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January 16, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-16

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'U' To Broadcast
To New Viewers

interest in raising the country's
s educational level.
f eStations Increase
He also pointed to the increased
number of educational television
stations in this country, which
now number 35.
' The University television office
i does not operate a station, but
d uses "live" television techniques
I when putting the programs on
- film. This procedure permits flexi-
o bility and re-use by stations in
- different localities and over a
e number of years, Prof. Garrison
Because the television office is
supported by state tax money, out-
of-state users are chargd service
fees to cover distribution costs, he
said, but the local stations are
furnished the programs with no
Ranges to Seattle
t The University's network ranges
from Boston as far west as Seattle.
Concerning the possibility of a
University television station, Prof.
Garrison said that there is very
little chance for a very high (VHF
--channels 2 through 13) tele-
vision spot as all of these chan-
nels are occupied at present.
However, there is a position
open on the ultra-high frequency
(UHF). At present these positions
are not favorable as an ordinary
television set cannot reach them
without an expensive adapter,
Prof. Garrison mentioned.

STUTTGART CHAMBER ORCHESTRA-Led by youthful Karl Muenchinger, this group of Wes
European instrumentalists will entertain for the first time Feb. 6 in Ford Auditorium in Detro;
The orchestra has gained international acclaim since its formation 13 years ago and was brougb
to the United States in 1954 due to the increasing demand of record collectors and music enthusiasi
German Orchestra To Play in Detroit

Violators of Drinking Regulations
Can Get Dual Disciplinary Action

Violations involving women fall
under the control of the Dean of
Women's discretion. She, in con-
sultation with the Chairman of
Women's Judiciary, decides which
student judicial body will handle
the case.
Cases Go to Judic
The interview to ascertain in-
formation pertinent to the case
is often held before the decision is
made as to what body should hear
the case in women's cases. Only



DIAL NO 2-2513
1'm next on
your happy

Starting Sunday



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I- .. U A UiI


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