IST Studies Waves
Across Campus
The University Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology runs a seis-
mograph station in a quiet, wood-
ed area some six miles from cam-
pus in an effort to discover the
process of shock wave transmis-
Thousands of earthquakes occur
throughout the world; some of
them go unnoticed and others are
of such magnitude that their
tremors travel great distances. It
is these movements of the earth,
whether noticeable or not, which,
the seismograph station records.
Five delicate seismographs have
been placed in a well a quarter of
a mile beneath the earth's sur-
face to escape background noises
caused by objects or conditions
above ground. Another seismo-
graph is at the top of the well.
In addition, there are six seis-
mographs in a shallow under-
ground' vault adjacent to the well
at the Botanical Gardens. They
make up one of 125 such stations
established all over the world by
the United States government toa
increase basic skills in seismology.
Both installations are on duty
continuously, but record different
types of information in different
ways, for various shock waves ra-
diate through the earth following a
There are long period surface
waves which can last many min-
utes, and short period waves oscil-
lating several times a second. Some
earth movements can be as small
as one-hundred millionth of an
The seismographs in the vault
record both long and short waves
on photographic paper which must
be developed before it can be read.
They also record all earth move-
ments, whether or not from
These seismograms are checked
over once weekly by scientists
working under the direction of
Prof. James T. Wilson, acting di-
rector of the IST, who also is
chairman of the National Com-
mittee on Seismological stations
of the National Academy of Sci-
ences-National Research Coun-
One of these researchers is Prof.
John M. De Noyer of the geology
department and an IST associate
research geophysicist. He uses the
information in studies of seismic
wave propagation and in teaching
graduate students principles of
earthquake seismology.
The seismograms then are sent
to the United States Coast and
Geodetic Survey to become part of
the permanent file on such data.
All 125 stations in the world-wide
network do the same.
The well installation, however,
is uniquely that of the University
as part of the work being done by
the IST Acoustic and Seismics
Laboratory under U.S. Air Force
This data taken from known sit-
uations is applied to analysis of
distant earthquakes.
At present recordings from the
well are made in an instrumented
van at the site. But Willis indi-
cates that by next fall information
from the seismographs will be
transmitted over four special tele-
phone lines to the Willow Run
Laboratories of the seismics and
acoustics laboratory.
He reports that once the instal-
lation is completed, determination
of the probable location and
strength of an earthquake could
be detailed by geophysicists in
about 30 minutes.
Professors William M. Cave, Fin-
ley Carpenter and William K.
Medlin of the education school
will participate in a seminar on
"Education and Social Change in
Soviet Central Asia" at 12 noon
today in Rm. 1525 of the Univer-
sity Elementary School. The sem-
inar is first in a series of three
sponsored by the edfcation school.
Linguistics ...
Prof. Emeritus Charles C. Fries
will speak on "Linguistics and
Reading" today at 7:30 p.m. in
the Rackham Amph. His talk will
be the second in the Linguistic
Forum Lecture series.
The French Club will present
the film "Breathless" today at 7:30
p.m. in the Multipurpose Rm. of
the UGLI.
'Lord of the Flies'...
David W. K. Sumner of the Eng-
lish department will speak on
Golding's "Lord of the Flies" to-
day at 12 noon in the Anderson
Rm. at the Michigan Union. It
DIAL 2-6264
Shows at 1-3-5-7 & 9 P.M.
take on the wild Apache!
will be the second in the Tuesda
Luncheon Discussions on Conterm
porary Literature sponsored by th
Office of Religious Affairs. A co
luncheon for 25c will be offered.
Clghdren ..
Jean George, author and illustr
tor, and Elizabeth Riley, children
books editor, will speak on "NP
ture and Children" today at 1:
in the Anderson Rm. at the Unic
Freedom March...
Rev. Albert Cleage, one of t
organizers of the Detroit Mar
for Freedom, will speak at
meeting of the Friends of SN(
today at 8 p.m. in Rm. 3B of t
Michigan Union.
j DIAL 5-6290
PARKS AND OPEN SPACE-One of Ann Arbor's plans calls for the expansion of parks and recrea-
tion facilities and the retension of green space and to beautify a growing city. The shaded areas
indicate the various types of parks and open space allocated by last year's 20-year Parks and Open
Space plan.
i1ty Plans evelopm ent
Challenge L5
Disgui$e $$it~r~
Roles v4JL~icfk'
they Play! .
(Continued from Page 1)
additional facilities. Play areas
should be included in other parks,
the plan asserts.
It notes that play areas are lo-
cated in areas where there is no
backyard play space and that there
is enough space in the city. Fur-
ther, the city should not take re-
sponsibility for watchin'g the chil-
dren at the park and the park can
only best serve those living on
the block where it is located.
The report makes no specific
recommendations about open space
fi policy, saying that it should be
considered in other city planning.
However, it warns that the major
Peace Corps
To Give Test
Requests from many nations for
additional Peace Corps Volunteers
have necessitated another national
administration of the Peace Corps
Placement Test July 20, the Peace
Corps selection division has an-
The non-competitive test will be
given by the Civil Service Com-
mission on Saturday, July 20 and
again Aug. 24. The tests will be at
8:30 a.m. Students may obtain
more information by clling the
Ann Arbor CSC.:
entrances to the city should be
protected from commercial en-
croachment and suggests 300 ft.
right of way for the Huron Park-
Add Land
The plan proposes two schemes
for implementing the program.
Under one, the city would continue
to follow its current policy of add-
ing park land each year and de-
veloping it immediately. This
would cost $2.1 million in 20 years,
or approximately $3500 an acre
for the additional 710 acres need-
ed. The plan would be 64 per cent
implemented in 20 years. The fed-
eral government under its Open
Space Land Grant Program would
pay $420,000.
The second scheme calls for the
city spending $1.326 million for
buying and developing most of the
parkland now at $2000 an
acre. The program would be fi-
nanced by a 20-year obligation
bond that must be approved by 60
per cent of the electorate. The fed-
eral government would pay $240,-
The total cost may be lowered
by private gifts, the report notes.
Acquire Land
The city is taking several steps
toward implementing this plan.
The planning commission recent-
ly recommended that the city ac-
quire land for three parks.
One would be combined neigh-
boorhood park and underground
water storage site on the Hanson
property, west of Maple Rd. Two
others would be playground sites,
one in the Adare Rd.-Washtenaw
Ave. area and the other in the
Spruce Dr.-Devonshire Rd. area.
The Adare Rd. site was not spec-
ified in the plan, but is in the gen-
eral vicinity of Bedford Rd.-Over-
ridge Dr. site now being used for
a school.
Buy Ponds
Aside from purchasing the Les-
lie property for a park and new
golf course, the city is in the final
stages of buying four Huron River
ponds on the northern and east-
ern edge of the city,as suggested
in the plan.
The ponds-Barton, Argo, Ged-
des and Superior Ponds-were de-
veloped by Detroit Edison Co. for
electric power purposes forty
years ago, but are no longer need-
The city will purchase them for
$400,000 with a possible $120,000
coming from the federal govern-
ment. The city would pay $80,000
a year out of utilities and sewage
treatment department f u n d s.
These two agencies currently lse
the ponds.
The federal government agreed
to supply $120,000 toward the pur-
chase through its open space pro-
The purchase includes both
shore and flowage rights, allowing
for park development along the
ponds, City Administrator Guy C.
Larcom, Jr. said.
The new zoning code, adopted in
January, also provides for contin-
uing Ann Arbor's scenic beauty.
Its regulations requiring develop-
ers to maintain the land's natural
beauty and provide for parks help
maintain Ann Arbor scenic condi-
The plan especially emphasized
the good effects of the judicious
enforcement of this ordinance.
Meanwhile, the University also
is engaged in planning and is at-
tempting to coordinate its efforts
with the city.
Tomorrow-University plan-
ning and city relations.
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
12:00 Noon-School of Education Sum-
mer Seminars for Students and Faculty
-Dr. William M. Cave, Dr. Finley Car-.
penter, and Dr. William K. Medlin,
School of Ed., "Education and Social
Change in Soviet Central Asia": Gym-
nasium, Room 1525 Univ. Elementary1
1:00 p.m.-School of Education Lee-
ture-Jean George, author and illus-1
trator; and Elizabeth Riley, editor of
children's books for Crowell Co., "Na-
ture and Children": Anderson Room,
Michigan Union.
2:00 p.m.-Audio-Visual Education
Center Film Preview-"Moment to Act"
and "Eruption of Kilauea": Multipur-
pose Room, Undergrad Lib.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Degree Re-
cital-Roy Johnson, organist; Hill Aud.
Tickets available now, 12:30-5 daily,
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, for
U-M Players productions in the Play-
bill Summer 1963. Next week, Wm. Gib-
son's "Two for the Seesaw," Wed. thru
Sat., 8 p.m. Tickets for this show and
"Androcles and the Lion" and "Mo-
nique," which follow, are $1.50, 1.00 for
Wed. & Thurs. performances, $1.75,
1.25 for Fri. & Sat. performances.
Doctoral Examination for Lawrence
Scheinman, Political Science; thesis:
"The Formulation of Atomic Energy
Policy in France under the Fourth Re-
public," Tues., July 2, 4609 Haven Hall,
at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, Ray Pierce.
Colloquium in Oral Interpretations:
The Speech Dept. will present a col-
loquium by Sheridan W. Baker, Dept.
of English, U of M, entitled "Meter in
Poetry." At 3:00 p.m. in the E. Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Colloquium in Audiology: The Speech
Dept. will sponsor a colloquium by Da-
vid Wolsk, Kresge Hearing Research In-
stitute, entitled "Current Research on
the Ear." At 3:00 p.m. in the W. Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Linguistic Forum Lecture: Linguistics
curriculum committee will sponsor a
lecture by Charles C. Fries, Prof. Emer-1
itus of English and Director Emeritus
of The English Language Institute.
Entitled "Linguistics and Reading." At
7:30 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre.
General Notices
Office hours 8:30-12:00 and 1:30
at 3200 Student Activities Bldg.
to 4:301
- ~~1
Management Consultants in Texas -
A bank in the Southwest is seeking
several men for their Management
Team. Degree with major in Bus. Ad.,
Accounting, or Financial fields. 4-6 yrs.
of good business exper., preferably in
areas of credit, acc't., investments, sales,
utilities, etc.
Savannah Machine ,& Foundry Co.,
Savannah, Ga. - Seeking Engineering
graduates for the following openings:
Time Study Engnr., Sales Engnr. &
Foundry Engnr:
Collins, Buri & McConkey, CPA,
Adrian, Mich.-Seeking to fill position
of Junior Accountant.
Topeo Assoc., Inc., Skokie, Il. -Re-
cent grad with degree in Mech., In-
dust., or Chem. Engrg. or a similar
mechanically orientated training. A
strong bkgd. in math desirable. Position
is in the testing lab of a major super-
market buying organization & would
concern evaluation & testing of super-
market non-food products.
Veterans Admin., Cincinnati, Ohio-
Counseling Psychologist for Field, Sta-
tion at Cleveland, Ohio. Grade GS-12.
Degree plus 2 yrs. graduate study in,
Psych. OR PhD based upon a grad
course of study with major emphasis
in field of Psych, or Counseling &
Guidance. Also must have 3 yrs. exper.
In application of psych. principals &
counseling techniques.
City of Grand Rapids, Mich.-Open-
ing for a Civil Engnr. I. Technical &
beginning level prof. civil engrg. work
in the investigation, dev., construction
& maintenance of engrg. projects. BS
in CE.
County of San Joaquin, Stockton,
Calif.-Seeking Health Educator for
Mental Health Clinic. \MS in Public
Health Educ. Exper. In mental health
or psychiatric setting is desirable but
not essential.
Double A Products, Manchester, Mich.
-Two openings in Technical Marketing.
To work with dealers who distribute
their products, & to call on companies
which design & build machinery, who
are the users of their products, etc.
Travel about half the time. Engineering
bkgd., if not an engnr., someone with
bkgd. in mechanics, math, physics.
Engrg. & Bus. Ad. would be excellent.
Want candidates to have had at least
1 job. Will consider man with 1 yr. or
more exper.
DetroitBolt & Nut Co., Allen Park,
Mich.-Trainee to work in inventory to
start with. Good opportunity for ad-
vancement. Degree in Bus. Ad. No ex-
per. necessary.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. -
Woman to be Supervisor, Readers' Serv-
ices-Scientific Library. BS degree in
Chemistry plus 5th yr. Library Science
degree. Adequate exper. in scientific
reference work. Supervisory ability.
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
For further information on the fol-
lowing position openings, please contact
Engineering Placement at 128-H West
B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio-1)
BS in ME, ChE or Chem. to train in
operational depts. for future positions
of responsibility. 2) BS in ME, ChE or
Chem. for factory operations and/or
lab control work. 3) BS in ME, EE, or
ChE for Manufacturing Engnr. Trainee.
These openings for recent or Aug. grads.
Kimberly-Clark Corp., Neenah, Wis.
-1) Mfg. Trainees-Chem. Engnr.-BS.
2) Chemical Engnr.-BS or MS degrees.
3) Instrumentation Engnr.-MS or PhD.
4) Jr. Design Engnrs.-BS.
Pittsburgh Chemical, Pittsburgh, Pa.
-1) BS in ChE-Formal trng. prog. in
line & staff deptP for 1 yr., then as-
signment in a supv. position in the
prod. dept. of one of the Div. 2) BS!in
ChE-Assist Div. Supt. & Plant Supv.
in various operations.
Scott Paper Co., Philadelphia, Pa.-
Opening for BS in ME for production
engrg. & design engrg. in pulp & paper
Swanson Assoc., Bloomfield Hills,.
Mich.-Recent grads in EE. BS degree,
Citizenship not required. For electrical
layout, power & building design.
Miller Laundry Machinery,. Detroit,
Mich.-BS or MS in ME. Recent grads.
Citizenship not required. For design &
Louis C. Kingscott & Assoc., Kalama-
zoo, Mich.-Civil Engnr. Land Surveyor
--work will embrace surveys, topograph-
ical surveys, design of water systems,
sewer systems, roads, drives, etc.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office. 2200 Student Activities
Bldg. during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous, odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Student with transportation to work
15 to 20 hours per week in exchange
for an apartment.
--Several Psychological subjects need-
1-Secretary. Must be a good typist
and know shorthand. Must, also,
havesa good English background. 12
hours per week for approximately
one year.
-Several Psychological subjects need-
.. .. . 0,
Walt Disney
"PT 109"
(A Jerry Lewes Prodction)
Please do not reveal
the middle of fhis nivfuri
does ne become?
kind of monster?
DIAL 8-6416
Shows at 7-9 p.m.
)}, -8r ndon GiM. rhe New Yarir
d Lthea
Contemporary literature
is your campus banking headquarters.
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Both faculty and students
find that banking is pleasant
and fast at all three of Ann
Arbor Bank's campus loca-
tions. If you don't do your
banking at Ann Arbor Bank,
why not stop in today and
get acquainted? You'll find
Ann Arbor Bank wants to be
your bank!
Preliminary Exams in English lan-
guage and lit. will be given according
to the following schedule: Renais-
sance period, Fri., July 19; Classical
period, Mon., July 22; Romantic and
Victorian periods, Fri., July 26; Mod-
ern period, Mon., July 29. All exams
will be given from 9 a.m. to 12 in 407
Mason Hall.
Grad students who intend to take
one or more of the exams must leave
their names with Mrs. Deeds before
July 15.
Registration for Placement after grad-
uation: Any student, grad or under-
grad, who will have completed a:mini-
mum of 12 hours at The Univ. of Mich.
by . August, is eligible to register with
the Bureau of Appointments for per-
manent placement. No formal registra-
tion meeting is held during the sum-
mer, but students may obtain regis-
tration material at the reception desk,
to enroll in the Education Placement
Division or the General Placement Div.
For. Complete Collision
and Body Shop Sevice
Ann Arbor NO 3-0507
---Free Estimates-
All Makes of Cars
July 2-Golding's LORD OF THE FLIES
Mr. David W. K. Sumner
Teaching Fellow in English
July 9-David Jones''ANATHEMATA'
Mr. Tony Stoneburner
Teaching Fellow in English
3 Days
Thong Sandals
July 16-MacLeish's J. B.
Dr. George A. Buttrick
Professor Emeritus,
Harvard University
regularly to $14.99 $0 90
Jccqueline 7
regularly to $10.99
reg. to $849 CASUALS'n FLATS $4,,
Reg. 43c
Reg. 33c
BLOUSES, Value to 5.95
SKIRTS, Value to 8.98
Value to 8.99 . . .
1.88 & 2.88
1.88 to 5.88
2.88 to 4.88
12:00-1:00 p.m.-Tuesdays
III Anderson Room-Michigan Union