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July 06, 1963 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-06

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A -qpl a t

Little change
in temperature

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

OL. LXXIII, No. 9-S5






Start Conference
To Consider Ideological Division;
Western, Observers Expect Draw
MOSCOW ()-The secret sessions of high Soviet and Chinese
Communist delegations began yesterday in what was expected to be
a show-down battle for control of world Communism.
Main point of the struggle is the Chinese contention of Russian
error in believing that Communism can be spread without war. The
Russians, under Premier Nikiet Khrushchev's leadership, insist they
can bury the West without violence. Chinese Communist chief Mao
tze-Tung sent a high powered
delegation headed by theorist Teng
Hsiao-Ping to argue for a tougher
, line. The outcome may affect the
future of hundreds of millions of
persons for years to come.
West Expects Deadlock
Western observers expected a
draw, with both parties sticking to
Stheir own views.
{r The Chinese are expected to de-
I'mand that a conference of all the
' world's Communist parties pick the
ideological winner in a free vote.
The Russians have indicated that
they are in no mood for such a
confrontation now.
The Chinese were armed with
instructions from Peking to stand
firm on the basic issue of who
should have the right to interpret
the principles laid down by Vladi-
MAO T$E-TUNG mir I. Lenin, founder of the
MAOd TSEeTO Soviet Union.
... sends delegates Challenge Khrushchev
The Chinese openly have chal-
'UNJUST': lenged Khcrushchev's leadership
of the Communist world, and have
o1 T1 even dared to go directly to the
*1IJ S~C Soviet people with their argument.
Their efforts to put across their
* *hard ideological line-by distribut-
iri g ing leaflets attacking Khrushchev
-got three Chinese diplomats and
two students expelled from the
By MARILYN KORAL Soviet Union last week.
James F. O'Neil, who replaced The Soviet Union fired a twin
Chris Magnusson on the State government-Communist Party sal-
Board of Education this week, vo Thursday accusing the Chinese
claimed recently that the State of lying, meddling and aggravat-
Board's firing of Eastern Michi- ing relations.
gan University President Eugene Western diplomatic observers
B. Elliott June 14 was "undemo- suspect the Chinese will brush
cratic" and "unjust." aside most Soviet arguments about
He will continue to press the "peaceful coexistence" with the
State Board to "become more open West. and will come out of the
and democratic in its future corn- conference with their renewed de-
munications." mand for a world-wide conference
Specifically, O'Neil said he hop of Communist Parties to settle the
ed to get the State Board to agree issue.

Ask Answer
On Proposal
By Sunday
Kennedy May Request
Congress Solution
WASHINGTON WP) - Secretary
of Labor W. Willard Wirtz, warn-
ing that failure to reach agreement
would damage free collective bar-
gaining, proposed yesterday a 2-
year truce in the railroad work
rules dispute.
He called on both the railroads
and five operating unions to give
him an answer Sunday afternoon.
Both sides declined to comment,
pending further study of the pro-
If they refuse, President John F.
Kennedy is expected to send legis-
lation to Congress Monday, prob-
ably calling for compulsory arbi-,
tration of the dispute.
The railroads have given notice
that they will put new work rules
into effect when the present bar-
gaining deadline is reached at mid-
night Wednesday. The unions re-;
peated yesterday they will go on
strike when the new rules are put1
into effect.-
"Unless this situation changes,
it leaves only two possibilities:
either a nationwide shutdown of
the railroads or legislation," Wirtz
told the negotiators during a 30-3
minute meeting.
"You appear to accept the in-'
evitability of these possibilities. I'
don't. Legislation would result in-
evitably in weakening free collec-
tive bargaining," Wirtz warned.
Wirtz, in a news conference after'
a 30-minute meeting with the ne-
gotiators for the railroads and
five operating unions, indicated1
that, if his proposal was rejected,
the administration would seek leg-
islation immediately.
Class Totals
Keep Risingf
WASHINGTON-While federal
aid proposals are stalled in Con-I
gress, the classroom shortage and
the enrollment boom go on.
College enrollment jumped 8.1
per cent between 1961 and 1962,1
the Congressional Quarterly re-
ported. A greater rise is expected
as World War II "baby boom"
children reach college age.
Michigan college enrollment in
the same period rose 7.7 per cent
with 182,827 students attending1
Michigan institutions in 1962.
Classroom Shortage
Nationally, there was a class-
room shortage in fall, 1962 of 121,-1
235 with 59,000 scheduled for com-
pletion last year. The Office of
Education estimates that manyI
will be absorbed by the 1 million
increase in enrollment and the re-,
placement of dilapidated facilities.
Michigan in thesame period had
an 8,319 classroom shortage and
was planning to build 2,640 class-
rooms last year.
There were a record 38.8 million
students enrolled in public elemen-
tary and secondary schools last
fall-an increase of 3.7 per cent
over the previous year. Michigan
was close to the national figure
with a 3.8 per cent increase. It hadj
1.8 million enrolled in public ele-

mentary and high schools.
West Grewl
The West experienced the great-
est growth rate. Michigan was 21st<
among the states in that category.


Two- Year















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NEA Beats
Private Unit
Aid Measure
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-The National Edu-
cation Association beat back at-
tempts yesterday to limit support
for federal aid to the public
The delegates approved a reso-
lution supporting federal aid to
elementary and secondary schools
as well as higher education, but
defeated an amendment resolving
that, "Federal grants for institu-
tional uses in education be made
exclusively to public elementary,
secondary and higher education."
Opponents of the amendment
claimed that such action would
put the NEA in opposition to fed-
eral grants from the National Sci-
ence Foundation, the National In-
stitutes of Health and the Nation-
al Aeronautics and Space Admin-
istration, which go to private col-
leges and universities.
Hinder Lobbying
This amendment would also
hinder NEA lobbying, its opponents
The move followed a decision of
NEA officers to present a more
"positive position" on federal aid.
These officials have decided that
NEA's stubborn stand on aiding
public institutions have only hurt
their lobbying efforts.
Instead, the officials sought to
urge Congress to enact aid legis-
lation that "would be consistent
with the constitutional provision
respecting an establishment of re-
ligion and with the tradition of
separation of church and state."
Review in Court
They also sought to have the
legislation "contain a provision for
judicial review as to determine its
constitutionality." Under Supreme
Court precedent in such matters,
this provision is necessary if the
court is to act.
The approach of leaving men-
tion of constitutional questions
without taking a stand on them is
designed for more lobbying flexi-
The NEA also defeated efforts
to take a strong civil rights stand
both inside the organization and
on external civil rights questions.
It defeated a resolution, passed by
its Department of Classroom
Teachers, urging the consolidation
of 11 Southern Negro NEA affili-
ates into their'white counterparts.
'Impossible' in South
George Deer, a Louisiana dele-
gate, told the convention that such
a resolution "would put 300,000
Southern teachers in an impossible
"Southern teachers have inher-
ited the milieu in which they work.
Three hundred years of Southern
heritage cannot be changed im-
mediately," he declared.
The convention beat back a
Michigan amendment to "disad-
vantaged Americans" resolution
citing NEA support for specific
civil rights action.

Urban Renewal Project Dies1

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
last of a six-part series on pian
ning Ann Arbor's future.)
Urban renewal is dead in Ann
This form was the first city
redevelopment attempted in
Ann Arbor. It was a hot politi-
cal issue from 1955 to 1959 and
died a sudden death when May-
or Cecil O. Creal vetoed a pro-
posed city application for fed-
eral funds for a project north
of the central business district.
It is mentioned briefly in the
CBD "Guide to Action," but the
report clearly indicates other
financing methods are prefer-
'Not Ready'
"The community is not ready
to do urban renewal. It was at
the loan and grant stage when
it was vetoed by the mayor.
This mayor is still in office,"
city planning director Robert
Leary noted.
"It is a decision of the policy
makers," he declared.
Under an urban renewal pro-
gram, the city buys blighted
land at market value, assem-
bles it into salable parcels and
clears it, then sells it at a low-
er price for industrial, com-
mercial or residential develop-

The cost of purchasing, clear-
ing an reselling at a loss may
be borne by the city itself or
by it in conjunction with the
federal government who will
pay two-thirds of the cost. The
federal program originated in
the dousing Act of 1949.
State Power
However, the city's power to
conduct urban renewal pro-
grams comes from the state,
not from the federal govern-
ment. This, Leary noted, al-
lows cities to conduct programs
on its own without federal help.
"Urban renewal is a rough,
powerful tool that deals with
deep-seated problems," he as-
Leary noted the difficulties
in accomplishing an urban re-
newal program, especially in a
business district. One is "the
vast diversity of ownership"
that makes assembling a land
parcel without eminent domain
"almost impossible."
Land Ownership
The average acre in the CBD
contains 15-25 parcels of land
"in every conceivable type of
o w n e r s h i p -- partnerships,
trusts, estates corporations," he
explained. "The nearer to the
goal, the harder it is to reach
it. Some people won't or can't
A second difficulty is the
CBD's high land cost. Some
property sells for $32 a sq. ft.

compared to $1-2 a sq. ft. for
land at Arborland.
No Slums'
Thirdly, "Ann Arbor does not
have slums in the technical
sense," creating an eligibility
problem in the federal program,
Leary said. "In Ann Arbor
terms, there is land of lesser
desirability - delapidated, de-
teriorated-but not quite on the
national standards of structural
The Chamber of Commerce
"does not favor urban renewal,
but does not overlook It. It
would prefer another way,"
executive secretary William
Bott explained.
He said that the chief objec-
tion was not the federal aid as-
pect, but the confiscation of
land to sell to someone else.
Eminent Domain
The guide expresses this view,
declaring "there remains the
question of using. the power of
eminent domain to take pri-
vate property for resale to an-
other private interest."
It is this aspect of urban re-
newal and overtones of racial
bigotry that killed the 1959 at-
Seventy-five acres, bounded
by N. Ashley St. on the west,
Depot St. on the north, Detroit
and Division Streets on the east
and Catherine, N. Fourth, Ann,
Main Streets and Miller Rd. on

Gap with U.S.
French President
Snubs Compromise
On EEC, Britain Tips
BONN (P)-President Charles de
Gaulle yesterday refused to modi-
fy his policies on the Atlantic Al-
liance and the Common Market in
the interests of the new French-
West German treaty of coopera-
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
and his government tried to lessen
the differences separating France
from the United States and other
Western nations. This was in line
with West German support for
President John F. Kennedy's poli-
cies. No progress was made, ac-
cording to available indications.
De Gaulle turned down a com-
promise that would have renewed
contacts between the Common
Market and Britain. It was de
Gaulle's veto that ended Britain's
attempt to gain membership in
the Common Market last January.
The problem was shunted over
to the Common Market Council of
Ministers meeting in Brussels July
Won't Unify
No aid was given to the move-
ment for greater, European unity,
which Adenauer favors. West Ger-
man press chief Karl Guenther
von Hase told the news conference
that it appeared "the time is not
right to take the initiative in this
The West German hope that
France would reconsider with-
drawing its fleet from NATO was
ignored. French spokesman Claude
Lebel said at a concluding joint
news conference that he had not
even heard about it.
Further, the two countries
could make no progress on grain
prices, a dispute blocking a unified
agricultural price { policy for the
Common M aP r k e t embracing
France, Germany, Belgium, Italy,
The Netherlands and Luxembourg.
It was agreed that nothing should
be done pending a new experts'
Will Talk Again
De Gaulle and his ministers re-
turned to Paris after the two'days
of consultation, the first held un-
der the provisions of the treaty.
The next consultations will take
place in six months.
The object of the French-West
German treaty, signed Jan. 22 in
Paris by de Gaulle and Adenauer,
is to promote similar international
policies between the one-time ene-
mies. The signing took place at the
time de Gaulle stopped Britain's
entry into the Common Market
and came out against United
States plans for the future of
That put him in opposition to
West Germany on these crucial is-
sues, and dimmed the prospect for
big results from the treaty.
Throughout the strain in the
Atlantic Alliance, the West Ger-
man government has taken an
optimistic position.


Bonn Fails
To Reduce

to release all the information, al-
legations and complaints received
about EMU to a committee of fac-
ulty and administrators. "Then
they could determine the evidence,
evaluate facts and come back with
recommendations." This would be
part of the "self-study" urged in
the recently released North Cen-
tral Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools report on East-
O'Neil claimed that the State
- Board promised May 16 to increase
communications with EMU facul-
ty and administrators, after the
firing of Elliott. However, "nothing
has been done since May 16 to cor-
rect the inadequacies of the State
Board, as pointed out in the NCA
report, or facilitate communica-
tion with the university."
O'Neil argued further that the
State .Board's refusal to assign
him EMU as the university under
his particular domain-each mem-
ber has one school he is specially
responsible for-would further ag-
gravate its communication prob-
lems with Eastern.
He noted that members have
in the past always been given
jurisdiction over the university
closest to their homes. However,
members voted to pass up O'Neill,
who lives in Livonia for Frank
Hartmann, a Kalamazoo resident.
Kalamazoo is considerably further
from EMU than Livonia, O'Neill
said. This would make communi-
cation with the university extrem-
ly difficult.

No kublicity
The two delegations began their
talks at a secret location. The
Russians made an effort to play
down the meeting. There were no
Soviet newsmen or photographers,
at the-airport and no announce-
ment that the Chinese had arrived.
Hatcher Begins
English Trip;
To Visit AUBC
University President Harlan
Hatcher left yesterday for a 20-
day trip to England and Scotland.
President Hatcher is one of a
group of major American univer-
sity presidents attending the 50th
anniversary session of the Asso-
ciation of Universities of the
British Commonwealth.
He will be traveling more in the
capacity of a major university
president than as president of the
University, Assistant Director for
University Special Projects Andrew
Doty, explained.
His only official contact with
alumni will be a tea in the English
Speaking Union where President
Hatcher will address alumni living
in London and those on a special
European tour.
President Hatcher will also visit
Cambridge University and the Uni-
versity of St. Andrew in Scotland.

RobertsWarns of Censorship

By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Demands for "text-
book censorshipare better or-
ganized, better financed than in
any period in our history."
Detroit Free Press labor writer
Gene Roberts, Jr., a member . of
a panel concerned with teachers
and controversial issues, warned
the. National Education Associa-
tion of this danger yesterday.
He said that organized cam-
paigns to monitor textbooks exist
all over the country. But the
Clergymen Set
Next Moves
In .Baltimore
By The Associated Press
BALTIMORE-New racial inte-
gration moves were discussed yes-
terday by Negro and white clergy-
men in a jail here and by dele-
gates to a Chicago convention of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.
Seven ministers arrested Thurs-
day in Baltimore made plans in a
jail to press forward with the par-
ticipation of white churchmen of
all faiths in another assault Sun-
day on racial barriers at Balti-
more's Gwynn Oaks amusement
park. The ministers were among
283 persons arrested during a dem-
onstration at the privately own-
ed, segregated park.
The NAACP condemned the
American Bar Association yester-
day and called for an economic
boycott of Portugal and the Union
of South Africa.
The NAACP scored the ABA for
not appointing a Negro to its com-
mittee on civil rights and racial
unrest, formed in response to a
".ov oo h 'rni~~n _nh " T mn

censors hardly qualify as unbiased
critics, Roberts noted.
Want To Ban Them
Serious efforts have been made,
he claimed, in banning books, re-
writing sections to suit certain
areas or simply deleting contro-
versial material on such subjects
as the United Nations or race rela-
Archibald B. Shaw, secretary of
the American Association of School
Administrators, declared that
there may be reasons to question
the function of important institu-
tions such as the United Nations
that are deemed essential to the
national interest and policy.
"But the schools are not the
place, censorship is not the means,
for expressing or developing that
opposition, and certainly not the
place to suppress evidence and
discussion," he said.
Liberals More Subtle
Prof. Thomas D. Clark of the
University of Kentucky commented
that often the "extreme liberal
can be more subtle" than his
rightist counterpart in effecting
These people can do great harm
to intellectual open mindedness

tect minority groups from criti-
Extreme liberal groups are likely
to create so many taboos from
their point of view, and racists so
many from theirs, "that they will
leave little or no leeway for the
presentation of factual history,"
Prof. Clark warned.
Plan Education
For Africans
fense Department announced yes-
terday the start of a two-pronged
effort to produce a nucleus of
trained professional military offi-
cers for emerging African na-
The program will be conducted
at United States military bases
and on the campuses of American
"This training program is in-
tended to provide . . . a cadre of
strictly professional officers pre-
pared to protect the legally con-
stituted governments against sub-
version and domestic disorder,"
the Pentagon said.

'U' Pioneers Oriental Language Program

by demanding

censorship to pro-C

To Isolate Economy of Cuba

A unique program for the study'of the Chinese and Japanese lan-
guages is being conducted at the University this summer and promises
to become a pioneer in the field of language education.
The University is conducting the first of four rotating Far East-
ern Language Institutes under the Committee on Institutional Coop-
eration (CIC). Last week 157 top students of Far Eastern languages,'
from all over the United States and abroad, enrolled in the new pro-
gram. The first, second and third year courses in Chinese and Japa-.
nese are offered. One year's work is condensed into a single summer.
Thnrf_ Jmpnh K Vamaziur, of the Far Eastern T.anguages De-

provide fine competition among themselves, and keep the instructors
on their toes," said Prof. Yamagiwa.
Design of Languages
The program includes first and second year courses in the two
languages which meet 20 hours a week, and third year courses meet-
ing 15 hours each week. Two courses in Chinese and Japanese lin-
guistics present the scientific design of the languages.
There is also a faculty-student seminar in which both languages
are discussed. Here, Prof. Yamagiwa noted, students gain an under-
standing of the difference between Chinese and Japanese, and also
between these languages and English. The cultures of the two areas
AerPa~ tndaied

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The State Department said yesterday the Unit-
ed States plans to take steps which will "further isolate Cuba eco-
nomically and politically." It was understood that the proposed meas-
ures planned include such moves as tightening bans against travel
to Cuba, restriction of movement of funds to Cuba and stronger meas-
ures against subversion emanating from Havana.
WASHINGTON-The Western powers protested to Russia yester-
day against the new security strip around West Berlin, denouncing


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