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December 03, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-03

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"FestiVal of Lights'
(one of the best known bonds on campus)
DECEMBER 5, 1958 9:00-12:00
$2.00 per couple
Purchase tickets of the Michigan Union, Diag,
and in Men's Dorms

Injuries Plague Skaters
On Disastrous Road Tour
White, who has been playing
"I can't recall anything like this both the forward and defense

'Al Preparation
Markes Gage Win
By MIKE GILLMAN The second semester could bring
"We were a lot better prepared some more height to the squad in
than they were." the person of Steve Jordan, a


since the thirties," said hapless
Wolverine hockey coach Al Ren-
frew on his return from a damag-
ing exhibition road trip over
Thanksgiving weekend,
"In those days, hockey teams
were only allowed eight or nine
players. Now, thanks to all our
injuries, we've only got about eight
able-bodied men, when all the
other teams have 15 or 16."
The long list of sick and hurt
includes forwards Jay Katz, SteveI
Bochen, Pat Cushing, Don Gour-
ley, and defensemen Bob White
and Tom Wilson.

because of the thinness of the
squad, came down with the flu on
Friday night, but still tried to
play Saturday against St. Law-
"He couldn't make the plays he
usually does because he was ill,"
Renfrew said, "so we let him sit
out the rest of the game."
The Wolverines dropped this one
7-3 as forward Dale MacDonald
was ejected from the game, with
Bobby Watt and Cushing scoring
two of Michigan's three goals.
Cushing suffered his shoulder
separation in Toronto on Monday

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Katz and Bochen were hurt in
preseason practice, with Katz suf-
fering a broken leg and Bochen a
fractured wrist. Katz will miss at
least the major part of the season,
while Bochen may be able to re-
turn in time for the home opener
against McGill on December 12.
'He has been skating for several
days and is now wearing only a
light cast.
Disastrous Trip
Cushing, Gouriey, and White
were all casualties of the four-
game road ,trip which saw the
Wolverines tie St. Lawrence, de-
feat Clarkson, lose to St. Lawrence
and be routed by Toronto.
by Bud-Mor
NO 2-6362,

night when Michigan lost to a
superb Toronto hockey team, 7-2.
International Rules
"They play under the Inter-
national Rules," coach Renfrew
said, "and, as a result, more em-
phasis is placed on the body con-
tact aspect of the game. One of
their boys cleanly checked Cush-
ing in center ice, and his shoulder
is dislocated."
Michigan's two goals were scored
by Barrie Hayton, but Cushing will
be lost to the Wolverines four to
six weeks because of his injury.
Defenseman Wilson is still very
weak from a month-long illness,
while Gourley, a senior and re-
turning letterman, reinjured his
"Gourley should rest two weeks,"
Renfred added, "but we hope that
he, Wilson, and Bochen will be
ready for the McGill series. You
can't win games with such an
undermanned squad."
Hutton and Hayton are among
the most improved Wolverines.
Hutton scored two goals in the1
* l4ifiunun gitui ,aHsei uph sev-

This was how basketball coach
Bill Perigo summed up Michigan's
'75-55 win over Pittsburgh Mon-
day night.
In good humor after his team's;
successful season debut, Perigo
went on to say that he thought
the Panthers were a good team
and would get better as the season
wore on.
But the coach added. "We had
six or seven weeks of good practice
and the boys were ready to go."
He had much praise for his
team, but even after a decisive
opening win, there were a few
words of caution. Although his
regular front line is more than
adequate, he realizes that behind
M. C. Burton, George Lee, and
Gordie Rogers, he has little depth,
Much better set in the back court,
the coach reported that "we've
got eight good guards on the
squad." I
Sophomore Dick Donley at 6-6
could help the Wolverines in the
height department, but Perigoj
feels that he is still a year away
from his best form.

ANOTIKER INJURED-Pat Cushing, Wolverine sophomore, suf-
fered the most serious injury of those plaguing the Michigan ice
squad when his shoulder was dislocated in the Toronto game
Defense Thwarts Brown

122 E. Washington St.
Sam J. Benjamin, '29 Lit., owner

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exhibition games, and set up sev-
q~y~_____eral others.
ea Childs at Forward
Last year's goalie, Ross Childs,
is going to be kept at forward,
G iVe an with sophomore Jirn Coyle taking
his place in the nets. Renfrew is
of the opinion that Childs is a
U Mbetter skater, and with the team,
h i E 3 so short-handed, Childs, a senior,
Bwill make the change
"On the whole, I think everyone
played as well as they could," Ren-
m a s frel stated. "We played two of the
top eastern teams, Clarkson and
St. Lawrence, and probably the
best college team, Toronto, that
has been around in many years."
15.95 1995eWertz Traded
Dates, Crests Available IW rzTae


By The Associated Press
defenses caught up with Cleve-
land's Jimmy Brown?
The powerful;"ckgained only
12 yards last Sunday, his lowest
output in the two seasons he's
been in the National Football
But the brilliant Brown still
leads in the ground gaining divi-
sion with a record 1,241 yards, 95
better than the previous record
set by Steve Van Buren.
Fails to Score
He also didn't score in Cleve-
land's victory over Washington,
but he still leads the individual
scoring with 102 points. Lennyi
Moore, Baltimore, scored once to
take second place with 78 points.
Back in ground gaining, Alan
Ameche of Baltimore is way be-
hind Brown in second place with
685 yards, five more than Joe
Perry of San Francisco, according
to league statistics released yes-
Perry, incidentally, has gained
6,41 yards during his pro career,
the most for any player in NFLj
history. Like Brown, his average
is 5.9, but Brown has carried thea
ball 210 times and Perry only 115.
Tom Tracy, ninth last week,
jumped to fourth with 611 yards
after gaining 156 yards for Pitts-
burgh Sunday, the best effort of
his pro career. Joe Arnett, Los'
Angeles, dropped to fifth with 569




rT p- 13-



1 o led fox
The Cleveland Indians made
their second trade of the Major-
Minor League Convention yester-
day, swapping first baseman Vic
Wertz and outfielder Gary Geiger
to the Boston Red Sox for center
fielder Jimmy Piersall.

One of the more interesting sta-
tistics races is that between
Washington quarterback Eddie
LeBaron and Pittsburgh's Bobby
Layne. In two weeks Layne has
jumped from eighth to second
place in the passing department
and is only a yard behind Le-
Baron. LeBaron'saverage gain is
9.23 yards, Layne's 8.41.
The Steelers quarterbackhas
attempted 213 passes and com-
pleted 104 for 1,792 yards, while
LeBaron has thrown 128 and com-
pleted 72 for 1,181 yards. Each has
thrown 10 touchdown passes.
Milt Plum, Cleveland, sixth last
week, is behind Layne with an
8.24 average. Then come John
Unitas, Baltimore, with 8.18 and]
Billy Wade, Los Angeles, with 8.13.
Wade was second last week.
62 Freshmen
The biggest group of freshman
football numeral winnerg in years
was announced yesterday by fresh-
man coach Don Dufek.
Sixty-two yearlings were given
awards compared to the usual total
of about 45 in the past few years.
Dufek requests that the num-
eral winners, listed below, report
to the equipment room of Yost
Fieldhouse to be measured for
They are:
Paul Aita, Lloyd Asbury, Bruce
Beda, Peter Billingsley, Bruce
Boardman, William Bretz, Barry
Bryant, Richard Dawson, Guy
DeStefano, Richard Diehl, Paul
Doersam, Danny Francisco, Wilber
Franklin, Tom Gee, Todd Grant,
Stephen Graves, John Haley,.John
Hallenbeck, Richard Heiden.
Wally Herrala, Nathan Hoffman,
William Hornbeck, Thomas Hulien,
Thomas Knoll, Jim Korowin,
Frank Maloney, George .Mans,
John Mans, Grant McKee, Ben
McRae, Edward Miglich, Robert
Napoli, Richard Newton, Paul
Palmer, Virgil'Pampu, John Pat-
terson, Lou Pavloff, Ralph Perri-
ello, Ronald Perry, Kenneth Peters.
William Schlanderer, Paul
Schmidt, Jon Schopf, Wayne Sick-
ler, David Slezak, Jeffrey Smith,
Richard Smith, Lauren Soderlind,
Ronald Spacht, Nicholas Spewok,
John Stamos, Willard Stawski,
Steve Stieler, David Tear, David
Thomas, David Torok, William
Tunnicliff, Ken Tureaud, Dennis
Van Sickler, Peter Wooding, Philip
Wynn; Earnest Zubkus.

promising freshman last year, who
is ineligible this term because of
grade difficulties. Perigo hopefully
indicated that "If he (Jordan) re-
gains his eligibility, he could play
10 games. which would help a lot."
As a result of Monday's game,
Perigo indicated that he will start
the same team in this weekend's
tournament at Kent State. Pleased
with the ball handling of the en-
tire team, he pointed especially to
the work of Lee and Rogers. He
plans to keep Rogers at the pivot
post, but with Lee jumping center.
Tidwell Excels
John Tidwell, the high scoring
sophomore guard, more than satis-
fied his coach on defense also. For
in addition to the 22 points he
tallied, the big first year man did
.a good job of guarding Pitt's All-
American guard, Don Hennon,
holding him to only eight baskets
in 29 attempts while he was on the
floor. Perigo indicated that Tidwell
would probably be assigned to
guard the best back man on op-
posing teams.
Still lacking the skyscraper cen-
ter that many of Michigan's op-
ponents will be boasting, Perigo
readily admits that "the big cen-
ters will give us a rough time this
'Tennessee Has Height
The Wolverines will waste no
time in meeting a sample of this
type of opponent. In the first game
of this weekend's Kent State
Tournament; Michigan is paired
with Tennessee, whose towering
(6-9) center, Dalen Showalter has
already received All-American
mention, and who Perigo reports
is considered "one of the best in
the South,"
st. Louis 105, Cincinnati 91
Boston 109, New York 90
Detroit 95, Philadelphia 91
Virginia 85, WillianaMa Mary 74
Wake Forest 56, Davidson 5Z
Tennessee 72, Wyoming 71
Xavier 91, John Carroll 71
Illinois 103, Butler 79
Iona 70, Loyola (Md.) 60
Marquiette 76, Wisconsin 47
Vanderbilt 71, Sewanee 42
Oklahomia City 74, S. Methodist .1
Labor Trouble
HitS Majiors
trouble ballooned in baseball as
big league players asked for 20
per cent of the clubs' total income.
Meetin with the owners and
crvimnissloner Ford Frick yester-
day, the Major League players
withdrew a previous request for
25 per cent of regular season
radio-TV cash. Instead they sub-
stituted a plan for a budget of
salaries equal to 20 per cent of the
gross receipts of each club from all

.. jumping center

. . ..



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