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December 02, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-12-02

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Six)ty-Ninth Year

ben Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Preval'

St. Trinian's
At It Again
BEWARE, GENTLE READER, for the St. Trinian girls have unleashed
fresh horrors upon the bowed heads of the people of England.
St. Trinian's is a shocking and infamous boarding academy first
described in gruesome detail by the cartoonist Ronald Searle in "Punch."
Situated midway between Woofshire-on-the-Pond and Mucking-
on-the-Creek. St. Trinian's is the tassle on the lunatic fringe of pro-
gressive education. It is dreaded throughout the empire, the very men-
tion of its name brings delightful quivers of terror to the palpitating
hearts of the Ministry of Education.
Somehow, each successive film about St. T.'s becomes something
less of an educational satire and something more of a heavy-handed

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


AY, DECEMBER 2, 1958


Alaska Puts Nixon
On Political Ice

IXON-FOR-PRESIDENT banners momen-
tarily disappeared under an Alaskan snow-
ide last week. Braving freezing temperatures
id blinding snow, Alaskans resolutely turned
it in record numbers at the polls to soundly
feat a belated Republican attempt to wrest
ie new state from the grasp of the Democrats.
It was a personal defeat for the optimistiq
ice-President Nixon and company. The Demo-
ats succeeded in capturing four of the five
ajor seats at stake in the new state's first
Even the favored GOP ex-governor Mike
epovich went down to defeat at the hands of
rmer governor Ernest Gruening who took one
the Senate seats.
REPUBLICANS had staged a dramatic last-
ditch effort in the Alaskan race to regain
eir position as at least a contending national
alitical party. But again they failed miserably.
seems the liberal tide has flowed over into
laska, much to the dismay of the staunch
epublican conservatives. Vice-President Nixon
as flown up to the new state for a two-fold
arpose-to bolster the GOP camp and spark
s own 1960 nomination popes.

Donning the movie version Alaskan garb,
Nixon launched a three-day speaking tour
throughout the state and also asked Secretary
of the Interior Fred Seaton to make a two-
week campaign tour. Nixon kissed rosy Alaskan
cheeks and shook chilled hands in an effort to
swing the uncommitted state.
NIXON'S GREATEST error in going north
was that he didn't consider the effect of a
GOP defeat on his own presidential aspirations.
Nixon's popularity attempt again failed as it
had Nov. 4. What the vice-president and his
Republican supporters don't seem to realize is
the fact that the Republican party today is a
minority party, and that only a dynamic vote-
getter can swing the independent and Demo-
cratic vote to the GOP fold. Nixon definitely
doesn't fill this requisite as a GOP presidential
candidate. A New York governor by the name of
Nelson Rockefeller does, but staunch Republi-
cans continue to remain behind an unpopular
Nixon. The sad part is that these same Repub-
licans will probably continue to do so even up to
the GOP convention in the summer of 1960.

s" 1 ; z L. 0 t

For the Children

HAS BEEN two years since Galens, the
medical honorary society, has held its annual
iistmas bucket drive on campus, The cause
this absence has been a Student Govern-
,nt Council ruling that all drives would be
rbined into a single drive,
Galens was reluctant to join this combined
ve as they felt they would be better off by
emselves, since the results of joint drives
ve been disappointing.
Therefore, Galens conducted their drive in
in Arbor proper, not on the University cam-
s. This year, SGC has realized the failure of
combined drive, and subsequently has per-
tted all groups to conduct their own indi-
lual bucket drives on campus. Thus, the
dens drive is returning.
LL MONEY raised goes to help all the chil-
dren in University Hospital. Part is for a
iristmas party for the boys and girls including

Individual gifts and treats, and the rest of the
money is used for the Galens' workshop.
Throughout the year, Galens supports and
supplies the workshop on the ninth floor of
the hospital with games, toys, records, school-
books, a special education teacher for schooling
all children in the hospital and qualified shop
instructors. These instructors supervise the
woodworking and the ceramics the children do
on power saws, lathes, drills and kihs supplied
by the Galens.
For those children unable to use the work-
shop, Galens see to it that people go to the
wards both for educational purposes and for
arts and crafts, so no child misses out.
Approximately 3,000 children benefit from the
Christmas party and there are usually a total
of 5,000 children in confinement throughout the
year who receive Galens' support.
Galens goal for this year's drive is $7,500.

Nixon's La
WASHINGTON-Vice-President is an acutely inflar
Richard M. Nixon may be problem."
expected to move soon on two Some Nixon associate
basic matters that involve his selves shortly begin,.
chances for the 1960 Presidential of the machinery ofd
nomination. This is the word from
his closest friends. national committee, a
The first of Mr. Nixon's neces- persuasion among sme
sities is seen by these powerful dium-large businessmen
backers to be in two parts: pose will be to convince
To present himself much more they cannot afford to
candidly than heretofore for what insist on "right to wo
he is in fact-the' operating head tion lest they defeat
now of the Republican party in the Republican ticketo
succession to President Dwight D. issue was punishing to
Eisenhower. Senatorial and House
And to identify himself more on Nov. 4. Labor get
openly, one way or the other, with sisted in looking on "ri
the high policy decisions of the only as a softer term
Administration of which he is a busting."
part. This might sometimes re- Some Republicans v
quire frank and public disagree- Nixon will tell busin
ment with President Eisenhower. clamor for "right to w
The "Nixon people" will urge the into 1960 would be an
Vice-President not to hesitate to luxury. It will be argue
dissent from the President out in vain anyhow to suppo
the open - as he has sometimes forseeable Congress w
done heretofore, but only in pri- such a program. And
vate. And Nixon from here on out contended that the on
probably will indeed not be be- an obstinate businessn
hindhand in doing so. wherever for such legislation w
he thinks the President is adopting expand the already l
a line that is politically unrealistic. cratic party and ultima
* * duce government lab
THE SECOND of the Vice-Pres- that would "really" to
ident's strategic requirements is agement.
described as an urgent rebuilding * *
of the GOP with the lessons of the FINALLY, IT WIL
recent Congressional elections cinctly pointed out th
painfully uppermost in mind, very-big business never
Nixon advisers of high station "right to work" side-
are advising him to take the ini- was easily discernible
tiative in this, with special em- year's Congressional
phasis on what for the Republicans ever opened to any vi

bor Relations

Religion in Politics

med "labor
s will them-
the party's
n effort of
all and me-
n. The pur-
these busi-
ountry, that
continue to
ork" legisla-
in advance
of 1960. The
many GOP
nerally per-
ght to work"
for "union
ery close to
ess that a
ork" carried
ed that it is
se that any
would adopt
d it will be
ly result of
man's stand
would be to
arge Demo-
ately to pro-
bor policies
errify man-
L BE suc-
hat most of
r was on the
-a fact that
before this
sitor to the

clubs of the very rich on either
As this campaign of pointed
political education progresses
among the not-so-terribly rich, the
Vice-President will be required to
do what he has not yet clearly
done - strongly align himself
against "right to work." This he
could do without any break with
the Eisenhower Administration.
The Secretary of Labor, James P.
Mitchell, has long. since made it
plain that he is certainly no "right
to work" man.
The Nixon people are by no
means in panic at the possibility
of a strong rivalry from Gov.-elect
Nelson Rockefeller of New York
for the 1960 Presidential nomina-
tion. Equally, however, they are
not wildly happy with the recent
provisional endorsement of Nixon's
1960 candidacy by the right-wing
Republican Senator from Arizona,
Barry Goldwater.
* * *
THEY SEE and frankly acknowl-
edge a need to reduce and dim,
rather than in any way to en-
large and light up, all public pic-
tures of the Vice-President as the
very model of the orthodox Re-
publican. They believe, indeed,
that the only real danger posed
by the Rockefeller forces is the
possibility of maneuvering Nixon
into the position of a hero to the
Old Guard.
And one way to avoid that would
be to disassociate the Vice-Presi-
dent thoroughly and soon from
any position that could reasonably
be seen as "anti-labor."
(Copyright 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

slapstick. "Blue Murder at St.
Trinian's" is more slapstick than
satire, but a fine vein of satire
remains in this bloated carcass
of cheap theatrical tricks.
As this film begins, St. T.s is
temporarily occupied by the army,
pending arrival of a new head-
mistress. The old headmistress is
briefly in jail for crushing two
refractory pupils under a steam-
roller for smoking in chapel.
OTHER deteriorations have also
occurred. Some of the girls have
grown from puerility to nymph-
ancy, and stroll about in skimpy
garb or sit abed in lush nighties
reading "Lolita" or "Silas Marner."
Fortuitiously enough, a sly tout
of an English lout wanders the
continent selling the St. T. girls
into wedlock with aged Emirs who
peer eagerly from oeil-de-boeufs
awaiting their brides.
Joyce Grenfell plays an English
police women with great elan in
the film. George Cole is a trans-
portation entrepreneur and Alastir
Sim makes a twenty-second ap-
pearance; his sinister smile re-
vealing horrible depths.
"Blue Murder" has its amusing
moments to be sure, although the
fine essence of depraved satire is
not always overly obvious.
Sobriety. Sobranje. Socinianism.
-David Kessel
Reds Show
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
NIKITA Khrushchev has taken
the wraps off his economic
timetable for licking the United
The Soviet Premier and Com-
munist party chairman, in pre-
senting his theses for the 21st
Communist Party Congress in
Moscow in January set 1970 as
the year for Soviet eclipse of the
United States as the world's No. 1
industrial power.
And it follows, from the Soviet
way of thinking, that on this basis
the Soviet Union will have taken
over world political leadership. by
then as well.
The Khrushchev plans make up'
a document testifying to the very
real possibilities and potentialities
of the Soviet Union in economic
They advance a new seven-year
plan for Soviet economic develop-
ment' from 1959 through 195
which would, if realized, put the
USSR within striking distance of
overtaking the Utaited States in
economic might i five additional
Experience since the end of
World War II indicates that even
if there are failures in some par-
ticular areas, the over-all develop-
ment plan announced by Khrush-
che f will be fulfilled.
American economic experience
indicates that though the United
Statest perhapshwilY make sme
progress between now and 1965 in
increasing industrial and other
output, such progress will be slow
and characterized by ups and
downs. The Russians aim to in-
crease their production at a much
more rapid rate.
* * *
IF THE Soviet Union, by 1970,
succeeds in this aim here. are some
of the things it can and no doubt
will do:
1) It will be able to buy more
weapons, equip more armies, build
larger fleets on the ocean and in
the air, construct more and big-
ger missiles, provide more arms

to allies and spend more money
on military-Scientific research
than the United States,
2) It will be able to furnish more
economic aid to underdeveloped
nations, to spend more money on
subversion of foreign politicians
and organs of the press, to finance
more espionage and subversive ac-
tivity in non-Communist lands, to
use its might in foreign trade to
disrupt Western channels of for-
eign trade. In short, it will be able
to convert its economic power into
political power abroad.
3) It will be able to devote far
more capital than it can at the
present time to the economic
buildup of Communist China and
other Communist countries. By
this means it will add their in-
creasing economic might to that
of the Soviet Union in the world
power struggle.

Associated Press News Analyst
N IKITA Khrushchev has now
surrounded his Berlin cam-
paign with so many ifs and buts
that speculation has arisen as to
whether he ever will go through
with his threats.
At first he sounded like Russia
was right ready to load the lorries
for her evacuation of East Berlin.
Then he demanded that the Allies
get out of the Western sector. Then
he said six months, with the indi-
cation there need be no hard and
fast date if negotiations got under
Thus, at least for the time being,
the Communists are conducting
another probing operation, as they
did in the Middle East and at Que-
moy, to test the solidity of the
Western front.
During the next six months of
political attack and counter-at-
tack, the situation could well bil
down into Indecisvenpss, as it did
in the other places.
By denouncing the Potsdam
Agreenent with regard to Berlin,
Khrushchev has also denounced
it with "regard to other matters,
and broughtn io qestion all the
"cobsolete"'.wartime agreementsr
THIS, for instance, includes
Poland's occupation.of East er-.
man~y up to the Oder- Neisse line
to compensate for the Russian
takeover of Polish territory. The
Poles and Russians considered this
permanent. The Allies insist it is
only temporary pending a general
peace treaty. With Russo-Polish
relatins already in a nervous
s ate, Njikita cannot enjoy having
this argument revived now.
Khrushcbev also has to remem-
ber that the East Gernans have
displayed; a hatred of the Russan
oecupation such as has never been
approacled by the Wt, Germans
against $he Allies,
If Khrushchev is trying to raise
all-German hopes of getting rid of
foreign trops, he can be made
to consider the effects of an Allied
demand for return of the East
Zone territory yielded to the Soviet
after Allied capture.
There is always the question of
just,how much the Rremlin trust
the East German Communists.
Both in economic and political
matters it has proved weaker than
the other satellite governments,
Any reduction of the Russian hold
would be a calculated risk, and a
big one.
The Reds can be counted upon
to make a lot of fur fly, but there
is a growing question whether,
faed by complete lwmness, they
will actually let it come to a
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the Ann Arbor Society, Archaeological
Institute of America. "Excavations at
Sardis, Capitai of Ancient Lydia, 1958."
In clGer ge M. npnIAA_ Znfn,.#, n. Prfl.

T CLEVELAND before a recent conf
Protestant Churchmen, Secretary
hn Foster Dulles ended his address o
hich was novel and interesting. "To
id, "when despotism rides high, ours
osely observed. Many find us lack
rms of works, we seem to be confus
)m with moral license and our pr
wer is often devoted to frivolities.
spects, we seem to be as materialist
ammunists but without their suppor
sophy and efficiency." But, said Dul
one other way, and that the most in
which we are lacking. "In terms off
em unable to articulate a basic ph
r our times which carries deep convic
rong appeal."
This is a remarkable thing for r
Imit. For the President and he,
rticularly, have certainly been un
eir attempts to articulate a basic ph
is rare indeed that either of them
public question without wrappingI
e confident claim that the position t
keni is derived directly from the mo
the universe. How then, has it con
at Dulles, despite all the basic ph
at he has articulated for so many yea
at his use of philosophy does not car
mviction and strong appeal ?"
'HE CLUE to the answer to this qu
to be found in the fact thatt
thering he was addressing has made
st that it does not accept the notio
ulles's constant theme. It does no
at his policies in foreign affairs are
om and founded upon "a moral ord(
fundamental and eternal." ,any
urchnen attending the conferenced
th the Dulles China policy, and all
ppear to have rejected the notiont
ecific Dulles policy has somehow

erence of thority and sanction of religion and of the
of State moral order which religion sustains.
on a note Yet the incessant claim that our policies are
day," he more than human, and have about them an
society is aura of divinity, has been having a devastating
ing." In effect on our prestige in the world. Dulles, who
ing free- carries a very big stick with our weapons and
roductive our wealth, seems curiously insensitive to the
"In some fact that he should therefore speak softly. In
ic as the the face of the outer world he, even more than
ting phi- the President, is the wielder of great material
les, there power and, if only he could see himself as
nportant, others see him, he would be humble and would
faith, we not wield this power with moral dogmatism
hilosophy and any suggestion of special righteousness.
ctlon and
THERE IS NO surer way for a leader in the
Dulles to free world to repel free men than to let it
and he seem that in our foreign policies we make the
tiring in assumption of infallibility, that what finally
ilosophy. emerges from the vast bureaucracy which forms
discusses these policies, is hedged with divinity, and that
it up in only the blind, the ignorant and the wicked can
hey have disagree with whatever the policy finally hap-
ral order pens to be.
me about It is right here, so I have come to believe,
hilosophy that lie the sources of the irritation which is
ars, finds frustrating the hopes of the President and of
rry "deep Dulles. that they can rally the people of the
world in a moral crusade against Communism.
For far from articulating a basic philosophy
which is different from Communism, the pre-
estion s tense to know and to speak for the universal
the very order of things is, when seen at a distance, in
it mani- Asia and even in Europe, too painfully similar
Sthat believe to the central vice of the Communist philos-
e belive ophy. For the Communists, when they are true
er believers are certain that they know the inner
er which secrets of all human experience, and that what-
of the ever they happen to be doing is a manifestation
disagreed of destiny.
of them o
that any r HE TENDENCY to transform our mundane
the au-
and secular matters, as for example what to
do about Quemoy or Berlin, into religious and
moral dogmas is an old and a bad habit of the
human race. Freedom has one of its deepest
roots in the realization that the business of
states is the business of fallible and altogether
human persons, that tariffs and budgets and
military establishments and 'what to do in
wEICHErt Lebanon and Cyprus and the rest, cannot be
y Editor deduced directly and neatly and obviously from
the moral principles of any religion. The spirit
I Director of freedom is an emanation of the human
al Director experience in which men have learned to dis-

Friendliness Begins at Home

To the Editor:
WITH THE comment in your
newspaper under them title,
"International Week Misses Aim,"
that the activities of the Week
passed sby with a lot of big name
performers and publicity, but
"failed to fulfill its original pur-
pose-mutual understanding be-
tween students," I should like to
take the opportunity to agree.
Being a foreign student myself,
I feel as bad about it as any other
sincere person of any nationality
who is concerned about a durable
if not permanent peace. This lo-
calized failure of mutual under-
standing would not seem as un-
fortunate to me if it were not
part ofaa general lack of mutual
understanding between the Ameri-
can people on one hand and
peoples of other countries on the
Having been in this country for
more than two years and having
been singularly fortunate in hav-
ing the opportunity to associate
withamany Americans of various
social, political, and economic
strata both sitting in a comfort-
able chair and, prior to that time,
in trenches in Korea. I have come
to the conclusion that the ma-
jority of the American people are

and hospitality so that the charac-
teristics. of this nation, as seen
through the eyes of foreign stu-
dents, appear to be distrust, ani-
mosity, and non-acceptance. This
apathy on the part of the Ameri-
can people, and especially the stu-
dent population, seems to be in no
other field so widespread as in the
field of international relations.
There are sixteen hundred for-
eign students on this campus from
81 different countries. From my
discussions with a number of them,
I know that all they want is to be
treated not with hospitality alone,
but as ordinary members of the
student body. All they really want
is a welcome, a smile, and oppor-
tunity to chat with American stu-
dents, and an integrated environ-
ment where they can exchange
ideas and knowledge and where
they can learn the way Americans
think and act "out of the class-
The University students and the
community of Ann Arbor in gen-
eral 'should always bear in mind
that some of these foreign stu-
dents will be influential members
of the leading society in their own
countries. They should not forget
that what these people are going
to say about America will be a
thousand times more influential

"leaders" (of SGC) toward our
elders (in this case the adminis-
tration)." The ex-member fails to
point out which specific action of
these leaders led him to such a
It may, perhaps, be surmised'
that the ex-member was driven to
such a conclusion by the recent
conflict of SGC with the adminis-
tration over Sigma Kappa and
all its aftermath. If this be the
case, the ex-member is pretty
badly confused between leadership
and respect for "elders."
Are honest expressions of one's
convictions and opinions and a
fearless willingness to stand by
them considered as tantamount to
disrespect towards those thereby
opposed? This can best be an-
swered by posing one true story
amongst the countless such ones
in the annals of mankind.
Not long ago in Van Buren, Ark.,
a brave young girl, scarce 15 years
old, named Angeline ("Angie")
Evans stood up against the people
in her town who wanted to stop
the integration. "Their arguments
are so ridiculous," she said of the
segregationists, speaking as presi-
dent of the local student body,
"Someone had to speak up and I
did it."
Now is this girl displaying much

Si44wi n

Editorial Staff
itorial Director
Associate Editor



E CANTOR ..,,,,.Personne
N WILLOUTGHBY...Associate Editorta
TA JORGEN ON ..s.._.__ Arnri.*,. r

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