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August 03, 1963 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1963-08-03

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Iait j

Little temperature change,
showers ending today


Years of Editorial Freedom



Agree on Commission Power
One of the three joint legislative subcommittees has agreed that [
the new Civil Rights Commission will replace the present Fair Em-
ploynent Practices Commissions as well as take on other sweeping
The subcommittee is part of a joint legislative committee studying
methods in which to implement the new state constitution whichj
goes into effect January 1.
The commission is to be a bipartisan body dealing with com-
plaints of racial and religious discrimination.
Absolute Power:
State Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley said that the new commission s
would have absolute power to protect civil rights in education, em-

To Net ie
Ca ngeover
A joint legislative committee is
now studying 'methods of imple-
menting the new constitutior
which goes into effect January 1.
Three subcommittees are study-
ing problems related to imple-
menting the document.
One is studying elections plans
another judicial plans and the
third is concerned with executive
and administrative problems.
Legislative Enactments
Some of the constitution's pro-
visions become effective as they
are implemented by legislative
enactments, Prof. William Pierce
director of the Legislative Re-
search Center and consultant tc
the committee, said.
Hence the legislature must en-
act laws which will establish and
provide for the machinery. The
new State Court of Appeals is a
good example.
The Constitution has estab-
lished a Court of Appeals but mat-
ters such as where it will sit and
how it will operate are left to the
legislature to decide.,
Send Bills
About 50 bills and proposals will
be sent before the legislature by
the joint committee in order to ac-
tivate the constitution, Prof.
Pierce said.
One of the bills that will have
to go to the special legislative ses-
sion .for approval will be yester-
dayr'' decision of the judicial sub-
cormmittee setting up the Court of
Appeals election districts. '
Wayne County will elect three
members, Oakland County one
member and the rest of the state
the remaining five members. The
subcommittee also decided that
the nine judges should be paid an
annual salary of $23,000. They will
be first elected in the fall of 1964
to take office in 1965.
County Lines
The election districts, according
to the new constitution, are to be
established using county lines
with as nearly equal populations
as possible.
The other election districts be-
sides Wayne and Oakland would
each elect one judge to the appel-
late bench apiece.
They would be: I
One Judge Each
Macomb, St. Clair, Lapeer, San-
ilac, Tuscola, Saginaw and Huron
Genesee, Livingston, Shiawassee,
Clinton, Ionia, Gratiot, Contcalm,
Midland, Bay, Isabella and Clare
Washtenaw, 'Monroe, Lenawee,
Ingham, Eaton, Barry, Calhoun,
Jackson, St. Joseph, Branch and
Hillsdale Counties;
Kent, Ottawa, Allegan, Van
Buren, Kalamazoo, Berien and
Cass Counties; and
The rest of northern and west-
ern Lower Michigan with Muske-
gon County and all of the Upper
Democrats Hit
.School Crisis
Tax Bungling

* loyment, private housing and
public accommodations.
Prof. William Pierce, director of
the Legislative Research Center at
the University and committee con-
sultant, noted that the body is
set up by a "self-executing provi-
sion in respect to its powers."
S The powers will have to be im-
plemented by the Legislature.

. out of a job?

Local Power
He added that the wide sweeping
power of the commission "does
not rule out power of a local na-
ture," since there has yet to be a
formal statement by the attorney
general on the matter.
There has been some objection
to Kelley's cont ntion of the com-
mission's power. A number of leg-
islators have disagreed with the
attorney general's statement and
others have wondered whether or
not it would hold up in court.
Presently, two Detroit city coun-
cilmen are awaiting a reply from
Kelley to 'a formal request for
clarification of the problem.
Legal Power
They wish to learn the legal pow-
er of the city to pass 'civil rights
ordinances. The answer to this
question will affect civil rights
action in every local unit in the
Prof. Pierce viewed the estab-
lishment of the commission as a
great advance, since it provides a
public forum which will "void
mobs in the streets."
He believes that the commission
will go a long way in cutting down
on demonstrations, pickets and
the like. "Anything you do to get
people to talk over problems is of
great help," he said.
Prof. Pierce added that with
the establishment of the agency
"people will not have to resort to
unusual methods."
Under the new constitution, any
party to a case may appeal the
decision of the commission to the
circuit court.
Calls Policyr
Fulbright (D-Ark?~ suggested yes-
terday that the key to the foreign
policy favorediby Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz) "is a bold,' cour-
ageous' and 'determined' policy of
Fulbright, in a satiric speech,
told the Senate that it must be
purely coincidental that some of
Goldwater's views are similar to
those of the rulers of Communist
"The senator from Arizona is
opposed to coexistence," Ful-
bright, chairman of the foreign
relations committee, said. "So are'
the Chinese Communists.
Don't Misinterpret
"I am confident that no fair-
minded American will misinterpret
the interesting parallel between
the senator's views on these mat-
ters and those of the Chinese
Few senators were on hand when
Fulbright spoke. There was no re-
sponse from any of the Republi-
Fulbright gibed also at the
avowed conservatism of Gold-
water, regarded as a principal
contender for next year's Presi-
dential nomination although he
says he is seeking only re-election
to the Senate.
Higher Office
"It is rumored," Fulbright said,
"that the senator from Arizona
may be prevailed upon to seek
higher office. Should that prove
to be the case, he will undoubtedly
spell out a dynamic program of
national action under some stir-
ring title like 'The Fundamentals
of Illiberalism' or 'Let's Get the
Government out of the Business
of Government'.".
Fulbright said Goldwater has
made it entirely clear that he op-
poses coexistence between the
Communist countries and the free
It would seem to follow that the

lIay Abolish
Ste Office
One of the joint subcommittees
studying ways to implement the
new constitution has considered
abolishing Highway Commissioner
John Mackie's job.
The commissioner's job isto be
superceded by a state highway
Although a change is also oc-
curring in the state board of edu-
cation, the job of Supt. of Public
InstructionLynn Bartlett does not
face the same fate, Prof. William
Pierce of the Law School and con-
sultant to the joint legislative
committee said.
Maintain Office
He noted that under the new
constitution all persons in elective
offices will maintain them.
However, Prof. Pierce said that
Mackie's position is one cheated by
statute and therefore may be abol-
ished before the new constitution
becomes effective on January 1.
After that date, his position will
be protected along with the other
elective posts by a provision of
the new constitution.
Establish Post
Bartlett on the other hand holds
a position which was established
under the first Michigan Consti-
tution of 1835. Although the edu-
cation posts are no longer elective
under the new constitution they
will probably serve out their terms.
Mackie, a Democrat, has made
a number of political enemies in
his powerful post as Highway Com-
missioner. He viewed the possible
plans to remove him as "a rather
blatant political move."
However, Mackie indicated he
will not be eased out of public life.
He said he would run for another
post if his job is abolished.
Troops Invade
South Korea
PANMUNJOM, Korea (P) - The
United Nations command accused
Communist North Korea today of
a series of bloody intrusions into
United Nations controlled terri-
tory along the Korean truce line.
North Korea called the charges
The exchange, one of the hottest
in 10 years of uneasy armistice
commission meetings here, came
shortly after the UN command,
disclosed that fresh firing erupted
early today between American and
Communist forces along the line
dividing North and South Korea.

U.S. Bans
Of Arms
United States announced yester-
day a ban on, sales of all military
equipment to South Africa by the
end of the year.
But it opposed punitive action
by the Security Council aimed at
forcing South Africa to abandon
its white supremacy policies.
United States Ambassador Adlai
E. Stevenson made the announce-
ment to the 11-nation council as
it considered requests by African
nations that it impose severe dip-
lomatic and economic penalties
against Prime Minister Hendrik
Verwoerd's Nationalist govern-
"We cannot accept the propo-
sition that the only alternative to
Apartheid is bloodshed," Steven-
son said.
Stevenson spoke after Alex
Quaison-Sackey, delegate from
Ghana, requested the council to
consider expulsion of South Africa
from the United Nations. He made
no concrete proposal, and none so
drastic is expected.
Stevenson declared the United
States was taking the arms em-
bargo action to indicate the deep
concern which his government
feels at the failure of South Africa
to abandon its racial segregation
'Bid Fails
For Center
The University will not get a
hoped for $50 million National
Aeronuatics and Space Adminis-
tration space electronics research
center, Sen., Clinton P. Anderson
(D-NM) indicated yesterday.
The site of the center, original-
ly designated for Boston, has been
in doubt since several space re-
search firms in the area protested
against the project last February.
The firms feared the new facility
would draw business and skilled
manpower from their businesses.
The Senate Space Committee
Thursday reversed an earlier de-
cision to shelve the center and not
appropriate $5 million to start it,
but threw the site into question
by asking more data from NASA.
The reversal is seen as a victory
for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-
Mass) in whose state the center
was originally to be located.
First Preference
Anderson, explaining why the
center would' not be located here,
said that Boston probably was
NASA's first preference, followed
by California and then the Chi-
cago area.
He noted that California, in
addition to Boston, had its advo-
The University bid for the cen-
ter came last March when Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher confered
with NASA administrator James
Webb while in Washington to
address the annual alumni dinner.
Express Interest-
Vice-President f o r Research
Ralph A. Sawyer had also writ-
ten a letter to NASA expressing
the University's interest in the
The University is currently un-
dertaking $4 million worth of
NASA projects a year and is get-
ting a $1.75 million buildig on
North Campus to house most of
this work,

As Ant

Graduate Grants Increase

Say s Soviets
Betray Cause
Of People

The total number of fellow-
ships and scholarships admin-
istered by the graduate school
increased to 1,377 last year
from the previous year's total
of 878, a report by Ralph A.
Sawyer, dean of the graduate
school, indicates.
The report, released yester-
day, is prepared annually and
presented to University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher for his
study and information.
According to the report the
total funds available for fel-
lowships a n d scholarships
amounted to $2.64 million. The
reported total for last year was
$1.8 million. Small increases
occurred in many of the cate-
gories and substantial increases
in special and endowed post-
doctoral fellowships in the Na-
tional Science Foundation Co-
operative Graduate Fellowships
and in the National Defense
Education Act Fellowship.
, T h e National Aeronautics
and Space Administration Do-
mestic Traineeship and Foreign
Fellowship are new and the
United States Public Health
Service Traineeship and Pre-
doctoral Fellowship have been
included in the report for the
first time this year.
The various Rackham En-
dowment funds provided 57 per,
cent of the $608,000 total ad-

Last year 104 such grants were
awarded. This number has been
fairly consistent for the last
five years. The sums were
awarded fairly evenly to the
various academic areas.
Sixteen Summer Faculty Re-
search Fellowships were award-
ed, of which 10 will be held by
instructors and assistant pro-
fessors. Last summer the school
administered 20 summer fellow-
Four grants-in-aid for sup-
port of scholarly publications
were made last year. A single
grant of $11,306 was made to
the University Press for the
publication of Persian and Ar-
abic Readers, prepared by the
Near Eastern studies depart-
ment under the NDEA contract.
Enrollment Increase
The report indicates that the
graduate school increased its
enrollment during the past year
as it has done for the past 10
years. The annual percentage
increase has been somewhat
more than fivexper cent.
The fall enrollment for 1962
was 6,532. If the five per cent
annual increase continues, the
enrollment in 1965 ,ill be over,
7500 and in 1970 will be nearly
The report notes, however,
that these figures may be un-
duly conservative, and that the
number of graduates who have



Clius New Pact
Aims at Enslaving
Non-Aton Nations

annual report




ministered by the school in sup-
part of research and creative
efforts of the faculty.
University general funds pro-
vided 15 per cent and monies
placed at the disposal of the
school by outside agencies, not-
ably t h e National 'Science
Foundation, provided 27 per
Personal Research
Faculty members individual-
ly received 90 grants to sup-
port their personal research.

Harris CriticizesHousing Bill

Prof. Robert G. Harris of the
Law School blasted the weaknesses
of the draft fair housing ordin-
ance Thursday night as the city
Democrats urged a stronger mea-
Discussing the difference be-
tween the draft ordinance, passed
on first reading last ;Monday and
a series of fair housing proposals
known as the "clergymen's or-
dinance," Prof. Harris said a
strong ordinance was needed for
enforcing open occupancy would
be difficult even under the best of
"Proving the motive of discrim-
ination is very difficult unless the
person is so crass as to make a
racial slur. So you need a pretty
good ordinance to get moving at
all. You need flexibility in the en-
forcement provisions," Prof. Har-
ris declared.

He noted that court injunc-
tions, which can' take a variety
of forms and criminal prosecution,
with jury trial and a possible jail
sentence, and available under the
"clergymen's ordinance."
The draft ordinance "would
make only criminal prosecution
for a $100 fine available, unless
there .had been a previous convic-,
tion. Then an injunction could be
The clergymen give the city at-.
torney 10 days to investigate a
complaint referred to him by the
Human Relations Commission and
decide whether to go to court.
Time Limit
There is no time limit in the
draft ordinance. Opportunities are
multiplied to apply social and po-
litical pressure," Prof. Harris said.
Noting that only a $100 fine was
to be imposed and that no jail

WorldNews Roundup'
By The Associated Press
MANILA-Success of the summit meeting of the Philippines,
Malaya and Indonesia was uncertain today after Britain's refusal
to permit voting in Sarawak and North Borneo before the scheduled
formation of the Federation of Malaysia Aug. 31.
* * * *
NEW DELHI-Usually reliable sources said yesterday India was
turned down by the United States in a bid for antiaircraft missiles
J'and the Soviet Union has now

term is included, he said the ordin-
ance would be a civil law. The city
would have to institute civil pro-
ceedings to collect, Prof. Harris
He cited three barriers in the
draft ordinance against effective-
File Complaint
1) Only the person discriminat-
ed against.can file a complaint. A
friend or group that knows of this
discrimination cannot;
2) The name and address of the
alleged discriminator must be list-
ed. "This can be sticky if dealing
with a corporation and the sales-
man refused to give the name and
address of those in control;" and
3) It is a misdemeanor if one
"willfully files a false complaint."
This is a new legal term and un-
Other Weaknesses
Prof. Harris, cited other weak-
nesses in the draft ordinance es-
peeially on the number of units
needed for coverage.
The Democrats passed a resolu-
tion urging coverage of the sale of
all real property, and renting
down to the. "family cirole" level,
removal of unusual obstacles to
enforcement, usual procedure on
the effective date and the exten-
sion of the injunctive procedures.
The Ann Arbor Area Fair Hous-
ing Association - Congress of Ra-
cial Equality will hold a march
Monday evening through both Ne-
gro and white "ghettos" to point
up the. need for a strong ordin-
Wirtz Offers
New Proposal
OnRail Staike
WASHINGTON (R) - Secretary'
of Labor W. Willard Wirtz made
suggestions last night "relative to
the key issues" in the lingering'
dispute which threatens to bring
a nationwide rail strike,
Wirtz said after a 45-minute
meeting with the parties that his'
suggestions-which he declined to
describe-"are not recommenda-
tions for settlement." Instead, he
said. they are suggestions which

TOYKO ()-Red China declar-
ed today that the partial test ban
agreement is "a United States-
Soviet alliance against China, pure
and simple."
Peking charged that Premier
Nikita Khrushchev, by agreeing
to the ban, had betrayed the Soviet
people. It predicted he would be
An anti-Soviet broadside in an
editorial in Peking People's Daily
dropped the last vestige of re-
strain in Red China's attacks on
the agreement scheduled to be
signed in Moscow Monday.
Freaks, Monsters
Another People's Daily editori
yesterday had called the Kremlin
leaders freaks and monsters. It
charged that the big three aimed
to enslave non-nuclear nations-
for the moment, apparently, that
includes China-by the test ban
The editorial today, translated
into English and broadcast by the
New China News Agency, was
titled "This is Betrayal of the So-
viet People."
It said, "The Communist Party
of the Soviet Union is a great
party which was founded by Lenin
himself and which has grown up
in the course of struggle against
opportunism of various stripes.
"Eventually, any deal which be-
trays the Soviet Union, will defin-
itely end in failure."
The ;editorial said, "While fra-
ternizing with United States im-
perialism on the most intimate
terms, the Soviet leader and the
Soviet press showed their teeth in
their hatred of Socialist China.
They use the same language as
United States-imperialism to abuse
The Soviet government news-,
paper Izvestia charged Chinese
Premier Chou En-Lai showed in-
sincerity as long as four years ago.,
Illustrating that, it said Chou
launched a campaign against the
Soviet Communist Party shortly
after he endorsed Kremlin leader-
ship at the 1959 party congress in
Stalinist Albania, a Soviet bloc
outcast long allied with China,
took a potshot at Khrushchev. It
accused him of "unconditional
concessions and capitulation to the
imperialists" in agreeing to the
nuclear test ban.
U.S. Delegates
Go to Moscow
To Sign Treaty
WASHINGTON (A) - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk led a United
States delegation off to Moscow
last night, expressing hope that
the signing of the test ban treaty
"will prove to be the first of a
series of steps leading towards''
"We can't tell for certain" yet
whether .the historic accord to out-
law atomic explosions will lead to
further East-West agreements,
Rusk said. "There's much unfin-
ished business'ahead of us."
Presumably referring to explor-
atory conversations he intends to
hold with Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev and other high Rus-
sian officials next week, Rusk add-
ed that "perhaps during this visit
we shall find out" the prospects.
The signing of the treaty is set
for 4:30 p.m. Monday (Moscow
time) at the Kremlin.;
A half-dozen Senators were on
the delegation - four Democrats
and two Republicans - and Rusk
noted that it will be up to the
Senate to decide whether to ratify
the treaty.
Sen. Leverett Saltonstall (R-
Mass) . rnkin VTAPr mm.h,. f

International Square Dance

Ten Democratic state legislators
objected to a new tax plan pro-
posed by a northwest Detroit civic
The plan, calling for a five per
cent income tax plan, either grad-
uated or flat rate, was designed to
help Detroit schools meet an im-
pending fiscal crisis, which may
force Detroit schools to go on a
half-day basis..
The plan called for the state to
retain the three per cent flat rate
income tax with the remaining two
per cent being borne by counties,
cities and school districts.

agreed to supply them.
The Soviet Union, qualified sour-
ces said, imposed no limitations
on use of arms shipped to India.
NEW YORK-James M. Landis,
one of the nation's foremost
legal minds and a longtime cru-
sader for ethics in government,
today pleaded guilty to late pay-
ment of five year's income tax. He
faces up to five years in prison.
He is - a former dean of the
Harvard Law School, who served
under three Democratic presidents
in advisory or regulatory posts.
land, United States ambassador to
Panama, has resigned amid in-
dications of a disagreement with
officials of the Alliance-For-Pro-
gress agency.

f'U :,:n

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