See Page 4
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXIX, No. 84
President Agrees; Senators'
To Meet Mikoyan
Authorities Suspect Red Leader
To Reveal Surprise Berlin Proposal
WASHINGTON (/P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower agreed to
meet Saturday with Deputy SovietPremier Anastas I. Mikoyan, giving
Russia an opportunity to make a new high level move in the East-West
dispute over Berlin.
The White House announced the appointment yesterday as top
officials expressed some concern over the apparent propaganda success
the Soviet leader has scored by his "peace and friendship" remarks'
since arriving 10 days ago.
May Bid for Talks
These authorities appeared split over whether Mikoyan as a grand
finale might drop a surprise German proposal on President
Eisenhower's desk. Some diplomats believed the Kremlin trouble-
Gives Talk
On Religion
The geography of Japan has
greatly influenced its religions,
Prof. Hideo Kishimoto of Tokyo
University told a gathering at the
Rackham Building last night.
The chairman of his university's
department of religions studies,
Prof. Kishimoto said, "'The blood
and culture of the Middle East
has continuously trickled east to
Japan. Once assimilated into her
homogeneous society, Japan's is-
land position has prevented any
serious disruptions due to mass
migrations and extended foreign
occupations," he explained.
Religions Flourish
"We should not assume that the
roles and character of religion In
shooter was saving such a kicker,
perhaps as a bid for a face-to-face
summit meeting between President
Eisenhower and Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev.
To sound out Mikoyan in ad-
vance, Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles set up ,a Friday
morning - date with him at the
State Department. This would con-
tinue the far-ranging 95-minute
talk the two men hedld last Mon-
day emphasizing th9e future of
Berlin and Germany.
Sponsoring Dinner
In a surprise move, Dulles also
made known he would sponsor a
"working discussion" dinner Fri-
day night for Mikoyan who has
insisted he came only or, a holiday
as guest of Soviet Ambassador
Mikhail Menshikov.
A Mikoyan meeting with Secre-
tary of Commerce Lewis L. Strauss
was also reported being arranged
along with a luncheon in his honor
by Sen. Theodore Francis Green
(D-R.I.), chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.n"
Mikoyan's busy schedule when
he returns to the capital, prob-
ably Thursday night, set off a new
flurry of speculation about the real
purpose of his trip to the United
Authorities who have carefully
followed his remarks and smiling
behavior in visits to Cleveland, De-
troit, Chicago, San Francisco and
Los Angeles, "said he apparently
has made considerable impact in
picturing the Soviet government
as reasonable.
O hOrchetra
To Peform
The Boston Pops Tour Orchestra
under the direction of Arthur
Fiedler will present a program of
musical entertainment at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
"Rakoczy March" from "The
Damnation of Faust" by Berlioz
will open the program, followed by
"Overture" to "The Voyage to
Rheims" by Rossini and "Little
Fugue" by Bach-Cailliet.
The program will continue with
"Divertissement" by Ibert and
"TotentAnz for Piano and Or-
chestra" by Liszt, featuring the
pianist Ozan Marsh.
After intermission, the Pops
will play "Russian Easter" by
Rimsky-Korsakov and "Dancing
Through the Years" which was
arranged by Hayman.
Concluding the program, the
orchestra will play the ever-popu-
lar "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,"
from "Roberta" by Kern, and "76
Trombones" from "The Music
Man" by Wilson.~
Vote Kills
WASHINGTON () - In rapid-
fire order, the Senate yesterday
voted down two proposals to make
it easier to shut off filibusters
against civil rights bills and other
First, by a roll call of 67-28, the
Senate defeated a proposal by Sen.
Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill) and other
Northern and Western senators.
It would have permitted filibusters
to be halted by majority vote, 50
of all 98 senators after 15 days.
Then, on another roll call vote,
the Senate rejected a proposal by
Sen. Thruston Morton (R-Ky.)
under which debates could have
been brought to a halt by the votes
of three-fifths of the senators
present and voting.
Forty-three Democrats and 24
Republicans voted against Douglas'
proposal. Twenty Democrats and
eight Republicans voted for it.
Under present rules, it takes the
votes of 66 senators, or two-thirds
of the membership to shut off
debate and force an issue to a
The defeated proposals were
offered in a fight against a for-
( mula sponsored by Democratic
leader Lyydon B. Johnson (D-
The longer the debate ran on
over the issue of curbing debate,
the more apparent it became that
the probable outcome would be a
City Planner
Salary Hiked
The City Council approved the
Planning Commission's request for
an increase in the salary scale
of the Planning Director last
Mrs. Florence Crane, council-
woman from the Second Ward,
moved "to accept the Planning
Commission report and increase
the salary grade from the present
minimum salary of $7,600 to $9,000
per year." The motion was unani-
mously carried.
Mrs. Crane said the Commission
was interested in hiring Joseph
Tamsky of New Britain, Conn., to
fill the Planning Director vacancy.
She continued, "Until now we
have been unable to offer a suffi-.
cient salary, however, in view of
the Council's action, the question
now is whether Tamsky is inter-
ested in coming to Ann Arbor."
The first reading of a zoning
petition to enable Kappa Delta
sorority, 1620 Cambridge, to pur-
chase land behind the sorority, was
passed with a 6-4 majority by the
City Council.
Councilman Carl A. Brauer, Jr.,
Fifth Ward, commented, "Let it
pass the first reading; if there is
protest later on, it can still be
defeated on future reading."
The public hearing for the pro-
posal is at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 2 in
the Council Chambers.
The Council unanimously ap-
proved the Planning Commission
recommendation for approval of
the present proposed site of the
Eastbelt Expressway.
The Mayor, Prof. Samuel J.
Eldersveld of the political science1
department, said he will present
the proposal at the public hearing1
Friday at the Frieze Building.
Cagers Win;
Tidwell Sets
New Records
Special to the Daily
MADISON-Led by sophomore
John Tidwell's record-breaking
scoring effort of 37 points, Mich-
igan's fast-moving cagers swept
to an 84-74 victory over Wiscon-
sin last night to move into a first
place tie with Indiana in the red-
hot Big Ten basketball race.
The cool and calm sophomore
lofted in one-handed jump shots
from all over the court to break
Michigan's away scoring record of
34 points - formerly held by Ron
He also set a. new Wisconsin
field house high, breaking the 34
point mark held by former Badg-
ers Don Rehfeldt and Bob Litzow.
Nets 15 Goals
The 6'3" yearling from Herrin,
Ill., hit 15 field goals from the
floor and made seven out of nine
shots from the foul line. The
Wolverine sensation missed a
chance to tie teammate M. C.
Burton's all-time Michigan scoring
high of 38 points set last month
against Butler, when he missed a
foul shot with less than 10 seconds
remaining in the game.
Michigan needed Tidwell's great
second half effort of 25 points to
hold down a determined Wiscon-
sin team, which struck late in
the second half to slice a Wolver-
ine lead from 22 points to five
with less than two minutes re-
Begins Substituting
Midway in the second half, with
his squad riding the crest of a 15
to 20 point lead, Coach Bill Per-
go began to substitute freely, giv-
ing his tired regulars a rest and
letting several members of his
"weak bench" gain some experi-
However, with Tidwell the only
Regents, Adams Discuss Legal Aspect
As a Wayne merger appeared
closer to reality yesterday, legal
conjectures were brought into the
picture by a state official and
several Regents.
But despite some concern over
details, all seemed to favor the
State Attorney General Paul
Adams indicated he could "con-
ceive of a plan that would be
workable and would be proper un-
der the present constitution,"
;dams Sees Plan
Such a setup would follow pres-
ent constitutional provisions, he
said. with President Harlan
Rebels Stage
Hatcher presiding over the Board s
of Regents which would be in
control. Adams voiced disbelief
that these provisions could be
changed "in any pattern that i
might be set up."
Maintenance of Wayne's auton-
omy concerned Regent Carl Bra- k
"Wayne is unique in being a V'i
metropolitan university in a very
large industrial city, and it is im-
portant thatthe uniqueness not U
be lost." he stressed. "After spend-
ing 15 years near Wayne, I think
very highly of the mission it has
carried forward."
Sees 'Difficulty'
Regent Irene Murphy saw two
problems which a merger might
set aside. She noted Wayne's dis- a
;advantage in not having "legal CLARENCE H1LBERRY
parity" with the other large state
universities, both constitutional . . . seeks merger
bodies. sity that would like to promote the
She also noted "difficulty" the students' welfare.
state may have in finding people "This kind of bold, broadly-
to fill 22 positions on state uni- conceived strategy of higher edu-
versity governing bodies. Previous cation commands respect," he
to the plan for Wayne now in stressed, although "at the moment
effect, only 10 people were needed the subject is still an academic one
to stand for election to these posts. for the regents since nothing speci-
It is possible, she said, that the fic is before them."
strength of the governing boards Regent Roscoe Bonisteel com-
might be "diluted." mented. "Combination would be in
The merger is public business the interests of efficiency and
and is Up to the legislature, Mrs. economy'-the proximity of Ann
Murphy explained. Arbor and Detroit will help elimi-
Legislative Approval Needed nate duplication."
Agreeing with Mrs. Murphy,
Regent Otto Eckert defined a com-
bination as "a question that mustC
logically come before the legis-
lature first.".
He added, "It indicates a chance "
for even more cooperation than
has existed to date. There are some
points that might cause difficulty,
but there are many good points." CLAYTON, Ala. (3-- Circuit
"Strictly Wayne's affair," Re- Judge George Wallace, admitted-
gent Eugene Power called merger y invitng ajji.
Of Alumni
SANTIAGO, Cuba (_P) - Fresh
blood flowed yesterday in revolu-
tionary vengeance against hench-
men of the Batista.dictatorship.
Rebel firing squads reportedly
sent 75 bodies sprawling into one
grave near Santiago in a seven-
hour mass execution.
Eyewitnesses said the con-
demned men were shot in two
groups, one of 14 persons and one
of 61. The scene was the Campo
De Tiro rifle range, dubbed "shoot-
ing field" after a bulldozer scooped
out the 40-yard-long grave.
Decline Comment
Santiago military headquarters
declined official confirmation, but
a huge mound of fresh, raw earth
was found yesterday afternoon at
the site along with cartridge cases
and truck tire tracks. Rebel offi-
cers said the executions went on
for seven hours.
This boosted to about 130 the
number of known executions by
rebel forces since they took over
from President Fulgencio Batista's
crumbling dictatorship on New'
Year's Day.
Eleven other executions were
reported elsewhere in Oriente Pro-
vince. Another 50 Batista support-
ers - mostly police executives,
secret agents and informers-had
been put to death earlier by vic-
torious supporters of Fidel Castro.
More Face Trial
Another 3,000 face trial, includ-
ing Maj. Eulogio Cantillo, who
commanded the armed forces for
a short time after the Batista
government collapsed. He has been
charged by Castro with treason for
allowing Batista to escape.
The bitter feelings sweeping
Cuba were reflected in a special
edition of the weekly news maga-
zine Bohemia published yesterday.
It carried hundreds of pictures
of what it called Batista atrocities
and terrorism and charged 20,000
Cubans had been killed since Ba-
tista seized power in 1952.
Earl E. T. Smith, who resigned
as United States ambassador to
Cuba after the rebels charged him
with being pro-Batista, was as-
sailed by the' magazine as "the
servant of the despot." Smith de-
clined comment.
starter in the lineup, the
Japanese and Western societies
are the same," Prof. Kishimoto as-
serted. Many religions flourish
side by side in Japan with some
people embracing several simdl-
taneously, while in Western cul-
tures one religion usually domin-
ates," he pointed out.
Prof. Kishimoto explained that
religion in Japan is either psycho-
logically or socially oriented.
Among the first group he placed
Shinto, which stresses nature,
deities and the closeness of men.
"Shinto has flourished for over
2,000 years because of Japan's geo-
graphical isolation," Prof. Kishi-
moto said. "The fact that cen-
turies of Japanese have felt the
presence of the deities in the
same forest groves has done much
to strengthen the doctrine.
"This culminated," he brought
out, "in a state Shinto movement,
symbolizing ultra-national feel-
ings, which ended with the World.
War II defeat."
Buddhism "Inner" Oriented
Buddhism is even more "inner"
oriented, Prof. Kishimoto said.
"Without a c o n c e p t of God,
Buddhism advocates the remold-
ing of the mind through intense
mental concentration to eliminate
man's anxiety," he explained.
"Christianity's appeal has large-
ly been to urban intellectuals," he
said, "but all of Japanese society
looks to it in the context of social
principles. Christianity's failure
religiously can be attributed to its
lack of doctrines governing inner
Hlaber Sees
Labor Rise
U.S. on Top
In Missiles,
Nixon Say s
WASHINGTON (p)-Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon has told
Senate associates there is no rea-
son to fear any future "blackmail,
gap" in the relative strength of
United States and Russian mili-
tary power.
Nixon, who sits in on National
Security Council sessions, made
this statement in informal conver-
sations after Sen. Stuart Syming-
ton (D-Mo.) challenged the Vice-
President to prove that this coun-
try now is ahead of the Soviets in
ballistic missiles.
Sen. Symington says he doesn't
know a single expert who would
support Nixon's contention.
When asked if the load would
be too heavy for the Regents, he
answered, "It will take a little
more. but on the other hand, how
could one spend his time better?"
Favors Move
A generally favorable reaction
came from Regent Charles Ken-
nedy. "I have no desire to push
it," he said, "but as of now I am
in favor of it. I would be helpful
to both universities and to state-
wide education-a good move for
everybody concerned."
Regent Donald Thurber was "in-
terester to see the initiative for the
move continuing to come from the
various groups at Wayne Univer-
a Federal Court order yesterday
and refused to hand voter regis-
tration . records to the United
States Civil Rights Commission.
Wallace, with an avowed will-
ingness to "face the consequences,"
turned the records in Barbour
County over to a hurriedly sum-
moned county grand jury. He leftl
it up to the 18 jurors to say
whether the federal agents get to
see the files as part of their in-
vestigation of alleged denial of
voting rights to Negroes.
Four hours after it has been em-
paneled, the jury said commission
agents had been invited to "ex-
imine these records jointly with
University Maintains
Complete Silence
On Proposed Change
The drive to place Wayne State
University under control of the
University Board of Regents
gained momentum on two fronts
"No negative response" to the
plan emerged from an afterno6n.
meeting of the State Council' of
College Presidents, Wayne Presi-
dent Clarence B. Hilberry told The
Among those attending the ses-
sion held at Wayne were Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher
and Vice-President William Stir-
The Council is headed by Hil-
berry, chief architect of the plan.
'Worth Exploring'
Hilberry said the Council felt
the plan "was worthy of much ex-
The group discussed the pro-
posal for "about an hour" Hil-
berry explained. "No action was
taken and I didn't suggest any,"
he said.
Hilberry also conferred with of-
ficers of the Wayne Alumni Asso-
ciation who expressed "strong and
positive feeling" toward the plan,
which would co-ordinate the
schools under the Regents while
leaving both independent.
A trio of University officials,
meanwhile, tried to maintain an
official silence.
"This is a matter which should
properly originate with Wayne,"
President Hatcher declared, re-
iterating the statement he issued
last Tuesday.
He admitted that, "it's quite
possible that a merger could work
to some advantage, with greater
economy to the state."
Stirton, a former vice-president
at Wayne, said the University
would be in an "untenable posi-
tion" were it to issue a fuller state-
Detailed Statement Unwise
Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-presi-
dent and dean of faculties, agreed
it would be unwise for the Univer-
sity to release a more detailed
statement, "Any talk of a merger
assumes the Wayne Board of Gov-
ernors likes the idea," he pointed
The Wayne Board, which dis-
cussed the proposal with Hilberry
last Monday, is scheduled to meet
Jan. 21.
At that time, some sort of offi-
cial recommendation is expected.
Thus far, no strong negative re-
actions have come from Univer-
sity Regents, or from the faculties
of either school.
Union Seeks
NEW YORK M - The Inter-
national Longshremen's Assn.,
kicked out of the AFL five years
ago for harboring criminals, was
reported yesterday to be seeking
membership in the AFL-CIO.
Top officers of the ILA, headed
by Capt. William Bradley, signed
the application for admission In
the merged labor movement at a
meeting last Friday, according to
published reports.
Louis Waldman, attorney for
the union who was said to have
drawn up the application papers,
declared, however, he would neith-
er confirm nor deny the reports.
The move was said to be the
ILA's first formal application to
reaffiliate, although informal
overtures had been rejected in the
Government To Finance
Space Travel Program
WASHINGTON (IP)-The United States took a step yesterday
toward sending the first American into space.
It did so in selecting a firm to design and build a space capsule.
This is the chamber scientists hope will carry a man into orbit
around the earth and return him safely after a space flight of perhaps
24 hours. The purpose is to study how he reacts to weightlessness
during orbital flight, to high acceleration during launching and to
'high deceleration during re-entry
into the earth's atmosphere.
Fraternities Construct 'Ski-Run,
Ice Rink
It hasn't snowed in Ann Arbor
since Jan. 4, the day most students
returned to school after Christ-
mas vacation.
And it's not likely to today, the
Weather Bureau reports. The high
for today is predicted to be 34 de-
But if residents of the city are
down-hearted, they aren't show-
ing it. Particularly enterprising in
their use of what snow and ice we
have are the University's fraterni-
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, for exam-
pie, has installed what one mem-
ber described as a "ski-run," on
the slope of the Mud Bowl at
Washtenaw and South University.
Yesterday afternoon. activity at
the "ski-run" seemed largely con-
Two Years Before Flight
A spokesman for the National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration said it will be at least two
years before such manned space
flight can be attempted.
The capsule containing le
pioneer man in space will be sent
aloft by an Air Force Atlas Inter-
continental Ballistic Missile, the
NASA spokesman said. Later
flights will use much more power-
ful rockets now under develop-
Nobody has been picked yet to
make that first trip into space,
but NASA already is giving
thought to this matter. There have
been a number of volunteers, but
space agency officials said most
of these are not being considered
Begin Negotiations
The manned satellite program
has been given the name project
Mercury, In Roman mythology,
M.,,, a,, h intr mcPrp