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July 10, 1963 - Image 1

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

.LXXIII, No. 11-S




Ask Integration of Schools



with Rails

By The Associated Press
The 5th Circuit Court of Ap-
peals ruled yesterday that the
combined city-county school sys-
tem at Mobile, Ala., must begin
desegregation this fall.
The ruling in New Orleans was
the first affecting public school
systems in Alabama below the col-
lege level. The University of Ala-
bama was desegregated earlier this
Meanwhile, the House subcom-
mittee in Washington was report-

ed to have agreed on a bill halt-
ing federal aid for schools that
practice racial segregation-a blow
long feared by the South.
Sources reported the subcom-
mittee members would take a final
vote today that could send the leg-
islation to its parent group, the"
House Education and Labor Com-
The proposal is believed to re-
quire that segregated districts or
institutions fide a desegregation

Ask Leglatve Committee
To Rush Constitution Study,
LANSING (P)-A legislative committee has been asked to com-
plete preparations for implementing Michigan's new Constitution in
time to allow Oov. George Romney to issue a special session call short-
ly after Labor Day.
Thd joint House-Senate Committee, which is coordinating plan-
ning for legislation to carry out the intent of the constitution, re-

Hold Meeting
On Taxation
first of a series of planning meet-
, " ings for the special fall tax reform
legislataive sesisonI were to be
staged at Mackinac Island Yester-
day by Gov. George Romney and
Republican m e m b e r s of the
The pivot question at the meet-
ings is expected to be whether
Romney will ask legislators to go
along with a state income tax.
The session is the first of half
a. dozen scheduled with GOP lead-
ers before Romney calls a special
fiscal reform session of the Leg-
islature in September.
The governor reported 9, senti-
ment for the income tax - al-
though a reluctant one-following
his recent series of regional tax
More than half a dozen alter-
nate' tax plans were outlined by '
Romney at the regional meet igs
All but one included a state in-
.come tax.
Romney has n0 'yet said if he
will go along with such a tax,
repeatedly proposed by Democrats
in past years but rejected by the
Republican legislative majority.
Some 15 to 18 rank and file
members of the Senate were to
attend the first meeting.
The group was to gather at the
summer governor's home in the
late. afternoon. Last night was to
be a social affair. Serious tax dis-
cussions will occupy most of
Richard Milliman, the gover-
nor's press aide, said the meetings
would be closed and' no statements
can be expected detailing their
Dese re ation
Progress Sow
In Georg i City
Despite police harassment, anti-
segregation efforts in Albany, Ga.,
are progressing, Daily reporter An-
drew Orlin,'64, said last night.
He told the local Friends :of the
Student Non-violent Coordination
Committee last night that al-
tlough the Negro population of
Albany is very friendly and hos-
pitable towards SNCC field sec-
retaries, they seldom turn out for
the mass meetings and rallies that
are planned by the SNCC workers.
This may be a result of concerted
efforts, on the part of police offi-
cials at intimidating the Negro
population, and the fear of many
of the Negroes in Albany that
they'll have to go to jail, or in
many cases go back to jail, he
Citing examples of the lack of
justice present in Albany, Orlin
said that he heard a prisoner in
the Albany jail had six months
taken off his sentence for beat-
ing a SNCC worker in jail. Most
white workers are mistreated in
ail not only by police but by the
other prisoners, he noted.
Also brought out in his talk was
the fact that there is a feeling of
pessimism and futility among the
SNCC workers as well as the gen-
eral populace of Albany. -

iewed preliminary aspects of the
imposing task that will face law-
makers this fall.'
Richard Van Dusen, Romney's
legal advisor, told the commit-
tee that he hoped most of the bills
needed to implement the new doc-
ument could be prepared by the
end of August.
Special Message
Van Dusen said he believed the
governor would, want to issue the
message outlining the scope of the
special session in the first week
of September. The session also will
tackle the problem of fiscal re-
But Rep. Rollo Conlin (R-Tip-
ton, committee chairman, told
newsmen he doubted that the es-
timated 45-55 bills needed for the
session could be drafted by that
"However, the call could be is-
sued by the governor - with a
broadening of the scope of the
call later through another mes-
sage," Conlin explained.
Review Recommendations
Monday's committee meeting, he
said, was called mainly to review
the recommendations of Attor-
ney General Frank Kelley pertain-
ing to the Constitution.
In a 31-page memorandum last
month, Kelley. outlined the steps
he said should be considered by
the Legislature at the special ses-
sion. His staff is preparing a sec-
ond report which will recommend
action that should be taken early
next year.
Conlin said one of the knotty
problems facing the lawmakers is
coordinatng various sections of
tle revised Constitution. One such
example, he said, involves the es-
tablishment of a new court sys-
tem and the holding of elections
to fill the new posts.
Rep. Joseph Gillis (D-Detroit)
said he also didn't see how the
committee could have all the nec-
essary bills drawn up by the end
of August.
Asks Time
"We ought to allow some time
for any member of the Legislature
to submit his own bills, not just
dump the whole package into his
lap a couple of days before the ses-
sion starts," he said.
Kelley's lengthy list of recom-
mendations did not include his
opinion on what extent the provi-
sion in the new Constitution es-
tablishing a civil rights commis-
sion is self-implementing.
Under the document, the com-
mission would have the power to
promulgate rules and regulations
for its own procedures and have
such other powers as shall be pro-
vided by law to carry out its pur-

plan by June 30, 1964, and have it
operating a year later, or funds
now furnished under five federal
programs will 'stop.
In Atlanta, Ku Klux Klan lead-
ers said the robed order is launch-
ing a large scale campaign of
white resistance to racial inte-
gration throughout the South and
in other parts of the nation.
The Klan leaders said their
methods would include marching
demonstrations, mass rallies, eco-
nomic repisals and white voter
registration drives.
Court Bars Demonstrations
In Clarksdale, Miss., racial dem-
onstrations were barred by court
order as the Rev. Martin Luther
King, Jr. arrived to urge an inten-
sified civil rights fight.
In Jackson, Miss., Gov. Ross
Barnett disclosed that the state
college board has considered ask-
ing federal court permission to ex-
pel Negro student James Meredith
from the University of Mississippi
because of his public utterances.
In Washington, President John
F. Kennedy appealed to 300 wom-
en leaders-who he said represent-
ed 50 million more-to help solve
the racial problem in America.
In Baltimore, offers of media-
tion by federal and county offi-
cials prompted suspension of Ne-
gro demonstrations against segre-
gation in Cambridge and the
Gwynn Oak amusement park near
In New York, Mayor RobertF F
Wagner had to enter the city hall
through a basement door to avoid
demonstrators dramatizing de-
mands for equal rights. Later the
mayor granted them a 20-minute
Newton Hits
A ccounting
LANSING - State Representa-
tive Carroll C. Newton (R-Delton)
criticised the accounting practices
of the state's colleges and univer-
sities Monday. -
Speaking after a meeting of the
Legislative Audit Commission, of
which he is vice-chairman, New-
ton said that "state schools which
teach accounting should not fail
to follow the procedures outlined
by the state auditor general, and
there have been too many 'repeat'
As an example he cited the case
of state institutions which do not
follow the governmental procedure
of having incoming mail opened by
two people, working together, who
keep an adding machine tape of
all monies received.
Newton admitted that commit-
tee members had criticised the
Department of Administration by
asking officials of that department
to back up the auditor general,
especially where he comes up with
a report criticisin some account-
ing procedure for the second time.
Commenting on: the report on
administration at Eastern Michi-
gan University by the North Cen-
tral Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools Newton said
he thought it was "sloppy."
He added that "some sections
had considerable value but it was
not a thorough, businesslike job
in my opinion. I didn't like the
fact that it contained insinua-
tions "
Getting back to accounting
practices he noted that in general
the commission is not satisfied
with the accounting methods used
by a number of state colleges and
universities, and will consider pos-
sible legislation to tighten the
practices up.

legal expertise

Union Dispute

Needs More
Legal Work
The Ann Arbor City Council's
committee on housing legislation,
meeting last night with four Uni-
versity professors in informal ses-
sion, discovered some problems of
legal clarity in the enforcement
and procedures section of the pro-
posed fair housing ordinance.
The committee has promised to
finish its report to the council by
the end of the month.
Three of the professors present
last night-Samuel J. Eldersveld
of the political science depart-
ment, Donald C. Pelz of the psy-
chology department and Luke K.
Cooperrider of the Law School-
drew up an advisory report for
University President H a r l a n
Hatcher in M~ay concerning the
effect of such legislation on the
University. Also present last night
was Prof. Paul G. Kauperhof the
Law School, an expert in the area
of civil liberties.
Steps Unclear
Prof. Kauper maintained, and
there was general agreement, that
the steps for handling a discrim-
ination complaint are unclear as
now written. According to the
latest draft of the ordinance, such
a complaint would be handled by
the Human Relations Commis-
The commission would investi-
gate and "exercise its powers and
duties with a view to conciliating
the matter and eliminating any
unlawful discriminatory practice
it finds to exist." Should the vio-
lation persist the commission
would turn the case over to the
city attorney for "appropriate ac-
Two Courts
The attorney would then have
to go through two courts-the cir-
cuit court for an injunction and
the municipal court for penalties.
Fourth Ward Republican Coun-
cilman Wendell E. Hulcher, chair-
man of the committee, said that
the procedures section would prob-
ably have to be redrafted.
Spaak Returns
From Moscow
BRUSSELS (P)-Belgium's Paul-
Henri Spaak came home yester-
day from a conference with Pre-
mier Khrushchev and said the
atmosphere is good for improved
East-West relations and a post
sible summit conference.
The foreign minister and for-
mer United Nations Assembly
President said, "If we show some
boldness and imagination East-
West relations will further im-

Sees Need for Improved
Mental Health Program
"We are faced with an incredible mental health problem in our
public schools," Prof. Richard Cutler of the psychology department
said yesterday.
Ten to 12 per cent of the children in public schools are in need
of mental health service and we need to develop a new kind of pro-
gram for these children, Prof. Cutler said.
When a child becomes emotionally upset, it is in a complex
which includes his parents, the neighborhood, his siblings and
friends. Since there is reason to believe the parents are most signifi-
cant in this development, it would be effective to begin psycho-
therapy at the level of the parents, Prof. Cutler said. But since this
is unrealist4 in terms of the resources available, another plan must
be sought.
Next Level
Prof. Cutler believes that the next logical place for this psycho-
therapy to begin is at the public school level.
There are several reasons for this, he said.
Teachers could be very good as 'therapists,' Prof. Cutler com-
mented. There is- very good data available which indicates that

Hits Neglect,
in Viet Nam
WASHINGTON (A) -- Senate
Democratic leader Mike Mansfield
of Montana said yesterday United
States newsmen, grossly mistreat-
ed by secret police in South 'iet
Nam recently, did not get all the
support they should have from
United States officials there.
Mansfield made his comments
on the Senate' floor after United
States Ambassador Frederick E,
Noiting Jr. appeared at a closed
briefing of the Senate foreign re-
lations committee.
The newsmen suffered "gross
mistreatment," Mansfield said,
while covering a memorial service
fora Buddhist priest who set him-
self afire in protest against pol-
icies of Vietnamese President Ngo
Dinh Diem.
This was not an isolated case,
but "the latest manifestation of
what appears to be a continuing'
effort to 'humiliate and discredit
American press representatives
and to discourage them in the
honest performance of their re-
sponsibilities to the people of the
United States," Mansfield said.
He recalled that last February
he had called the Senate's atten-
tion to the "difficult plight of
American reporters in Saigon and
what appeared to me to be the
inadequacy of the support which
they were receiving from their
own officials."
"Indeed, it has been so in-
adequate as to compel members
of the American press corps sta-
tioned in Saigon to appeal to
President Kennedy for interces-
sion on their behalf."
Nolting, left yesterday to return
to his post in Viet 'Nam, until his
successor, Republican Henry Cabot
Lodge, replaces him.
Nolting told newsmen after-
wards that the government in
South Viet Nam "has a winning
program and with the help of the
United States and other free coun-
tries I am confident it will secure
its freedom against Communist

teachers have many interests in
common with those who actually
do become sociologists, psycholo-
gists and psychiatrists. These peo-
ple all have a high "social service"
interest. They also have personal
sensitivity a n d a humanistic
In a program in Oak Park,
Mich., in which Prof. Cutler was,
one of the principal investigators
continuing seminars for visiting
teachers, speech correctionists and
guidance counselors were held to
develop them into trainers -of
Transition Group
A sixth grade transition study
group was formed to help prepare
the children for the transition in-
to junior high, and seminars for
principals and parents were held
to determine mental health atti-
Research on the program was
done to find out its effect. There
was evidence that teachers were
changed, Prof. Cutler said. They
were better teachers and had more
self-confidence after the program.
To measure the effect on the
children, classes with teachers
participating in the program were
compared w i t h those having
teachers not participating.
Release Findings
The findings for the experi-
mental groups with teachers in
the program showed that there
was very little change in the class
from the beginning Pf the year
to the end of it, Prof. Cutler said.
But in classes where the teach-
ers were not in the program,
things got worse as the year went
by. The students lost enthusiasm
and motivation and the learning
atmosphere declined.

... an old job
Break Off
Red Talks.
MOSCOW (M)-Within hours of
a stinging Kremlin rebuke to Pe-
king, Soviet and Chinese negotia-
tors cancelled yesterday's session
of their ideological peace talks.
First reports leaking from ear-
lier secret sessions indicated the
two sides were about as-far apart
as ever.
No explanation was given for
the surprise cancellation, but ac-
tivity around the meeting place-
the Russians showed up at the
usual time, the Chinese did not
appear at all-suggested the Chi-
nese stood up the Russians or at
least pulled out of the session at
the last minute.
The Chinese embassy said, how-.
ever, that the talks will resume
The recess possibly was prompt-
ed by the Soviet Communist Par-
ty Central Committee charge that
the Chinese were deliberately ag-
gravating Soviet-Chinese relations.
In a statement printed in both
the Soviet party newspaper Prav-
da and government newspaper Iz-
vestia, the Kremlin told the Chi-
nese that the consequences of their
actions could be dangerous.'
The stringent tone of the state-
ment while the talks are going on
tended to bolster reports that the
Soviet and Chinese were making
little or no progress in resolving
their differences.
The Chinese were said to be
pushing a plan that would make
them dominant in the Communist
world. The Russians are certain to
reject this.
'UP :

Both Groups
Set To Reply
To President
L E W I S T O N, Idaho (A) -
P. K. Byers, vice president of
the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen, said last night "the
decision has been made" to re-
ject arbitration in the dead-
locked railroad work rules dis-
pute, the Lewiston Tribune
"It's not a personal matter,
the Tribune reported Byers as
saying. "We didn't reject Su-
preme Court Justice Arthur
Goldberg as arbitrator. If we
would accept anybody as med-
iator, we would accept him
above all others. What we are
rejecting is arbitration. Tge
decision has been made."
WASHINGTON (P) - Railroad
and rail union officials report to
President John F. Kennedy to-
day, 14 hours in advance of a
scheduled nationwide railway
strike, on whether they will agree
to have Supreme Court Justice
Arthur J. Goldberg arbitrate thei
In a new move to avert the
walkout, Kennedy proposed the
arbitration yesterday and asked
both sides to report back to him
at 10 , a.m. today. A strike is
scheduled for tonight at one min-
ute after midnight.
The President's deadline coin-
cides with the July 10 date he set
nearly a month ago for the parties
to the years-long work rules dis-
pute to settle their differences
or face legislative remedy.
Measures Final.
The arbitration measures de-
cided by Goldberg would be final
and binding under Kennedy's pro-
Slated to give the President
their answer were members of the
same group that met with him at.
the White House yesterday to hear
the Goldberg proposal.
The group includes a four-man
delegation from the carriers head-
ed by chief negotiator J. E. Wolfe
and the presidents of five operat-
ing unions.
Kennedy's proposal to have
Goldberg, his former labor sec-
retary, step in came as a surprise.
A high-ranking government source
affirmed that neither the carriers
nor the unions were consulted pre-
There was no doubt that the
choice of a Supreme Court justice
to act as arbitrator was an extra-
ordinary one. But the President
let it be known that he considered
the circumstances extraordinary
with a nationwide railroad strike
threatening "economic disruption,
dislocation and distress."
Wolfe, as spokesman for the
carriers, did not post immediate
acceptance of the proposal but the
railroads' approval of previous
recommendations indicated a will-
irgness to go along with the Pres-
The unions, traditional foes of
anything smacking of compulsory
arbitration, drew up a reply to
Kennedy later in the day but re-
fused to disclose its tenor until
it is presented to the President.
Creal Demands
Group Report
On Publication

Ann Arbor Mayor Cecil 0. Creal
has asked the chairman of the
Human Relations Commission for
a report on the use and purpose of
the commission's publication "Un-
finished Business."
The publication came under at-
tack at Monday night's City Coun-
cil meeting. Two councilmen felt
that certain remarks in the June
issue did not lend themselves to
the betterment of human relations
in the city.
The publication is a single sheet

Two for the Seesaw' Blends Comedy,
a sssmanmes mmIS~iMM<ME 1)i By EtUCHA

British.Forces Oppose'
Riots Against Greek King
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Police contingents of the largest peacetime security
force London has ever assembled turned back last night wave after
wave of demonstrators battling to reach Buckingham Palace to pro-
test the visit of King Paul and Queen Frederika of Greece.
Running fights broke out in Trafalgar Square when a group
of the so-called Committee of 100 Against Tyranny, which counts
" anarchists in its ranks, tried to
march onto the mall that leads to
Buckingham Palace.
The demonstrators were pro-
testing what they claim is the
D ra m aGreek government's continued
11 r tm ctimprisonment of 960 political pris-
oners from the Communist civil
war in Greece. The Greek govern-
ROBINSON ment contends those still behind
good play for the present times, bars were convicted of ciriminal
drama," Prof. William McGraw offenses such as murder.
play's director, said yesterday. VIETIANE-The neutralist pre-
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, mier of Laos, Prince Souvanna
'Ryan, a Nebraska lawyer waiting Phouma, challenged the pro-Com-
d Gittel Mosca, an unsuccessful munist Pathet Lao yesterday to
accept a cease-fire supervised by
es in the play, are "three dimen- the International Control Coi-
rarely found in modern drama, mission. *
OTTAWA - Canada a n d the
New York City, the limited cast United States are discussing with-
"intimate situation for which the out fundamental difficulty the
of. McGraw noted. final draft of a nuclear custody
na ma not have an immortal and control agreement. Prime

"'Two for the Seesaw' is a
successfully blending comedy and
of the speech department and the
The play, which opens tonightr
is about the meeting between Jerry
for a divorce from his wife, an
These characters, the only on(
sional people, radiating a warmth
Prof. McGraw said.
Despite the familiar setting of
makes "Two for the Seesaw" an
audience can feel an affinity," Pr
ua arIA A lntnlh iphth

a~b:4 , r i i 5 .' ";:>:',"5.t: _

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