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January 13, 1959 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-13

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Spirits of '76 Dampened by Regulations of '08

Auxiliary Policemlen Assist
County Defense Measures

"Kag-parties," the d r i n k i n g
vogue of the early twentieth cen-
tury, produced the first in a series1
of University drinking regulations.
The parties, which involved con-
sumption of large quantities of
lager, came to the attention of
the Faculty Senate in June, 1908.
The practice of student organiza-
tions meeting "in rooms or halls
attached to or connected with sa-
loons" was condemned and stu-
dents connected with it subject to
disciplinary action.

der two other regulations for stu-
dent, conduct.
Under P Regents' ruling any
student who disgraced himself or
the University could be dismissed.
Public intoxication was viewed by
th. University Senate as suffi-
cient cause for ousting.
But as in the present circum-
stances the problem of enforce-
ment was a major factor in mak-
ing the drinking laws stick. John


A further regulation in 1909 F TI rria
called for the dissolution of those or U a .
organizations that failed to com-
ply with the ruling on liquid con- "Know as a Normative Concept",
sumption. will be discussed by Prof. Roder-
Prohibition Unique ick M. Chisolm, chairman of the
Prohibition was unique in that philosophy department at Brown
the University apparently had no University, in a lecture at 4:15
regulation but relied on "an un- p.m. today in Auditorium C, An-
written prohibition" to enforce gell Hall.
campus temperance. Cases involv- The lecture is sponsored by the
ing intoxicants were handled um- philosophy department.
"precision, warmth, headlong intensity . . . rousing success"
-New York Times
Friday, February 6, 1959, 8:30 P.M., Ford Auditorium, Detroit
Tickets: $3.30, $2.75, $2.00, $1.65 available at
Disc Record Shop, Ann Arbor
Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra available on LONDON ,f rr RECORDS

Waite, a member of the Discipline league houses, and other organized
Committee in 1923. mentioned that residences plus privatae rooms or
"we could get evidence by waiting apartments with residents under
for a party to foregather." 21
Enforcement Hard By defining they hoped to imply
Waite was stymied by who would that students living at home may
do it, however. He doubted if the drink if their parents allow it.
Regents or the Dean of Men would Further, students over 21 living in
approve of his committee work- private apartments can also drink.
ing to ambush bootleggers and Responsibility Stressed
raid student parties. But in their rationale they were
February, 1931-. the alcohol emphatic about the continuation
bomb exploded with 70 students of student responsibility in con-
being arrested for "being drunk duct. With this went the assump-
and disorderly and with conspir- tion that violations of ordinances
acy to evade the prohibition law." on the local, state or federal level
This time five fraternities were was conduct unbecoming a stu-
placed on social probation, but the dent.
U n i v e r s i t y gained world-wide They further noted that stu-
note. dents in the above two categories
The question of the effect of who had appeared before Joint
liquor on student morale was then Judic came through violation of
brought before the University conduct - drunk or disorderly,
Committee on Student Conduct. speeding under the influence.
This body viewed their use as im- No action was taken on this?
pairing the morale of the organi- definition.
zation. Further application of the
law was made to deal with men's
thile the idea of prohibiting
drinking in fraternity houses was
thought to be sound, enforcement
was considered to be impossible.
A compromise motion in 1937
called imbibing injurious to mor-
ale but only on the disapproved
list of activities.
Professional fraternities at-
tempted to gain an eased set of
drinking rules, but in 1946 the
committee decided that they
didn't deserve favored treatment.
The most pertinent changes oc-
curred as a result of a 1948 inves-
tigation which moved to change
the regulation: "The use or pres-
ence of intoxicating beverages in
student quarters is not permitted."
New Rule Set
In its place was to be substitut-
ed the state and city ordinances
on this matter. This proposal
failed. Joint Judiciary Council at-
tempted to define "student quar-
ters" into six categories.
In addition to dormitories and
affiliate housing, they listed coops,

At basketball games. football
games and other University sports
functions a policeman with an un-
usual patch on his shoulder, may
be seen.
He is one of the 16 Washtenaw
County Emergency Police working
in the Ann Arbor area. These men"
volunteer their services to the
County on a 24 hour a day callI
basis. Aside from their occasional
work at University sports func-
tions. their main duties are to as-
sist in case of any major disaster
in the area.
These 16 men are under the lo-
cal jurisdiction of the sheriff's
and police departments. Their ul-
timate head is Colonel Gerald Mil-
ler, head of the Civil Defense de-
partment in Washtenaw County.;
Undergo Training.
The auxiliary police undergo an
extensive training period under7
the Sheriff's and police depart-1

ments. 'They spend one night a
week for 22 weeks before they are
finished with their program.
Included in their training pro-
gram is an extensive course in
first aid conducted by the Red
Units Coordinated
Within W a s h t e n a w County
there are a total of 54 Auxiliary
Policemen. The other training cen-
ters are in Chelsea and Ann Ar-
All three units are co-ordinated
under the Washtenaw County
Civil Defense Department. Col.
Miller said of these men, "The
auxiliary police operatae on a
strictly voluntary basis, and should
be commended for their perform-
ance of a good civic duty. The
people should be aware of their
contribution to the welfare of the


Bar Path to Learning


Vr L4',kin,
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NO 2-3136

2C Ingrid Curt Robert

Jean Langlais
To Perform
Jean Langlais, composer and
organist from the Basilica of Ste.
Clotilde in Paris, will give a pub-
lic concert at the University at
8:30 p.m. Thursday in Hill Audi-
Included in his program will be
"Fugue in E flat" by Bach, "Les
Mages" by Olivier Messiaen, and
"Rhythmic Trumpet" by Seth
He will conclude his program
with a few of his own composi-
tions, including "Scherzando" and

Daily-Robert Kanner
RACKING UP-Neither snow nor sleet prevents University students from riding their bicycles or
parking them in front of the Undergraduate Library. To alleviate the situation, the Student Gox-
ernment Council has been conducting a campaign to persuade peddling students to use the adjacent
bicycle racks. Hundreds of empty spaces stand only 50 feet from the front of the Library.

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Pete McCullough (center) discusses requirements for new
telephone equipment with Traffic and Plant Managers.

Success story-with a moral to it


Robert G. "Pete" McCullough got his
Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia
in June, 1953. In September, he took
a job selling for a manufacturing firm.
He was hurriedly trained-and, after
23,000 miles on the road, decided he
wasn't fully using his capabilities.
He resigned and contacted his college
Placement Office. Interviews with a
host of firms followed. Pete chose the
New York Telephone Company.
That was April, 1954. He spent the
next 13 months training-getting basic
experience as installer, repairman,
frameman, staff assistant, etc. He was
then appointed Service Foreman.
In January, 1957, he moved over to
the business side of the company. In
May, 1957, he became a supervisor. In
January, 1958, he managed a business

office serving 25,000 customers, with 42
people reporting to him.
In October, 1958, Pete was promoted
again-to District Commercial Mana-
ger. Reporting to him now are two
business office managers, nine super-
visors and 54 service representatives
and clerical personnel. There are 64,000
customers in the territory he heads up.
That's Pete's story-up to now. Fu-
ture promotions depend on him. Op-
portunities are practically unlimited in
the Bell Telephone Companies for Pete
and many young men like him.
Moral: The most capable of men
need good training and honest pro-
motion opportunities to move ahead as
they should. Shop carefully for your
career. And be sure to talk to the Bell
interviewer when he visitsyour campus.

._ _ v __

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