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July 16, 1963 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-16

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'U'Ranks High in Federal Researc

WASHINGTON-The University is fourth in a small circle
of major universities that receive most government research funds,
a Chicago Tribune survey of federal education spending notes.
The University received more than $31 million from the federal
government during the last fiscal year. Most was for sponsored
research and buildings to house it although other payments aided
scholarship programs.
Nationally, the federal government spent $2.7 billion on
education, $1.6 billion for research. Other federal spending in-
cluded financial assistance to students, loans for housing and
other facilities, education of government personnel, assistance to
land grant colleges and foreign education programs.
Agency Aid
Some 42 governmental agencies aid education. The prominent
units are the National Institutes of Health, the defense depart-
ment, the National Science Foundation, the public health service
and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Each of
these agencies has several major projects at the University.
However, there is no central agency that collects data on
federal educational activities. Philip Dodd of the Tribune found
that statistics varied. One House group estimated the government

spent only $613 million onresearch while the National Science
Foundation placed the figure at $1.3 billion.
Central Agency
A House education sub-committee under Rep. Edith Green
(D-Ore) has recommended that a central agency handle federal-
education relations. She suspects waste and duplication in govern-
ment research programs, citing the 11 "overlaping" health science
agencies. She finds, however, no political favoratism.
There is no federal program for unrestricted aid to institutions
of higher learning. Instead, the federal government' attempts to
advance in agriculture, science, health, foreign affairs, defense or
aids individual students.
Federal grants to students totaled $256 million last year.
They went to 182,000 students in 1400 colleges-70 per cent of
the nation's total.
Small Circle
However, research spending is concentrated. It is estimated
that 93 per cent of such funds go to 100 institutes and that 38
per cent is concentrated in 10 of them.
The University is fourth in this "big ten." The others in
descending order are the University of California, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Harvard University,

the University of Illinois, Stanford University, the University of
Chicago, the University of Minnesota and Cornell University.
The federal government looks for institutions with large
graduate schools and well-equipped laboratories. Only 233 Ameri-
can institutions offer scientific doctorates.
Trends Concern
Many educators, though few at the University, are unhappy
about the trends in government support of research programs.
They point out that colleges and universities strive for unity,
balance and excellence in education, but that the federal govern-
ment tends to stimulate only selected fields.
."Federal money," a recent office of education report said,
"increases the gap between strong and weak institutions, further
separates graduate from undergraduate instruction, increases the
reward and prestige of research in comparison with teaching, and
lowers the morale of faculty members in fields not federally
A Carneige Fund study released last week indicated the mixed
blessing of federal research spending. Often federal grants must
be matched, dollar for dollar, by university grants, thus diverting
See RESEARCH, Page 2


f;Yl r e



Test Ban Sessions
MOSCOW {A')-Joking and bubbling with enthusiasm, Premier
Khrushchev launched the Kremlin talks on a nuclear test ban agree-
ment yesterday in a three-and-a-half hour conference with special
United States and British envoys.
He jovially suggested signing the agreement right away.
Red China, whose feud with Khrushchev has reached the point
of a split, took angry note of the talks. A Peking broadcast charged
that the negotiations were based on what it called the "utter

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

hypocrisy" of President John F. K
entering the talks with United S

'Sate T'axes,,
May Limit
School Aid
Michigan higher education
would only get a $10 million bud-
get increase next year-just
enough to accom jodate a slight
enrollment increase-if no fiscal
reform is adopted and current
policies are maintained, a state
budget projection by Comptroller
Glenn S. Allen revealed.
This budget, which includes
$16.2 million deficit, was prepared
to help legislators appreciate the
ned for fiscal reform during dis-
cUssions with Gov. George Rom-
"It is a method of explaining the
need for fiscal reform," Rep. Gil-
burt Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), a
member of the House taxation
committee, explained.
Nothing New
Bursley said that the budget
does1 not include any new pro-
grams orciany changes in current
policy decisions.
Thne Legislature appropriated
$122 million for higher education
without providing funds for any
general expansion.
The/ projected increase would
only cover "anticipated increased
enrollment' in the state's uni-
versities, colleges and community
Other Increases
Other portions of the $43 mil-
lion in projected increases would
go to public school aid, increased
welfare programs of various types,
civil service pay increases, capital
outlay programs, staff new mental
health facilities and payment of
the state's s8are' of the new "fair
bus" law for parochial children.
Funding requirements of the
new constitution would raise the
budget total $60 million over, this
year's $550 million.
Meanwhile, Allen estimates that
the state will take in $560-588
See SEES, Page 2
Herbert !Sees
For Michigan
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Good business con-
ditions should be maintained in
the state for the balance of the
year, the state's economic expan-
sion department research chief
predicted yesterday.
"Michigan will continue above
the national average as measured
by rate of employment, personal
income, retail sales and industrial
production," Paul A. Herbert de-
The northern part of the lower
peninsula and southwestern Mich-
igan should record the highest
gains, he said.
The state registered an eight
per cent gain in personal income,
nearly double the national aver-
age, Herbert noted.
Michigan moved, he added, from
sixth to fifth nationally.

'ennedy's "strategy for peace." By
tates undersecretary of state W.
Averell Harriman nd Britain's
Lord Hailsham, the Kremlin ig-
nored Peking's latest claims that
Communists cannot negotiate with
"United States imperialism."
Limited Agreement
The Kremlin's negotiations with
the Western allies are centered on
a limited agreement banning tests
in the air, space and under water.
Both the Communist and Western
sides expressed optimism.
Khrushchev was in a jovial
mood from the first instant Har-
riman walked through the door
of the big conference room in the,
Khrushchev in Middle
News photographers were al-
lowed into the room before the
talks actually got under way. Har-
riman and Hailsham insisted that
for picture-taking Khrushchev
should stand between them.
.Doing so, Khrushchev threw up
his hands in mock despair and
said in a loud laugh:
"I'm surrounded by imperial-
Khrushchev and his aides'faced
Harriman and Hailsham and, their
Harriman shoved a pad and
pencil toward him.
Harriman has said he expected
the conference to last about 10
Meetings in Secret,
At the Kremlin's request, the
United States and Britain have
agreed that the conference should
be carried on in secret.
In line with this, there was no'
announcement at the end of the
first session on how the talks{
went off.
Newsmen saw Harriman and'
Hailsham come out of the Krem-
lin in apparent good spirits. Leav-
ing in separate cars, both Western
officials were laughing and smil-
ing as they talked with their as-
The mood of optimism in which,
the talks began was in sharp con-
trast to the Kremlin's troubles,
with the Chinese, who accuse the,
Russians of buttering up to the
West at the expense of the revolu-
tionary Communist movement
throughout the world.
The very fact that Khrushchev'
was meeting in such a good mood
was bound to stir up Chinese sus-'
In critizing the talks, Red China
declared President Kennedy has;
launched an intensive arms drive
and that his calls for a nuclear#
test ban treaty are "uttery hypo-
Nuclear test ban negotiations in
Moscow are part of Kennedy's
"strategy of peace" that he wages
while feverishly continuing to
stockpile atomic weapons, a
Chinese broadcast said.

xRockefeller Worries
Over GOP" Rig'ht Wing
MASSENA, N.Y. (P)-Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller said yesterday he
was concerned that Sen. Barry Goldwater might become the captive
of "the extreme elements in his following."
The governor, pressing his resurging bid for leadership of the
liberal forces in the Republican Party, said the prospect of Goldwater
would be dominated by extremists "should be of the greatest possible
4concern to Barry himself." Rocke-

Soviets Claim Red





Iraq Kurds
May Blast
Oil Works
TEHRAN () - Kurdish rebel
forces fighting Iraqi government
troops in the mountains of north-
ern Iraq may be forced to attack
Western-owned oil installations to
cripple the regime's offensive, a
Kurdish leader has warned. j
Iraq's Ba'ath socialist regime
has ordered an all-out war to
crush the rebellion of Kurdish
chieftain Mullah Mustafa Barzani,
who wants an autonomous Kurdis-
tan in Iraq's northern mountains.
Warning to Foreigners
A dispatch came from Ibrahim
Ahmed's headquarters, general sec-
retary of the Kurdish Democratic
Party. Ahmed said the Kurdish
leadership was warning all foreign-
ers in the northern oil-rich areas
to, leave.
Ahmed was asked if the warning
included the Iraq Petroleum Co.,
which is under the joint ownership
of American, British, French and
Dutch interests. The Kurdish offi-
cial replied:
"We don't want to disturb the
oil companies. This is not because
we are their agents, but because
we do not want to give the im-
pression to the Western powers
that we are Communists.
"But if the ,situation continues
as it is, we will be forced to act
against the oil installations to
deprive the government of its most
important source of revenue, which
enables it to maintain an army
and keep it supplied."
Foreign Exchange
The Iraq Petroleum Co. provides
90 per cent of Iraq's foreign ex-
change. A large number of for-
eigners are employed in its fields
near Kiruk in the Kurdish area.
To point up the warning to for-
eigners, the Kurds have kidnaped
two West Germans fi'om a con-
structiop camp.
There were reports that the
Germans, Gerhard Liesche, 33, and
Hans Hatz, 54, were being held at
the secret rebel headquarters and
were in good health.
The Kurd warning to the for-
eigners was issued in the form of
a statement addressed to "all for-
eign embassies" in Baghdad, the
Iraqi capital.

feller and Goldwater are leading
prospects for the Republican nom-
ination to oppose President John
F. Kennedy next year.
Neither the governor nor the
senator has made a formal dec-
laration of candidacy.
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz)
said in Washington that so far
as he is concerned Republicans
are going after "every available
vote" in the 1964 presidential elec-
Goldwater disowned in an inter-
view any strategy based on writ-
ing off the support of Negroes
and northern industrial state vot-
ers'while trying to defeat Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy with elec-
toral votes harvested in the South
and West.
Goldwater still maintains that
he isn't seeking the presidential
nomination.' He said he regards
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller's Sun-
day blast at what the New Yorker
called the "completely incredible"
South-and-West strategy as "just
his formal declaration of candi-
Rockefeller said that "a program
based on racism and sectionalism
would in and of itself not only
defeat the Republican Party in
1964, but would destroy it alto-
Goldwater said he doesn't know
where anybody got the idea that
he advocates either racism or sec-
tionalism. He denied that he ever
made a statement widely attribut-
ed to him that the Republicans
couldn't get Negro votes and had
better direct their efforts else-
"I have said that the Negro
vote is going to be very difficult
for us to get, but I never advocat-
ed giving up on it," he said.
Civic Theater
Names Plays
Five recent Broadway produc-
tions will be presented by local
players in the Civic Theater this
Rodgers a n d Hamierstein's
"Oklahoma" will run Oct. 3-5;
Dore Schary's "Sunrise at Cam-
pobello," Dec. 12-14; William Gib-
son's "The Miracle Worker," Jan.
30-Feb. 1; Shelagh Delaney's "A
Taste of Honey," March 19-21;
and Peter Ustinov's "Romanoff
and Juliet," April 16-18.

abs1 Says Peking
Sets Negroes
t -
i Both Sides Seem
Ready To Break
6Ideologieal Talks

GLEE CLUB-The University's Glee Club beat Princeton and Yale to be named the world's best
male singing group at the Welsh International Eistenddorf at Llangellen, Wales.; Nineteen other
groups from 10 nations also took part. This is only the second time the prize has been won by an
American group. The first time was in 1959 when the University also won.
Glee Club Wins Music Festival,


The University of Mi c h i g a n
Men's Glee Club was. named the
world's best male singing ensem-
ble Saturday at the Welsh Inter-
national Eistenddford at Llangel-
len, Wales.
This marks the second time the
50-member group has been victor-
ious in that festival, and the club
remains the only American choral
group to have won first place in
the event's 17-year history. Their
first triumph was in 1959.
Dramatic Climax
The singing group's victory was
a dramatic climax to a 39-day
concert tour of 12 European coun-
Glee Club Director Philip A.
Duey notified the University In-
formation Service of the victory
by a trans-Atlantic phone call late
Saturday. Prof. Duey said at this
time he was "most delighted" with
the club's singing title and added
that "it is hard to realize that we
have repeated our success of 1959
in this competition today. You
have no idea what a thrill it was
to us."
The Glee Club competed with
19 other choral groups from 10
nations. Two other American;

singing groups from Yale and
Princeton universities also partic-
ipated in the\ festival. The Yale
University Men's Glee place third
behind the University and Eng-
land's Colme Valley choral group.
The judges awarded the club
270 points out of a possible 300,
as compared to Colme Valley's
265 and Yale's 263.
Sir Thoman Armstrong, one of
the judges, commented that the
University glee club was "well

blended, had balanced tone and
exhibited fine precision."
Foreign Competition
Also competing against the
Michigan singers were singing
groups from Canada, Denmark,
Ireland, Great Britain, Germany,
Norway, Spain and Yugoslavia.
The University Glee Club, Prof.
Duey and its manager James
Shortt are scheduled to arrive
from Glasgow, Scotland, at 10:50
a.m. today at Willow Run Airport.

MOSCOW (IP)-The Soviet Un-
ion yesterday charged Red China
with trying to set up a new center
of international Communism -
long headquartered in the Kremlin
--and of setting the colored races
against the white.
The bitter accusations were
printed in the government news-
paper Izvestia as peace talks be-
tween Soviet and Chinese dele-
gates plodded into their second
week. Each side apparently was
determined to force the other to
be first to break them off.
Neutral Agitation
It said some nationalist leaders
in newly independent countries
were inciting their peoples against
'the Soviet Union as well as the
West by "inculcating them with
hostility toward white people."
It said the "modern schismatics"
-the Chinese-"are driving home
to the peoples of Asia and Africa
that the West remains the West
and that white people remain
white people."
The Chinese Communist Party
general secretary, Teng Hsiao-
Ping, and his delegation spent 3%
hours with the. Russians in a
sprawling mansion in the hills
overlooking Moscow.
Chinese Criticism
Red China sharply criticized the
Soviet Union for extending mili-
tary and economic aid to India
during the Chinese-Indiarf border
The charge, a new one in the
many-pronged assault of the Chi-
nese on the policies and actions
of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev, followed accusations by Pe-
king yesterday that President John
F. Kennedy was staging an aggres-
sive arms race that makes his
talk of peace "utter hypocrisy."
Peking Radio said that the nu-
clear test ban negotiations that
opened in Moscow were part of
Kennedy's "strategy of peace"
used as a facade while he stock-
piles nuclear weapons.
Foreign Repercussions
Repercussions from the Soviet-
Chinese rift developed yesterday
in Europe's Communist parties.
In Brussels, the Belgian Com-
munist Party announced the ex-
pulsion of former Senator Henri
Glineur for pro-Chinese views. It
brought to five the number ex-
pelled thus far on those grounds.
Pro-Chinese slogans have been
scrawled on numerous factory
walls in Milan during the past few
days. They proclaimed "Viva Chi-
nese Communism," "Long live
Mao" and "China is near us."
The Yugoslav Press gave wide
play to the Soviet open letter
after publishing the Chinese let-
ter of June 14. The general tenor
czei tht S p. rehinfi mlir+ chil_

Republicans Paint Picture
Of Optimism to Students
WASHINGTON (IP)-Republicans painted a hopeful picture of
their election chances next year to about 200 college students who
attended the first of a series of GOP summer seminars yesterday.
This took place a day before about 7000 summer workers in
government departments are expected to attend the first session of
a White House sponsored summer y

Sehwarzkiopf Sings To Please Audience

seminar. The GOP said it sched-
uled its seminars after the White
House declined to take part in a
bi-partisan program suggested by
the American Political Science
Sen. Thruston B. Morton of
Kentucky, sometimes mentioned
as a possible Republican presi-
dential candidate next year, got
top billing on yesterday's speak-
ing program. Sen. Barry Gold-
water of Arizona, also on the GOP
presidential candidate list, will
speak at a later session.
After predicting a wide open
presidential nominating conven-
tion next year, Morton said the
odds favor the Republicans in the
Senate races both mathematically
and historically.

'U' To Create
Humanity Post
For Program
The University hopes to make a
distinguished addition to the fac-
ulty in the near future in the per-
son of an autstanding scholar who
will be known as the Harlan
Hatcher Distinguished Professor
in the Humanities.
The administration has yet to
determine who this person will be.
The special professorship was
created last fall in honor of Hatch-
er's tenth anniversary as presi-
A --_ 4-- - --_;+v?

The first question Elisabeth
Schwarzkopf, soprano, asked after
her concert Sunday night was
not "Did I sing well?" or "Did
they like me?" but "Did I please
She attempts to please "them,"

danced much more often there
than in the United States.
She recalls how, because of her
love for the viola tone, she began
her studies as a contralto. But
after two years of this her mother
insisted that she follow her na-
tural soprano tendencies lest she

have to run down to the cellar
three times during a performance
to escape injury. So by being con-
fined in a sanitorium I was forced
to remain out of the opera house,
and thus away from danger."
Favors Simplicity
The following incident illus-
.. . .

. . . . . . . . . .

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