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July 02, 1963 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1963-07-02

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SSeventy-Third Year
Truth WI] Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Puerto Rico Needs
More Perfect Pact

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Khrushchev Gets Taste
Of His Own Medicine

MOSCOW IS having a little trouble these
days with her visiting Chinese friends.
It seems that a number of Chinese diplo-
mats have been handing out literature which
has been uncomplimentary to Chairman
Taking a. forceful line against his Chinese
"allies," Mr. Khrushchev has expelled five of
these malefactors. It would seem that he is
correct in his stand against persons who are
so ungracious as to criticize a host in his own
home. Undoubtedly, the Chinese do not feel
the same way about what occurred in Moscow
and will take offense at this action.
COMMUNISTS and "others with anti-Ameri-
can views" would be barred from speaking
on state university campuses in Ohio under the
terms of a bill recently passed 104-25 by the
lower house of the Ohio legislature. The old
and controversial issue-what to do about con-
troversial speakers has come to the fore at
other universities lately in forms ranging from
university presidential decree to board of re-
gents regulations.
Whether the word comes from the president
of the university or the state legislature, such
decrees are an affront to not only the students
at such institutions, but to the concept of
a university. That concept, as we see it, is of
an institution which protects the individual
temporarily from the fickle trends of the out-
side world and encourages him to explore all
areas of thought.
One of those areas of thought, whether it
is attractive to legislators or not, is Com-
munism. The exploration of its meaning--
including speeches by its propagators-should
not be denied university students.
We doubt that the legislators have any
grounds for worrying about a Communist sub-
verting university students. A speech by Daniel
Rubin, editor of "The Communist Viewpoint,"
on the State University of Iowa campus two
years ago drew a large audience. When the
speech was over, however, there were more
jeers than cheers.
We are .certain that none- of the students
who went into hear Rubin hating Communism
came out liking it. We are also certain that
many of them came away with a little clearer
idea of why they hate it.
There is a lesson in Iowa for you, Ohio
legislators. It is embodied in one of the
aphorisms of that "unsophisticated" animal,
the Iowa farmer:
"Let 'em have their say. We'll argue after-
-The Daily Iowan

Khrushchev foreseeably views these attacks
as actions worthy of Western nations and hence
even as detestable. He has from time to time
asked a number of American and other West-
ern persons with diplomatic status to leave the
country. Quite often, this has been in retalia-
tion to the West's expulsion of some Soviet
diplomat on charges of spying or attempted
spying. In all of these cases it it quite. difficult
to tell who is telling the truth and who is
prevaricating. For even if one were to believe
that all Soviet spies were stupid (which they
certainly are not) the rate at which they
attempt to unwittingly lure members of the
FBI and the CIA into their service is too
On the other hand, the frequency with which
American foreign service members are de-
clared personna non grata following American
charges against Soviet diplomats is: equally
BUT THE PROBLEM which has recently
angered the Russian leader was not a case
of spying. The Chinese started to distribute a
letter which makes uncomplimentary attacks
against Mr. Khrushchev. They were copies
brought into the country for distribution with
Russia. These copies merely pointed out the
Chinese side of the present dispute between
the two Communist countries.
The Soviet government has had a difficult
time in keeping out such literature.
Every once in a while an American is stopped
trying to enter Russia who is supposedly carry-
ing stacks of anti-Communist literature or
what appears to be even more dastardly to
the Communist leaders, the Holy Bibles.
However, the Soviets have a short memory
and quite quickly step over all the propaganda
that they produce in their public relations
mills on Madison Ave, Moscow.
With the amount of stuff they send via
the diplomatic pouches, that has nothing to
do with diplomacy, it is amazing that there is
any room left over for dispatches.
It was not the West .who started exporting
mass amounts of propaganda to other coun-
tries. Even Hitler had a basis for his propa-
ganda machinery in another government fur-
ther toward the East.
The Communists even before they achieved
power in Russia dished out the party line to
the workers in other countries.
In fact, when the Russians were sueing for
peace in World, War I, it was one of the high
ranking members of the peace delegation who,
upon arriving at Brest-Litovsk, started throw-
ing anti-German literature from the arriving
train's window.
So right now, Mr. Khrushchev is merely
getting some of his own medicine and from his
reactions he doesn't like its tas'te.

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IN THE ENDLESS series of prob-
lems about which something
needs to be done because some-
thing has gone wrong, the.island
of Puerto Rico is a shining excep-
tion. Since 1898, when Spain ceded
the island to the United States,
the Puerto Ricans have been treat-
ed with an enlightenment' and
generosity which are unusual in
the experience of colonies.
This happened because the
American people are deeply anti-
colonial at heart and have never
been willin'g to think of them-
selves as the permanent owners
and masters of colonies. In all of
their dealings with dependent
lands, however they have been
acquired, thedAmerican people
have always had as a positive °ob-
ject of policy the preparation of
the colony for freedom. In the
case of Cuba and the. Philippines,
the goal has been national in-
dependence. In the case of con-
tinental territories which were
purchased or conquered; the goal
has always been statehood. In the
case of Hawaii and Alaska, it has
also been statehood.
In. the case of Puerto Rico, the
goal has become a unique arrange-
ment, dictated by the special con-
ditions of race, language, cultural
tradition, economic necessity and
history, Until 1952, Puerto Rico
was an American colony.: Since
1952, it has been, if we translate
from the Spanish of its official
title, a "free associated state." In
American usage, Puerto Rico is
not a state, it is not independent,
it isaa commonwealth in an as-
sociation with the United States,
which rests upon a compact be-
tween the Congress and the people
of Puerto Rico.
The Puerto Ricans are citizens
of the United States, but, they do
not vote in elections outside of
Puerto Rico. They have a com-
missioner who sits in the House of
Representatives, but he does not
vote. The Puerto Ricans are sub-
ject to the draft, and the United
States is responsible for the for-
eign policy and defense of the is-
land. But no taxes are collected for
the benefit of the United States
Treasury. Federal legislation, apart
from tax legislation, may be, but
need not be, applied to Puerto
Rico. This includes federal grants-
in-aid, though usually Congress
does make them applicable.
* * *
THIS HYBRID has worked ex-
tremely well. Indeed, under the
leadership of Gov. Luis Munoz
Marin, it is working brilliantly.
It has only one serious defect. It
is that the association does not
have an invulnerable legal basis
which all Puerto Ricans recognize
and is also understood among their
neighbors. There is, therefore, an
increasing apprehension and doubt
that the association might not
On Dec. 3, 1962, the Legislative
Assembly of Puerto Rico proposed
to the United States Congress "the
prompt settlement in a democratic
manner" of the status of Puerto
Rico. In response to this proposal,
there is now a bill in Congress,
introduced by Mr. Aspinall of Col-
orado, which calls for a joint
United States-Puerto Rico com-
pact commission to draft "a com-
pact of permanent union." If this
new compact is authorized by
Congress and is ratified by a ref-
erendum of the Puerto Rican
people, it will establish a union
which neither country can uni-
laterally dissolve.

The Aspinall Bill provides that
in the referendum the people- f
Puerto Rico shall be given three.
choices: the more perfect compact
worked out by the commission,
national independence and state-
hood within the federal union. In
fact, the real choice lies between
the present compact with its de-
fective base e and a moreprect
compact. For, indppendenceT4 wile.
theoretically conceivable,. old
cause vastly more problems than
it could solve.
SINCE THE beginning of this
century, Puerto Rico has evolved
in association with the United
States. To tear it loose now, to
push it outside the United Stats'
economy, to ask it to provide its
own military defense and to en
ter into world politics, would cause
a convulsion if not a disaster.
This is so well understood in
Puerto Rico that the vote for in-
dependence is negligible.
There is, however, a growing
demand in Puerto Rico for ad-
mission to the Union as a state.
It has the, backing of certain in-
dustrialinterests, of some menbers
of the Roman Catholic hierarcy,
of the Puerto Rican Statehood
Republican Party, and it appeals
to a- certain sentiment ';ang
many Puerto Ricans. But the fact
of the matter is that the prospects
of the United States Congress ad-
mitting Puerto Rico as a state are
virtually nil.
For one thing, Puerto Rico would
be entitled to two senators and
six representatives, which would
give it more voting power Ini thea
House of Representatives than 23
of the existing states. It would
out-vote, to pick at random, such
states as Arizona, Arkansas Colo-
rado, Kansas, Maine, New Haup-
shire; it would have as many votes
as Connecticut, Oklahoma and
South Carolina.
It is hard to imagine what con-
sideration would induce the Con-
gress to give such political power
inside the United States to what
Is in fact a foreign people speak-
ing a foreign language aid living
inder quite different social inh-
stitutions. All that the agitation
for statehood is likely to accom-
plish is to generate bitter dis-
appointment. That is to say, it
would destroy a relationship which
works exceedingly well in practice
and is a high credit to both
* * *
THE PERFECTING of the com-
pact, which is the next business
of both peoples, would in fact be
begun by the passage of the As-
pinall Bill. The nub of it is in
the first sentence which says that
the Congress "duly recognizing
the inherent right and juridical'
capacity of the people of -Puerto
Rico to govern themselve ad to
establish such relationships with
the government of the United
States as are freely agreed upon
That declaration erases all
the vestiges of the original colon-
ial status of Puerto Rico, estab-
lishes the independence of Puerto
Rico and its capacity to enter into
a compact with the United States.
Once the perfected compact is
authorized by the Congress and
ratified in the Puerto Rican ref-
erendum, a union which is as in-
destructible as that of the states
will have come into being. For it
will rest upon a compact between
the two peoples, each possessing
"the inherent right and juridical
capacity" to enter into such a
(c) 1963, The washington Post Co.

Democrats Lose State- Grip

Kennedy Leaves Messages

THERE WERE messages in President Ken-
nedy's tremendous welcome in West Ger-
many early this week.'
The Iessages were to the American people,
Nikita Khrushchev, Charles de Gaulle and the
rest of the world.
The most important message to come out of
th excitement stirred by Kennedy is that the
people of Western Europe hold great enthus-
iasm for the United States as a leader of the
Western world.
The Western Germans seemed to indicate
that their future lies in the hands of the
United States. Their common defense is de--
pendent upon our military power.
The American people should now be satisfied
that we must continue to pour billions of
dollars into maintaining our military might.
The German enthusiasm should drive home the
point that as we go so goes the free world.
THE MESSAGE to Mr. Khrushchev indicated
that the West is not as divided as the
Communists obviously hope. The Russian lead-
er must now realize that the United States
has backing from the people of Western
Europe and that overcoming this influence will
not be as easy a task as it sometimes may
But the message must have been driven
home the hardest in France. De Gaulle, who
has been playing mid-twentieth century Na-
poleon, has been served notice that he is not
the leader he would like to be.
The French president surely feels disappoint-
Editorial Staff
RONALD WILTON........................Co-Editor
PHILIP SUTIN..................... Co-Editor
DAVE GOOD ..................... Co-Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE..................Co-Sports Editor
RUTH HETMANSKI ..................... Night Editor
JEAN TENANDER .....................Night Editor

ment at the huge reception given to Kennedy
As Kennedy came to Europe, De Gaulle's hope
of a Europe led by himself suddenly flew the
To the United States adversaries in the rest
of the world, including the Red Chinese, the
message must have been extremely clear. It
poignantly stated that freedom Is exhilarating
and that the people are enthusiastic about
keeping it, even if they must depend upon the
United States.
T HE TURNOUT in West Berlin-over one
million-pprticularly points out that even
in a spot of freedom surrounded by Commun-
ism and constantly under the fear of being
consumed by the Red menace the type of free-
dom adhered to by the United States is some-
thing more than military might.
We must hail President Kennedy upon his
success in Europe. And to the critics who said
he should have stayed home, we say with self-
satisfaction: you were never more wrong. I
The Daily Iowan
BROTHERHOOD has always been preached
as "Love thy neighbor." To attain brother-
hood the time has come for us to turn from
the emotional side of love to the more mature
concept of understanding.
Love can not be forced into people. As Eric
Fromm states in "The Art of Loving," "love
is an art." Like all arts it needs practice and
time to flourish. , We can not tell a black
man to love a white or vice versa simply be-
cause they are neighbors.
When we talk of civil rights and love we are
not promoting intermarriage. We are speaking
of allowing all people the rights and dignity
that they deserve as human beings. We owe to
al men the hnnst effort of trying to under-

Daily Correspondent
Centennial State has suddenly
thrust itself into the limelight.
Under the satisfactory but color-
less leadership of Gov. Stephen
McNichols, a Democrat, Colorado
had been making slow but sure
progress in the typical Democrat
tradition-no achievements with-
out more taxes.
There wasn't really anything
wrong with theMcNichols admin-
istration when the voters saw fit
to throw him out of office last
November, but then there was the
problem for McNichols' supporters
that they were unable to put their
finger on anything right.
To challenge the top Democrat,
Republicans put up a crack Colo-
rado Springs attorney for the gov-
ernor's post. A political newcomer,
but a loyal Republican and strik-
ingly handsome, John A. Love
swept to an easy victory, carrying
his ticket with him and sweeping
the Democrats from power in the
state legislature.
* * *
LIKE ALL political novices,
however, Love ran the risk of get-
ting some bad advice and not
recognizing it for what it was. He
campaigned on a tax cut plat-
form, which is always popular, and
he has kept that promise. Regret-
ably, however, he may now en-
counter some difficulty in paying
the state's bills and have to tack
on some new taxes again, but such
are the fortunes of politics.
Gov. Love and his administra-
tion is as prominent and colorful,
however, as his predecessor was
retiring and colorless. One state
Chamber of Commerce official has
remarked privately that although
McNichols was more skilled in
the matter of politics than Gov.
Love, "nobody knew about us. John
Love has put Colorado back on the
Well, perhaps it wasn't all Love's
doing. He had a little assistance
from the University of Colorado
Board of Regents, who while cam-
paigning managed to embroil
themselves in a controversy over
a guest piece written in the CU
Student newspaper, ThenColorado
THE CONTENT of that piece is
not important, save that it libelled
Sen. Barry Goldwater (RArizona),
who promptly took exception to
the whole matter and chided CU
President Quigg Newton (since de-
parted) for allowing such items to

be printed. Newton apologized and
tried to cover the matter over,
while still taking a stand for free-
dom of speech that might just as
well have been left unsaid.
This provided, the political-
minded Regents with the out they
had been seeking, and they im-
mediately carried on a lengthy and
somewhat assinine controversy in
the press concerning the merits of
President Newton, a Democrat and
former Mayor of Denver.
This all might have blown over,
but the Colorado Daily didn't see
fit to leave well enough alone.
That organ had to go and print
another piece from their friend,
this one denouncing former Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower. Now
in Colorado, Ike is sacred. He va-
cationed there, he fought a heart
attack there. He loved the state
and its people and they loved him.
The challenging Republicans
took up the defense of their;lead-
er; Democrats started searching
for half-hearted excuses. But it
was all over but the shouting and
the Democrats in November were
buried in an avalanche of ill-will.
* '* *
TO SAY whether McNichols or
Love has been the better governor
would be difficult. Love is cer-
tainly no worse than his predeces-
sor and he enjoys a popular sup-
port that McNichols did not. More-
over he engineered the reappor-
tionment of the state legislature,
long overdue, which wiped out
much of the vast over-representa-
tion enjoyed by the rural areas in
the house of representatives. Ad-
roitly, he blamed the whole mess
on the Democrats (who, as in-
Michigan, hold many of the over-
represented seats) and took credit
for its rectification. Denver Demo-
crats protested they had been
working toward this end for years,
but Love simply brushed them
aside. So did the public and the
But Love has not solved Colo-
rado's basic political problem as
yet, nor does, it seem too likely
that he will. As in Michigan, many
of the state's controversies square
off geographically. In Colorado,
the state is divided down the
middle by a range of mountains,
and almost obviously the eastern
slope andsthe western slope forces
battle it out, no matter what the
issue. Love does not seem to have
soothed these wounds, unlike his
Michigan counterpart, Gov. Rom-
ney, who has made noticeable pro-
gress toward uniting Michigan's
warring factions in certain areas.
All this serves to shape the poli-
tical character of Colorado. In
1960, the state stood steadfast
with the GOP, giving Vice-Presi-
dent Nixon a solid margin of vic-
tory. Yet Gov. McNichols occupied
the statehouse and his Democrat
party controlled the Legislature.
Today the Democrats are out and
the Republicans are in. Yet this
doesn't seem to be much of a
weathervane for 1964.
* * *
UNLIKE South Dakota, senti-
ments in Colorado are strong. Sen.
Goldwater has a following which is

reason. And here, as in South
Dakota, the name of Sen. Thrus-
ton B. Morton of Kentucky is wel-
comed on all sides as "a good
President Kennedy here is a
dead duck. The good citizens of
Colorado are mad at him, and if
there's one thingthey can agree
on, that's it. They're mad about
everything from his foreign pol-
icies to his farm programs. They're
so mad, in fact, that the Presi-
dent wouldn't even get the liberal
GOP votes if Goldwater were
nomin ted.
The' conservative Colorado
Springs Gazette-Telegraph flails
away daily at the administration
in Washington and the paper's
mail indicates that the readers
agree. The Denver Post, always
quick to sense-a. straw in the wind,
has not missed a recent oppor-
tunity to take a poke at the Ken-
nedy's. The consensus of those I
spoke with, generally, is a dis-
appointment in the President.
They are generally unimpressed
with "his bag of tricks" and wish
he "wouldn't do everything with
a political motive."
Why so all this? The anti-Ken-
nedy underground (ie, the John
Birchers, YAF, etc.) is not par-
ticularly strong here, yet many of
their doctrines pervade the think-
ing and remarks of Coloradoans.
In 1964, Democrats will have
everything to gain in Colorado
and very little to lose. Politically,
they hold virtually nothing. Vet-
eran Rep. Wayne Aspinall (D-
Colo) of the western slope
and perennial Lt. Gov. Robert
Knous are their lone officeholders
of any import. Such an over-
abundance of officeholders would
seem to bode ill for the GOP, but
strangely no one takes that posi-
tion in Colorado. They concede
that Gov. Love's tax problems
could become thorny, but they see
the governor leading his party
through the briar patch smelling
like a rose.
Perhaps. Stranger. men than
John A. Love have been modern-
day pied pipers.


Sellers at His Best
Is Something Else

of the Law" is at the Campus,
to highlight Ann Arbor's Summer
Festival of Mediocre Movies. It is
quite annoyingly mediocre, too;
not really innane enough for good
slapstick, but certainly not clever
enough for good satire. Instead,

T HE AREA Redevelopment Act
was sired by John Kennedy out
of the West Virginia Primary.
Billed as a panacea for depressed
areas, it turned out to be just
another boondoggle. The ARA
built motels in areas where exist-
ing motels were only 54 per cent
full; last year it spent more than
half its entire budget for public

"Ha Ha Ha And Ho Ho Ho'"
( ---
x'ii A

it is the typical Sellers movie: a
not quite predictable plot punc-
tuated with a series of slapstick
incidents (some terribly funny,
most just mildly amusing), and
a few comic lines tossed in for
good measure (like, "Are you try-
ing to bribe a police officer?" "No,
I don't carry small change with
Sellers at his best is surreal and
great. The "Running, Jumping,
Standing-Still Film," for example,
isolated just the bizzare sort of
situations which make Sellers' dra-
matic films bearable. Presented
simply serially, with no need for
a rationalizing continuity, the in-
cidents stand as satirical monu-
ments to the "experimental" film,
and constitute, collectively, film
comedy in its highest form. A
movie like "Wrong Arm of the
Law," on the other hand, is simply
a diluted "Running Jumping" and
by this very form is at bad ad-
vantage. But "Wrong Arm" does
not even measure up to the best
in its own class, which are movies
like "I'm All Right Jack," and
which are not quite so contrived
(in the dramatic parts) nor quite
so lackluster (in the slapstick
Mostly so that you will be able


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