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January 13, 1959 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-13

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Library Completes First Year

College Roundup





As Friday the Undergraduate'
ary will be one year old.
summing up its accomplish-
s in its first year, Roberta L
ston, head librarian, said the
ry "has already become an
lectual center for undergradu-+
and, in general, a great edu-
nal stimulus."
ring the past year the library
used by almost one and one-
million people. Mrs. Keniston
ted out that for a comparable
d a year ago, the Library of
ress recorded only three-
ters of a million admissions.
Take 120,000 Books
e Library recorded that 120,-
books were withdrawn for
e use during the past year.
e Lamont Library at Harvard,
ation's only other undergrad-
library, loaned 55,090 books
similar period. The ratio be-
. the number of undergradu-
and the number of withdraw-,
s substantially lower at the
'ersity than at Harvard, she

An additional 260,000 books were
used in the Library itself, bring-
ing the total to almost 400,000.
An analysis released by Mrs.
Keniston revealed figures pertain-
ing to the use of books by class
Grads Use Most
The largest users of the library,
graduate students, accounted for
over one-fourth of books taken
out of the library.
The percentage of usage declined
in proportion with the class's year,
the freshmen bein.; the lowest with
13 per cent.
Faculty and staff accounted for
only four per cent.
Mrs. Keniston pointed out the
success of the reserve book system,
by which a professor may put
books for their courses on over-
night reserve.
Bhe said that this, in conjunc-
tion with the open stacks main-
tained in the Library, has induced
professors to increase their out-
side reading requirements and
writing assignments.
Educational Benefits
She said this might not be the
most popular event of the year,
but it was of definite educational
benefit and students recognized
Mrs. Keniston said book-buying
was almost non-existent because
there were insufficient funds for

-Daily-Robert Kanner
CAMPUS STUDY CENTER - Students- that regularly use the
facilities of the Undergraduate Library have caused the Library
staff to serve almost one and one-half million people and circulate
over 120,000 books during its first year of existence.

An acquisition fund had been!
projected when the Library was
Another result of the low bud-
get has been a need for increased
The present staff has managed
to accommodate the unexpectedly
large number of users only by
exceptionally hard work, she said.
Need Bigger Staff
Commenting on a "serious need"
to increase the "skeleton staff"
presently employed by the Library,
Mrs. Kenniston estimated that
approximately twenty-five new
members, including nine full-time
librarians and 16 student assist-
ants" would have to be added to
the present staff of about one
As to definite plans for the
future, Mrs. Keniston revealed two
The first is the "music to study
by" plan.
The music, to be played for six
hours per week on the second floor,
at its inception, is to start early
next semester, as soon as technical
difficulties are ironed out.
Mrs. Keniston emphasized the

experimental nature of the plan,
saying that it would be imn'iedi-
ately suspended if student reaction
was unfavorable.
To Aid Freshmen
The second idea, aimed at as-
sisting freshmen who will be writ-
ing their initial research paper in
English 24 courses, is to publish
a series of pamphlets dealing with
the organization and function of
the various parts of the library.
The pamphlets will include in-
formation on the use of reference
books, and their value, the peri-
odical indexes, the reserve book
system, and the card catalogue.
The aim of the publications is
either to supplement present data
available or to provide new infor-
Mrs. Keniston said the rationale
for this was to ease the task of
the students in obtaining the ma-
terials for their papers.
Mrs. Keniston revealed that the
whole staff of the Library found
it a very rewarding place in which
to work. She attributed this to
"impressive" attitude on the part
of most students.

IOWA CITY - The first step
in getting a full-scale Honors Pro-
gram is under way in the Liberal
Arts departments of the State Uni-
versity of Iowa, the director of the
Honors Program has said recently.
The program is aimed mainly at
freshmen, but sophomores and
juniors may also be admitted if
they are eligible. Eligibility is de-
cided on a grade and ability basis.
Freshmen are selected on the basis
of their entrance exams.
Sophomores and juniors are eli-
gible on the basis of their dem-
onstrated ability and on the spe-
cial advice of their instructors.
ternities at the University of
Pennsylvania were caught 'dirty
rushing' recently. The Interfra-
ternity Council has as yet taken
no disciplinary action against the
They were caught entertaining
individuals below so ph om or e
standing. These social functions
were not hidden; instead, they
were planned for weekend after-
noons. Nt only have the guests
been entertained, with ref resh-
ments, but, in keeping with the
holiday spirit, gifts have been pre-
sented by members of the frater-
nities involved.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - The "Class
of '66" may be the first to receive
degrees following four years of
study at the University of Illinois'
Chicago Undergraduate Division,
the committee appointed to study
the adoption announced recently.
The group set 1964-65 'as the
year when junior subjects should
C real Urges
Action Now
In .Letter
Republican candidate for mayor
Cecil o. Creak urged immediate
action on Ann Arbor's threatened
gas shortage in telegrams sent
Saturday to Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
lams, Senators Philip A. Hart and
Patrick V. McNamara, and Repre-
sentative George Meader.
Creal's message in part read:
"On Thursday Michigan Con-
soidated Gas Co. announced serv-
ice will be discontinued to three
Ann Arbor schools and ten area
industries effective Feb. 2 . . . The
citizens of Ann Arbor greatly fear
that this ruling may be extended
to other industries.
"Home users fear that the price
of residential heating gas will be
raised in order to replace the lost
supply. We urgently request that
you use every power at your com-
mand to have the Federal Power
Commission rescind this order."
"Many people have expressed
concern over this situation," Creal
explained, "since th official an-
nouncement in last Thursday's
Ann Arbor News. Due to the ur-
gency of the situation I felt that
the proper authorities should be1
conscious of public opinion.
"I trust and hope," he continued,
that the City Council will do
everything in their power to get+
the FPC to act favorable on the
Michigan Consolidated Gas Co.+
"This artificially-created gas
shortage," Creal said, "will be a
recurring problem."

be offered at Chicago and 1965-66
as the date for beginning instruc-
tion in senior subjects. Initially,
the four year campus would in-
clude three colleges and two divi-
sions: Colleges of Arts and Sci-
ences, Commerce and Business Ad-
ministration, and Engineering and
Divisions of Architecture and
Physical Education.
* *.*
MADISON - A merit pay raise
of five per cent for the University
of Wisconsin's faculty members
was assured this week in Governor
Gaylord Nelson s 1959 budget. A
general wage boost of another five
per cent appeared in the offing.
LOS ANGELES - The Regents
of the University of California at
Los Angeles recently called for a
federal loan for construction of
campus parking facilities. The
Academic Senate overwhelmingly
defeated the request. The Board
of Regents has, nevertheless, gone
ahead with plans for obtaining a
PHILADELPHIA - Proposals to
increase the effectiveness of the
University of Pennsylvania's In-
terfraternity Council in fraternity
affairs were presented to the
Council recently. The proposals
encompassed the fields of scholas-
tic endeavors, rushing rules and
internal reorganization of the
The last proposal involves a
complete revision of the rushing
rules to ease the contact rules for
freshmen and to ultimately place
the freshmen in the position to
rush fraternities, rather than the
current practice whereby the fra-
ternities rush the freshmen.
* * *
AUSTIN, Texas - A poll at the
University of Texas recently
showed that student opinion is
mixed on the topic of the serving
of beer in the student union. Many
students said that since the union
was in the prcoess of being re-
modeled, "it would be more con-
ducive to beer-drinking than the
bars in town."
Noble To Talk
On Journalism
Speaking from personal experi-
ence, author John Wesley Noble
will discuss "How to Free Lance
for Magazines-and Stay Alive" at
3 p.m. today in the Rackham Am-
Noble began his writing career
as a sportswriter on the San
Rafael Independent. After several
years as a general assignment re-
porter on the Oakland Tribune, he.
became a full-time free-lance
Noble's articles have appeared in
30 periodicals, including the Sat-
urday Evening Post, Reader's
Digest, Look, Holiday and Popular
Science Monthly. His subjects have
ranged from boar hunting and
whaling to a girls' college and
teenage fashions.
In his 1955 best seller, "Never
Plead Guilty," Noble presents the
story' of Jake Ehrlich, San Fran-
cisco trial lawyer.
In addition to his writing, Noble
does public relations work for two
San Francisco companies.
His lecture is being presented
under the auspices of the journal-
ism department.

"We shall now restate that
last theorem," the University
mathematics professor said as
he turned towards the board In
a recent class.
"Let's see," he continued,
"this goes something as follows:
Given a triangle ABC, with a
potitive number h, there is a
triangle with the same angle-
sum and with one angle less
than or equal to h."
As for establishing the truth
of the theorem, he concluded,
"This is an h of a proof."
Praise New
The appointment of Carl .
Lindstrom to the faculty of the
journalism department next se-
mester has drawn favorable com-
ment from various newspaper edi.
tors across the country, Prof. Wes-
ley H. Maurer, chairman of the
department, said Friday.
Getting Lindstrom is equivalent
to "getting a multi-million-dollar
endowment," a letter from Nor-
man E. Isaacks, managing editor
of the Louisville "Times," stated.
"In my eyes, Carl is one of the
greatest living newspaper editors-
a gentle, courteous man, who has
great courage and vision," he con-
Lindstrom is executive editor of
the Hartford, Conn. "Times."
Commenting on Lindstrom's role
when here, Prof. Maurer explained
that "No pourses have yet been
assigned to him. He will take an
important part in the graduate
program, in the internships, and
in thenewspaper-administration
(Use of this column for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Organizations planning to be active
for the coming semester should regis-
ter by Feb. 28. Forms available, 2011
Student Activities Bldg.)
4 * *
Congregational and Disciples Guild,
Coffee Break, Jan. 13, 430-6 p.m., Guild
Graduate Student Coffee House, Jan.
14, 4-5:30 p.m., Rackam Bldg., 2nd
floor, W. Lounge. All graduate students
* * *
Inter-Cooperative Council Accepting
applications for membership. Room va-
cancies for undergraduate women and
men-Graduate women and men.
Hours: 10-12 a.m.; 2-5 p.m, daily. 10-12
a.m. Saturday. Room 2546 SAB.
Rifle Club, regular meeting and
match with Women's Rifle Club, Jan,
13, 7 p.m., Rifle Range across from UG-L.
Ballet Club, ballet and jazz lessons
given, Jan. 13, 7:15 to 9:30 p.m., Bar-
bour Gym.
* * *
-Ulr Ski Club, meeting -- final be-
tween semester and MISA plans, Jan.
14, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 30. t
* * *
Women's Rifle Club, match with
men's rifle team, Jan. 13, 7 p.m., WA.
Dublin to Iron Curtain; Africa to
Sweden. You're accompanied-not
herded. College ag only. Also short
255 Sequoia (Box 4)-Pasadena, cal.
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Michigan Daily


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lithe look

Local Artists Celebrate Anniversary

sheath, cut pencil
slim, in Lanz
own "Heart-Flower
print on Salitone.
Red, blue, or black

Ann Arbor Art Association, A Sur-
vey of Fifty Years." The informa-
tion was compiled by Prof. Emil
Lorch, formerly director of the
architecture and design school
and Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, for-
merly director of the University
Museum of Art.
Founded Jan. 11, 1909 by Uni-
versity faculty members and Ann
Arbor townspeople, the organiza-
tion assisted in the development o
fine arts at the University with a
program of art lectures and exhi-
Oriental Display Shown
Partly through the efforts o
the Ann Arbor Art Association a
display of Oriental and American
art from a special collection in
Detroit was shown at the dedica-
tion of the Alumni Memorial Hall
in 1910,
During the following years sev-
eral nationally known exhibitions
were brought to the University in
addition to repeated one-man
showings of University faculty
members and artists of the Detroit
To display Yhe work of local
artists, the asso iation has spon-
sored an Annual Exhibition for the
past 36 years. Recently the Youth
Exhibit has been added to its

activities to show the best work
by children in the Ann Arbor pub-
lic schools.
Last year's Annual Exhibition,
the work of 109 exhibitors, dis-
played 217 examples of painting,
sculpture, graphic art and crafts.
JIFC Elects
New Officers
Terry Gallagher, '61, Alpha Tau
Omega, has been elected president
of Junior Interfraternity Council.
The rest of the elected slate
which will head the council
through the next semester includes
Walid Houry, '60E, Phi Delta
Theta, vice-president; James Had-
hey, '61, Phi Gamma Delta, secre-
tary; and Howdey Willet, '61, Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon.
Gallagher succeeds his fraternity
brother Peter Theut, '61, president
during the past semester.
In action at last Wedresday's
JIFC meeting, held at Theta Delta
Chi, Alpha Tau Omegq presented
a Help Week award, to be pre-
sented to the pledge class with the
outstanding record of community
service each semester.

on white.

Lanz circle,
hours ,

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