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December 03, 1958 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-03

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UE E ER 34 1958



H anfmann Discusses Near East, Greek Archaeological Finds

In two archaeological lectures
given Monday evening and yester-
day afternoon. Prof. George MT. A.

"The area in which we concent-I presence of
tratedi was located some 60 miles vases. we have
inland from the Mediterranean is the house o1
Sea consisting of r-ichly farmed fifth century, B

several ash-filled "In all of Greece," he said, "no the surrounding valley, through era. establishing the occurrence of
concluded that it place is more picturesque than the recent excavations, seem to have nav-al expeditions.
fpriestesses of the narrow channel between the main- set the scene for this ancient Discussinig the central plain of

Hanfmanin of the fine arts depart- plains, he said. "Equipped with rther excavations gave clues Tana anaLthe iw ian of en. nis j csic~,,ro, iauiizanni sai. LGreece P.ro. Ianrnann tnn
met and curator of classical Fart the mst primitive equipment- to linedeconomy, as Prof. Hn-major waterway contains thei The major discoveries at this spoke of the n-dtehro fAls h tgn on on etrdaon he a-dSvrlepdtoshrieaiDdo na
at the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard 'iksoesadwelarw-mn xlie hyrvae h for the famous Greek Armada."j aces dating from the Bronze Age,i earthed the remains of an early
Universiy discussed the signifi- we began our excavations b i-peec farsarn n "Scholars could not agree on around 1500 B.C. Prof. Ianfmann Christian shrine, a threatre and
canice of recent discoveries made ing a trench about 15 feet deep." ptter'sprsne shopa in diffrsanerenta build- the port where Helen was carried singled out the identification of an assembly hall in a concentrated
in the Near East and Greece. Find Dice legs.ofinteMdThshroan'tw siprpeettvefte&ae.
At Monday's lecture, "Excava- "of the remains we extracted Discusses MythsofinteladThsarradtw shprpeettveoteaea
tuons at Sardis, Capital of Ancient from -this pit, perhaps the most Speaking from his experience t a> >- x 3.. .. -- -LMV
Lydia, 1958," Prof. Eanfmann amusing was a pair of dice, rigi- on several other expeditions, Prof. 1.Sx
exp aed the results of excava-; nating from the ninth century, Hanfmnann discussed "Greek Myths
tins e. conduted last June in B.C.," Prof. Hanfmann explained, and Sanctuaries in the Light of
central Turkey, where the city "our next excavation unearthed Recent Discoveries: Aulis, Iolkos,
of Sardis is thought to have oncea an eight-room building of Roman Dodona," in the second of his
stood. times," he continued. "F~rom the lectures yesterday.
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