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December 03, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-03

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MUSKET Rehearses

Assembly-IHC Sing Finals E
To Feature House Choirs
Ten choirs were chosen at theI.
elimination contest Monday to singing "Lullaby of Broadway,
compete in the finals of the As- Fisher and Green houses with
sembly-Inter-House Council sing, "Anywhere I Wander," Little and
according to Barbara Bank, '59, Hinsdale performing "High Noon,
co-chairman. and Jordan and Adams singing
The winning choirs, from a "Laura. s
women's and a men's independent Other residence halls entering
residence hall, will compete in the final competition are Klein-
the final contest at 8:30 p.m. Fri- steuck and Huber doing a medley
day in Rackham Auditorium. Each from "The Wizard of Oz," Barbour
group will perform a selection and Rumsey with "Zip-a-dee-do-
from the score of a movie. dah," Newberry and Michigan
Those houses competing in the singing "Easy to Remember," and
finals will be Butler and Lloyd Martha Cook and Williams with
"Love is a Many Splendored
Panhel Rush Stockwell and Taylor will also
n be featured on the program with
their rendition of "Wonderful
M eetings Set Copenhagen" and Victor Vaughan
and Reeves houses will sing "Give
dF T Me a Kiss to Build a Dream On."
Sixteen choirs entered the elim-
or Today ination contest this year, Miss
Banks said. An elimination con-
MNass mtine tn enlin snrority test was also held for the first sing


MUSKET REHEARSES-The cast for MUSKET has been re-
hearsing diligently for its performance of "Oklahoma!" which
opens Thursday night. Other performances will be Friday and
Saturday nights and there will be a matinee Saturday afternoon.
J-Hop Decorations Theme
To Include Stars, Planets

Shooting stars, clouds and other
celestial bodies will decorate the
I-M Building when J-Hop goes
weekending Feb. 6 and 7.
"Out of This World," the theme
for the J-Hop dance, will feature
two-dimensional planets and stars
accented by blue fluorescent spot-
lights to suggest the solar theme.
Wall drapes will be a light shade
of green or blue-green to contrast
with the blue ceiling and compli-
ment the other decorations of the
Projectors will be used' to pro-
duce images of shooting stars on
the decorated walls and valances.
Small lights in pink, rose and
green are planned.
The J-Hop preview fashion show
will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday,
Dec. 14 iW the League Ballroom.

The show will be centered around
the theme of J-Hop and black
and gold, J-Hop colors, will be
used in their decorations.
Commentators for the show,
open to all University students,
are Ellen Weisberg and Carin
Allan. Lewis Spellman, '61, and
Nancy Moore, '60, are fashion co-
Clothes appropriate for the dif-
ferent events scheduled for J-Hop
Weekend will be modeled by Susan
Davis, '59, Barbara Marco, '59,
Sonja Alexandroff, '59A&D, Anne
Williams, '60, Barbara Crowell,
'60A&D, Janice Eskew, '61, Patricia
Hagmar, '60, Sonja Matthews, '61,
Sharon Carey, '61N, Adair Miller,
'60A&D, Rhoda Wexler, '61, Cathie
Williams, '60, Melissa Collins, '60,
and Geraldine Roberts, '61A&D.

Sizes 3-6X
. x $598
Sies 7-14
Sizes 10-18
Sizes 38-44

! !

r and daughter dusters
uilted bomberg trkt
ery grandmother will want to create and
or and daughter will love . . . solid corn.
d color bemberg tricot 3-way dusters,
k to back on machine washable quilticel.
es them for mother in sizes 10-18 and
daughter in sizes 3-6X and 7-14. Pink,
yle of acetate rayon quilted
3-6X, $ 3.98; 7-14, $ 5.98;
0-18, $10.98; 38-44, $10.98
ind wonderful presents for
girls all beautifully wrapped.

In q
A picture ev
every mothe
fort in soli
quilted bac
Basila make
38-44; fort
Blue, White.
Similar st

in sizes'


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You'll f
Dad's best

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