- YY ~
Creal, House Seek Mayoral Nomination
ro Republicans are running
their party's nomination for
or in the .only contest of Ann
r's primary election to be{
Feb. 16.
hey are Dr. Frederick B. House,"
ier president of the Ann Arbor
d of Education, and Cecil 0.
l, former president of the
The one Democratic candidate Ives. 42 years old, is a pilot with
for mayor is Lloyd M. Ives, now Trans-World Airlines.
a City Councilman from the
Second Ward. He announced his
candidacy Dec. 22. He is trying to
succeed Democrat Prof. Samuel J.,
Eldersveld of the political science
Six Posts Open
At stake in the election are the
mayorship and five seats on the
City Council, one from each of
the city's five wards.
The Republican candidates for
City Council are: First Ward,
Harold J. McKercher; Second
Ward, Florence R. Crane (in-
cumbent); Third Ward, Henry W.'
Aquinto; Fourth Ward, George A.
Keebler (incumbent) and Fifth'
Ward, Bent F. Nielsen.
Democratic Council candidates,
are: First Ward, Alicia Dwyer (in-
cumbent); Second Ward, William
K. Marshall; Third Ward, Robert
0. Faber; Fourth Ward, Ted Hieu-
sel and Fifth Ward, Weston E.
Election Set for April
The final election will be held
April 6. Filing for candidacy closed
Dec. 29.
Ives is serving his first term on
the Council. His term began last
April. If elected mayor, he plans
to resign from the Council. In that
case the Council will appoint a
successor for the rest of his Coun-
cil term.
In announcing his candidacy,
Ives made this statement: "To be
asked to serve as mayor is a
humbling experience.
Discusses Office of Mayor
"I know full well that the office"
of mayor is a time-consuming,;
strenuous position. After long dis-
cussion and serious consideration,
my wife and I feel that it is proper
that I should take this step.,
"Under the diligent and inspir-
ing leadership of Mayor Eldersveld,
we have moved a long ways toward,
a better and more forward-looking
Ann Arbor," he continued.
Served on City Council
"As a member of the City Coun-
cil of Ann Arbor, I have observed
and participated in the many
events of this past year. My hope
and aim is to continue our pro-
gram and to complete projects
we have initiated together on this
Council ."
CoCmmenting on Ives' candidacy,
Mayor Eldersveld said he was
"particularly happy" that a pres-
ent Councilman is running for
The mayor said Ives has been
one of the Councilmen who has
"taken a lot of time and trouble to
inform himself about conditions
in the urban renewal area and has
been one of the most consistent
supporters of urban renewal."
NSA Plans
The National Student Associa-
tion is a non-political, non-profit
confederation of college students,
Larry Soloman, Student Govern-
ment Council's NSA coordinator
explained yesterday.
Formed in 1947 to further aca-
demic freedom in the United
States, the organization today
represents more than one million
American college students and is
the only such student-controlled
organization in the country.
At the University. the NSA co-
ordinator functions under the
administrative wing of SGC. His
function is to get information
from other schools about prob-
lems facing students here and
help stimulate projects through
other campus organizations.
A national conference is held
each summer in which carious
national problems are discussed
and resolutions passed. Segrega-
tion and the liberty of college
newspapers were two of the areas
discussed at the last meeting.
These resolutions are not bind-
ing on the members, and all ac-
tion is purely voluntary, according
to Soloman.
In addition to the yearly con-
ference, each member school be-
longs to a smaller regional organ-
ization that meets at least two
times a year. The chairman of
each region is a member of the
national executive board.
Michigan State University,
Wayne State University, Ferris In-
stitute, Central Michigan College,
Marygrove College and Flint
Junior College are fellow members
with the University in the Michi-
gan region.
Soloman, who is treasurer of
the region, said this summer's
national convention, would prob-
ably consider the adoption of a
national college wire service.
Civic Theatre
To Present
Julius Caesar.
The Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
will present William Shakespeare's
world-famous tragedy "Julius
Caesar" at 8 p.m. Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.j
Directed by Ted Heusel, the'
production will also be given on
Saturday afternoon so that Ann
Arbor high school students may
Tickets for all performances are
available at the Mendelssohn
Theatre box office, Heusel re-
-Daily-Allan Winder
SCIENTISTS CONFER-Dr. Jonas Salk, the discoverer of the
now-famous polio vaccine which bears his name, and Dr. Thomas
Francis, Jr., who headed the massive field trials in 1954-55 which
proved the effectiveness of the vaccine, conferred here today.
National Foundation Opens
Drive with ]Dinner at Union
The University Symphony Band,
featuring two soloists and a guest'
conductor will present a concert at
8:30 p.m. Thursday in Hill Audi-
Robert Russell Bennett, recog-
nized both as a composer and as
the arranger of several Rodgers
and Hammerstein musicals, will
appear as the concert's guest con-
ductor. Bennett will conduct his
latest band composition, "Sym-
phonic Songs for Band."
Prof. William D. Revelli of the
Robert Zahner of the United
States Forest Service Southern
Forest Experimental Station, New
Orleans, has been appointed lec-
turer in the forestry department.
He will assume his new position
in February.
Dean Stanley G. Fontanna of
the natural resources school an-
nounced Zahner's appointment
and explained that the new lec-
turer will fill the forest-soils-
watershed management position
vacated by Prof. Robert Dils, who
left last September to head the
new Watershed Management Unit
at Colorado State College.
A native of South Carolina,
Zahner attended Duke University
following three years of duty with
the United States Army Air Corpsi
during World War IL He receivedt
his bachelor of science degree int
1950 and his master of forestryx
degree in 1951. Two years later
he was awarded his doctor off
philosophy degree.
Since 1953 he has been serving
as a soil scientist at the CrossettI
Research Center of the Southerns
Forest Experimentation Station,"
working primarily in the area of
forest tree-soil-water relation-.
ships. As a roject leader in forestt
soils research, Zahner is presentlys
directing 15 active studies. k
He is author of several articlesa
and papers in the soils-water
field and is a member of Sigma Xi,C
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma,t
the Society of American Foresters,I
and the Soil Science Society of1
On Sale Today
Jan. 16
1-4:30 P.M.
Ad. Bldg.
N~O 2-3136
(Continued from Page 1)
maintain its physical, material
and cultural progress in a world
of highly competitive nations."
The kickoff dinner and O'Con-
nor's speech came at the close of
the second day of activities sched-
uled by the National Foundation
at the Michigan campus, where
three and a half years -ago Dr.
Salk announced the development
of a "safe, potent and effective"
vaccine against polio.
A variety show will be present-
ed at 12:15 p.m. today in front of
Hill Auditorium. Johnny Cash, a
country music singer, Orson Bean,
a Broadway night club and tele-
vision comedian and Denise Lor, a
television and night club singer
will be among the performers.
Chairmen Plan Drive
Forty-four state and area chair-
men of the Foundation's Teen Age
Program, known as TAP, arrived
in Ann Arbor on Sunday for an in-
formal session to plan the com-
ing drive.
O'Connor presided over yester-
day morning's program, where Dr.
Tatum, Dr. Thomas M. Rivers, a
noted virologist who is vice-presi-
dent for medical affairs of the
Foundation, Dr. Joseph C. Hinsey,
direcotr of the New York Hospi-
tal-Cornell Medical Center and
Dr. William S. Clark, National
Foundation director of medical
care, delivered papers to the TAP's
in Rackham Auditorium.
Research Needs Increase
O'Connor said that medical re-
search in the U.S. will need three
times as much as it now gets from
public contributions and industry.
"By 1970," he said, "there will
be 220' million people in the U.S.,
with a predominance of young-
sters under 20 and oldsters over
65. To keep these .. . population
numbers healthy and productive,
approximately a billion dollars a
year will have to be spent on sus-
taining medicine's rapid advance
and to step up medical education
He noted that half of this sum
must come from the National
Dr. Tatum Speaks
Dr. Tatum, who shared the 1958
Nobel Prize in medicine and
physiology for his genetic studies,
in the keynote address, expressed
his faith in man's ability to ad-
just not only to the hazards of
atomic energy, but also to the
challenges of living together in
world brotherhood.
He added that as more is
learned about control of cell ma-
chinery and heredity, we will see
"the complete conquering of many
of man's ills, including hereditary
defects in metabolism," and "the
momentarily more obscure condi-
tions such as cancer and arthri-
Dr. Hinsey Praises Foundation
Dr. Hinsey praised the Founda-
tion's plan to spend $12,000,000 on
training young people for careers
in the health professions. The
scholarship program, which will
offer four-year college scholar-
ships to at least 505 students, will
be initiated this June with funds
sought in the current March of
Dr. Rivers followed with a paper
on "Making Viruses Work for
Man" in which he described re-
cent attempts to synthesize nu-
cleic acid, a constituent of genes,
which controls cellular activity.
He noted that scientists may
"some day be able to manipulate
the nucleic acid in such a man-
ner that much suffering, sickness,
disability and mental illness will
be prevented or alleviated."
May Make Nucleic Acid
Dr. Rivers continued "some day
man will make a nucleic acid
which will induce cells to manu-
facture a virus far deadlier than
any now known and capable of
doing more harm to mankind than
hydrogen bombs."
Dr. Clark remarked that ad-
vances in preventive and curative
medicine are increasing man's life
expectancy so rapidly that young
people today may have more than
80 years of life ahead of them.
He noted, however, that though
medical progress has reduced
acute illnesses that cause death,
the result has been an increase in
patients with chronic disabilities
for a large part of their later
Men's Glee Club Presented
Meanwhile, the 'university Men's
Glee Club was presented this
morning via a live pickup on the
television program "Today."
"Queen for a Day" with Jack
Bailey as master of ceremonies
was telecast live at 4:00 p.m. yes-
terday. It will be presented again
tomorrow at the same time for a
studio audience of University stu-
dents, who may pick up tickets at
the Union, League, or the lobby
desk in the Administration Build-
.**.guest soloist
ing bands and orchestras. In adds--
tion, he has appeared at concerts
throughout the country and on
radio and television. He will play
Clifton Williams' "Dramatic Essay
for Trumpet and Band."
.Formerly a member of the
United States Marine Band, Moh-
ler will play the finale from Toma-
si's "Concerto for Clarinet" and
''Denneriana" by Bloch.
Also included in the evening's
program will be "Excerpts from
the Manzoni Requiem" by Verdi
and the finale from Kalinnikov's
Symphony No. 1 in G Minor as
well as three original contemporary
band compositions, "Jubilation
Overture" by Robert Ward, "Por-
traits from the Bible" by Julian
Work and the "Intrada" from
Frank Erickson's Symphony No. 2
for Band.
"Join me for a day at work?"
Bill is Plant Service Supervisor for New Jersey Bell Telephone Com-
pany at Dpver. He joined the telephone company after graduation,
has held many jobs to gain valuable experience. Now he has three
foremen and 32 craft people working for him. "It's a challenging
job and keeps me hopping," says Bill. "See for yourself."
Ending at
Wednesday 7 and 9 P.M.
DIAL NO 8-6416
p f v., i.
Those "I AM A CAMERA" lovers
Laurence Harvey and Julie Harris
"Click aga n
SHE turned down SHE turned up SHE SHE turned up SHE was frendr...
),awapbut not e.., i en a Iharem..: I turned up with in a very i andasie alwaystnl ed I
I Ia nasty husband delicate condition! u ip...when nedd!1
"8:30 a.m. With my test bureau fore-
man, I plan work schedules for the com-
ing week. Maintaining equitable sched-
ules and being ready for emergencies is
imperative for good morale and service."
"9:10 a.m. The State Police at Andover
have reported trouble with a mobile
radio telephone. I discuss it with the
test deskman. Naturally, we send a re-
pairman out pronto to take care of it."
"11:00 a.m. As soon as things are lined
up at the office, I drive out to check on
the mobile radio repair job. The repair-
man' has found the trouble -and to-
gether we run a test on the equipment."
can happen
NO 2-2513
' Please Note Schedule of Prices and Starting Times!
"1:30 p.m. After lunch, I look in on a
PBX and room-phone installation at an.
out-of-town motel. The installation super-
visor, foreman and I discuss plans for
"2:45 p.m. Next, I drive over to the
central office at Denville, which is cut-
Ling over 7000 local telephones to
dial service tomorrow night. I go over
"4:00 p.m. When I get back to my office,
I find there are several phone messages
to answer. As soon as I get them out
of the way. I'll check over tomorrow's