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January 11, 1959 - Image 1

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



. LXIX, No. 83




Ike May Reject
Democrats' Bills
Measure To Boost Airport Funds
Vetoed by President Last Year
WASHINGTON (.P)-The Democratic-dominated congress appar-
ently is going to present President Dwight D. Eisenhower quickly with
a series of bills he may feel he has to veto.
Democratic leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas obviously is
hurrying the Senate through its controversy over filibuster rules to
clear the way for speedy action on a legislative program.
High on the list of measures Johnson wants to lay on President
Eisenhower's desk is an airport bill similar to one the President
vetoed lasf year on the ground there should be more local participation
in the jet-age expansion program. Sen. A. S. Mike Monroney (D-Okla.)
expects to hold hearings quickly on this measure and have it ready


Judge Sloan
Race Bars
ATLANTA (P)-Racial bars at
units of the university system of
Georgia were struck a crushing
blow by a federal judge yesterday.
United States District Judge
Boyd Sloan ruled that the Georgia
State College of Business Ad-
ministration, second largest in the
system, cannot deny admission to
Negroes on the basis of race and
color alone.
While yesterday's order applies
only to the 5,550-student Atlanta
Institution, it struck down a key
regulation of the university system
for maintaining segregation. That
was a requirement that applicants
must be endorsed by alumni of
the institution to which they are
seeking admission,
And Sloan's broad order also
declared that operation of the
At nta college on a racially segre-
gated basis is "violative of the
rights secured to plaintiffs, and of
rights secured to other Negro stu-
dents of Georgia, who are similarly
situate, by the due process and
equal protection clause of the 14th
As Georgia Atty. Gen. Eugene
Cook was quick to point out, Sloan
did not order admission of the
plaintiffs - three Negro women -
to the Atlanta school. He said they
were qualified to apply and have
their applications considered.
The State likely will appeal. And
even if the judge declines to stay
his injunction pending a final rul-
ing, the three applications still
will have to be processed. And
Sloan said in his ruling that two
of them may not be qualified as
to moral character for admission.
So it still will be some time yet
before a Negro is actually admitted
to a previously all-white state cl-
lege. Under Georgia law, that
would close the unit by cutting off
its funds,
At this time, there are no other
Negro applicants for admission to
white units of the university sys-
tem. But Cook conceded that some
may be filed in the wake of Sloan's
Court Order
Won't Help'
Lipman Says
"The Federal Court order to
integrate won't alleviate the pres-
ent situation," Ira Lipman of Little
$ook commented yesterday.
Lipman, a freshman at Ohio
Wesleyan University visiting Ann
Arbor, was involved in the efforts
to integrate Little Rock's Central
and Hall high schools last year.
In September of 1957 he appeared
on a nationally televised program
and denounced the segregation
policy of Arkansas Governor Orval
A. aubus,
The mandate from the Federal
Court offers no real plan for ac-
pomplishing integration, he said.
"What may help are present condi-
tosin Little Rock caused by the
co sd public school," Lipman
Parents who are forced to pay
taxes on the non - functioning
sebools must send their children
to private schools out of the state
or pay to attend the private high
school in Little Rock. "This double
expense has irritated a large seg-
ment of the population who had
tAvnrd wnihais' nln T.Lnmian

pfor senate consideration. The bill
would boost present federal
matching funds from 63 million
dollars to 100 million annually for
five years, with an additional spe-
cial fund of 75 million dollars that
need not be matched.
Behind the airport bill is likely
to be an omnibus housing measure
providing federal assistance far in
excess of the amount President
Eisenhower is expected to recom-
It may take some time for the
Democrats to agree on a farm
program. But when they do it is
not likely to coincide with Presi-
dent Eisenhower's general State of
the Union proposals for lowering
federal spending in this field while
giving farmers more planting and
marketing freedom,
Staff Chiefs
Back Budgyet
WASHINGTON (A')-- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will have
full backing from the Joint chiefs
of staff for his defense budget for
the year starting next July 1, the
White House said yesterday.
Press Secretary James C. Ha-
gerty made this statement, to
newsmen in commenting on a New
York Times story that "the Presi-
dent's confidence in the chiefs'
backing, despite contrary intima-
tions from the Pentagon, was re-
ported to have developed in an un-
announced meeting at the White
House Dec. 2."
Hagerty confirmed that the
President had the military chiefs
to dinner that night, but said they
frequently confer at the White
House both on and off the record.

To Castro
HAVANA (P)-Fidel Castro ap-
parently emerged victorious yes-
terday in his battle for peace
within the revolutionary move-
One rival rebel unit yielded up
a big store of arms. Another said
it would do so. Both pledged sup-
port for the new provisional gov-
Surrender Arms
The student-supported Revolu-
tionary Directorate surrendered at
Camp Colombia the supply of
arms and ammunitions it had
seized at the San Antonio Air
Force Base southwest of Havana.
Informed sources said the sur-
render was negotiated at a pre-
dawn conference between Castro
and Maj. Faure Chaumont, com-
mander of the directorate, where
Castro demanded the arris turn-
Maj. Antonio Santiago Garcia
of the directorate supervised the
handover for his side.
Want Greater Representation
Castro's men still awaited the
arms delivery of the second na-
tional front of Escambray. Both
it and the Revolutionary Director-
ate wanted greater representation
in the new government of Presi-
dent Manuel Urrutia.'°
Friday Castro publicly accused
Maj. Chaumont of hostility to the
26th of -July movement. He de-
clared some rebel leaders were the
worst enemies of the revolution,
and criticized Chaumont harshly
for seizing the ammunition at the
air force base.
Later, Chaumont told a news
conference his group was ready to
deliver the arms and "do all neces-
sary for the tranquility of the Re-
'Not Officer'
Student Says
Javier Palacios, '61E, reported
yesterday that his father had
never been associated with the
Batista government. The Cuban
student, who arrived in Ann Arbor
Thursday, stated that his father
was a Havana businessman.
Taquel Marrero, '59Ed, had
previously reported that one of
the University students from Cuba
was the son of a high-ranking
Batista officer.







Deems Bid De Gaulle's Plans Create Protests

New Treaty


Eisenhower, Mikoyan
To Discuss Plan
WASHINGTON () -- Russia's
surprise bid for a hurry-up 28-
nation German peace conference
is unacceptable as it stands, diplo-
matic officials said yesterday.
But they promised careful study
to see whether the move opens new
possibilities for actual negotiation
of German issues.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Soviet Deputy Premier Anas-,
tas Mikoyan are sure to discuss
the Russian proposal when they
meet here late next week. The
timing of Moscow's announcement
yesterday, in fact, may have been
determined by Mikoyan's impend-
ing meetings with President Eisen-
hower and Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles.
White House news secretary
James C. Hagerty disclosed that
the tentatively selected date of
Jan, 19 or 20 had been changed
and ,that a new date will be an-
nounced tomorrow for Mikoyan's
call at the White House. The rea-
son for the change, it was learned,
is that President Eisenhower's
schedule then is dominated by his
plan to welcome President Fron-
dizi of Argentina to Washington
Jan. 20.
Authorities said yesterday Mi-
koyan will probably see President
Eisenhower next Saturday instead.
He is now touring this country,
makingbspeeches urging more
trade, better understanding and
better relations between the United
States and the Soviet Union and
calling for settlement of outstand-
ing issues.
But a week-long analysis of
Mikoyan's talks with Dulles, Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon and;
many private citizens and diplo-
mats here last Sunday and Mon-
day has led state department offi-
cials to the conclusion that so far
he has failed to produce any real
sign of concession on ending the
occupation of Berlin or on any
settlement of broad German issues.
Thus, it is felt, Mikoyan has
done nothing to, break the real;
east-west deadlock over Germany
although he has done quite a bit
to make the image of the Soviet,
leadership in the United States
more popular and acceptable.-
Initially United States officials
found the same kind of basic
tough insistence on acceptance of

PARIS (")-Frenchmen began
to understand truly this week the
depth and -force of the de Gaulle
revolution with its new taxes, im-
posed austerity and concentration
of governmental power.
The cries have begun to mount.
There are even cries against Gen.
de Gaulle, a thing almost unheard
except in Communist quarters
since the wartime leader took
peacetime authority seven months
For the time being the cries are


Ike's Speech
World Says
LONDON (R)--The Daily Tele-
graph, a conservative newspaper,
said editorially yesterday President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's message
to Congress contained "little valu-
able information about the state
of the union."
The influential Times was not
as critical as The Telegraph, say-
ing President Eisenhower "merely
sought to convey the climate in
which his administration could
function." It added:
The middle-of-the-road Paris
newspaper Le Monde described the
speech as "moderate, neutral and
colorless." An article under a
Washington dateline said Presi-
dent Eisenhower, expecting a
hostile Congress, "sought refuge
in generalities and did not resist
the temptation of resorting to
No editorial comment appeared
in Moscow newspapers. They pub-
lished a short Washington dispatch
from Tass, the official news
agency, that stressed heavy United
States military expenditures.
In Vienna the Austrian Com-
munist party newspaper Volks-
timme claimed President Eisen-
hower's message and his prospec-
tive budget "are oriented on the
continuation of the cold war and
the armaments race." The Com-
munist Eastern European Press
and Radio took a similar slant.
. Anti-Communist newspapers in
Vienna frontpaged President Ei-
senhower's message under such
headlines as "U.S.A. Will Not Yield
to Aggression," and "Eisenhower
-No Confidence in Moscow Prom-
In Japan, Asahi, the country's
largest national daily, said the
message "lacks appeal or anything

not going to have much effect. De
Gaulle seems to know what he
wants. He believes the country
wants what he wants.
In his 500-word inaugural speech
on Thursday when he became
president he used a word to de-
scribe his power and his intentions
that no executive in nearly a
hundred years would have dared to
De Gaulle said he would do what
was good for the Fifth Republic
and for the French community. If,
necessary for the public good, he
added, he would even "impose"
what was called for.
Impose is a strong word. Many
Frenchmen and North Africans
suspect it had a specific reference
to de Gaulle's effort to bring about
a settlement in Algeria.
That remains his biggest prob-
lem. The war there is draining
away a. billion dollars a year
France needs for new housing, new
equipment and to pay foreign
In the next to final paragraph of
his speech--the paragraphs just
before the word "impose" was
used -de Gaulle said a chosen
place was going to be worked out
for Algeria in the French com-
munity. He said the territory
would develop its own personality.
The determined colonials in
North Africa, now with new voices
in the national assembly, spoke
out in protest. They suspect a
Dutch Reports
On Molotov
THE HAGUE (IP)-Dutch offici-
als gave conflicting statements
yesterday as to whether the Soviet
Union has issued feelers regarding
Dutch reaction to the possible ap-
pointment of ex-Foreign Minister
V. M. Molotov as ambassador to
The Hague.
A high government official said
Moscow had asked several weeks
ago whether Molotov wouldebe
A spokesman for The Nether-
lands foreign ministry commented
later this was not true. But other
government sources said the min-
istry declined confirmation because
the exchange had not been of an
official nature.
The government official said the
Dutch government replied about
10 days ago "that there will be no
objection to the appointment of
Molotov as ambassador to the




Gaullist intention to gryve Algeria
a status far different than com-
plete integration with Frande,
A sharp indication of what the
general may be thinking came in
unofficial reports that Algerian
leaders now in Jail or In forced
residence will be given new privi-
leges, a stage short of liberty.
Most immediately a f f e c t e d
would be the five Algerians head-
ed by Ahmed Ben Bella who were
captured in October, 1956, by a
police trick which dumped them
into the hands of the French
army in Algerial.
The report is they will be taken
out of a Paris prison and put un-
der pleasanter surveillance on an
offshore island.
Case Sees
Rules Shift
WASHINGTON () -Sen. Clif-
ford P. Case (R-N.J) said yester-
day he believes there is a real
chance the Senate will revise its
rules to allow three-fifths of the
members to cut off a filibuster.
This would be a middle ground
solution between the bare ma-
jority proposed by Sen. Paul H.
Douglas (D-Ill.) as a substitute
for the two-thirds majority urged
by Democratic leader Lyndon B.
Johnson of Texas.
Southern Senators Against
Douglas advanced his proposal
in behalf of a bipartisan bloc of
northern and Western senators
who so far have been routed in the
rules battle by the forces led by
Johnson, Southern senators are
Math Parlay
To illustrate a theorem, a
University mathematics profes-
sor threw a penny out the win-
dow of his third-floor classroom
in Angell Hall recently.
The next day his students de-
lightfully watched the expres-
sioir on his face as he walked
into the room and found 21
pennies on the center of his
Rapidly withdrawing a five-
dollar bill from his wallet, the
professor strode over to the
vigorously defending the tradition
of unlimited debate which they
have used in the past against civil
rights bills.
Case, a leader of the anti-fili-
buster coalition, acknowledged in
an interview that probable defeat
lies ahead for the Douglas pro-
posal for debate limitation by the
votes of 50 senators, or a bare
majority of all 98 senators.
Sees 'Real Chance'
But he said he sees a real chance
for a proposal by Sen. Thruston
B. Morton (R-Ky.) to permit fili-
busters to be halted by three-
fifths, or 60 per cent, of the sena-
tors present and voting.
Other senators also have indi-
cated they believe opponents of
Johnson's compromise resolution
will attain their peak strength on
the vote of Morton's amendment.
Under Johnson's proposal, fil-
busters could be choked off by
two-thirds of the senators present.
The present rule requires 66votes,
or two-thirds of the entire Senate
membership, to limit debate.
NSA To Hold
Seminar at U'

The Michigan Region of the
National Students Association will
hold an International Student

1954 Draft
Change Proposes
Free West Berlin
Until Reunified
MOSCOW (P) - The Soviet
Union yesterday proposed the
speedy negotiation of a German
peace treaty as a step toward settl-
Ing the West Berlin problem.
It suggested a 28-nation peace
conference in Warsaw or Prague
within two months. The proposal
was made in a 12-page note to 27
other countries which fought'
against Hitler's forces in World
War II.
Distribute Proposal
With it -the Kremlin distributed
a 25-page proposal for a draft
treaty for Germany which, ex-
cept for some additions, was simi-
lar to a draft offered by former
Foreign Minister V. M, Molotov
to the unsuccessful foreign mil-
isters' conference in Berlin in
One addition proposed that
West Berlin be an unarmed free
city until East and West Germany
are united. The western powers al-
ready have turned down the idea
of a free city.
The draft Included several other
proposals which have been turned
down by the West in the past,
Among them: that all foreign
troops withdraw from"Germany
within a year after the treaty is
effective, and that Germany be
prohibited from joining any politi-
cal or military blot that does not
include all signatory nations.
Should Include Red China,
The Russians said Red China
should be at the peace confer-
ence, and that the treaty should
be signed both by East and West
Germany and by a new confed-
eration of the two Germanys.
These two suggestions alone
seemed certain to draw a negative
reaction from the West.
Other sections of the 48-clause
draft provide: The borders of the
United German Confederation
would be those existing for the
two German states as of Jan. 1,
1959. Germany would renounce all
claims east of te Oder-Neisse Riv-
ers - relinquishing territories oc-
cupied by Poland and Russia.
There will be no anschluss or
union, either political or econom-
ic, between Germany and Austria.
Germany should retain full
economic rights, its rights to navi-
gation and participation in world
To Have Armed Forces
The reunited German confeder-
ation would have the right to
maintain armed forces with the
specific exceptions of nuclear or
rocket weapons or submarines.
One third of all foreign troops
should be evacuated within six
months of the date the treaty be-
comes effective.
Besides Red China, the Krem-
lin suggested two republics of the
Soviet Union - the Ukraine and
Byelorussia -- should participate
at the peace table.
The 28 nations which the So-
viet Union should sign the treaty
were the Soviet Union, Britain,
United Stataes, France, Albania,
Belgium, Byelorrussia, Bulgaria,
Brazil, Hungary, Greece, Den'
mark, India, Italy, Canada, Com-
munist China, Luxembourg, the
Ukraine, Finland, Czechoslovakia,
Yugoslavia and South Africa,
The note said the Soviet Union
was ready to discuss the German
problem on the basis of its own
draft and of any other suggestions
made by the West.

"The conclusion of a peace
treaty with Germany would play
a positive role not only in safe-
guarding peace in Europe but
also in solving the all-national
! a fq f he (, _rm _n __s a 4t

Eieh wrA MiA gainst School Fund Use
WASHINGTON (P)-The Eisenhower Administration was disclosed
yesterday to have ruled against any use of 90 million dollars of federal
aid funds for public schools closed or converted in racial disputes.
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.) made public this decision by
Secretary of Welfare Arthur S. Fleming.
Writes Letter
Javits said he wrote Fleming asking about allotment of funds to
public schools "either closed down or converted to 'private' schools

of the Soviet view on Berlin
Germany in the new notes
livered in Moscow yesterday.


to avoid desegregation." The sena-4
tor said Fleming replied that
closed or converted schools wouldJ
not be eligible for aid directly or
Javits, a vocal civil rights advo-
cate, praised the advisory opinion
as supporting President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's statement in his
State of the Union mesage:
Asks Unity
"All of us should help to make,
clear that the government is
united in the common purpose of
giving support to the law and the
decision of the courts."
Javits said 13 schools in Arkan-
sas and Virginia have been closed
as a result of racial disputes. H
said eight southern states have
various types of laws which could
be used to close public schools
ordered to integrate.
"It is most unfortunate that
those who must pay the highest
cost in areas where there is defi-
ance of the Supreme Court's deci-
sion are the thousands of high
school pupils who have already
lost more than a million student
days through school closings,"
Javits said.
Facilities Still Inferior
"Their education has been dis-,
rupted and in many cases theirl

'M' Cagers Edge Ohio State, 78-74

Michigan basketball hopes perked up yesterday afternoon as the
Wolverines fought off a late Ohio State drive and a television jinx
to record a 78-74 triumph at Yost Field House.
The Wolverines, posting their second victory in three Big Ten
starts, sent the Ohioans to the conference cellar by stubbornly stav-
ing 'off the visitors' comeback efforts before a noisy crowd of 5,200
and thousands of TV viewers throughout the midwest.
First TV Victory
The victory for Michigan was the first ever before a television
audience and its eighth in 10 games this year.
But the win didn't come easy.
The two quintets traded the lead or saw a tie score 17 times in
a hectic first half, which ended with Michigan in command of a
36-34 score after a John Tidwell jumpshot with nine seconds to play.
Buckeye Twosome
Michigan looked as if it was going to break the game open at
the start of the second stanza - but the Buckeyes got a Mr. Inside,
Mr. Outside performance from Larry Huston and Richie Hoyt which
foiled any thoughts of a runaway,
Huston, a senior center, hit hook shots and tip-ins from the
inside of Michigan's defense; Hoyt, a sophomore, paced a potent out-
side shooting attack, which Michigan Coach Bill Perigo called "the
best we'll face all year."
The Huston-Hoyt combination pulled Ohio within one point of
Michigan seven times in the last half.

U lm 'l ila M ""l

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