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August 01, 1963 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1963-08-01

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(irgian Big
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"But Cheer Up-We Hope Soon To Develop The Bomb
Which Will Enable Us To Start A Nuclear War"

Monique' Adds Shock
To Playbill Program

Judiciary Reforms
ShouldChange System

Ole 4f x\

- \

STUDENTS COMING BACK in the fall will
find that the University's judiciary system
has befn "reformed." After several years of
complaints from different quarters and a year
of hard work by students and members of the
Office of Student Affairs, changes have now
been made.
A -new constitution has been drawn up for
Joint Judiciary Council which leaves the ques-
tion of an open or closed hearing up to the de-
fendant. The old "Committee on Student Con-
duct" has been replaced by the "University

not make it worthwhile, from the University's
point of view, to continue educating you) then
you will be asked to leave.
WHAT THE UNIVERSITY does in effect is
set itself up as an institution apart from
society. It is not satisfied with the fact that
society has punished the student and that he
paid his debt. The University is seen as a spe-
cial social institution inhabited by special
people called students who are members of a
dual community and should be punished twice
for the same crime.
But the University has no right to set itself
up as an extra-social institution, it is going
against educational theory when it does this.
By the time students are old enough to come
to college they are old enough to be socially
responsible for their actions; they do not need
a "Big Brother" in Ithe form of the University
.vi druuu. 'PannlV

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Committee on Standards
has been legitimized by
committee is designed to
peal and review board for
by judicial bodies within
judicate violations waived'
in the establishment and

and Conduct" which
a new bylaw. This
"3 serve as a final ap-
all penalties invoked
its jurisdiction, ad-
to it by the JJC, aid
maintenance of the

student judiciary structure and in conjunction wachningover gem rout ir ow
with JJC, advise the vice-president for student in the same age group who aren
affairs on changes in rules and regulations. their own are only punished one
Finally, a new judicial committee has been set jeopardy" of the student is not e
up to act in cases where immediate disciplinary ing with his recognized elite sta
action is necessary and special cases such as age group.
those in the area of morals and those involving One of the ways the Univ
to utsejustify its judicial set-up is by ph
on it as a counseling device.
As far as can be seen now the changes, with nothing wrongwith counseling.
the exception of the creation of the last com- sensitively it can help many p
mittee, are a liberalization of the judiciary ably. But when it is attendedl
structure. But when it comes right to the then it becomes disciplinary a
heart of the matter they represent changes, cept for the cases of students wi
made in response to pressure, which are de- ly University regulations it sho
signed to make the existing system more ac- society.
ceptable and therefore preserve it. They are The new special committee m
irrelevant to the fact that much of the Uni- plained as a guidance committ
versity's present judiciary structure should be has been released to indicate th
abolished and the rest transformed. beyond this. One of the two rea
UrErits creation can be disposed of
SUPPOSE YOU ARE a University student ar- young to handle cases involving
rested by the Ann Arbor police on a morals post-graduate students then the
charge. You are given a trial and either acquit- have been expanded to include
ted or convicted. If convicted you are given a ano made into an all campus stu
sentence and once its requirements are satis- It appears that the real reason
fiedyou have paid your debt to society and are mittee's creation is to set up a1
released. You are free and the case is closed, handle cases which might damE
But now the University takes over. If you are sity's image if they were left uni
an undergraduate your case will probably be could get around to them. These
referred to JJC or, in the future, the new spe- of which would probably be c
cial committee. If you are a graduate or post- morals, would undoubtedly alre
graduate student you will probably be judged tried in civil court.
by the special committee or the executive com- When one contemplates chap
mittee of your department or school. he can either discard the origina
The job of these bodies is to decide whether and substitute a better one, o
the University will still accept you and is so, expedient changes in the existin
what price you must pay to stay here. If it to make it more palatable. Th
considers your offense detrimental to the image formers chose the latter meth
of the University or detrimental to your own students are the worse off for it.
future (meaning that it would prevent you from --RONA
getting a job in your chosen field which would Co-Ed
- WeeS eeds Broad Policy

wn good. People
working and on
ce. The "double
exactly in keep-
atus among his
ersity likes to
lacing emphasis
Now there is
when handled
eople consider-
by punishment
ction, and ex-
hhb break strict-
uld be left for
nay also be ex-
ee, but enough
at its duties go
,sons given for
. If JCC is too
.g graduate and
p Council could
such students
udent judiciary.
n for the com-
body to swiftly
age the Univer-
atried until JJC
cases, the bulk
concerned with
eady have been
nging a system
jl one as faulty
r he can make
ng one in order
e judiciary re-.
hod; University

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"MONIQUE," an off-beat and
sometimes brilliant murder
mystery, opened last night at Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theatre.
First, a warning to all those who
saw the French film "Diabolique"
several years back: this is the
same plot once again. But if you
didn't see the movie, and you can
stay awake through the first'act,
the action repays the price of ad-
Now to the acting: it was unfor-
tunately a bit spotty. Best in last
night's cast were the minor char-
acters: Gouttez (almost a bit
part), played by David Hirvela,
Henriette, the maid (Joan Lieber),
and Andre, the brother-in-law. In
the main roles, Robert McKee as
Fernand was somewhat uneven,
though one can hardly blame him
when one considers the number
of melodramatic and sometimes
downright bad lines he has to play.
Lucienne (Barbara Bartneck)
was adequate; Merlin, the detec-
tive (Albert M. Katz) needed a
little more touch of Chevalier, or
perhaps Peter Lorre, but came of
well. As the central figure, Moni-
que, Jeanne Lucas retained her
composure all evening. Lisette, as
played by Margaret Sinclair, is
a strange part, and was perhaps
a bit overdone.
THE PLAYitself is somewhat of
a mixed blessing. The first act
(half the play) goes by uncon-
scionably slowly; a suspense story
needs to keep the noose tight all
the way. The lines are too often
embarrassingly melodramatic, in
the old style. In fact, one almost
believes he has stumbled into a
comedy-lampoon. But this need
not be a disadvantage - it just
adds entertainment to the eve-
All of the characters are stock,
and their lines and activities seem
wearingly predictable a 1 m o s t
throughout; yet the plot, as it
develops, not only survives, but
carries along the entire play with
it. This, of course, is not unlike
many a mystery drama.
IN THIS case, we know who
done what, and are awfully sur-
prised at the results, which is a
nice twist already. But then the
one great wrench which the plot
makes really comes as a shocker,
and th play's end Justifies its
means. In fact, the last line alone
seems worth coming for. Here one
suggestion might be useful to the
play's staff: the drama of the
last line, it seems, needs' either
an abrupt final curtain or a ling-
ering moment of horror; last
night, the curtain came down be-
tween those two times, which was
ON THE international plane, the
Sino-Soviet split is not to be
welcomed even if it leads to a
limited nuclear test ban agreement
between Washington and Moscow.
Peace between the United States
and the USSR is not real peace
if it merely reflects the beginnings
of a bigger struggle between Rus-
sia and China...
Reconsiliation is m a n k i n d' s
need, and we who drove Peking
to extremes by our hateful poli-
cies of embargo and isolation,
should be the ones to make the
first move. It is by magnanimity,
and not by missiles, that man's
future may be made secure.
-I. F. Stone's Bi-Weekly

Briefly, without giving a sum-
mary which would disclose too
much, one can say that "Moni-
que" deals with a baffling murder,
but not baffling in the usual sense.
Involved are the members of the
eternal triangle: wife, husband
and mistress in this case, set in,
of all places, Paris. Fog, darkness,
drowning, a pistol shot, a detec-
tive, and a plot within a plot give
all the added drive toward a sizzl-
ing finale.
g -Mark Slobin
"BLUEBEARD," now at the
Campus Theater, is a strange-
ly comic picture with overtones of
irony and terror.' It relates,
through the lens of new-wave di-
rector Claude Chabro, the grue-
some adventures of Landru (fine-
ly portrayed by Charles Denner).
Landru, perhaps in reaction to
the grasping atmosphere of his
family, and on a more significant
level, are a contemplattion of. the
atrocities of the Great War, finds
release in love affairs followed by
He says to his wife, "Life is
made of blood and terror, my
dear." And having wheedled the
right of attorney from his vic-
tims before disposing of them (in
his stove) he loots their bank ac-
counts and thus provides for his
But the law starts to catch up
with him. The Keystone Kops,
French style, backtrack on a num-
ber of missing-person reports and
finally nab Landru. At this point,
unfortunately,the comedy sheds
its skin and the film becomes too
* * *
'THESE SERIOUS parts are not
mishandled in themselves, though
-it's just that they indicate a
basic confusion of purpose on the
director's or writer's part. A more
consistent satire was called for.
Anyway, Landru has a trial and is
sentenced. A final irony occurs,
but a word of caution is neces-
sary: one must stay seated through
the concluding credits or this
irony will be missed.
Michele Morgan, Danielle Dar-
rieux, and Hildegarde Neff-three
important names in foreign cine-
ma-are present in, expanded.
"cameo" roles, i.e., merely as brief
episodes in Landru's homicidal
Filmed in blazing colors, "Blue-
beard" sometimes-namely when
a single frame is allowed toling-
er on the screen-acquires the
character of a pointillist ,paint-
ing. I was forcibly reminded "o
Seurat'swfamouswork called, if
I remember correctly, "A Sunday
Afternoon in the Park," where in
a tranquil mood is evoked by par-
asols and clear water, both of
which are also seen in the early
part of the film. A second similar-
ity exists here between the stylized
sets of "Bluebeard" andthe rigid
composition of the painting.
"Bluebeard" is a bit confused
because it shifts from comedy to
tragedy for no good reason. It Is
rather worthwhile viewing, never-
theless, because each of these as-
pects is so well done in and of
itself. And the color photography
is brilliant.
-Gary T. Robinson

Negro Split Hampers Fight

NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV is a fascinating man
with many facets to his character and think-
ing. Believing that ends justify means, Commu-
nists are often guilty of dissimulation and de-
ception; but at least four important compon-
ents of the Soviet Premier's makeup are gen-
uine convictions--and should be treated as such
by the West. They are:'
1) A belief that history is on the side of the
world Communist movement which will even-
tually have the whole world under its sway.
2) A strong Russian nationalist feelihg, cou-
pled with pride in the achievements of. Soviet
3) A horror of nuclear war.
4) A fear of German resurgence, particularly
of the consequeices of West Germany's getting
nuclear weapons either through the North At-
lantic Alliance or through its own efforts.
The first two of these demand of the West
firmness, patience, assurance and alertness to
any move from Moscow intended to catch the
alliance off guard. Recognition of the genuine-
ness of the third of the above components has
played its part in getting agreement in Moscow
on a test ban treaty. Now it behooves the West
not to overlook the fourth component on the
THE NAZI INVASION of the 1940's visited
upon the Soviet people grim and cruel suf-
fering. Mr. Khrushchev therefore has his people
with him in lacking confidence. in German long-
term aims. In fact, the locking of West Ger-
many into the North Atlantic. Alliance is per-
haps Mr. Khrushchev's best guarantee against
an eventual German war of revenge.
Editorial Staff
RONALD WILTON ......................Co-Editor
PHILIP SUTIN......... .... ....... Co-Editor
DAVE GOOD....................Co-sports Editor
CHARLES TOWLE................Co-sports Editor
R''TT TtY~rT' AA XTCP' --- 'N wat Ed Witor

Whether Britain's nuclear deterrent is truly
independent is open to question-and in any
case a Labor Government would probably stop
spending money on it. It is therefore General
de Gaulle's stubbornly nationalistic approach
to France's nuclear independence that has
within it the seeds of future trouble. His ab-
sence from the recent Moscow talks will only in-
crease his intransigence.
If there are further moves to east East-West
tensions, they might will involve Berlin and
Germany-leading to misgivings within the
West German Government. General de Gaulle,
still with his own nuclear weapons, could then
use them as a blandishment on Bonn and try
to swing the West Germans away from the
United States and toward France. The trouble
with General de Gaulle's design is that it is,
inward- rather than outward-looking. The
basic negativeness of the General's approach
is best measured by the correct impression that
he seems mostly to block rather than construc-
tively to amend or enlarge.
For all their nobility the General's concepts
are too narrow; and Washington should firmly
refuse to let them thwart any policy deemed
in the overall interest of the free world, or in-
deed of all mankind.
Reprinted from The Daily Iowan
BURIED DEEP in the Central Campus plan
is a suggestion for a "student sign and dis-
play clearing house" to govern the location and
content of student signs on campus.
"This student organization would review sign
requests in advance of their need in order to
expedite their design, preparation and schedul-
ing. Students of advanced design could be con-
sulted' for many special problems," the plan
succinctly states.
Although well-intentioned and designed to
promote esthetic unity, the sign agency is an
insidous idea and never should be implement-
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PHILADELPHIA-The struggles
for civil rights here, 15 miles
north of the Mason-Dixon line,
is the story of inept city govern-
ment, demogogic control of the
NAACP, and a Negro community
divided over method and leader-
Before the recent civil rights
press, Philadelphia's Negro popu-
lation relied on the slow legal
methods it still resorts to. Making
up one quarter of the city's 2.1
million people, it had elected
only Negro Congressmani Robert
Philadelphia's (and Pennsyvania's)
Nix. Aside from an occasional
bomb scare when a Negro family
attempted to move to a particu-
larly fanatical white suburb, things
moved quietly enough.
The NAACP integrated organ-
izations slowly, and the city's Hu-
man Relations Commission be-
came surprisingly effective in
fighting discrimination. Negroes
pushed out of some slum areas
and some whites ran to the safety
of the suburbs. No one was es-
pecially concerned with the limit-
ed geographical de facto segrega-
tion in the public school system
which became over 50 per cent
Negro last year.-
*' * *
THE NEGRO community de-
veloped one unique weapon, still
in operation: A selective patron-
age-boycott program directed by
468 Negro ministers from their
pulpits. In three years these min-
isters have asked their congrega-
tions 24 times to boycott chain
stores, gasoline stations and com-
mercial firms where Negroes were
discriminated against in hiring
Every time, the boycotted firm
has given in and hired the num-
ber of Negro employes the minis-
ters had originally demanded.
Technically this is discrimination
in favor of Negroes, and on shaky
legal grounds. The Pennsylvania
Fair Employment Practices Act
forbids all forms of quotas and
discrimination, in favor or against.
However "it would be foolish to
stand in the way" of redressing a
wrong, the chairman of the Hu-
man Relations Commission ex-
plains. Local leaders predict the
boycott system may go on a na-
tional level shortly.
Then the national civil rights
campaign became hyperactive and
the Negro leaders here responded..
Late this spring the NAACP de-
manded an immediate end to dis-
crimination in the building con-
struction industry and began pick-
eting school and municipal con-
struction sites. Violence flared
sporadically, as unions crossed the
picket lines. The NAACP charged
police brutality.
When CORE began picketing
Philadelphia Mayor James H. J.
Tate's home, and set up a sit-in
in his City Hall offices, the mayor
announced the suspension of con-
tracts on one major building site
and ordered the Human Relations
Cnmmission to begin negotiations

Tate had refused to fill two long
standing vacancies on the com-
mission. iSchermer claimed that,
in addition, he had completely ig-
nored the commission until it was
to6 late, had refused to cooperate
with it, had paid no heed to its
advice, and deprived it of all in-
"Ours was the finest, best equip-.
ped and most vigorous human re-
lations agency in the country. Sud-
denly we find ourselves too weak
to cope with the new challenges
that have arisen in our commun-
ity." The cause of our weakness
lies at the feet of Mayor . . . Tate
. " Schermer said in his state-
ment of resignation.
The Americans for Democratic
Action called his resignation a
Tate's background "has prepared
him to hit people over the heads
to obtain his will." Tate's back-
ground is one of a run of the mill
politician who became mayor by
accident, replacing Richardson Dil-
worth who resigned to run for
governor. Tate is a tool of William
Green, Congressman and ruler of
the powerful Democratic political
machine, and has shown little ap-
titude as mayor.
After Schermer's resignation,
the American Civil Liberties Union,
following up CORE complaints,
demanded an end to police inves-
tigation of the CORE picketers
who had sat in 'at the mayor's
The NAACP then turned its at-
tention to the public school sys-
tem, and charged discrimination
in recent teacher promotions. The
Board of Education denied the
More recently, after Negroes had
rioted in front of Chicago's Board
of Education Building, the Phila-
delphia NAACP won a court case
giving it access to confidential
Board of Education documents on
the 70 per cent and over Negro
schools and the 70 per cent and
over white schools. These figures
the NAACP hopes will be effective
in fighting the de facto school
making progress, but it is hamper-
ed by extreme leadership prob-
lems; there are the ministers' as-
sociation, Negro Congressman Nix,
CORE and the NAACP-they don't
always cooperate.
The major problem is NAACP
local chairman Cecil Moore. He is
not very popular. Labelled a demo-
gogue and a dictator, he contin-
ually attacks everything that
crosses his path. He has denounc-
ed organized labor as anti-Negro,
the Jewish community as anti-
Negro, Republican Governor Wil-
liam Scranton, Democrat Tate,
and his Republican opponent in
the upcoming mayoral election, all
for not seeing the problem and
acting properly.
Worse still, he attacks the two

the national NAACP leadership
publically rebuked him by unseat-
ing several members of his delega-
tion and seating anti-Moore Phila-
delphians who had charged un-
derhanded election procedure on
his part.
*'* *
NO ONE usually replies to
Moore's charges, particularly Nix.
Almost alone Moore is under-
mining the unity of the Negro
community and sending it to al-
ternative leadership. But like any
demogogue he has his following,
and the NAACP is still the strong-
est single organization at the com-
munity's disposal.
Progress continues erratically,
hampered by Moore. Last week
CORE began investigating dis-
crimination by the city's many
landlords. The association of min-
isters just successfully completed
a boycott of the city's largest
supermarket chain, with stores in
ten states. The NAACP is charg-
ing discrimination in the post of-
The post office is willing to talk
to Moore who has made the charge
and is threatening pickets, but
wants Nix included on thettalks.
(Nix is a member of the House
Postal Committee.) However Moore
will not discuss anything with
Nix, and has publically invited
him to "rejoin the Negro race."
What will happen to Moore re-
mains to be seen.

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