ockweil Advisor Travels Extensively
By JEAN HARTWIG 1946, added that her home in lic schools more generally at-I
ith a twinkle in her eye, stockholm, Sweden was usually tended than the private schools,
ierly looking Mrs. Gurli Bo- Iwhich were formerly preferred.
r, assistanat director of Stock- full of young people. After her
Hall expaind tht shiha own children - three sons and a With lower fees, competition for
Hal, explained that she has wgher - rew up and grades is much stiffer. but it is,
ys loned young people. felt she anted to remain with better to have competition before'
rs. Bolinder, who came to the one enters college or later in life,
ed States for the first time in young people. one ente .
"So I made up my mind to stay she commented.
in this country and become a sort Asked to compare her experi-
of a career girl, as one of my ences in a coeducational school
friends calns me," the gray- and an all-girls' school, Mrs. Bo-
haired housemother chuckled. linder said every school is so dif-
ferent she can't compare them
Since settling in the United andish thinks it "very unwise"
Asked her opinion of the effect
of Socialism on Sweden's indi-
vidual enterprise system, she
thought for a minute before ex-
pressing her belief that one has
to work to appreciate rewards.
She thinks the danger in the new
system is raising taxes so far that
there is no longer any incentive
for working.
"This sort of kills the joy for
work. People don't work for
money only, also to bring out the
best in you."
"There will always be a need
for top people in the world-this
is a wonderful challenge for young
people. They have to live up to
this universal interest and bring
further world understanding," she
Congregational and Disciples Guild, Hours: 10-12 a.m.: 2-5 p.m. daily. 10-12
Jan. 11, 7 p.m., Congregational Church. a.m. Saturday. Room 2546 SAB.
Speaker: Rev. Ernest Klaudt (Evangel-
ical & Reformed Church), "The Meet- Lutheran Student Assoc., supper. 6
ig of Two Traditions." p..Jan.711. Lush. Student Center.
ing o TWOSpeaker at 7 p.m.: Prof. P. G. Kauper,
* . . his experiences in Poland.
Gamma Delta - Lutheran Student
lp.m, 1pper ashtena S desan. 11, 6w Mich, Christian Fellowship, Jan. 11,
psi4 p.m., Lane Hall. Speaker: Brooks San-
* * ders. "Joy, Within or Without?"
Graduate Outing Club, winter sports, *
Jan. 11, 2 p.m., meet in back of Rack- Young Friends, dinner, Jan. 11, 6 p.m.,
ham Bldg. (N. W. entrance). Friends Center (1416 Hill).
Inter-Cooperative Council Accepting Young Friends, meeting. Jan. 11, 7:30
applications for membership, room va- p.m.. Friends Center (1416 Hill). Speak-
cancies for undergraduate women and er: Grey Austin, "Religion and Mental
men - graduate women and men. Health."
Pick up and Pay for
Basement of S.A.B.
Monday thru Friday ... 1-5 P.M.
.r s - : . ,..I-
.. ."loves young people"
Icre cCahI
The newly elected officers for
Alpha Phi Omega, National Serv-
ice Fraternity, are: president,
Martin Drillich; vice-president,
Timothy Mino; secretary, Mel
Perlman; and treasurer, Paul Nida.
* * *
Armin E. Jocz, '59E, and Richard
E. Martens, '59E, were recently
elected to the 'position of members
at large for the Engineering School
The announcement was made by
Jorge C. Boehringer, '59E, who is
president of the Council.
* . *
Seniors may still order their
caps and gowns.
No deadline has been set but
orders should be placed as soon as
rStatesin 1951, Mrs. Bolinder has
traveled extensively from coast,
to coast, trying to see "as much
as possible."
"I never travel without a pur-
pose," she said., "I always go to
a place to learn something. My
search for knowledge is constant."
Mrs. Bolinder first worked in af
small boarding school in the
mountains of California and dur-
ing her years in this country she
has lived with various American
families. She considers this very
valuable exp'erience.
During this Christmas vacation,
she traveled through Mexico on a
guided tour, because she doesn't
speak Spanish and was unfamiliar
with the country. She was espe-
cially impressed by the Univer-
sity of Mexico.
"It surpassed all my expecta-
tions," ' she explained. "It was
modern, but oh, so . . . well, it
was really wonderful to see. I'
liked the murals and architec-
ture and the swimming pool was
out of this world."
She also noted the low tuition
of $18-$40 per year, but added
that "most of the miners and
farmers work for about 12 pesos
--about $1 per day."
After attending a finishing
school in Germany and spending
a year in Englandlearning Eng-
lish, the petite house director now
speaks Swedish, French, German
and English with only a trace of
an accent.
She learned French when she
was eleven years old, English in
the eighth school year and Ger-
man in her tenth year of school.
Mrs. Bolinder, who goes to her
home in Sweden every summer,
thinks that Socialization is
"changing" the schools. The gov-
ernment is gradually making pub-
to generalize.
"I believe in the individual. Ev-
erything is up to the individual-
it's all what he makes it. The
best young people today are won-
derful in what they accomplish,"
she said.
Gilbert & Sullivan Society
To Hold Tryouts for Show
League for all those interested in
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society trying out for tlh.e principle parts,
is looking for people to take part chorus, or production crew.
in its spring semester production, The 10 principle roles cover all
"The Pirates of Penzance," Fred voice ranges and will require the
Rico, '59E, publicity manager, said. talents of experienced singers.
An organizational meeting will No Experience Required
be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the The chorus, however, will give
all those who like to sing in the
e Chooses shower a chance to sing in public.
Society No previous singing or dancing
.r dexperience is required for these
MiengesPresident parts, and persons from all schools
and colleges in the University are
Charles Menges, '61L, has been welcome to,-audition.
elected president of the Gilbert The plot of "Pirates," or "The
and Sullivan Society for the spring Slave of Duty," concerns a young
semester. man who was indentured to a
Working with him in her capa- group of pirates when he was a
city as new vice-president will be baby. When he is 21 years old, the
Judy Gilden, '59, Dick Osius, '59, indenture is to be completed.
treastirer, and David Schwartz, However, it turns out that since
'62Mu, secretary, are also among his birthday is on February 29,
the society's newly elected officers. when he is 21 years old he has
Occupying other positions in the served the pirates for only five
group are Jan Willoughby, '60, who years. The difficulty is resolved
will coordinate the production and with the help of the tough but,
Fred Rico, '59E, who will handle gentle pirates, a major-general
the publicity, who has numerous daughters and
Terry Rodeer,'60iya group of scared policemen who
Terry Rodefer, '60, is the new
librarian and Marshall Kievet, pursue the pirates.
'59E, and Carolyn Strutz, '60, are Large Crew Needed
program co-chairmen. Because of the size of the pro-!
_ duction, a great many students
will' be needed for construction,
make-up and costuming jobs, as
well as instrumentalists for a
large orchestra, Rico said.
The spring semester production
will mark the 24th consecutive
production of the local Gilbert and
Sullivan group, which is composed
of students who enjoy the works of
the English masters of musical
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