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December 02, 1958 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-02

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Christmas vacation beckons right
around the calendar-and with it,
the chance to discard campus cos-
tumes in favor of exciting new
holiday fashion.
King Midas had nothing on this
season's styles-the golden touch
glitters everywhere. From the top
of a gilded party hairdo to the tip
of a golden kidskin pump, the new
look is a shimmering one so right
for your holiday mood,
Golden Dresses
New Year's Eve would be a fine
tinie to don a Directoire dress
petaled like a flower, in ivory and
gold metal brocade. Or choose a
floating chiffon, in pale-pretty
shades of champagne gold. Even
makeup has taken on bronzy tones,
with nail glaces and lustrous lip-
sticks adding a glow to hands and
Just a step down the color lad-
der in popularity are the hot pas-
tel shades of poppy, larkspur blue,
and pink geranium. These vivid'
colors are being shown in velve-
teen coordinates, especially smart
when accenting a slim skirt,
matching blouse, and wide cum-
Casuals for 'At Home'
Holday open-houses demand a.
casual look-but not too casual.
The smart hostess might choose
slim-fitting slacks of fine flannel,
matched with a little-boy shirt. A
bulky mohair topper gracing the
shoulders, and chunky jewelry
complete the outfit.
The Empire look promises to be
important this snow-season. The
waistline is gently bypassed, and
the bustline is underscored. This
"little-girl" look is flattering to
the high and tousled hairdo now
Tinted hose are still peeking out
from the smartest skirts, and some
have even added tiny matching
jewels along the ankle in true
holiday spirit. Newest foot flattery:
the lace stocking, delicate and
intricate as a spider's web.

Snacks on Christmas Eve
Mix Traditions_Surprise
duck is sure to be the hit of any sugar and brought to the table
Christmas time has always been party. Stuffed with a tangy coM- steaming hot.
a season for entertaining and a bination of pitted prunes and tart One of the most popular of all
snack on the eve of the holiday apples, the creation should provide varieties is the ready - to - serve
provides a proper overture to the a conversation piece to spark the canned Westphalian ham im-
festivities. evening, ported from Germany. Deep red.
The night before Christmas For an Italian flavor, fresh eel, salty, highly cured and sliced
menu should mix tradition and shipped into New York especially papery thin. it is delicious served
surprise, including old and new for the meatless Christmas eve cold as a zesty hors d'oeuvre.
dishes that are both familiar and dinner, is delicious served with Old fashioned "country" hams.
exciting. panettone, a special fruit bread, neither mild or highly pervasive
To begin the festive occasion, and baked figs stuffed with al- in taste., are also delicious either
hors d'oeuvres of fresh caviar im- monds. hot or cold.
ported from Iran and Russia are Also delicious for a meatless Favor Wines
a luxury. Priced at $32 per lb., the night before Christ's birth is carp Known as the feast of good
paste consists of whole fish eggs served with Austrian crescent- cheer. Christmas has long been a
and is called "malossol beluga." shaped cookies made of ground favorite occasion for drinking.
Thrift Possible nuts and vanilla. Customary wine is the favorite
A thriftier, fresh, pressed version Traditional Food of Latin nations while beer is


Christmas Cu-rds.
Till you're seen the largest and most
tanusual selection in the city! Ilemeon-
ber-Postal Rates are up-Let UiIICUS
shsow yau howrto send better cards and
still save money.


is made of somewhat softer eggs
that are too juicy to process whole.
Salted with a relatively heavy
hand and submitted to high pas-
teurizing temperatures, the deli-
cacy is sold for $12 per lb. sealed
in small jars requiring no refri-
For the main course, the Danish
recipe for crisply roasted goose or

EUREKA!-Glittering accessories appear to go with glittering
holiday fashions. Christmas parties find girls sparkling from the
tips of their golden slippers to the golden glitter in their hair,
carrying golden evening bags in their gold-gloved hands.

Carols Originated in PaganD

Christmas carols, with their
origin in dances, are a pagan note
in the church services.
In the early Middle Ages,
throughout Europe carols were
danced by rings of men and wo-
men moving with clasped hands
during the stanza and then mark-
ing time while they sang the "bur-
den." The carols were so beloved
by the people that eventually the
church adopted them complete,
with pagan connotations.

There are only abort ten days
eft for ordering imprinted
Christmas Cards.
But if you'd like to write your
own, we have some beautifni
cards here.
Phone NO 8-6779 * 601 East Liberty
For very special
and very pleasing
- Christmas Gifts
PORTABLE Fountain Pen Ensembles ...
TYPEWRITERS Beautiful Desk Sets .. . etc.
GII 314 South State#

The theatrical potentialities of
the carols were recognized and
given scope ,in the church mystery
plays. These first appeared in
Italy where, in the thirteenth cen-
tury, St. Francis established the
Praesepium or Creche. Soon spe-
cial songs grew up around this
Christmas drama which spread all
over Europe.,
"Joseph Lieber" Is a German
carol dating back to a fourteenth
century mystery drama. From
England comes the "Coventry
Carol" which is part of the
"Pageant of thenShearmen and
Tailors," a fifteenth century dra-
ma. The carol is sung by the wo-
men of Bethlehem in the play just
before the soldiers of Herod come
in to slay their children.
"Adeste Fideles" is also believed
to be a part of a Christmas drama,
but its true origin is buried in ob-
Ancient Beginnings
The unchristian traditions of
the carols reach back to Druid
worship and the Roman Saturn-
alia, with references to the ivy'
and the holly. The wassail was
once an Anglo-Saxon toast, "Waes
Hael," and meant "Be in health."
This toast, which the Saxons
drank to their Lord at traditional
feasts, was so often celebarted in
the carols that it was adopted as
part of the Christmas customs.
Carols became widespread in
Europe in the fifteenth century,
rather late in Christian history,
when the spirit of humanism was
appearing. They are a national
creation much as the Gothic ca-

found almost anywhere during
- carols, discovering new ones in b
favorites from memory.
thedrals are, and are unclerical
in that they are the result of the
work of all the people.
The carols continued to flour-
ish until the Puritans, during the
Reformation, banned them, per-
haps for their frivolous begin-
nings, At any rate,- for two cen-
turies or more, no new carols ap-
peared, though the old ones were
preserved. Then, in the middle of
the nineteenth century, carolling
once more came into vogue, and
new authors added their contri-
Today, the carols we sing come
from all periods. "The First Noel"
is a medieval shepherds' carol,
which was used for a processional
during the epiphany season.

One of the easiest main courses especially preferred in north Eu-
is the traditional holiday ham, at rope.
least partially pre-cooked by the A type of ale known as "'was-
packer, shop or canner. Mildly sail" has always been a drink
cured, boneless, cooked canned peculiar to the Ei glish. The ale.
ham from Denmark, Belgium, Po- which is always served in a large
land and the United States is a bowl, derives its name from the
favorite for holiday buffets. old Saxon toast "Was haile your
It is most agreeable covered health."
with an attractive glaze of brown The original wassail, made of
roasted apples, eggs. sugar, nut-
Meg, cloves and ging:er, and drunk
hot, has been replaced by the
modern punch bowl.
Egg nog has been very much a
an es part of American entertaining
aynee colonial times and finds its
day of glory on Christmas eye, The
word literally means egg-ale and
the exact time that milk super-
seded ale in the composition of the
drink is not precisely known,
Tell Recipes
Old English recipes for mixing
the hot ale with sugar, nutmeg,
rum or brandy call the resulting
liquid "one yard of flannel," prob-
ably because it was as warming as
the cozy material,
Prepared egg nog was intro-
duced by dairy companies in the
1930's and has since become a na-
tional institution.
The problem sometimes arises
as to what shouldhbe served with
the rich liquid, The most simple
answer is the best-nothing. Since
egg nog is a food and drink in
itself, those who couple it with
-Groups large and small can be fruit cake or sweet cookies are
the Christmas season singing really gilding the lily.
ooks of carols or just singing old I Those hostesses who simply
. can't stand to serve it alone might
I offer hot, thin, sparsely buttered
"Jeanette, Isabella" is a mediev- toast as a foil to the rich nog.
al carol from Provence. In South- End with Coffee
ern Europe the torches or candles For those coffee lovers whose
affection for the black brew is
of the ancient Jewish Chanukkah, Iintensified during the holiday sea-
the festival of lights, played .an son, nothing finishes several fes-
important role in the Christmas tiye courses like a demitasse of
celebrations, and this carol comes carefully brewed coffee. And best
of all, good coffee is happily with-
from that period inreach of anyone who has a good
The earliest of the carols is the coffee maker.
Angel's Hy -n." In 129 Teles- For the best demitasse, the Pan-
phorus, Bishop of Rome, ordained American coffee bureau advises
that "In the Holy Night of the using regular coffee brewed one
Nativity of our Lord and Savior, and a half times its normal
all shall solemnly sing the "An- strength-three .level teaspoons of
gel's Hymn," and it became the coffee to six ounces of water.
first C h r is t i a n hymn of the Armed with a few after-dinner
;church- mints, everyone should be filled
The carols sung at Christmas with good food and the holiday
time now come from all sources. spirit and ready to await the ar-
In addition to those traditional rival of jolly old St. Nick.
carols which have been preserved
for centuries in folklore, there are
carols taken from the music of
the great composers such as Han-
del's "Joy to the World" and Men-
delssohn's "Hark! The Herald An-
gels Sing." Modern carols include
favorites like "We 'Three Kings of
Orient Are," written in 1857 by
Dr. J. H. Hopkins, rector of
Christ's Church, Williamsport, Pa.

Sits the logical center for your
Bath Towel sets 3.40 - 3.85 - 5.00 - 6.25
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Sca rfs, silk or wool, square or long
Handkerchiefs for men and wormen
A wide selection of Christmas designs in table cloths,
teak towels with matching aprons, cocktail napkins
and handkerchiefs, aprons of all descriptions and
Place Mats - Straw, plastic, match stick and Looper
-35c, 50c, 75c 1.00 and up.
Tablecloths, place mat sets, bridge and luncheon sets
Linen toaster and Mixmaster covers-
Hot roll covers, guest towels, sheet sets, pillow cases
Bathroom rugs, Lidcovers, shower curtains are just
a fewof'our many gift items.
collie in u <.cile rselcc//Ons ar il/ /heir bat
and where Ouality has no substitute.
Open 9:00 to 5:30 Monday thru Saturday
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Shop at LILRICII'S and SAVE!

For Christmas ... our new
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Here is a wash-and-wear sport shirt that has all the refinements
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Made in a blend of 65% Dacron and 3500% cotton that requires
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Other sport shirts from $6.95


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