Y is 1959
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oups List Orientation Leaders
Gilbert, Sullivan Club Picks
'Pirates of Penzance' Cast
entation group leaders for
pring semester have just been
nced. These students, select-
the League and Union, are
port at 1:30 p.m. Feb. 1 to
atural, Science Auditorium,
iefing and leader packets. *
entation leaders for incom-
omen are the following: Lin-
dams, '61, Judy Boesel,. '61,
h Brouwer, '62, Ann Pear, '61,
in Rhinerson, '61, Patricia.
iki, '61, Carol Ward, '61,
Ann Lentz, '61, Esta Jo
;on, '61, Effie Daley, '61Mu.,
Leventen, '61. Cynthia
'61, Linda Pearlstein, '61,
h Schatz, '61, and Patsy Wil-
iers are: Joan Fink, '61A&D,
ly Stein, '6OEd., Sandra Sha-
'60BAd., Marilyn Baginsky,
'61, Brenda Barrett, '61, Gail
Crow, '62, Mildred Friedman. '61,
Bonnie Pickhaver. '61, Judith Pike,
'62N and Judith Welnberger, '61.
Orientation leaders for incom-
ing men are: Edward Berne, '61,j
Andrew Koran, '62, John Ohlson,
Jr., '60. Glen Rosin, '60, Dave Tay-
lor, '60BAd., Alan Thompson,
'60BAd., Walter Vissotski, '61, Wil-
liam McLaughlin, '61E, John Mer-
tus, '61E, F. W. Oberlin, '60E, Nor-
man Rubin, '61E, and Peter Smith,
Others are: Marvin Herman, '61,
Michael Spitzer, '61, John Ursu,
'61, John Kelly, '61, Robert Leicht-
man, '62, Roger Mumprue, '59E,
Lawerence Voss, '60E, Larry Priest-
man, '61E, Michael Aaron, '60,
Charles Mathews, '61, Robert
Berkoff, '61, Alex Novitzsky, '60,
H. M. Parsons, '60A&D, William
Rude. '6OEd., Fred Woodhams,
'59, Steve Leighton. '61E and John
Rasmussen, '60E.
The recently chosen spring
orientation leaders will serve from
Feb. 1 to 7.
A cast of more than 50 will per-
form in the Gilbert and Sullivan
Society's spring production, The
Pirates of Penzance.
The richly rewarded - Flitt,
Chillblande and Cholmeley, will be
portrayed by David Schwartz,
62SM, John Vavroch, '59SM, and
Gershom Morningstar, Grad., re-
In the guise of the pirates of
Penzance will be Tom Jennings,
'62; Larry Wolf, '59SM- John
Klein, '61; Charles Walton, '61SM;
and Bowen Schumacher, '62.
Their female aides-de-camp will
be Linda Tarr, '62; Carole Wer-
ner, '62SM; Sarah-Jane Weston,
'59SM; Judy Gilden, '59; and Mary
Alice Powell, '59Mu.
There will be a general meeting
of the cast and chorus at 9 a.m.
tomorrow at the League. A re-
hearsal schedule will be set up at
that time and further plans for
the production will be made by
the entire group.
(Use of this column for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations planning to beractive for
the coming semester should register by
Feb. 28. Forms available, 2011 Student
Activities Bldg.)
Baha'i Student Group, weekly meet-
ing, Jan. 15, 8:30 p.m., 725 S. Division.
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
luncheon discussion, Jan. 16, 12 noon,
Guild House.
, * *
Gilbert & Sullivan Society, short gen-
eral meeting of entire cast of spring
production (Richley Rewarded, The Pi-
rates of Penzance), Sat., Jan. 17, 9 a.m.,
Mich. League.
The Daily OfflcIal Bulletin is an
fficial publication of The Univer-
ty of Michigan for which Tne
lchigan Daily assumes no edi-
rial responsibility. Notices should
i sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Aom 3519 Administration Build-
g, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
ablication. Notices for Sunday
ally due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices.
I Students: Before registration pay
University Cashier all money for
h you have been billed and which
raduation Announcements
have arrived at.
Z2 S. tate NO 3-3371
you have not yet paid. Save your re-
ceipts as you may be asked for them
when you register. Your coming regis-
tration and your receipt of first semes-
ter grades depends on prompt atten-
tion to this matter.
Plans for Mid-Year Graduation Exer-
cises: Sat., Jan. 24, 1959, 2:00 p.m.
Time of Assembly - 1:15 p.m. (ex-
cept noted)
Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties at 1:15 p.m.
in Rm. 2082, second floor, Nat. Set.
Bldg., where they mayr robe.-
Regents, Ex-Regents, Dean and oth-
er Administrative Officials at 1:15 p.m.,
in the Botany Seminar Rm. 1139, Nat.
Sci. Bldg., where they may robe.
Students of the various Schools and
Colleges in Nat. St. Bldg. as follows:
Section A: L.S.&A. - front part of
auditorium, west section; Educ.-front
part of auditorium, center section;
Arch. - front part of auditorium, east
section; Law - front part of audi-
torium, east section (behind Arch.)
Section B: Graduate - rear part of
auditorium with doctors at west end;
Pub. Health - Rm. 2004; Social Work
-Rm. 2004.
Section C: Engine. - Rm. 2854; Bus.
Admin. - Rm. 2071; Med. - Rm. 2033
(North end); Nursing - Rm. 2033
(North end); Pharm. - Rm. 2033 (North
end); Music - Rm. 2033 (South end);
Nat. Resources - Rm. 2023; Flint Col-
lege-Rm. 2023 (behind Nat. Resources).
March into Hill Aud. - 1:45 p.m.
Academic Dress.
for the BEST Pizza in TOWN
Also served Monday and Wednesday between 4 P.M. and 8 P.M.
122 W. WASH IN&TON ST. Phone NO 2-9575
At the beginning of the new semes-
ter, more voices will be added to the
mixed vocal group of Univ. students,
assisting in producing the radio music
classroom, "Festival of Song," which is
broadcast twice a week from WUOM.
Univ. Broadcasting Service, to many
elementary schools throughout Mich.
These students will also have an oppor-
tunity to assist in the Spring Festivals
which the Broadcasting Service pre-
sents in many Mich. communities.
Those who are interested in more in-
formtaon and in auditioning for this
group should contact Miss Edythe Al-
bert at WUOM, 5th floor of the Admin.
Bldg. (U. ext. 2761) as soon as possible.
Revision of Women's Hours at the U.
of M. (to be effective Spring Semester,
Feb., 1959)
For "Upperclassmen" (soph., jr., sr.):
1. Hours: 12:00 midnight Sun, through
Thurs.; 12:00 midnight during the ex-
amination period (beginning the night
of the last day of classes and lasting
through the night before the last day
of the examination period.); 12:30 a.m.
on Fri. and Sat. evenings; 1:30 a.m. on
those weekend nights designated by
SGC and approved by Women's Judi-
ciary Council.
2. Extensions: May be gained by in-
dividual application to the house di-
rector and each house director may use
her discretion in the granting of these
extensions. These extensions may be
granted on any day of the week for
"reasonable purposes." (Trip out of
town, parent's visiting, etc.)
Dean's Permissions may still be
gained if needed for class projects or
trips which will last beyond the clos-
ing hour. These include group and in-
dividual permissions.
For Freshmen:
1. Hours: 11:00 p.m. Sun. through
Thurs.; 12:00 p.m. during the examin-
ation period (beginning the night of the
last day of classes and lasting through
the night before the last day of the
examination period; 12:30 on Fri, and
Sat. evenings; 1:30 a.m. on those week-
end nights designated by SGC and ap-
proved by Women's Judiciary Council.
*ALP's-eight (8) Automatic Late Per-
missions, per semester per girl to be
used at the discretion of that girl.
2. Extensions (see above) - may be
gained by individual application to the
house director and each house director
may use her discretion in granting of
these permissions. These extensions
may be granted on any day of the
week (as extensions on regular hours
or Automatic Late Permissions) for
"reasonable purposes." (Trip out of
town, parents' visiting, etc.)
Dean's Permission: (see above).
Closing Hours in Housing Units:
1. Sun. through Thurs.: 10:55 p.m.
(Freshmen may sign out until 11:00
p.m., soph., Jr., sr., until 12:00.)
2. Fri. and Sat.: 12:25 or 1:25 a.m.
1. Irregular hours during the two days
preceding Thanksgiving, Christmas and
Spring vacations.
2. ALPs for upperclassmen.
3. "Senior Hours"-theirs are the same
as sophomores and juniors.
4. The "45 minute extension" plan
for concerts, lectures, etc.
5. Irregular hours during registration
and orientation week (with the excep-
tion of the night reserved for the first
house meeting - See Women's Rules
House Policy Enforcement:
Provisions for house meetings can
be designated by the individual hous-
ing units. This will be enforced by the
house and Women's Judiciary Council.
1. Penalties for lateness:
For the first one to five minutes of
lateness a blanket penalty of J hour
will be given. For each one to five min-
utes lateness following this another %
hour will be given. Example:
1 to 5 minutes late- hour penalty.
6 to 10 minutes late-1 hour
11 to 15 minutes late-%i hours
16 to 20 minutes late-2 hours, etc.
2. Procedure for Signing Out:
Different colored slips will be as-
signed to the freshmen and upperclass-
men. 1) White slips - freshmen (ALPs
Included); 2) pink slips -- sophomores,
juniors, seniors; 3) blue slips - over-
nights for all girls.
3. Determination of Class Standing:
One year of college attendance willI
give a girl sophomore privileges.
4. Duties of the Residence House em-
A. Sun. through Thurs.: 1) Business
desk will remain open until 11:00 in-
stead of 10:30; 2) R.A.s will work fromi
10:45 until 12:00 instead of 10:15 to
B. Business Desk will close at 10:30
on Fri. and Sat. as was previously done.
C. R.A.s will no longer remind the
girls of their late minutes. This will be
up to the House Judiciary Councils. E
D. Doors may be locked or left un-
locked until 12:00. Thi4 is left up to
the discretion of the staffs of each
housing unit, applicable to their own
specific situation.
Summary, action taken by Student
Government Council at its meeting
Jan. 14, 1959,
Approved minutes of the previous
Reviewed appointments to Joint Ju-
diciary Council: John Eisberg, Bruce
Johnson, Betsy Barley, Joel Levin, Ste-
phen Marcus.
Approved change of location for J-
Hop from I-M Building to League.
Tabled motion to request the Board
of Regents to amend the By-Law con-
cerning the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics with respect to stu-
dent representation on that Board.
By a tie vote, defeated motion to
donate profits from sale of UNICEF
Christmas cards to World University
Approved change of date for spring
elections from March 11, 12 -to March
17, 18.
Adopted motion directing the Educa-
tion and Student Welfare Committee
to present at the Feb. 11 meeting, all
information it can gather pertinent to
the proposed merger of Wayne State
University with the University of Mich-
igan Board of Regents.
During the examination period, the
General Library, the Undergraduate Li-
brary, and divisional libraries will be
open on regular schedules, with the ex-
ception of the Physics Library which
will be open additional hours 8 a.m. to
12 noon, Jan. 17 and Jan. 24, and the
Undergrad. Library which will be open
additional hours Sat., Jan. 17 from 6
p.m. to 12 midnight.
Beginning Thurs., evening, Jan. 29,
the General Library and the Under-
grad. Library will close at 5 p.m. Both
libraries will be closed evenings, Sat.
and Sun. between semesters; and, un-
til the opening of the second semester,
will observe the following hours: Mon.
through Fri., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Divisional libraries, with the excep-
tion of the Medical Library, will close
Thurs. evening, Jan. 29, and will fol-
low short schedules thereafter until
the opening of the second semester on
Mon., Feb. 9. The Medical Library will
observe regular hours throughout the
examination period and interim periods.
Schedules of hours following the exam-
ination period will be posted on the
doors of each library, and information
may be obtained by telephoning ext.
"International Living on the Univer-
silty of Michigan. Campus" will be the
topic of discussion conducted by Mr.
Bob Marshall at the Coffee Hour of the
Office of Religious Affairs, 4:15 p.m.,
Fri., Jan. 16, Lane Hall, for all interest-
ed students.
Sarah Brando, Rm. 110 Rackham, Ext.
History 38 -- Final examination, Sat.,
Jan. 24, 9-12 in Rm. 1025 Angell.
History 91-Final examination, Thurs.,
Jan. 29, 9-12. Students with initials
A-M in Room 25 Angell. N-Z in 2225 AH.
Recreational Leadership Course: A
course in Recreational Leadership will
be offered by the Dept. of Phys. Educ.
for women for the spring semester. It
is designed as a survey course for wo-
men students wishing to prepare them-
selves for playground, camp or recre-
ational work. In addition to the usual
class meeting on Fri. from 3:00 to 5:00,
students are required to do volunteer
work in the community. Women inter-
ested in the course are required to make
application. Blanks are available in Rm.
15 Barbour Gym.
Chemistry Time Schedule Change:
Chem. 61 prerequisites should read
Chem. 3 and 4 or Chem. 3 and 8.
Chem 161 prerequisites should read
Chem. 61, Chem. 41.
Chem. 64h prerequisites should read
Chem. 8 or Chem. 15.
Special Seminar: Dr. M. A. Bredig of
Oak Ridge National Laboratory will
speak on "New Investigations of Metal
Solutions in Molten Salts," on Fri.,
Jan. 16, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 1200 Chem. Bldg.
Room Assignments for final examina-
tions: English 23 and 24, Wed., Jan. 21,
2-5 p.m.
English 23: Baker, 229 AH; Barlow,
2223 AH; Barrows, AH Aud. B; Bender,
AH Aud. C; Bennett (2), AH Aud. A;
Bentman (2), AH Aud. A; Billiar, 2412
MH; Black, 3011 AH; Blake, 1007 AH;
Lynn Bloom, 2508 FB; Robert Bloom,
25 AH; Brown, 3017 AH; Buck, AH Aud.
C; Camp (2), 231 AH; Cox (2), 2235 AH;
Creeth (2), 2003 AH; Dale (2), 1025 AH;
Drake, AH Aud. C; Durand (2), 231 AH;
Eastman, AH Aud. C; Engel, AR Aud.
A; Engelberg, 1020 AH; Fanger (2), AH
Aud. A; Frank, 3209 AH; Gaylord (2),
2003 AH; Grace, 2413 MH; Green, 2435
MH; Grenholm, 3227 AH; Grollman,
2439 MM; Hagopian, AH Aud. D; Ha-
vens, 3010 AH; Hillegas, 2440 MM; Hope,
3231 AH; Houppert, 2443 MM; Howes,
2013 AH; Hutton (2), 1035 AH; Jacob-
usse, 411 MH; Johnson (2), 1035 AH;
Kennedy, 5 Econ.; Kenney (2), 33 AH;
Kinney, 2528 FB; Klein (2), 2203 AH;
Kleinberg (2), 101 Econ.; Kleine (2), 101
Econ.; Leach, 103 Econ.; London (2),
2225 AH; Longyear, 435 MH; Lowe (2),
AH Aud. A; Lynch, 439 MM; Mathes
(2), 231 AH; McCubbin, 443 MM; Moore,
447 MM; Mundell, 451 MM; Neale (2), 35
AH; Novak (2), AH Aud. D; Nusbaum,
AH Aud. D; Oakes, 25 AH; O'Donnell,
2014 AH; Orlin, 2016 AM; Paskoff (2),
AH Aud. B; Pattison, 202 Econ.; Paus-
zek, 1408 MM; Pia (2), 1025 AH; Powers,
2037 AH; Pretzer (2), 25 AH; Ruland (2),
2235 AH; Schutter, 203 Econ.; Seward
(2), 1025 AH; Shaw, 207 Econ.; Shoen-
berg, 207 Tap.; Sloniker, 1429 MM; Spil-
ka, AH Aud. B; Squier 1433 MM; Squires,
1025 AH; Sullivan (2), 35 AH; Underhill,
2407 MM; Vance, 2008 FB; Vestner, AR
Aud. B; Waldrop, 2408 MM; Warsinski
(2), AH Aud. B; Wigod, 2215 AH; Wild,
2016 FB; Wolf, 2040 FB.
English 24: Flora (2), 429 MM; Green-
wood (2), 2231 AH; Ney (2), 102 Econ.;
Steinhoff, 417 MM; Thygerson, 1412 MM;
Trousdale (2), 215'Econ.; Whelan, 2518
FB; Zeitlow (2), 203 Tap.
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Eddie Dowling Tonight. The noted
theatrical figure, Eddie Dowling, will
present a lecture-recital "From Shakes-
peare to Saroyan" tonight at 8:30 in
Hill Aud. as the fifth number on the
University Platform Attractions. As
actor, director, producer, playwright,
Mr. Dowling's career in the theatre
covers four decades. Tickets are on
sale today 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m. In the
Auditorium box office.
Guest Organist, Jean Langlais, or-
ganist-composer from the Basilica of
Ste. Clotilde in Paris, will present a
concert on the Frieze organ in Hill Aud.
on Fri., Jan. 16, 4:15 p.m. In addition
to compositions of his own, three of
which will be heard in the U.S. for the
first time, he will include on his pro-
gram compositions by J. S. Bach, Oli-
vier Messiaen, Seth Bingham, Charles
Tournemire and Louis Vierne. Open to
the general public without charge.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Norman
Nathaniel Greene, Poll. Sci.; thesis:
"Jean-Paul Sartre as Critic of Political
Ideologies," Fri., Jan. 16, 4609 H. H.,
3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. H. Meisel.
Doctoral Examination for Arthur Eu-
gene Ravicz, Chem. Eng.; thesis: "Non-
Ideal Stage Multicomponent Absorber
Calculations by Automatic Digital Com-
puter," Fri., Jan. 16, 3201 E. Eng. Bldg.,
2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. T. Banchero.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Coral Tripp, Chem.; thesis: "Studies in
the Chemistry of 1,5-Diaryl-2, 3-Pyrro-
lidinediones and Related Compounds,"
Fri., Jan. 16, 3003 Chem. Bldg., 4:30 p.m.
Chairman, W.R. Vaughan.
Doctoral Examination for David Aug.
ust Smith, Geog.; thesis: "A Geograph-
ic Analysis of Inter-Island Transpor-
tation in the Lesser Antilles and Ha-
N. Universtty
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