I Don't Quite Know How To Tell You This -="
~Iw i~igan Baitj
Sity-Ninth Year
Truth Wil Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIicH. * Phone No 2-3241
'Silent Generation' Tag
Justified, Group Says
Editorials printed in The Michigan Dail) express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This inust be noted in all reprints.
Wishful Thinking, Not Returns,
Counts Nixon Out for '60
A FAVORITE PASTIME of Democrats who
consider themselves upholders of the "en-
lightened, liberal" tradition in American politics
is laying Vice-President Richard Nixon to poli-
tical rest.
It is very bothersome to them, of course, that
he has twice been chosen Vice-President of the
United States by the electorate-the second
time with the clear possibility that he might
succeed to the highest office in the land.
But this is easily forgotten and editorial
writers and cartoonists of Democratic persua-
sion gleefully pounce oh their typewriters and
grab their pens and India ink whenever an
election in which Vice-President Nixon cam-
paigns results in a Democratic victory.
Since he has campaigned in practically every
recent election of any importance, it is easy for'
them to find material.
A S A RESULT of the Democratic sweep in
Alaska, the newspaper and magazine read-
ers of the nation have been treated to a raft of
analyses, cartoons, and editorials declaring that
the election there has "put Nixon on political
ice." Not that any editorials will ever put any
damper on the irrepressible Mr. Nixon. But so
many obvious overstatements and overdrawn
coniclusions should not go uncorrected.
Logically, if one follows the reasoning of
the editorials, anyone who campaigned ener-
getically in any area for any candidate would
bear the mark of the no-confidence vote if that
candidate were defeated.
Thus the Democrats who stumped New York
for Averell Harriman, or Pennsylvania for
George Leader, or Arizona for Ernest McFarland
were obviously "put on the political ice" by the
results of the Nov. 4 election when all went
down to defeat.
Since this included such bright lights of the
Democratic party as Senator John Kennedy of
Massachusetts, Harry Truman, and Eleanor
Roosevelt, it would seem that some of the
party's chief spokesmen have been discredited
-if one follows the logic of the editorialists.
ALASKA CAN BEST be compared to Rhode
Island in its voting pattern. It has long
favored the Democratic party-this was partly
responsible for its admission as a state. Hawaii
--where the Republicans often prevail-was
not admitted by the last Democratic Congress.
Thus a Democratic victory in Alaska was ex-
pected by political experts and predicted by
political polls. The only race where a GOP
candidate was expected to do well was for the
Senate seat contested by Republican Mike Step-
ovich and Democrat Ernest Gruening. The race
was close, as predicted.
Thus the conclusions voiced over and over
again by editorialists that the Democratic vic-
tory in Alaska was a "personal defeat" for
Vice-President Nixon is so ridiculous it barely
warrants consideration.
Like so many other non-journalistic Demo-
crats, the editorial writers and cartoonists are
indulging in wishful thinking. They are in-
wardly wishing that Vice-President Nixon was
not quite so popular, not quite so effective a
campaigner, and not quite so certain to win
the Republican nomination for President in
Daily Staff Writer
"THE Silent Generation." "The
No-Nonsense Kids." "The
Careful Young Men," "The Found
Generation." "The Company
Men," "The Generation Without
Heroes," .. .
These tags are evidence of how
thoughtful people have seen to-
day's college student. How much
truth is there in these tags? Are
they just tags, or do they really
characterize American college stu-
The closest thing to a definitive
answer that has been given so far
is a study made by a group called
the Commission on the College
Student. The commission is a part
of the American Council on Edu-
cation, a highly respected educa-
tional agency which has pinpoint-
ed many of the problems and
characteristics of American edu-
s * *
in large measure, these tags fit
American college students. Inso-
far as a generation can be char-
acterized, this college generation
is "the silent generation," "the
no-nonsense kids" according to
the committee's information.
But the committee cautioned
that the underlying reality - the
college students themselves - be
remembered as diverse and com-
plex, not just as tags. The com-
posite picture, the committee
warned, is not a true likeness of
any individual.
And for people worried, as many
are, about the unfavorable Impli-
cations of "silent", "careful" or
any of the other tags, the com-
mittee suggested that there are
often good reasons for the silence
and the carefulness.
concerned with knowing them-
selves and finding thereby a se-
cure place in an uncertain world,
the commission said, "Uncertain
about the future of the world,
their country and themselves, they
are inclined to restrict their search
to areas which, if they are no less
complex, are at least easier to en-
compass in thought."
The result, the commission
pointed out, is a self centeredness
that has given rise to many of
the apathetic labels.
Success for today's college stu-
dent is not what it was for their
fathers, the commission says, al-
though students' standards of suc-
cess are still materialistic. The job
is a means to an end, not an ena
in itself to college students.
Students' plans include an early
marriage, three or four children, a
happy home, leisure for social ac-
tivities, sports and the develop-
ment of a hobby or two, a modest
amount of activity in the public
affairs of the community. Their
job must be secure, fit their capa-
bilities, must be enjoyable and
satisfying, and provide sufficient
means for them to carry out the
rest of their plans. College stu-
dents generally do not aim beyond
this, the commission says.
DIRECTLY related to this is
the emphasis students place on
grades. A good academic record
will help get a better job or a
graduate scholarship, students
But Mother .. .
THE DAUGHTER of a flour-mill owner last
week blasted away over 2,500 years of rigid
tradition in Japan, and simultaneously taught
the Western "democracies" an ironic lesson.
Commoner Michiko Shoda, almost reluctant
herself, is to become the wife of Crown Prince
Akihito, accompanied by the nearly unanimous
joy of the citizens of that country, and over
almost no serious objections.
The betrothal represents a more-than-brilli-
ant report card for Japan's lesson in democ-
racy, forcibly taught them by their former
enemies since the war's end. But as such, it is
a tribute much more to the student than to the
And wipe that smug look off your face,
America. For though you may be free of the
taints of royalty, you are still tacitly upholding
an aristocracy peculiarly your own. And it is
just as virulent adisease as that suffered by
"less democratic" countries.
PICTURE A WELL-BRED American boy, heir
to the throne of a mammoth corporation,
making his declaration to his parents.
She's a lovely girl, mother. No, she isn't one
of THE Crandalls. As a matter of fact, her
parents were both immigrants, and of course
their English isn't very good, but they're very
No, she didn't go to college, but she's ...
Yes, they are very poor, but she's working for
Yes, working. But mother ...
And so it goes. In areas other than Ann
Arbor, "Blue Book Blues" has a very different
connotation, but the percentage of those who
flunk out is just as high, and the tension is just
as great. It's a pity, of course.
But then, the United States hasn't reached
the level of dermocracy the Japanese have at-
The Dema
WASHINGTON -- One of the about what most men
most - arresting personal dra- possible not to comme
mas of Washington is that of operation."
Secretary of State John Foster Never once since h
Dulles, whose permanent residence about holding his puls
is in the eye of the hurricane. Never once has he ask
Various observers may ration- on grounds of health
ally dislike Dulles or some of his very hard world that
policies as Secretary of State. But him.
nobody "in possession of the facts" He is the oldest mer
-which, by the way, is just the Cabinet -now in his'
kind of large, dustily legalistic and yet he makes fa
phrase Dulles himself would use-- mands upon himself it
could reasonably deny two things: than do any two of tl
1) This Secretary of State has Just now, these d
what are inelegantly called guts piling high about him
to a degree that few men in recent sians are glowering at
public life have surpassed. True, position in Germany,
it may seem a't times a rather tire- its nastiest meaning is
some, quibbling sort of courage; *
Mr. Dulles is not one to read from DULLES IS MAKIN
the large print when the fine in this infinitely trick
print is available, and in a sense making
2) This Secretary of State, of the whole allied We
whose endless travels about the are the biggest of it
world would long ago have left He is walking a highv
limp and exhausted the average wire. His problem is
man of 30, has a physical industry up any of our vital i
so great as to be fatiguing even to not, on the other hand
watch. , , * thing that would mak
sible for the Russiai
TWO YEARS AGO this very back without losing f
month Dulles all but crawled on In all this, he is ca
hands and knees from the hospital, buckets of water on
where he had undergone an un- tailored shoulders. O
pleasant thing -surgery for in- buckets represents th4
pestinal cancer. He returned to his the Russians themselv
nanifold duties stolidly silent the Congress-to whi
nds on Dulles
find it im-
nt on-"my
as he gone
se in public.
ked quarter,
i, from the
t surrounds
ember of the
71st year -
r more de-
n every way
;he others.
emands are
. The Rus-
the Western
and crisis in
s in the air.
CG our policy
ky business;
g the policy
est since we
its partners.
and swaying
not to give
nterests but
d, to do any-
ke it impos-
6s to draw
rrying three
his soberly
ne of these
e Allies, one
ves, and one
ch, with its
huge new Democratic majorities,
Dulles must pay far more heed
than ever before.
How adroitly he is swaying with
these buckets was well illustrated
by a recent Dulles press confer-
ence. This the Secretary held, on
the day usually reserved for the
President's own press conference,
while President Eisenhower him-
self was on holiday in Georgia.
* * *
HERE DULLES grappled with
explosive questions like an old
Army sapper removing land mines..
He spoke of the Russians without
animosity or threats. His manner
toward them, rather, was that of
a corporation lawyer dealing with
a rude and irresponsible but dan-
gerous witness in an anti-trust
suit-firm, but careful and coolly
The Secretary has been often--
and sometimes fairly-accused of
"brinksmanship," of an unduly
threatening line. Whatever the
past, this is in no sense his line
now. ,It is now hardly possible,
even for an observer never exactly
enchanted with Dulles, not to feel
some sense of security that our
latest crisis, given all present cir-
cumstances, is in the hands of
this possibly uncomfortably right-
eous but undoubtedly tough and
supple man.
(Copyright 1958, by Uniteds
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
feel, and so they plug for high
The emphasis on grades and
honor points, "an artificial sys-
tem of academic bookkeeping," by
both the students and colleges is
wrong, and should be changed,
the commission said.
"The system tends to defeat the
educative purpose by establishing
different goals for student and
teacher, While the teacher is con-
cerned with the body of knowl-
edge to be mastered, the students'
concern under this system be-
comes necessarily the acquisition
of honor points and credits, with
mastery of course content a poor
There have been significant
changes in student attitudes to-
ward college, the commission
COLLEGE students want more
responsibility for their own lives
and less of the protective atmos-
phere that has marked American
The commission said that stu-
dents are increasingly interested
in the purposes and plans of their
colleges, especially in curriculum
and building planning.
And more and more activities
such as the fraternity party or a
pep rally find themselves in com-
petition for college students' time
with lectures, discussions or con-
Because college students have
changed is no cause for despair,
the commission said, "but rather
is an Important challenge to those
entrusted with their educations"
Sent iment
"WHAT WOUM you consider
the greatest spectator sport
in the nation?" Frank Skeffing-
ton asks his sportswriting neph-
ew. "Basketball" answers the
youth; "Nope" replies Skeffing-
ton with Irish assurance, "Pol-
tic." But it's more than politicas
that makes "The Last Hurrah"
such a fine spectator sport; it is
simply a lovely picture.
Surely there is nothing more
fascinating than a wholesome, un-
scrupulous rogue. Make the rogue
lovable and charming, let him be
Irish, hire Spencer Tracy to por-
tray him and you've some idea of
Frank Skeffington.
But just an idea. It also seems
that Frank grew up in slums, be-
came five-times mayor of Boston,
is sacrosanct in his generosity and
friendship, easily charms all who
meet him, spouts his Irish wit
everywhere and beats down every
blueblood, bigot and bad guy in
the city.
Yes, it seems that the town's
leading citizens rather resent this
roguish, broguish ingrate who's
usurped their Yankee power.
What could be more endearing?
FOR THOSE who think that
warmth should be left in the in-
cubator, this is a picture to miss.
If you laugh at the hurtling baby
carriage on the steps of Odessa, if
family reunions, happy mothers,
Thanksgiving and a sentimental
populace bring forth your molt
cynical grin, strenuously avoId
"The Last Hurrah" but .. .
"Promise 'em what they) want
and .give 'em' what they'll settle
for" trumpets Skeffington. "How
can you thank a man for a mil-
lion laughs?" he asks his buffoon-
like buddy on his deathbed. "Skip
the blarney" says the old lady who
attends ,every 'wake in Boston
("It's nice to have a hobby" says
Skeffington) but the blarney can't
be skipped for it's the whole pic-
When he loses the final election
he announces his candidacy for
Governor, walks slowly home and
shrugs before the picture of his
dead wife. And on his deathbed
he falls back immobile, eyes shut.
His bitterest enemy, already danc-
ing on his grave, says, "I know
that if he had to do it again he
would have done it very much dif-
ferently." The oppossum-like Skef-
fington slowly lifts his eyelids, ap-
pears to wink, and murmurs
"Like hell I would."
-Eli Zaretsky
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices forrSunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m., Friday
OR APPARENTLY, in the matter
hard, I'm-no-better-than-you-are
cy, the pupil outshines the master.
of cold,
In England, cradle of democracy, a former
king 'can testify that his country has not yet
reached the point of liberality just shown by
Japan. A lovely but unmarried princess can.
similarly give testimony that an Army officer
just was not good enough for her.
Rightists Threaten Democracy
Associated Press News Analyst
FEARS FOR THE FUTURE of the democracy
in France are now being more widely ex-
pressed than ever because of the number of
rightists elected to Parliament after bundling
themselves in Charles de Gaulle's coattails.
The leader himself, Whose election to the
presidency is expected to be little more than a,
formality, is depicted as embarrassed.
His gerrymandering of election districts and
voting regulations designed to wipe out the
Communists not only accomplished his purpose,
but also wiped out many moderates and social-
ists who are among the natural leaders of
Jacques Soustelle, propelled into the leading
role in Parliament through his leadership of a
wide variety of rightist elements who volun-
tarily grouped themselves around him and tried
to assume the aura of de Gaulle, was known
during the Fourth Republic as a wrecker of
WHIE SOUSTELLE himself is not rabid, and
while no one is expected to offer a frontal
challenge to de Gaulle, many of those who
wrapped themselves In the Soustelle-de Gaulle
banner are extremists.
In particular, many of them stand for impo-
sition of complete integration on Algeria as
against de Gaulle's own desire to devise a
workable association with the Arabs.
Thus the majority bloc is itself divided, a
situation which has become a commonplace in
French politics. The question is how much this
will affect the stability toward which de Gaulle
is directing his efforts. The rightist bloc can
hardly be called a party, and any program it
may have is yet to develop.
SOME ARE expressing the fear that it will be
capable of interfering with civil liberties-
especially strikes-and with freedom of the
press in the name of stability, if a sufficient
crisis arises.
De Gaulle, of course, will have the power no
other president has had to rule Parliament
under the threat of dissolution. If he did not
already have it under the new constitution, his
popularity would give it to him.
But there is wonderment as to how many of
the new rightist deputies, having proclaimed
their fealty to de Gaulle in order to be elected,
will now live up to it.
There also is wonderment as to the under-
cover pressures which may be built up by the
fact that one-fifth of the nation's voters-some
Communists and the rest protest voters who
chose the communist ticket as their means of
expression-will have only one fifty-fourth of
the seats in Parliament.
New Books at the Library
Cantril. Hadley - The Politics of Despair;
N.Y., Basic Books, 1958.
Tempers Punctuate Normal City Council Calm
Daily Staf Writer
WHATEVER his alleged faults as
Ann Arbor's mayor, Prof. Sam-
uel T. Eldersveld of the political
science department is a strong
chairman at City Council meet-
Monday night his biggest con-
tribution to Council proceedings
came when he told various mem-
bers to "quit stalling and delaying
on this question (Urban Renewal) ."
When he did this he challenged
City Council members opposed to
the project (principally Council-
men Carl Brauer, Russel Burns
and George Keebler) to let the
votedecide the issue.
** s
THE DEBATE in the Council
meeting underscored much of the
smoldering opposition and support
of the bill. There was shouting,
pounding on desks and, almost,
name-calling heard in the usually
quiet council chamber.
The most heated moments of
the evening came during the de-
bates on the first reading of the
proposed building code and adop-
tion of a urban renewal resolution.
Councilman Brauer began his
speech on the building code which
would have brought the city's
standards up to the level required
by the Urban Renewal program,
He said the building code was a
"horrible encroachment on private
liberty and . . . our private rights."
their present rooms they could
brought up two weeks ago he said,
move to one of the "many rooms
advertised in the newspaper -
when it is being printed." He said
this is "the American way" of
settling the issue.
Councilmen Lloyd Ives and Flor-
ence Crane told the Council that
it was not possible for everyone
who wants rooms to get them.
* * *
AT THIS POINT Councilman
Richard Dennard jumped up and
shouted to Brauer, "Could I get
one of those rooms - could I?
You're talking about what you can
get but I can't. You just sit here
and talk about reading newspapers
but I can't get one of those rooms.
"If you can find two dozen of
them I know people who'd fill
them." Dennard is a Negro from
the Urban Renewal project's ward.
Tempers flared again during the
debate on giving the city adminis-
trator an order to file application
for an urban renewal loan.
It started with a list of ques-
tions by Keebler on where the
money would come from, why
there is no master development
plan for the city as a whole and
ending up with words to the effect
that the people in the area are
opposed to changes in their homes.
He said, in effect, that if people
like things the way they are, they
shouldn't be forced to change.
At this Councilman Ives asked
Keebler if he were "intimating
that people living in delapidated
housing" don't want their home
Keebler replied, "Yes."
Ives asked, "If I could show you
a majority of the people have
signed a petition in favor of this,
would it influence your decision?"
"I always consider both sides
of the question," Keebler said,
"I have proof that 80 per cent
of the people are for it," Ives
snapped back,
AT THIS POINT Mayor Elders-
veld told the council to collectively
make up their minds and vote one
way or the other but to quit
But for all this the council put
cff decision until tomorrow night
at a public hearing. The relative
value of this hearing is doubtful.
As usual the opponents of the
plan will be there in full force
with little representation from the
supporters. And for all this, the
vote will probably be 7 to 3 in
favor of the proposal-the same as
it would have been if it had been
taken last night.
The issue of filing an application
.1 . - - --- - , - -- - - %
[4rjt~ga 514n atly
Editorial Staff
>rial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
TALE CANTOR ..,.... ,,.. Personnei Director
EAN WILLOUGHBY.... Associate Editorial Director
EATA JORGENSON .... .. Associate City Editor
LIZABETH ERSKINE.... Associate Personnel Director
.LAN JONES ,,,,.,..,.... Sports Editor
ARL SEMAN , Associate Sports Editor
I COLEMAN.Sp... .Asciata Snorts Editor
r 'r1. f1-:' /e:;