is called "seeing."
From the seeing measured at the
limb of the moon, one can con-
clude the differences of distortion
at the sun's limb; this in turn
allows some conclusions about the
temperature distribution at the
sun's outmost layers.
Check Earlier Work
At the same time, Prof. Elste
will. use the observatory's Mac-
Gregor vacuum spectograph to
carry through similar measure-
ments photographically and photo-
electrically. "Ideally," he said, "the
two measurements should of
course correspond."
This investigation could also
help to explain one of the mys-
teries still unsolved about the
sun: scientists wonder why the
sun's corona has a temperature of
almost two million degrees Kelvin
while its surface is relatively cool
(3,600-4,500 Kelvin). The corona
is the outer edge of the sun's
faint atmosphere, beginning some
6,000 miles out and extending out-
ward millions of miles.
In another University experi.,
ment during the eclipse, a group
from the electrical engineering de-
partment's Space Physics Labora-
tory will rocket an instrument
package from Wallops Island, Va.,
to .determine electron temperature
in the earth's upper atmosphere,
up to 220 miles.
Prof. Haddock of the radio as-
tronomy department says that
there are no specific tests being
planned in that department for
the eclipse. Radio astronomers
may observe some solar spots, if
there are any interesting develop-
ments to be expected, he added.
Railway Panel
Gives Kennedy,
Dispute Report
WASHINGTON (R) - President
John F . Kennedy received the re-
port of his railroad fact-finding
panel yesterday.
The White House said the re-
port would be made public today.
The document is described as of-
fering no solution, but only a sum-
mary of issues on which the car-
riers and their five on-train un-
ions have remained widely split
for four years.
Kennedy will reveal his proposal
.for preventing or halting a crip-
pling strike through submitting
recommendations to Congress on
The six-man panel consists of
representatives of management,
labor and government. Both sides
in the dispute reportedly regard
the report as accurate.
The group met with Kennedy for
about 40 minutes yesterday. None
of the members of the panel would
comment on the meeting.

Special To The Daily
LANSING - 4, shaggy-haired
young man smoking a pipe shares,
what seems to be a two-man cubby
hole in calling reach of Gov.
George Romney's office at the
The man, 28-year-old Charles
Orlebeke, is one of Romney's three
administrative assistants, liaison
between the governor and some
130 state agencies.
Orlebeke, working mainly in the
fields of education, mental health
and civil rights divides his time
between duties at the capital and
work on his doctoral thesis in po-
litical science entitled "The Aus-
tralian Liberal Party."
Three Relationships
He views his role as involving
three major relationships:
First, there is "a governmental
relationship between this office
and other ones of the state." He
maintains a liaison with agency
personnel and the governor. Orle-
beke works on budget preparations
and then makes recommendations
to Romney on which agency
should get additional money, per-
sonnel or both.
The second phase of his job

consists of dealing with the public.
Orlebeke r e c e i v e s suggestions,
complaints and requests for in-
formation and either handles
them directly himself or forwards
them to the proper agency. He
maintains a "fairly close contact"
with private organizations, such
as the Mental Health Society,
which come under his areas of
Finally, there is what Orlebeke
describes as his "internal respon-
sibility." Legislative liaison and
evaluation, liaison with the press,
and being on call at Romney's
Thursday morning "citizens ses-
sions" comprise this group.
A citizen talking to the governor
about education, for example, will
very likely meet Orlebeke on the
follow-up work concerning the
suggestion, complaint or problem.
Education Work
A large portion of his work deals
with education. He is in constant
contact, in an "informal" manner
with the various educational units
of the state.
"If college presidents wish to
bring something to the attention
of the governor, it usually goes,
through me," he said.
"When the legislature is in ses-

sion, presidents or their repre-
sentatives quite often frequent the
halls of the building. While they
are here we co sult with them
and get their ideas and sugges-
tions on board members and ap-
pointments," Orlebeke added.
Talks Informal
His talks with groups such as
the Michigan Council of State
College Presidents and the Co-
ordinating Council for Higher
Education are quite often in the
informal manner of telephone
Orlebeke's office is in fact a
place of constant phone calls dur-
ing which he occasionally jots
down notes on a plain white memo
It is an office within the gov-
ernor's suite which is a little worse
for wear and terribly noisy even
with most of the staff in Miami
for the Governors' Conference.
'Scraggly Grad' Look
Out of this office, works a man
who three months after he came
back from a 16-month stay in
Australia became an administra-
tive assistant to the governor.
He may look like the scraggly
grad student, but his area of re-
sponsibility affects the future of
Michigan education.


Grant Demonstrators Trial

End Limits
On Efforts
H Ajlmlvu C U'u7t


By The Associated Press
In Chicago; seven people who
were arrested yesterday at the end
of a nine-day civil rights demon-
stration. in the 'Chicago Board of
Education offices were granted
jury trials yesterday.
Judge Harry G. Comerford set
Aug. 21 as- their trial date. The
eight persons are charged with
trespass and disorderly conduct.
They had taken part in an around-
the-clock sit-in protest against the
Board's policy of restricting pupils
to schools in their own neighbor-
hoods. Thus schools are Negro in
Negro areas and white in white
At Annapolis, Md., Cambridge
integrationists carrying hand-let-
tered placards picketed the Mary-
land Statehouse for an hour yes-
terday to protest the detention of
two Negro juveniles in training
Negro leaders of the integration
drive in Cambridge contend that
two 15-year-old Negro juveniles
were sent to training schools be-
cause they took part in racial dem-
onstrations in Cambridge. The
state has said the youngsters-
unnamed because of their age --
were committed for general delin-
In other action, anti-segregation
marches continued in Charleston,

rights fight
S.C., as Major J. Palmer Gaillard
met with Negro leaders in two
conferences held behind closed
doors. There was word that prog-
ress resulted from the negotiations.
In contrast to previous demon-
strations; which were marked by
chanting and hand clapping, yes-
terday's march was carried out in

complete silence. Negro leaders, re-
portedly hard-pressed financially,
did not want more arrests..
In New York City, police arrest-
ed 44 more civil rights demonstra-
tors-17 children among them-
for blocking the entrance to at
state hospital-construction site in1
Brooklyn yesterday and refusing
to move. It was the second mass
arrest there this week.
The white and Negro pickets car-1
ried signs protesting discrimina-I
tion by building trades unions and
demanding more jobs for Negroes.
The Miami chapter of the Con-,j
gress of Racial Equality (CORE)'
said demonstrations will start
when the conference opens tomor-
row at the Deauville Hotel.
Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New
York was reported preparing to
lead a floor fight for a strong
statement on civil rights.
In Cambridge, Md., Negro lead-
ers announced last night that an
integration demonstration will be
held in this racially troubled town
at 7 p.m. today unless a blue-rib-,
bon committee of lawyers arrives,
before that time to begin media-
tion talks.
In Baltimore, the owners o .
Gwynn Oak amusement park
agreed last night to end segrega-
tion at the park beginning Aug.
28, Baltimore County executive
Spiro T. Agnew announced. Ag-
new announced integrationists
made plans to renew mass dem-
onstrations at the park today.
About 380 persons, including
prominent clergymen, were arrest-
ed during protest demonstrations
at the Park July 4 and 7, before
a truce was declared while the
Baltimore County Human Rela-
tions Committee attempted to me-
diate the dispute.
After an eight-hour meeting
ended yesterday without agree-
ment, the ad hoc committee for
desegregation of Gwynn Oak Park
announced plans to resume dem-
Illia Receives
President Votes,
BUENOS AIRES ()-The con-
servative federation of center par-
ties decided last night to pledge
their 36 electoral college votes to
Arturo Illia, virtually assuring him
of the presidency.
Illia, Peoples' Radical Party can-
didate, was the front-runner in

Group May Meet
October Deadline
For Interim Report
Special To The Daily
LANSING-"It's now an open
secret that the blue ribbon com-'
mittee has received a $50,000 grant
from a major foundation," Admin-
istrative Assistant to the gover-
nor Charles Orlebeke said yester-
Chairman of Gov. Romney's Cit-
izens Committee on Higher Educa-
tion Dan Kamn said that while the
prospects, of such a grant were
good, no grant had yet been re-
The "blue ribbon" committee
has been hamstrung in its activi-
ties since its inception for lack of
funds. However, Orlebeke believes
that the committee will meet its
target date of October, 1963.
No Staff Director
Another main problem of the
committee is staff personnel. The
committee as of yet still hasn't
found a staff director.
At present the committee is
"very actively pursuing some pos-
sibilities," Orlebeke said.
Orlebeke in his position of liai-
son between the governor's office
and various educational agencies
has been' "sort of a _se"etary"li"
mailing out ntices, arranging
meeting places and mailing out in-
formation to committee members,
missing meetings. -
Executive Help
However, he has in no way been
"serving as executive secretary. Al-
though Romney wants this com-
mittee to carry on its study in-
dependent of the governor's office,
there is bound to be some execu-
tive assistance, Orlebeke said.
Snags were anticipated by the
committee and the short range in-
terim report will be ready by its
target date in October, he added.
Presently, a .group of the over
60-man blue ribbon committee is
being set up to prepare the inter-
im report.
Hears Testimony
"The committee has exposed it-
self to dozens of hours of testi-
mony by college presidents and
other educational leaders," Orle-
beke said.
Having completed the "expos-
ing phase" of their work they are
now in the assimilating and "orga-
nizing phase."
A similar study is now being
compiled by the Michigan Council
of State College Presidents which
is expected to be completed in
September, 1963. Orlebeke said
that he has never seen a prospec-
tus of it although he believes it
will be "channeled through the
blue ribbon committee and this
Revolt Sequel:
Syrian Regime
Shoots Rebels
BEIRUT (AP)-Syria's Ba'athst
socialist regime ordered firing
squads into action yesterday in a
swift sequel to Thursday abor-
tive revolt.
Broadcast communiques an-
nounced the execution at intervals
of 20 rebels-military and civilian.
' Trouble remained evident. Dip-
lomatic advices reaching Beirut
said heavy small arms fire broke
out yesterday morning near the
Syrian defense ministry and spor-
adic shooting was heard in other
parts of Damascus until early.
A new curfew was clamped on
all Syria and Syrians were warn-
ed to stay indoors on penalty of
being shot. Demonstrations and
the carrying of arms were ban-

ned. International telephone ser-
vice, restored briefly, was cut

WorldNews Roundup
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller yesterday again criti-
cized Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona and promised to fight "right
down the line" against the radical right of the Republican Party. The
governor said he would do so as a leader of the party, but declined to
say whether this also meant he would wage the fight as a candidate
<'for the Republican presidential
nomination next year.



Discuss Social Implications of Poverty

" J

"Economic deprivation is the re-
sult of social bankruptcy," was the
concept which predicated the third
in the Family of Man panel dis-
cussions with Henry Alting and
Robert Butman, Grad, last night.
Noting that 20-25 per cent of
the United States population sur-
vives in an "underprivileged con-

situation in major cities, with em-
phasis on their causes as well as
effects. Along the line of causes,
he emphasized the hopeless situ-
ation and frustration which results
from the unsuccessful local efforts
of slum residents at attempting to
improve their situation.
Alting and Butman recently
went into a slum area in Detroit

'bad' officials. This results in very
little constructive social coopera-
Pointing to various other prob-
lems of communication, Alting
commented that most projects, al-
though nobly conceived, are for the
most part "unrelated to the needs
and conditions prevalent in these
A 1i,,a' a ledi for reorientation

Foreign Relations Committee vot-
ed yesterday to cut another $240
million off President John F. Ken-
nedy's $4.5 billion foreign aid bill.
In a surprise action, the commit-
tee adopted an amendment making
research funds in the bill avail-
able to countries for' work on
birth control measures in over-
populated countries.
chief of the United States naval
mission to Haiti and four other
United States Marines have been
nrA am a'vnal P nA tiby., O..nr A n

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