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August 03, 1963 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1963-08-03

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Seventy-Thbird Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Walkway Idea Needs Prompt Execution

Congress Awakes to Ask
Nasty Research Questions

AFTER YEARS of dispensing research funds
no questions asked, Congress has become
acutely aware of the large federal research
program and is beginning to ask embarrassing
questions. This development, unfortunately, is
not altogether a good thing for Congress only
dimly understands why the money is spent.
its questions are apt to be narrow and mis-
directed and Congressional pressures may put
an unwarranted crimp in American research.
Several Congressional groups are asking
questions and making federal administrators
uncomfortable. The first major incident oc-
curred last winter when a House committee
studied the operations of the National Insti-
tutes of Health. It found lax accounting pro-
cedures had led to abuses such as high-priced
executives and plush offices paid out of NIH
funds. NIH has since tightened its policies to
make sure that money given fgr research is
spent on research. While some hospitals and
small research organizations complained that
the new policies were dictatorial, the larger
research organizations, familiar with the prac-
tices of other government agencies, accepted
* the changes, noting that NIH conforms to
other research agencies.
NOW CONGRESS is questioning several other
research agencies. The National Aeronau-.
tics and Space Administration, long the glamor-
boy darling of Congress, is especially hard hit
and may lose some of its research funds.
Scientific criticism of the United State's
man-to-the-moon program has finally reached
ONE OF THE BENEFITS of being at the
University is the opportunity to listen to ex-
cellent lectures, both by visitors and by faculty
members. The visitors are heralded but the
faculty teach with devotion and scholarship
that is honored only quietly.
Two faculty members for whom praise can
scarcely be too extravagant are Prof. Carl
Cohen of the philosophy department and Prof.
Sidney Fine of the history department. Cohen's
course on the philosophic bases of Communism,
Facism and democracy, and Fine's. course on
American history in the 20th century are
among the, most popular at the University, and
rightly so. The subject matter is significant,
and the presentations are outstanding.
Cohen's lectures are notable for their en-
thusiasm. The best way would be to have
someone who professes Communism and some-
one who professes Fascism tell about their
philosophies; Cohen does the second best thing:
he described each philosophy with ,the clarity
and the energy of a believer. Cohen's belief
is In democracy, and he articulates that philos-
ophy with elegance and meaningfulness con-
parable with elegance and meaningfulness
comparable with John Stuart Mill. Cohen's
scholarship is apparent as he describes the
lives and surrounding history of the philoso-
phers as well as their philosophies.
FINE PROBES into the reasons behind events
and into the philosophies behind move-
ments. His lectures are crisp and concise- yet
full and complete. His antidotes make the
characters of history live and his descriptions
make the happenings of history real. He care-
fully qualifies what he says and' this makes
his observations of special validity. Fine adds
philosophy to history and Cohen adds history
to philosophy.
The qualities of the lectures of these men
stir the soul of the student searching for
knowledge and principles.

Congressional ears. For several years a number
of influential physical scientists have com-
plained that the federal government's moon
program was unbalancing research efforts and
wasting money on a foolish propaganda race
with the Russians. Even the Russians were
reported having second thoughts.
Secondly, Massachusetts politics reared its
ugly head. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was
elected on the slogan "He can do more for
Massachusetts." Apparently, more included a
$50 million NASA space electronics research
center. A number of private firms voiced fears
that another government facility in this al-
ready research-saturated area would hurt busi-
ness and drain off skilled manpower. The
University bid for this center when these com-
plaints became known, but NASA stuck to its
Boston site. The Senate space committee, with
three Democrats absent, voted, 6-5, tohshelve
the project, then reversed itself when the
Democrats returned. But the group demanded
more data before NASA gets approval for the
Boston site.
That debacle and some criticism of specific
NASA projects by members of the House Rules
Committee has lead to a request of special
House study of the research policies of the
agency. However, funds for NASA will be in-
creased, but future appropriations will depend
on the House study.
A NUMBER of key questions have come up:
Is large-scale federal research a pork-
barrel to be used by politicians to beef up the
local economy? Should more emphasis be plac-
ed on projects with defense or general scien-
tific significance? Should the federal govern-
ment, particularly NASA, support graduate
students in its research programs?
' None of these questions have been answered.
Unfortunately, Congress does not even seem
equipped to arrive at one. "Space science and
technolog'y are still obscure topics to most of
us," one leading Republican said.
Less modest Congresmen have often ignor-
antly attacked unspectacular, but important
programs such as a NASA study at the Univer-
sity of Chicago on the effects of federal re-
search spending on other less-wealthy fields.
THEN PORKBARRELING politics is another
factor. The $50 million NASA center's life
and death depends on whether Congress wants
to let the young Kennedy "do more for Mas-
sachusetts." Even announcements of major
projects-such as the University's $5 million
Hawaiian observatory-must be delayed so that
Michigan's two senators can take the credit.
(Ironically, a fellow Democratic senator from
Hawaii stole the thunder from Senators Hart
and McNamara, announcing the project four
hours ahead of schedule.)
Sen. E. L. Bartlett (D-Alaska) has an in-
terim answer to Congress' scientific ignorance.
He suggests that a Congressional Office of
Science and Technology be established to help
Congressmen deal with the increasing num-
ber of scientific policy decisions they are being
called to make. This office, like the Congres-
sional reference bureau, would consist of a
staff of trained scientists who would advise
Congress on various scientific questions.
This office would be of some help, but
Congress will not be able to 'deal effectively
with scientific'questions until its members are
better educated to meet them. This lack of
scientific understanding reflects generally one
of Congress' main problems-the lack of edu-
cation to grasp today's complex issues.
Meanwhile, federal research agencies and
institutions-such as the University-depen-
dent on them will have to suffer from the
bounties and evils of Congressional ignorance.

PRESENTLY A mixture of scen-
ic repose and a concrete jungle,
the University is going to develop
more of the former and eliminate
some of the latter. The recently
released plan for the future of
the central campus is a major
step forward in beautifying the
The plan's primary assumption
is that growth and expansion will
continue, and this is a safe pre-
diction. With the peacetime baby
boom cramping American schools,
there will be need for much more
room at the University, especially
beginning in the next couple years.
The plan expresses the hope for
preservation of the quality of
pleasant intimacy. This is hard
to do because of the way enroll-
ment has been skyrocketing in the
past decade. For the first century
of its existence, the University had
a tiny enrollment; then like a
snowball rolling down a hill, en-
rollment started increasing more
geometrically than arithematically.
AT PRESENT there is a pla-
teau; and even at this plateau en-
rollment is so large that one can
scarcely know a hundredth of his
fellow students. Within each unit,
say the political science depart-
ment, there may be a little inti-
macy; but not much beyond that.
'he University is pretty well doom-
ed to be a huge, unintimate col-
lection of peoples.
Already, as the plan points out,
the central campus is composing
into multi-campus areas. The
plan's utilization of these areas as
separate areas connected by walks
is the logical thing to do. These
areas surround the University's
original 40 acres and it is natural
that the central "quad" continue
as the focus. It will do so through
the plan's idea of building more
libraries there.
There are six academic areas
around this "quad." One centers
around Hill Aud. and is primarily
concerned with entertainment. A'
second is around the dental school
and is academic. So is the Physic
Astronomy Bldg. complex, the
third area. Another is around the
computing center and the Hill
while the last academic one is
based on the Law Quadrangle. The
sixth area concentrates on service
and is around the Administration
* * *
IT IS A LITTLE amazing how
walks can become permanent. The
that the "democratic process"
will assure progress. But there is
no way of designating excessive
governmental activity so as to as-
sure that it will aid progress rather
than stop progress.
Progress arises in every instance
out of an extreme minority of
opinion, not the majority of opin-
ion. The seedlings of progress are
often so small and unnoticed that
they are ignored by those who
would ptherwise destroy them in
ignorance as "evil" thought or
acts. But if everything were to be
subjected to majority rule, every
step of progress would presum-
ably be destroyed in its infancy.
-F. A. Harper,
A Path to Its Recovery

Walkiays are designed to unify the campus and beautify it.

plan, recognizing the permanence
of the diagonal walks crisscrossing
the central quad, makes good use
of them. The walks head toward
sub-campus areas and so the plan
projects extensions that effectively
link these areas with the central
quad. The -intersections of the
walks is where several libraries are
already located, and the plan wise-
ly provides for more libraries. A
library is an ideal meeting place
'for a university.
Two of the deficiences of the
walks are corrected in the plan. At
present there are not enough
pockets of sitting areas, and the
walks are too dimly lighted at
night. Under the plan these ave-
nues will be well lighted, and
sitting areas, plazas and fountains
would be more numerous. This will
be one of the most pleasant im-
Bridges will take pedestrians
over certain bad intersections and
over the Huron River. In a campus
that is sometimes hazardous and
often irritating because of the car
traffic, the bridges are much need-
ed and should be built as soon as,
possible. There are not many
things as pleasant as a pedestrian
bridge over a stream or river; the
bridge or bridges over the Huron
will serve aesthetically as well as,
functionally There should be sev-
eral of these bridges.
plan is the integration of living
units tq educational units. The
walks help accomplish integration
and the side by side construction
of resident halls and classroom
buildings will also accomplish it.
The Boss
T HE QUESTION "Who ought to
be boss?" is like asking. "Who
ought to be tenor in the quartet?"
Obviously, the man who can do
the job.
I --Henry Ford

At present there is too much of a
separation that divides the world
of living from the world of learn-
Breaking down the wall of sep-
aration is a long-range project;
something that could be accom-
plished much more quicker is the
conversion of streets to walkways.
The plan envisions conversion of"
Washington between Thayer and
Forest. Washtenaw 2rom Forest to
North University, Monroe between
State and Forest, and, East Uni-
versity north of South University.
Conversion of a street that used'
to run through the middle of the
University of Detroit is now nearly
complete, for example, and there
is a universe of difference. Where
cars used to travel, grass now'
grows and sidewalks make their
way to a grotto.

University should block off the
streets that the plan mentions and
perhaps some others. Then the
pavement could be replaced by
trees, grass, sidewalks, benches
and fountains. What relaxing ave-
nues they would become! Conver-
sion of streets to walkways, and
extension of walkways, would
bring about the plan's ideal of a
contipuous park - like campus
threading its way throughout camp-
pus areas.
East University should be the
first street converted since im-
portant elements of the campus
are on both sides, and the plan.
wisely gives top priority to that
street. Conversion is also needed
of State street, though the plan
does not mention it. Perhaps the
most crossed street is State; to

turn the block from South to
North University into a pedestrian
haven would be a great beautifi-
cation of the campus as well as
a major improvement in safety.
The plan envisions a crescent. of
continuous green from the Medical
Center to State street; the street
itself should be part of the green.
To make the University a rest-
ful place of contemplation instead
of a hectic place of perspiration
will go far in serving education
aims. A more aesthetic environ-
ment will promote the gaining and
appreciation of aesthetics. The
University will be a happier place
to live in with the, spreading of
greens, and a better place to learn
in with the integration of units.
There should be as little delay as
possible in the implementation of
the Central Campus Plan.

Selecting the Acadej

(Editor's Note: The State Univer-
sity of Iowa is looking for a new
president. The qualifications of po-
sition shed interesting light on the
role of a Big Ten university.)
of the Daily Iowan
IN SELECTING a president for
the State University of Iowa,
the board of regents will pick a
man to join a very select frater-
nity of ten. Big Ten presidents
bear strikingly similar back-
grounds and qualifications.
The new SUI president will,
probably follow the same tradi-
tion: a man under 50, a former'
professor, or educational' admin-
istrator, holder of a doctorate
from a major university, and a
native son.
It was in 1940 that Virgil M.
Hancher' was elected president of
the University from his position
as a partner in a Chicago law

Integration North and South


HANCHER'S qualifications in-
cluded two degrees (bachelors and
doctor of jurisprudence) from the
University of which he was to be-
come president, and the distinc-
tion of. studying, as a Rhodes
scholar, in Oxford University. He
was 44, and a native Iowan.
Iowa's Board of Regents is now
faced with the task of replacing
him. Their first task is to estab-
lish a list of qualifications for
the presidency of a Big Ten uni-
The job is tiring, but prestige-
ous. And the candidate will re-
quire a good salary And ample
travel provisions.
* * *
THE NEWEST president of the
Big Ten is Elvis Stahr of Indiana
University, who quit a $22,000 a
year position as Secretary of the
Army in the Kennedy Administra-
tion to lead the Hoosier university
at a salary of $27,500. Stahr had
served as president of the Univer-
sity of West Virginia before en-
tering governmental service.
The regents upped Hancher's
salary this year to $28,000, perhaps'
with recruiting a successor in
* . *
MOST BIG TEN presidents were
between the ages of 45 and 55
when elected to, their position.
Purdue's President Frederick
Hovde was elected at the age of
38, however, and Michigan State's
John Hannah was only 39 when
named to the top spot at East
Lansing. On the other hand, Wis-
consin president, Conrad Elveh-
jem, was 57 when elected to lead
that university in 1962.
The new SUI president will
probably be chosen with a definite
term of office in mind, one long
enough to accomplish certain long
range goals for growth and pro-
gress of the university.
*' * *
FIVE BIG TEN presidents re-
ceived at least one degree from
the school they later came to lead.
Four were born in the same state.
Native sons reaching° the presi-
dency of their state university in-
clude President Elvehjem of Wis-
consin, President Hannah of Mich-
igan State, President Fawcett of
Ohio State and our own President
The presidents of Wisconsin,
Northwestern, Michigan State and
Iowa received all their degrees
from their own university.
* * *
MOST BIG TEN presidents
came from positions in educational
administration or higher educa-
tion teaching. Some advanced to

rnI c Elite
dent of the University of Illinois.
Minnesota's O. Meredith Wilson
resigned as president of the Uni-
versity of Oregon to move to Min-
neapolis. Harlan Hatcher left a
vice-president's position at Ohio
State to become president pf the
* *
of Ohio State University, was
superintendent of public schools
in Columbus before moving to the
University in 1956. Michigan
State's John Hannah was Secre-
tary of the University's Board of
Resigning as Chief of Division
3 of the Rocket Ordinance, Fred-
erick Hovde became president of
Purdue University and Elvis Stahr,
president of Indiana University,
also left a governmental position.
The board of regents' last elec-
tion of a president came with the
selection of James Hilton, then
Dean of the School of Agriculture
at North Carolina University, as
head of Iowa State University in
Ames. He became president in
1953 at the age of 54.
* * *
to lead the State College of Iowa
at the age of 38. He received his
M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from SUI.
Now the regents have the task
of selecting a president for its
largest and most comprehensive
university. Their job is not unique,
for at least three other major
universities (Yale, Wyoming and
Utah) are seeking men to fill their
top positions.
The selection will not come
quickly. Emory University in At-
lanta, Ga. took 10 months in
selecting Sanford Atwood as their
president last month.
* * *
THE FIRST STEP in the search
for a new SUI president will come
when the five-man advisory com-
mittee to the board of regents
meets. Members of this commit-
tee include faculty members Pro-
fessors Charles Davidson, law;
Jerry J. Kollros, zoology and J. R.
Porter, microbiology; Alumni As-
sociation president John G. Greer
and Administrative Council rep-
resentative Mason Ladd, dean of
the College of Law.
These men will begin to weigh
the factors and match them with
the candidates. It's anyone's guess
as to the qualification these men
think the new president should
Will he be as young as 38 (like
Purdue's President Hovde) or as
old as 57 (like Wisconsin's Presi-
dent Elvehjem)? Is he an SUI

"pacently on their haunches in the past
decade and discussed, usually theoretically,
the racial strife in the South.
Because Union soldiers fought for the free-
dom of the slave, most Northerners hold some-
what a self-righteous feeling of superiority
over the Southerner.
Recent racial strife above the Mason-Dixon
line has repeatedly shaken the complacency of
those in the North. What very quickly is the
situation of the Negro in the North?
He is given token integration in public
e 43 111
Editorial Staff
RONALD WILTON......................Co-Editor
PHILIP SUTIN .........................Co-Editor
DAVE GOOD ........................ Co-Sports Editor
CHARLES TOWL~E. ... . . .......... Co-Sports Editor
RUTH HETMANSKI...............Night Editor
ANDREW ORLIN ........... ......, Night Editor

schools, but school districts are often mapped
so as to eliminate integrated classrooms. He is,
refused service and accommodation in public
places. He is blocked from many jobs by a
color barrier and receives a lower salary than
his white equal. He is often restricted to life in
a "black ghetto" and is pressured from moving
elsewhere. The crime rate among Negroes is
higher than among whites, but sociologists and
penologists have shown a direct relationship
between crime rate and living conditions. The
Negro is not allowed to move to better living
conditions and the squalor which surrounds
him evokes crime.
AFTER 100 YEARS of second-rate citizen-
ship, the Negro in the North is finally re-
beling. Many are surprised; because of the
past century of calm, to note the violent feel-
ings erupting from the Negro and the great
numbers of Negroes involved. New York City
has a Negro population 10 times as large as
the total population of Montgomery, Ala.,
C'hicago has 14 times more Negroes than total


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