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June 26, 1963 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1963-06-26

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JUNE 26,1963




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ustitute Holds Conference on Education

Haber Lectures on American Unions

Costs Rise Faster
Than Enrollment
College and University operating
costs rise at a faster rate than
the number of students enrolled,
Prof. Merritt M. Chambers of the
department of higher education
said today.
Speaking before the Institute
for College and University Ad-
ministration, Prof. Chambers list-
ed six reasons why this happened.
"Step-ups in salaries, wages,
fringe benefits and prices of es-
sentialdsupplies occur each year,"
he said.
New Programs
The constant rise in the level
of education and the need for
new programs of research to keep
up with economic and technologi-
cal changes also raise the expense
of educational institutions.-
Prof. Chambers went on to note
that large lecture sections, using
modern teaching machinery such
as close circuit television "cannot
be dependedupon to reduce cost-
the equipment is costly, requires
space and maintenance, and can-
not supplant the teacher.
"Year round operation and
other schemes for fuller use of
college plants can temper slightly
the need for capital outlays, but
they bring larger operating costs
and may even raise the unit costs
for operation, especially during the
early transition years," Prof.
Chambers said.
Advanced Standing
As for honors programs, inde-
pendent study and advanced
standing programs, Prof. Cham-
bers explained that although they
were means of accelerating learn-
ing, their operation costs were as
much or more than conventional
"Enrollments in colleges and
universities will be approximately
doubled within about ten years.
This expansion cannot be financ-
ed by merely doubling the annual
operating income of institutions,"

Cites 'Extra' Role

EDUCATORS--Prof. James G. Miller (left) and Prof. Merritt M.
Chambers were among those who addressed the Institute on
College and University Administration.
Jellema Notes Problem
Of Faculty Recrutment

Of Administration
American colleges and univer-
sities must assume "extra" re-
sponsibilities for their foreign stu-
dents, Prof. James M. Davis said
today at the Institute on College
and University Administration.
Prof. Davis, who is director of
the University's International Cen-
ter, noted that in admitting a
foreign student, "the institution
assumes responsibilities that are
broader and deeper than those
which it accepts for American
Parental Duties
By law, the University must as-
sume some parental duties toward
the foreign student. Successful
completion of the student's aca-
demic goals can place additional
requirements on an institution.
"Concerns for the cross-cultural
dimension entail extra services,"
he concluded.
Prof. James G. Miller, director
of theeMental Health Research
Institute, noted the over-popula-
tion of students as one of the
greatest problems facing higher
education. "Let us take advantage
of all forms of automation of in-
formation processing which are
available to us. They can improbe
the caliber of our education."
New Methods
Prof. Miller called for a reas-
sessment of the role of teaching.
Taped television lectures by lead-
ing specialists can take the place
of the present lecture system. Rote
information can be given by the
teaching machine. Students learn
"the basic facts of the field" from
these machines. The student
should take objective exams.
Ideal Situation
Prof. Miller suggested that the
ideal teaching situation might be
to assemble four faculty members
in a panel to meet with students
who are expert in their field. The
students will observe the profes-
sors to see how they cope with
their own problems of information
overload. It will be an intellectual
chess game.
"We must master techniques for
handling some matters in depth
and others only superficially, but
enough to see the connections.

ZADAR, Yugoslavia - Unlike
their counterparts in other na-
tions, American labor unions do
not have as their central goal the
reorganization of the American
economic system, Prof. William
Haber, chairman of the economics
department told a State Depart-
ment-sponsored Seminar on Amer-
ican Institutions, in Zadar, Yugo-
slavia, recently.
Prof. Haber said that instead
of trying to reorganize the econ-
omy, American unions w e r e
"oriented" to what we loosely refer
to as the private or free enterprise
"While seeking legislation de-
signed to improve economic secur-
ity of wage earners generally," he
told the Yugoslav audience, Amer-
ican unions "do not look to gov-
ernment or to legislation as the
major source of institutional
change, nor for protection against
technical change."
Britton Urges
In Instruction
NEW HAVEN, Conn.-Publicly
supported conservatories of music
for children were advocated by
Associate Music School Dean Allen
P. Britton, Monday.
Speaking at a Seminar on Music
Education at Yale University, Prof.
Britton said that "A nation such
as ours should not plan to con-
tinue indefinitely with the casual
and informal system of music in-
struction now available.
Britton attacked the mainten-
ance of high school music in-
struction which seems to have for
its purpose only the development
of mechanical skills. "We need to
restate the purposes of high school
performing groups so they will be-
come means to the study of sig-
nificant musical literature," he
High school courses in the his-
tory, composition and analysis of
music are necessary, Prof. Britton
Prof. Britton also said every ef-
fort should be made to "raise the
prestige of music in the arts gen-
erally. We should-work for federal
support of opera, symphony or-
chestras, conservatories of music
and education of music teachers."

u S-

Except in certain situations, the
unions do not urge governmental
ownership of major industries.
"They are not anti-capitalists nor
against profits or the 'competitive
system'," Prof. Haber said.
Conservative Orientation
By European standards, Ameri-
can unions are conservative in
their institutional orientation in
addition to being skeptical and
even suspicious of governmental
But, Prof. Haber continued,
"American unions are militant
with respect to the basic issues
which affect the economic lives of
wage earners. Their demands are
'job-oriented.' They are put for-
ward militantly as part of the col-
lective bargaining process." They
are fighting unions when neces-
In a number of American in-
dustries, unions exercise a great
amount of job control. "Their
working rules have extended a
large degree of protection against
sudden changes in the nature of
the job and to , conditions sur-
rounding it," he said.
In explaining the position of
unions in the United States, Prof.
Haber explained their compara-
tively recent origins, coming to
prominence only in the 1930's.
Industrial Jurisprudence
The most important contribu-
tion of collective bargaining is
"what one writer calls a system of
industrial jurisprudence," he said.
Despite recent decreases in un-
ion membership, he saw no reason
to suggest that American unions
had reached their peak.
"On the contrary, they are show-
ing a resourcefulness which under
favorable circumstances is likely
to expand union membership in
the distributative trades and white
collar occupations.
There have been historical per-
iods in American trade unionism
when growth was temporarily halt-
ed, to. be resumed later when
economic conditions improved.
Prof. Haber believes that the
country may be going through one
of these periods right now.
"Unlike their counterparts on
the continent of Europe and in
other countries, American unions
have not supported an indepen-
dent political labor party, he add-
However, "the failure to embark
upon independent political action,"
should not be viewed as proof

there are twice as many
as there are now, the
g income will have to be


The academic community as a
whole has not given serious con-
sideration to the problem of fac-
ulty turnover, Prof. William W.
Jellema said yesterday at the Cen-
ter for the Study of Higher Edu-
"Since openings in the past were
largely limited to replacements
Steel Industry
Faces Threat
From Plastics
Associated Press Business News Writer
NEW YORK-One of the na-
tion's leading research executives
warned the steel industry recently
that it faces a menace from
Steel leaders were, counseled to
step up basic and applied research
to make sure that steel "becomes
part of-and, not a casualty from
-the materials revolution."
The message came from Guy
Suits, director of one of private
industry's; largest and most highly
regarded research talent pools.
It came at a time when United
States steelmakers, their profits
shrinking, are fighting inroads
made in their markets by imports
from abroad and by rival mate-
rials at home, including aluminum,
glass and plastics.
Suits said plastics, once con-!
sidered novelty decorative mate-
rials, rapidly are finding struc-
tural uses of realconsequence, and
give promise of great future ad-
"Although plastics have not yet
taken over major structural parts
of automobiles, their use is grow-
ing rapidly in that industry, and
meanwhile they have gone a long'
way down the road in the case of
home appliances," he said.
Some new types of plastics ex-
hibit impressive strength, impact
strength and stiffness character-
istics, and in certain applications
are acquiring a competitive ad-
vantage over very thin-rolled!
steel, he said.
By contrast, Suits said, metals
research has lagged, with con-
sumers doing more in this line
than producers, although the pace
lately has been picking up-not-
ably in innovations in the steel-
making process.

and salaries were low, some pro-
fessors actually discouraged their
students from pursuing this ca-
reer," Prof. Jellema said, in a
speech to the Institute for College
and University Administration.
He noted that the demand for
college teachers is increasing, and
institutions and faculty recruit-
ment officers leave few stones un-
turned in their search for more
Prof. Jellema noted the Michi-
gan Scholars in College Teaching
Program, which involves the Uni-
versity and five private liberal
arts colleges in the state.. "It seeks
to locate promising college teach-
ers among the ranks of early un-
dergraduates. Earlier identifica-
tion enables us to plan wisely a
larger program and bridge some of
the gaps that occur in a student's
academic program."
Prof. Jellema explained that the
program permits a systematic ap-
proach to some of the problems
confronting higher education.

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... trade unions
that American unions are apoli-
tical. "Quite on the contrary. The
unions participate in political ac-
tivity with a -vigor and militancy
which often disturbs the more
conservative elements of the
American community," he said.
Dr. John A. O'Sullivan will speak
on "Medical and Moral Aspects of
Birth Control Pills" at the New-
man Club, 331 Thompson, at 8:00
b.m. today.
Mechanics.. ..
Adele Marcus of the Juilliard
School of Music will lecture on
"The Mechanics of Techanique"
at 9:30 a.m. today.
Her talk will be part of the
Third Sumnier Conference on
Piano Teaching held today through
June 28.
Miss Marcus will also conduct
1:30 p.m. afternoon demonstration
teaching sessions in the confer-
Organization '
Vera Micheles Dean, of the
graduate school of public admin-
istration at New. York University,
will speak on "Organization of the
Free World" at 4:10 p.m. Wednes-
day in Aud. A. Her talk is 'first
in the series "Where We Stand:
A Review of the American Position
on Critical Issues."
Law Seminars ...
The Law School will conduct a
series of five seminars on the
improvement of juvenile courts.
The seminars are sponsored by a
$68,000 grant from the Depart-
ment of Health, Education and
DIAL 8-6416
5 TO 7"

Revises Law
On Teachers
California has just established
teaching standards more exacting
than those so far required by any
state for public education.
From now on, the Christian
Science Monitor reported, new Cal-
ifornia teachers will become cre-
dentialed only on the basis of be-
ing thoroughly equipped to teach
specific subjects. They may not
teach in other fields.
Acting under legislation passed
by the 1961 legislature, the state
board of education has effected a
credentials reform described by
board president Thomas Braden as
"the greatest single advance Cali-
fornia has ever made toward qual-
ity education."
Broadly Educated
"The new pattern envisions
teachers who are broadly educated
in the liberal arts, thoroughly
versed in the subjects they are
to teach, and skilled in the art of
transmitting knowledge."
Under the new California policy,
the emphasis will be on intellec-
tual development, although the
preparing teach may major in a
non-academic subject.
Back of this major shift in
policy lies years of discussion, pro
and con, over what really qualifies
a teacher to serve California pub-
lic education.
Complete Dedication
In a speech delivered at the 100th
anniversary of the California
Teachers Association, Prof. Fred-
erick Mayer of the University of
the Redlands called the goal of
American education "a complete
dedication to the arts and sciences,
not as privileges for the few, but
as imperatives and achievements
of the many."
Braden noted that with this
policy, the board is seeking to
reach this goal, and to ensure, as
much as possible, that teachers
themselves shall be profoundly
educated for their task.
DIAL 2-6264
Shown 1:10-3:40-6:15 & 8:50
take on the wild Apache!

USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ients is available to officially recog-
.ized and registered organizations only.
rganizations who are planning to be
,tive for' the Summer Session should
egister by July 5. Forms available, 1011
tudent Activities Bldg.
R S "
Univ. Lutheran Chapel, Book review
y Rev. D. Voorhees of Karl Barth's
Evangelical Theology: An Introduc-j
ion," June 28, 9 p.m., 1511 Washtenaw.
Aidweek Devotion at 10 p.m.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial'
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:00 a.m.-Bureau of Industrial Re-
lations Advanced Professional Devel-
opment Course for Personnel Managers
-George Odiorne, Bureau of Industrial
Relations; Thomas Gilson, Rutgers
Univ.; evening guest lecturers: School
of Business Admin.
9:00 a.m.-School of Music Third Sum-
mer Conference on Piano Teaching -
Rackham Bldg.
2:00 p.m. - Audio-Visual Education
Center Film Preview-"Golden Twen-
ties": Multipurpose Room, Undergrad
4:10 p.m.-1963 Summer Session Spe-
cial Lecture Series, "Where We Stand:
A Review of the American Position on
Critical Issues"-Vera Michelis Dean,
Prof. of International Development,
New York Univ., "Organization of the
Free World": Aud. A, Angell Hall.
8:00 p.m.-Department of Speech Univ.
Players Summer Playbill-"South Pa-
cific" with Prof. Ralph Herbert of the

We know . . . and
you know...

that even though summer
school has started you're
certainly not going to
spend ALL of your time
studying... you'll just
have to make it to Silver
Lake sometime ..
and who would be
caught dead there
without a great looking
A whole slew of new
swimsuits arrived
yesterday-lots of two
piecers too! By Cole,
Jantzen, Marina and
Peter Pan

Jacobson's festival of lingerie
for Summertime, 1963
your favorite musical selections played
at your request on the Wurlitzer Organ
12 Noon until 4 P.M.

Metropolitan Opera: Lydia Mendelssohn
Opening Tonight: "South Pacific,"
with Prof. Ralph Herbert of the Metro-
politan Opera Company, presented by
the U-M Players, Dept. of Speech, in the
air-conditioned Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre at 8 p.m. Tickets available
12:30-8:00 today for "South Pacific,"
and for the rest of the Players' Play-
bill Summer 1963 season.
General Notices
Special Notice to all Students, Univ.
Staff members and any other interest-
ed persons. The Univ. Music Society
has scheduled a concert by the Detroit
Symphony Orchestra for Sun., July 14
in Hill Aud. The Orchestra will be con-
ducted by Willi Boskovsky and will fea-
ture Elizabeth Schwartzkopf as soloist.
Ushers will be most urgently needed for
this concert. Any student or Staff mem-
ber who is interested, may usher. Per-
sons who are interested in ushering for
this event will please come to the Box
Office of Hill Aud. on Tues., June 25
or Wed., June 26 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
to sign up. See Mr. Warner.
Summer Dailies: Campus units desir-
ing the Summer Daily must place their
own requisitions against their own
budgets. The Summer Daily will no
longer be provided by the Summer Ses-
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign - visitors
programmed through the International
Center who will be on campus this
week on the dates indicated. Program
arrangements are being made by Mrs.
Clifford R. Miller, Ext. 3358, Interna-
tional Center.
Miss Teresa Suarez, Petronilo An-
cheta, Alberto Fenix, Augusta Kimpo,
Student Leaders, Philippines, June 23-
Dr. Gusti Rizali Noor, Deputy Direc-
tor, Dental Health Division, Dept. of
Health, Djakarta, Indonesia, June 27-29.
Henry Paul Schapper, Reader in Ag-
ricultural Economics, UniYersity of
Western Australia, Nedlands (Perth),
Australia, June 30-July 5.
Dr. Lloyd Daryorh, Doctor of Dental
Surgery, Guinea, June 27-July 1.
Regents' Meeting: Fri., July 26. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than July 12.
Massena Public Library, Massena,
N.Y.-Seeking Librarian to direct opera-
tion o fa new $500,000 Library in Mas-
sena, a town with a population of 18,-
000. Prefer some exper.
Louis C. Kingscott & Assoc., Inc.,
Kalamazoo, Mich.-Opening for Civil
Engnr., not the kind especially interest-
ed in structural engrg. but a Land Sur-
veyor. Work will embrace surveys, topo-
graphical surveys, design of water sys-
tems, roads, parking areas, etc.

Aetna Life Insurance Co., Detroit,
Mich.-General Agent-graduate. Any
exper. helpful. Training on salary basis
for approx. 1% yrs. Prestige sales with
unlimited income' possibilities, to De-
troit suburban territory.
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc., Detroit, Mich.
-Openings for Reporters. These men in-
vestigate & analyze businesses for cred-
itors. Graduates who have had some
Bus. Ad. & Accounting subjects. Would
be working out of Detroit area & would
be subject to some travel in Eastern
City of Birmingham, Mich.-Opening,
for Civil Engnr. in Engrg.. Dept. To
draw plans & design construction proj-
ects. Exper. preferred but not neces-
North Carolina Symphony Society,
Inc., Chapel Hill, N.C.-Opening for
Field Representative on the Adminis-
trative Staff. Will require considerable
travel since it involves personal con-
tacts with individuals & organizations
throughout the state. To start in Sept.
Welch Grape Juice Co., Inc., Westfield,
N.Y.-Openings for recent grads with
little or no exper.: 1) Quality Control
Chemist-Degree Bio-chem., Chem. or
Food Tech.-Location: Westfield, N.Y.
2) Ass't. Quality Control Supv.-De-
gree Bio-chem., Chem. or Food Tech.-
Location: Penn. 3) Public Relations
Ass't.-Degree English or Journalism-
Some knowledge of Bus. Ad. desirable.
Exper. in newspaper or magazine re-
porting helpful
Air Reduction Co., Murry Hill, N.J.
-The Pure Carbonic Co., a division of
Air Reduction Co., has an opening in
Technical Sales Service Dept. for a
graduate engineer with or without sales
exp. Will act as consultant to customers
and to sales personnel on applications
of liquid 002 & Dry Ice in the chem.,
mech. & refrigerating industries. Hdqts.
in St. Louis, Mo.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.-
Various openings including: Bacteriol-
ogists; Chemists; Landscape Special-
ist; Med. Tech.; Sr. Pharmacologist; As-
soc. Plant Scientist; Engineers (Chem.,
Mech., Elect., Structural, Indust., Sys-
tems, Prod., Maintenance); Budget An-
alysis; Internal Auditor; Financial
* *. *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.
For further information on the fol-
lowing position openings, please contact
Engrg. Placement, 128-H W. Engrg.:
General American Mrd., Niles, Il.
1) Associate Engnr. Recent grad. Ad-
vanced degree desirable, Elect. Eng. or
Physics. Prefer some exper. in non-
destructive testing, instrumentation or
optics. 2) Research Engnr. June or re-
cent grad. BS or MS Mech. Eng. Should
have strong analytical ability, have
some knowledge of Elect. Eng., auto
controls, if possible.
Blumenthal Bros. Chocolate Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.-Assistant Plant En-
gnr. BS in ME, EE or IE.
I. E. Du Pont Co., Fort Madison, Iowa
-BS Mechanical Engnr. Recent grad.
Will start as Project Engnr.
King-Seeley Thermos Corp., Ann Arbor
-BS Elect. Eng., Mech. Eng., Eng.

1 ~m

Mech., or Set. June or Aug. grad. For
product development & technical serv-
ice to sales & mfg.
J. L. Simmons Co., Inc., Chicago, Ill
-BS Civil Engnr. Recent grads. Train-
ing in the field as a Field Engnr. lead-
ing to job assistant & eventually man-
agerial positions.
New York CSentral System, Inc., NYC
-BS Industrial Engnrs. needed for
Hdqts. staff, in various districts (pref.
IE, but ME, EE, CE, etc. degrees ac-
Univac, Div. of Sperry Rand, St. Paul,
Minn.-BS or grad students in Electrical
Engrg. Various openings.
City of Troy, Mich.-Civil Engnr. with
municipal exper. desired. For field &
office "work concerning sewer, water &
street improvements.
Sun Oil Co., Marcus Hook, Pa.-BS
or MS Mech. Engrg. to design, develop
& work with small mechanisms.
Silk Brocade Robes
Mandarin Jackets
ImoredJewelry 0
and Jewelry Boxes
Cultured Pearls 0
Hand Brass Ware
Hand Carved Screens
at the
(across from the Arcade)

Rodgers' and Hammerstein's





with Prof. Ralph Herbert of the Metropolitan Opera Company

Shows at 1-3-5-7 & 9
t Ending Thursday "



Sportshop---Lower Level



i 1

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