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January 17, 1959 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-17
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(Continued from Page 2)
ing, more haphazard graves dur-
ing the battle and mass graves
while the Germans were in flight.
Sometimes the Russian soldiers
had to finish burying their dead."
Magidoff made 14 trips to the
front - the only correspondent
to cover the entire war on the
Russian front.
THE TROUBLED face suddenly
"Enough of this. I shall tell you
how I met my wife. I was ice skat-
ing in Russia in late 1935. Some-
how or other, I tripped and up
came a beautiful young Russian{
girl to help me to my feet. I was
definitely interested.
"It didn't take me long to spot
her again and I threw myself
right at her feet. Well, she helped
me up and we've been hanging
onto each other ever since.
~Now you be sure to put down
that I tripped. My wife is always
telling people what a terrible
skater I am."
Turning his mind from the past
to the present - to his life at the
University, he said, "Now I am a
teaching fellow and work for my
doctorate in the winter and write
in the summer. I really enjoy my
classes." He seemed a little sur-
prised at his own statement. "I
always thought I would like to
teach only Russian literature but
as a teaching fellow I had no
choice but to take language
classes. And I like it. Besides, now
I have a chance to do research

the kind I was planning on.
"My first job was with a Brit-
ish group, but soonI went with
Associated Press. Since I came
from Russia- I told you I was
born in Kiev, didn't I -'it was
sort of natural that I should work
in Moscow. And there I stayed
until they threw me out.
"It wasn't hard to give up be-
ing a correspondent. There comes
a time when it is no thrill in get-
ting a scoop. That kind of thing
is for young men. Be sure to men-
tion my grey hair when you tell
them I said that."
MAGIDOFF has written four
books -- two on Russia and
two musical biographies. The first,
"In Anger and Pity" tells of his
experiences during his 13 years
as a foreign correspondent in
Moscow. This was later followed
by a study of Soviet totalitarian-
ism appropriately called "The
Kremlin vs. the People."
But Robert Magidoff's greatest
fame has come through his two
The first of these was the life
of Yehudi Menuhin, a personal
friend of the Magidoffs. "On the
basis of this, I was invited by
Ezio Pinza to write the story of
his life. I'll never forget our last
"I had been working with him
for about three months, and it
was decided that April 30 would
be the last discussion before I
went up to New England for the
summer to write the book. Well.
I noticed he didn't look too well
and I left a little early. I was the
last person he ever spoke to co-
herently. His wife later told me
that before I had gotten to my
car she heard him fall. You know
that the stroke he had affected
his speech. Before he had a
chance to regain it, he was dead.
It is a very great pity."









from the
"Hungry i" in San Francisco

"MY WRITING is something
different. I always knew I'd
like that. I majored in compara-
tive literature at the 'University

A THLETICS are a part of the
American way of life.
And supposedly this explains
why, at all levels of American edu-
cation, there are full-scale athletic
programs working at a fever pitch
to turn out winning teams.
But this certainly cannot ex-
plain, or at least explain rationally,
why the colleges and universities
of the United States are mixed up
in the midst of a topsy - turvy
athletic scheme that defies any
reasonable explanation.
The present collegiate athletic
set-up throughout the country has
many ills, and all of them are
BIG: big money, big recruiting,
big scholarships, and big alumni.
THE BIG MONEY has both good
and bad sides, but the bad all
too often are foremost. It is only
natural that athletics should pay
for themselves, and in some cases
provide extra money that can be
put into improvement of school
athletic plants.
However, when the money goes
Into the "slush" fuid for providing
the players a little "profit," and
when the money becomes so im-
portant that it is "win at all costs,"
then things have gone too far.
And they have at many schools in
the country.
BIG recruiting has become a
necessary evil in almost every
league or school in the United
States where the coaches are try-
ing to compete with other major
college teams.
It has come to the point rwhere
the coaching staff is selected for
recruiting ability rather than
coaching ability; some men are
even employed as full time re-
TRUE, THIS IS fine from the
high school athletes' stand-
point, since they get free excur-
sions to many campuses in the
country-if they are good enough.
But from the colleges' stand-
point it is a waste of time and
money that certainly could be
better spent-if only there was
another way to keep up with the
And, of course, BIG recruiting
leads to BIG scholarships. The
idea is to get the athlete, and
nothing will sway him like money.
Give him all of the expenses of the
school-tuition, room and board,
books, other expenses-and then
pay him two dollars an hour for
turning out the lights in the field
house, and he may come to your
If that will not work, promise
him a big car upon graduation as
a "gift," and he probably will
And if the BIG scholarships can-
not cover the necessary expense,
any "big time" university will have
the BIG alumni standing by to
make up the difference. Certainly
they will be able to pay the bills
with General Motors.
There may be some other prob-

Bigness is perhaps the major cause of present collegiate athletic ills, the author says. It includes big money,
ships, and big alumni. And the problem is complicated by the wishes of the ever-present, cheering, ti

lems witht
athletic set
of the forem
side to t
Many boy
college educ
have witho
Either they
able to get
have been
they justa
interested w
spire them.
College a
purpose tha
supposed to
number of
fessional at
and physica
also the bes

a charming party dress to put you
on a cloud of beauty that's simply
Pout of this world."

don't miss our c
for z J-Hop3
taffetas, chiffons1
from... 25.00 to

races , .

the present collegiate
-up, but certainly the
Y problem is the root
ost evil.
LY, there is a good
this question.
ys are able to get a Professional orAma
nation they would not
ut athletic influence.
would not have been
in, or they would not
able to afford it, or
would not have been
without athletics to in- " a
aatito nal Equalzatio
thletics also serves the INV Ehz
at college in general is
o. It prepares a great
athletes for a future
-whether it be in pro-
thletics or, in coaching
al education work.
on the college level is By ALAN ONES
st, and in many cases
nued on Next Page)
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Alan Jones is sports editor
of The Michigan Daily.


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