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January 11, 1959 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1959-01-11

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By JUDITH DONER form Attractions, Dowling will i He wrote and acted in one of
read portions from "Richard II," the first "talkies," "The Rainbow
University students will be able "Hamlet," "The Glass Menagerie," Man" and exhibited his talents to
o witness a performance by one "Time of Your Life," "Shadow and theatre-goers everywhere as co-
f the most versatile men in show Substance" and "The Iceman author, co-producer and star of
usiness, if they make it a point Cometh." "Sally, Irene and Mary." The latter
o be at Hill Auditorium at 8:30 "Here Come the Clowns" and production ran a year on Broad-
.m. Tuesday. "Angel in the Pawnshop" will also way, two years on the road and
At that time, actor, director, be included in his repetoire. was sold to the moving picture
roducer and playwright Eddie Although Dowling has had his industry four times.
)owling will deliver a lecture- hand in every niche and cranny of In 1926, he continued his suc-
ecital of excerpts from his favor- the American theatre, Broadway is cess, starring in "Honey Moon
te productions "From Shake- most indebted to him for improv- Lane," a show which introduced
peare To Saroyan." ing its aesthetic standard, famed Kate Smith to the world. Dowling
Presented as the fourth in the drama critic George Jean Nathan had discovered Miss Smith work-
current series of University Plat- has indicated. ing as a lady barber in Washing-
;_"I can think of no other present ton,
producer," Nathan said, ". . . whose With "Big Hearted Herbert"
________honest and closest desire is to and "Fall Guy," Dowling chalked
o u r bring to our theatre that type of up two more successive hits.
drama which possibly departs the The year 1932 found Dowling
security of the box-office for a and his wife, Ray Dooley, making
brave flight into those upper personal appearances at the Capi-
a bushel reaches of a human spirit far re- tol Theatre on Broadway where
moved from Broadway." they were earning $5,000 a week.
in. 14Dowling has made and lost a Rather suddenly, Dowling decided
fortune in attempting to bring to to quit the song-and-dance rou-
the theatre the challenging and tine. It proved to be for good.
a d uUsing the imagination and cour-
age for which he has been highly
praised, in 1936 he produced Rich-
Cs of Books ard II introducing Maurice Evans
and Margaret Webster to Broad-
way. This was the first time it had
I been played in America since the
days of Edwin Booth.
He brought Sir Cedric Hard-
NO2-5669 wicke and Sara Allgood to Ameri-
ca for "Shadow and Substante."
He starred himself and Julie Hay-
don in William Saroyan's "The
Time of Your Life," which was the
irst play to win both the Pulitzer
Prize and the Drama Critic's
In his 1945 production of "The
Glass Menagerie," he brought back
ING one of America's greatest ac-
tresses, Laurette Taylor, to play
opposite him. The following year
e. 7-30 he directed Eugene O'Neill's "The
EDDIE DOWLING Iceman Cometh."
.. . to perform here His most recent contribution
unorthodox works of new play- was the controversial Broadway
wrts.dHewars hefrstpduy-rdrama "The Righteous Are Bold,"
wrigh -He was the first producer which he produced in 1956.

City Foster
Child Group
To Expand
An open meeting of an Ann
Arbor group interested in spread-
ing the work of the Foster Parents
Plan. Inc. will be held at 8 p.m.
tomorrow at St. Andrew's Epis-
copal Church. Mrs. Mary Alston.
wife of Prof. William P. Alston of
the Philosophy Dept., said.
One of the founders of the local
group. Mrs. Alston explained that
the Foster Parents Plan is an
international organization through
which people in the United States
contribute money and necessities
such as clothing to children in
foreign countries who are victims
of war or whose parents are too
poor to take care of them properly.
Representatives of the organiza-
tion stationed in the foreign coun-
tries visit the children and tell the
foster parents what the children
need, Mrs. Alston explained. In
this way the foster parents know
what to send in packages on spe-
cia. occations such as Christmas
and birthdays.
Children write to their foster
parents approximately once a
Mrs. Alston said that the local
group is trying to interest more
housing units to sponsor foster
children. Mary Tower, president
of Pan-Hellenic; Patricia Mar-
thanke, president of Assembly. As-
sociation and John Gerber, presi-
dent of Inter-fraternity Council,
have expressed interest in the pro-
gram, she explained.
The informal group will have
regular meetings, Mrs. Alston said,
where members will be able to ex-
change irVformation about their
children and try to get other peo-
ple interested in the plan.
Anyone interested in the pro-
gram but cannot attend the meet-
ing tomorrow, Mrs. Alston said,
should contact her or Mrs. William

'U' TV Service Reschedules
'Science: Quest, Conquest'

One of the University televi-
sion service's programs has been
re-scheduled at a more conveni-
ent time for viewing.
The series, Science: Quest and
Conquest, will now be seen at 1
p.m., Sunday, on WWJ-TV (Ch.
4, Detroit) instead of at. 10 a.m.
Prof. Garnet R. Harrison, Direc-
tor of Broadcasting, said he ar-
ranged the new time with WWJ-
TV because of complaints from
many long-time viewers about
the inconvenience of the morning
hour. "We think we will double
our viewers now," he said.
Because the series will only be
a half hour instead of an hour,
the listing of the program has
been changed from "TV hour" to
"U of M Presents," Prof. Garri-
son said.
Today, the series will be on
man's discoveries of power. En-
titled "The Discovery of Power,"
Prof. Marston Bates, of the zo-

ology department, will use billiard
balls to bring to life the electron
theory of electricity.
To Show Other
Today, local viewers also will
be able to see two other Univer-
sity television programs. The two
programs, "Accent," and "Under-
standing Our World" are seen lo-
cally on WXYZ-TV (Ch. 7, De-
The lie detector will be ex-
plained on "Understanding Our
World" at 9 a.m. The program will
show how it works and what it
To Show Limits
Detective Sergeant Frank Bark-
man of the Michigan State Po-
lice will then put the machine
through its paces in a hypotheti-
cal crime.
The conclusion of the program
will feature a discussion on the
limitations of the detector.

New Law School Course Announced


dealing with purely technical law. tions faced by the Japanese in
As the course has been planned, respect to California's land owner-
each student will prepare a paper ship laws; and the legal problems
and defend it against the criticisms involved in housing and school
of his fellow students. segregation.
Prof. Kimball said that the The members of the seminar
papers he expects to receive can will be required to read four books
be divided into two categories, old which Prof. Kimball said will be
and contemporary problems. The the basic non-legal background
former might include a work on: material for this seminar. Prof.
the method by which the legal Kimball considers "Nature of PreJ-
institution of slavery came into udices" by Gordon Allport to be
existence in the United States; the most important of these books.
and the legal method by which the The remaining three are Oscar
slave population was kept under Handlin's "Race and Nationality
control. in American Life" and "The Up-
Studies on the latter topic might rooted," and "The Negro in Ameri-
involve the goals of a democratic ca" by Arnold Rose.
society in its relation to minority Prof. Kimball concluded that
groups; the findings of the social this is "not a course in segregation
psychologist concerning the hous- as such but in race and nationality
ing of minority groups; and the problems, of which segregation is
exploration of the legal implica- but bne."


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