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August 03, 1963 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1963-08-03

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In A A

SATUDAY AUGST.,.1.3TW aM lfJ az V T UANNt11 7



U. S. Faces Continuing Dilemmas

'Handbook' DescribesIntelligenceWork

Associated Press News Analyst

WASHINGTON - President
John F. Kennedy's very vagueness
about two of his constant head-
aches, France and Red China, one
an ally and one an enemy, shows
the depths of American dillemmas
Which may last for years.
1) The Chinese dilemma-What
to -expect when the Red Chinese
have nuclear bombs, although they
may make plenty of trouble be-
fore they do, and what to expect
when the present generation of
old-time leaders is gone.
2) The French dilemma-How
to get along now with President
Charles de Gaulle, in order to keep
the Western alliance together, and
then what to expect when this old-
timer is also gone.
Agree to Ban
Last Monday, a few days after
the United States, Britain and
Russia agreed to a limited nuclear
test ban, de Gaulle said he would
not join so long as they continue
to produce nuclear arms. They
didn't agree not to.
He also said he wanted no part
of Premier Nikita Khrushchev's
suggestion of a nonaggression
treaty between the Western part-
ners and their opposite number,
Russia and its European satellites.
Ever since Monday - and it is
understood the orders came from
the White House - the State De-
partment has clammed up on the
subject of de Gaulle, saying prac-
tically nothing about his obstruc-
No Indication
Reporters were told Kennedy
would do the talking at his news
conference recently. He talked but
in a very real sense said nothing,
giving no indication this country
has yet figured out how to get
de Gaulle to play ball.
Gamma Delta, Supper and program,
discussion; of July 30-Aug. 11 meeting
Of Lutheran World Federation at Hel-
sinki, Finland, Aug. 4, 6 p.m., 1511
U. Of M. Friends of SNC, talk .by
Robert Selwa on Civil Rights Activi-
ties in Dearborn, August 6, 8 p.m., Un.
ion, Em. 3G.
International Folk Dancers, meeting
and dancing, 7:30-10:30 p.m., Aug. 6,
1429 Hill.j
* * *
Lutheran Student Chapel, Worship, 10
a.m. Speaker: Dr. P. Murray, "The
31eology of Paul Tllieh," 7 p.m.: Aug.
14; ill at S. Forest Ave.
DIAL 2-6264
"FLIPPER" Shown at 1:00
3:50-6:40 and 9:30
"Tor & Jerry at 2:40-5:30 & 830


What he seemed to express was
Was this country considering
giving some of its nuclear secrets
to de Gaulle, secrets which might
make it unnecessary for him to
test in order to persuade him not
to? Kennedy glossed over this.
Already Known
He said what was already long
known: That de Gaulle had
turned down this country's offers
of Polaris missiles, an offer the
British accepted. He said this
country had made some sugges-
tions to de Gaulleabout coopera-
tion but got no reply.
But even if the icy de Gaulle
melted a bit, cooperated, and
stopped being a problem, this
country couldn't even guess at
what might come when de Gaulle,
now 72, is out of the picture.
The French government has
been the most chaotic and un-
stable in Western Europe since
the war.
De Gaulle had to come out of
retirement and take over the pres-
idency to put it on its feet. His
stay may be strictly temporary.

A "Handbook of Intelligence and
Guerrilla Warfare," recently pub-
lished by the University Press, ex-
plains the aims, methods, differ-
ence and principles of modern in-
telligence work as practiced by all
Soviet master spies.
The author, Alexander Orlov, is
somewhat of an expert on the
He is a former Red Army com-
mander and NKVD (secret serv-
ice) general, and is the highest
ranking intelligence officer ever to'
defect to the West.
Chief Difference
The chief difference between
United States and Soviet opera-
tions is. that American estimates
rely heavily on "open" sources,
such as library research, foreign
newspapers or scientific journals,
Orlov said.
The Russians prefer to steal

Under the late Premier Josef and European governments, he
Stalin's prodding, Soviet agents said.
learned the secrets of the manu- Studies Lives
facture of atomic and hydrogen Soviet intelligence closely stu-
bombs, obtained blueprints of dies the life histories of foreign
United States nuclear-powered high officials, seeking an "Achilles
submarines and infiltrated key de- heel," such as high-placed friends,
partments of American, British ambition or personal weakness,
Census Study Indicates
Economic Lgo er

... old guard .. . dilemma

Available Funds Increase

When he finally departs any one
of a number of things may hap-
pen: more chaos, civil war, or a
dictatorship of the right or left.
The Red Chinese, breaking with
Russia and determined to make
their own nuclear weapons, not
only refuse to join the test ban
agreement, but call the whole thing
a fraud.
Kennedy said he thought it a
menacing situation that China's
population, biggest in the world,
is exploding, that it is almost sur-
rounded by smaller and weaker
nations, that it wants war to
achieve world communism, and
that in 10 years or so it may be a
nuclear power.
Dangerous Situation
Kennedy considers all these fac-
tors together a "potentially more
dangerous situation than any we
faced since the end of the war."
So he doesn't know what to expect,
now or later, but particularly later
when China has nuclear weapons.
The original Chinese Commun-
ists, who began their lifelong cam-
paign for the domination of China
in the 1920's, are all old or elderly
men now. They're dying out.
These were the fanatic revolu-
tionaries who sacrificed everything
for a dream. They've split with
Khrushchev for even talking about
getting along with the West.'
Will their successors, now that
the revolution has been accom-
plished and China taken, feel less
like fanatics and more like man-
agers and therefore, like Khruh-
chev, be more inclined to pre-
erve their gains than risk them in
a war?


(Continued from Page 1)
been admitted for the fall semes--
ter of 1963 and who have indicat-
ed their intention to enroll is 30
per cent higher than last year.
During the year 2,189 graduate
degrees were granted; 372 doc-
tor's degrees, 1,788 master's de-
grees, six professional degrees, and
23 education specialist degrees.
The University was fifth in the
nation in the number of doctoral
degrees awarded.
Last year's report indicates that
a major breakthrough in doctoral
production has occurred in the
past three years. This was in part
explained by the increase in the
size of the graduate school and to
an even greater extent by the
much larger fellowships and re-
search support received through
aid from NSF, NLH and other
Studies have been made of
trends in enrollment, duration of
doctoral programs, career patterns
of foreign doctorates and post-
doctoral study.
Marked Increase
Graduate student enrollment be-
tween 1950 and 1961 showed a
marked increase for the period
'1955-59 over the previous five-year
Comparing the increases in the
period 1955-59 to 1950-54, the
greatest increases were, in order,
in engineering sciences, languages
and literature, art, health science
and social sciences. There was a
decrease in biological sciences.

The Executive Board authorized
two new degree programs last year
and this year approved four more.
New Degrees
A master of science degree in
restorative dentistry was approved.
A master of science degree and a
doctor of philosophy degree in
bio-engineering were approved.
These programs were the result
of deliberations of the University
Committee on bio-engineering rep-
resenting the fields concerned. A
master of museum practice was
also approved at the last Regents
Total graduate residence enroll-
ment at the graduate centers re-
mained the same As last year ex-
cept for a substantial increase at
the Dearborn Center. The number
of graduate courses offered at the
centers was fewer than in recent
years which accounted for sub-
stantially larger enrollment in
Arthritis Research
The .Rackham Arthritis Re-
search Unit, devoted to basic and
clinical investigation of connec-
tive tissue disease, as well as the
training of physicians and others
for work in the field, is supported
by funds totalling more than a
half million dollars, including sev-
en fellowships that account for
more than $50,000.
The Unit has continued a pro--
gram of co-operation with 12 other
clinics across the United States
in the testing of drugs.
Two major studies are current-

ly underway in the Division of
Gerontology. One is the develop-
ment, testing and evaluation of a
preretirement education program
for hourly-rated workers. The
other is a study following the long
line of investigations the division
has carried out on the problem of
rehabilitation and resocialization
of institutionalized older people.
The report indicates that the
Computing C e n t e r experienced
further expansion of its capabili-
ties and facilities during the year.
Clinic Studies

A study by the United States
Census Bureau shows that the
economic lot of the American Ne-
gro, as measured against the white
population, has not been improv-
ing in the last 20 years, the Wash-
ington Post reported recently.
The report, made public Thurs-
day by the Senate Subcommittee
on Employment and Manpower,
was compiled by the government
after a year-long analysis of in-
come trends among United States
Negroes and whites.
The census study, contradicting
previous government reports that
the relative economic position of
the Negro has improved in recent
years, is likely to be used as a
major statistical weapon by the
civil rights movement.
The study shows that much of
the gap in earnings between the
races results from discrinrnation
rather than differences in raining
or ability. The Census Bureau add-
ed, -however, that "the figures are
far from conclusive in this re-
The findings also indicate that
the average Negro male wage
earner subsisted on $2,060 in 1951,
or 62 per cent of what his white
counterpart was earning.
In the last '11 years, a vast Ne-
gro migration from the rural
South to 'the urban Northrhas
raised this figure to $3,023. But,
since whites' pay advanced even
faster, the Negroes' income stand-
ing fell to 55 per cent of the white
workers' pay by 1962.
Unskilled Labor
The chances are eight out of 10
that a Negro with a grade school
education will end up as an un-
skilled laborer. Among whites with
similar schooling, only five out of
10 are working at these lowest-
paid jobs.
Gardner ToTalk
On United Nations
Richard N. Gardner, deputy as-
sistant secretary of state for in-
ternational organization affairs,
will speak on the "Development
' of the United Nations as a Peace-
Keeping Institution" at 4 p.m.
IMonday in Aud. A.

Among Negro high school grad-
uates, six out of 10 were in the
laborer class, as against three out
of 10 whites with the same amount
of schooling.
"Negro men not only earn less
than comparably schooled whites
in the lower paid jobs, but they
also get lower wages even when
they do the same kind of work.
In fact, the average Negro col-
lege graduate can expect to earn
less over his lifetime than a white
man who failed to go beyond the
eighth grade," the study says.
Same Distribution
"In most states, the Negro male
now has about the same occupa-
tional distribution relative to
whites that he had in 1940 and
Fe Negroes find jobs in the
high-paid professions. Negro male
college graduates, the report said
enjoy less than half the propor-
ton of engineering, legal and ac-
counting position that go to whites
holding college degrees.
Although there are proportion-
ately as many Negro doctors as
whites, the average earnings of
Negroes in medicine are half
those received by whites.
In most occupations, Negroes
were shown to be earning about
three-fourths as much as whites
with the same schooling, the re-
port concluded.

"It is no secret that the biggest
concentration of homosexuals can
be found in the diplomatic serv-
ices of Western countries.," Orlov
"The Soviet intelligence has
made ample use of these unstable
individuals. Those who agreed to
work for the Russian network
were instructed to approach other
homosexual members of the dip-
lomatic corps, a strategy which
was remarkably successful.
"Even in those cases where some
of the approached declined the
offer to collaborate, they did not
denounce the recruiter to the
authorities. The Soviet intelligence
officers were amazed at the sense
of mutual consideration and true
loyalty among homoesxual.
"It is usually thought that it is
much easier to lure into tlie So-
viet network a code clerk or sec-
retary than a diplomat or states-
man," Orlov continues.
"However, the experience of the
Soviet intelligence has, in too
many instances, not borne out this
point of view.
"Honesty and loyalty may often
be more deeply ingrained in the
make-up of simple and humble
people than in men of high posi-
tibn," Orlov concludes.
The importance of intelligence
service in the fortunes of nations
cannot be overstated, Orlov says.
"The United States learned this
the hard way when it was caught
by surprise at Pearl Harbor.
Spy Network
"The existence or absence of a
well-working spy network on the
territory of a potential enemy may
spell the difference between vic-
tory and defeat."
Orlov analyzes other lines of
Soviet intelligence, such as mis-
information, inflitration of foreign
security, industrial intelligence, in-
fluence on decisions of foreign
governments and finally sabotage
and guerrilla warfare.



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A small, highly specialized clin-
ic, called the "Convulsive Disorder
Clinic," at the University Hospital
is making an extensive study on
disturbances of consciousness.
The clinic was established at
University Hospital in 1960 under
the auspices of a grant given by;
Mrs. Edith B. Daudt and moves
into permanent offices this month.
Dr. Elizabeth Jones is to head the
The clinic is studying such dis-
order as "spells," "epilepsy," and
"focal seizures." Among the 600
patients at the clinic; doctors have
recognized 20 different diseases
which lead to severe convulsions.
Patients are received at the clin-
ic by referral from their family
physicians and undergo a series of
tests which attempt to detect
which part of the brain has been
affected. Further, doctors try to
identify metabolic conditions,
which may produce the convul-
sions, before they start the pa-
tients on any medication.
There are many types of ill-
nesses. It may require as long as
three to four months to determine
the precise type and quantity of
drug needed to control the con-
The disorders handled by the
clinic range from mild, three-
second blackouts to long and ex-
haustive convulsions with an in-
finite variety of causes and mani-
Convulsive Disorders
Currently the clinic conducts a
great deal of research on various
types of convulsive disorders.
Research on the changes of the
patients' blood chemistry which
are suspected of triggering their
convulsions is also being pursued.



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:he fabuloija ddlbMi

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:30 a.m.-American Institute of CPA
Staff Training Program - Michigan
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild-
Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, and William
Holden in Clifford Odetl's "The Coun-
try Girl" Architecture Aud.
8:00 p.m. - Dept. of Speech Univ.
Players Summer Playbill-Dorothy and
Michael Blankfort's "Monique": Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
General Notiees
Attention August Graduates: College
of Lit., Science, and the Arts, School
of Education. School of Music, School
of Public Health, School of Business
Admin. Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in Aug. When


n 0000 ,.,.O O 0 00 r1
0 p

such grades are absolutely Imperative,
the work must be made up in time to
allow your instructor to report the
makeup grade not later than 11 a.m.,
Aug. 21. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching depts. wishing to
recommend tentative Aug. grads from
the College of Lit., Science and the
Arts, for honors or high honors should
recommend such students by forward-
ing a letter (in two copies; one copy
for Honors Council, one copy 'for the
Office of Registration and Records) to
the Director, Honors Council, 1210 An-
gell Hall, by 3:00 p.m., Tues., Aug. 20,
Teaching depts. in the School of Edu-
cation should forward letters directly
to the Office of Registration and Rec-
ords, Room 1513 Admin:.Bldg., by 11:00
a.m., Wed., Aug. 22, 1963.
Events Sunday
8:30 a.m. - American Institute of
CPA Staff Training Program - Mich.
4:15 p.m. - School of Music Degree
Recital - Jane Pieper, soprano: Lane
Hall Aud..
4:15 p.m. - School of Music Faculty,
Recital - Robert Noehren, Univ. or-
ganist: Hill Aud.
8:30 p.m. - School of Music Degree
Recital -'Walter Baker, pianist: Aud.
A, Angell Hall.
Events Monday
8:30 a.m. - American Institute of
CPA Staff Training Program - Mich.

4:10 p.m. - 1963 Summer Session Spe-
cial Lecture Series, "Where We Stand:
A Review of the American Position on
Critical Issues - Richard N. Gardner,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
International I Organization Affairs,
"Development of The United Nations as
a Peace-Keeping Institution": Aud. A,
Angell Hall.
8:30 p.m. - School of Music Degree
Recital - Bernard Linden, violist; Aud.
A, Angell Hall.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications. for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg. during the following hours: Mon.
thru Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Cope, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily. -
-Several half-time secretarial posi-
tions available with the Univ. 20
hours per week, mornings or after-
noons. These positions require of-
fice experience and the ability to
take dictation. Applicants should
come to this office to be tested and
We will not be taking applications
for fall positions until the 12th of Aug.

m m

w '
kiW t


Rr ectioM ii flo~~ern cooli'j


'1 1119


DIAL 5-6290
Extended engagement . will
run at least thru Wednesday.
We are trying to obtain a
longer possession of the

diverse peoples dellight in the dauntless daily



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(All showings Friday and Saturday at 7 and 9 P.M.,
except where otherwise noted.)
Tonight .. .
Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly,
\Ai l linm n lInrlpn

I or a


funnier picture

One of the most s
casts ever{
one of the:
most provocative

a story of
and death,
in fact,

rF T





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