AT, DE BIER 2, 4958
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- Cont nued from Page 4)
on Tues., Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m. Rm. 130-,
Bus. Admin. Bldg. Topics to be dis-,
cussed are: 1) Ethics and Business; 2)
Big Business vs. Small Business, 3)
Building Up Your Business, and 41
Preparing Yourself for the Management
Academic Notices
Alfred P. Sloan Fellowships: Seniors
who are planning to teach high school
science or mathematics are eligible to
apply for $2,500 Sloan Fellowships for
a full year of graduate study, 1959-60,
at the Universit:: Programs in science
or mathematics only will be approved.
Those interested should call at the
main desk in the lobby of the Rackham
Bldg. for full information.
There will be a seminar in Communi-
cation Sciences on Tues.. Dec. 2 from
4 to 5 p.m. at 168 Frieze Bldg. Dr. Har-
old Wooster, Director of Research Com-
munication. Air Force Office of Scien-
tific Research will speak on "Informa-
tion and Communication Research,"
Doctoral Examination for Daniel Al-
lan Naymik, Physics; thesis: "A 60 Mev
Electron Scattering Measurement of
the Nuclear Radii of Aluminum. Cop-
per and Tungsten." Wed.. Dec. 3, 1038
Randall Lab., 1:30 p.m. Co-Chairmen,
H. R. Crane and J.H. Fregeau.
Placement Notices
Personnel Interviews:
The following companies will be in-
terviewing at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg. Contact our
office for appointments, Ext. 3371.
Tues., Dec. 2:
Project Matterhorn, Princeton Uni-
versity, Princeton, N. J. Location of
work - Forrestal Research Center,
Princeton, N. J. Graduates - Feb.,
June. Aug. Citizenship required. Men
with B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. in Physics for
Research and Development.
Central Intelligence Agency, Wash-
ington, D.C. Location of work: Wash-
ington. D.C. Graduates - Feb.. June,j
Aug. 71 Men with B.A., M.A. or Ph.D. in
History or Political Science. 2) Men
with knowledge of Korean or Chinese
language. 3) Man, single, fluent use of
German. 3) Men with M.S. or Ph.D.
preferred in General Sciences, Physics,
Chemistry, etc. 41 Women with M.A.
or Ph.D. In History or Political Science.
5 Women with B.A. in any field plus
typing and/or shorthand who can qua-
lify may have opportunity to go over-
seas after 6-18 rnonths in Washington
D.C. 6) Man with Ph.D., or will have
a Ph.D. In Psychology in a year for
Testing and Evaluation. Preference is
given to students in the upper quarter
of their class who are in good health
and are williong to travel. For some
veterans are desirable: for all U.S. citi-
zenship is a requisite.
Wed., Dec. 3:
Central Intelligence Agency - See
Tuesday's listing.
Thurs., Dec. 4:
Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Com-
pany, Detroit, Mich. Location of work:
Detroit, Mich Graduates: Feb., June,
Aug. Men with a B.A. in Liberal Arts
or Business Administration or degree
in Law for Sales. On-the-fob training.
Fri., Dec. 5:
Continental Casualty Company, Chi-
cago, Ill. Location of work: Chicago, Ill.
Graduates: Feb. Citizenship not re-
quired for employment. Men and wo-
men with a degree in Liberal Arts,
Business Administration, Mathematics,
or Law for 1) Actuarial; 2) Electric
Computing; 3) Insurance including
Home Office, Claims, and Sales; 4)
Management Training; 5) Market Re-
search: 6) Merchandising: 7) Territory
Sales; 8) Sales Promotion: 9) Statistics.
L.O.F. Glass Fibers. Toledo, Ohio.
Location of work: Plant Locations:f
Waterville, Ohio; Defiance, Ohio: Cor-
ona, Calif.; Parkersburg, W. Va.: Hous-
ton, Texas: Toledo. Ohio, Ohio General
Offices. Graduates: Feb., June. Men
with a degree in Liberal Arts or Busi-y
ness Administration for 1) Management
Training Program eventually leading
to Production and Manufacturing, andj
2) Marketing Sales. Training in all
phases of the Company.
The following position is open to:
Feb. graduates. If interested in the
position please contact our office so
that we may forward your credentials,
and you must write or contact the em-
ployer directly.
Consumers Power Company, Jack-
son, Mich. Man with a degree in Lib-
eral Arts, Journalism, Advertising with
a strong background in Copywriting
for Copywriter for Advertising Dept.
The position entails working on copy
for advertising, television, radio, and
Fri., Dec. 5:
The Lord Baltimore Press, Division
of International Paper Company, Balti-
more, Md. Location of work: Home of-
fice - N.Y.C., N.Y. Plants: Baltimore,
Md.; Clinton, Iowa; San Leandro. Calif.:
Sales offices located in several cities.I
Graduates: Feb. Men with a degree in
Liberal Arts or Business Administra-
tion for Sales Training Program. The
training will include all departments
and operations and then assignment to
a position for which employed,
Wed., Dec. 10:
U.S. Department of Justice, Immigra-
tion and Naturalization Service, Chi-
cago, Ill. Location of work: Mexican
border between Brownsville, Texas, and
Chula Vista, California. Graduates:
Feb., June. Citizenship required. Men
with any degree in Liberal Arts, Law,
or Bus. Admin. for Border Patrol. Ap-
plicants selected will be sent to the
Border Patrol Academy, El Paso, Texas,
and after graduation will be assigned
to the station in Southwestern U.S.
Subsequently, may be transferred else-
where in the U.S, As they gain addi-
tional experience in the Border Patrol,
officers become qualified for promo-
tion to positions of investigator, im-
migrant inspector, and - for officers
who have graduated from recognized
:gggg ggggi gggmDept. for a graduate Metallurgical En- Ext. 3371, 3528 Admln, Bldg. If enough
gineer with administrative qualifica- students or alumni are in rested, this
tions. Must be able to write process corporation will come to the campus ,
specfains, to interview.
Dundee Cement Co, Dundee, Mich.,
of good scholastic background in Elec- Dec. 2 Is the day the Summer Place-
Prefer someone with exposure to labor ment Service of the Bureau of Appoint-
.management courses In te School . ments starts in R . D-528, S.A.B., from
Bus. Ad. The man will work directly 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can be in-
law schools and have been admitted to ing specialist. B.S. or BA. in Journa -ThepanerPre a formed on jobs in business and indus-
the bar - the position of Naturaliza- ism, Speech, or Education. Age and sal- ud 1958. of 195t . ragerm Orfr NO 2-
tion Examiner. ary are open. radaera ltvy how to get a summer job. Open to all
Mutual Benefit Life, Newark. N. J. United Nations. New York, N.Y. has tu .undergraduate, graduate, and married NO 2-6362
Location of work: Newark, N. J.; Ann a number of vacancies for Junior Sta- Biological Warfare Laboratories, Fort students.
Arbor District Office or Detroit Agency. tisticians in the Statistical Office. B.A. Detrick, Frederick, Md. has a vacancy For further information concerning
Graduates: Feb., June, Aug. Citizenship degree in Statistics. Math., Econ., or for a Supervisory Physical Science Ad- job or interview information, contact
required. Men with any degree in Lib- Sociology. Graduate study would be an mnistrator. B.S. degree in Physical the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
eral Arts or Bus. Admin for Sales. advantage. Fluency in English or Science, Mathematics or Engineering min. Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Men who have completed their junior French required. Working knowledge plus three yrs. of professional exp. in
year will also be eligible for summer of additional languages desirable. Also above fields. Must have two yrs. exp,
work with this co npanY. the United Nations has a limited pro- in an administrative capacity. A M.S.
1gramme of Traneeships for Nationals. or Ph.D. in one of the above fields may
Thurs.. Dec. 1l. be substituted for one yr. of general
Bankers Life of Nebraska. Detroit Approximately one year of in-service exp. Excell nt sal ry.
Mich. Location of work: Ann Arbor- training.
Detroit-Southeastern Mich. Graduates: General Finance Corp., Dearborn, Regional School. District No. 9,
Deri-SuhasenM~h rauts:Bigeot Cn. as openings for the f
Feb., June, Aug. Life and Health In- Mich., has opening for two maleB.h
surance and Hospitalization Insurance. trainees. Men will begin with on-the- positions of Secretaries and Guidance
Men, Married, 23 and over, with a de- job training in collections, credits, Director.
gree in Liberal Arts or Bus. Admin. for sales, assistant managers, and in the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Sales. future managers. Men will work at Washington, D. C., is considering add--
Fri., Dec. 12: their own speed and work up according ing to its personnel staff an Employee
The J. L. Hudson Company, Detroit, to themselves. Must have car, Degree Counselor. Applicant should be a fe-
Mich. Location of work: Detroit area. in Business Administration or Liberal male between the ages of 28 and 36.U DER i- CL
Graduates' Feb. Men and women with Arts. Age: 21-25. Single. Prefer mill- Marion County Mental Health Clinic,
any degree in Liberal Arts or Business tary obligation completed but will con- Marion, Ohio, has a vacancy for a Clin- Weekends and the holidays
Administration for Executive Training sider others. ical Psychologist. Must be Ph.D. Three
and Development leading to Assistant Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria, yrs. post-doctoral exp. for highest sal- 8o much more fun in
Buyerships in the Merchandising Divi- Va.: has openings for the following ary. Candidate will bring aid to emo- New York if you stop at
sions and Assistant Department Head high calibre technical talent: Materials tionally ill adults and children through The Biltnore traditional favorite
Jobs in the Personnel and Operations Engineer, Pyrotechnic Liaison Engineer, diagnostic tests, psychotherapy under T
Divisions. Training is on-the-job for Production Engineer, Mechanical En- the supervision of Director, participa- on every campus in the
12-18 months. Trainees may be placed gineer. Thermo-Chemists, Research En- tion in community programs.
in the Control Division, Merchandise gineers Chemists, Aerodynamicist, For further Information concerning ! Eco mical oo
Division, Operating Division, or Pub- Physicist, Chemical Engineers. Devel- the above positions, contact the Bureau
licity Division. opment, Safety, Project Engineers., of Appointments, 3528 Admin., Ext. 3371. W t to our Col e Depatm t
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Youngstown Hearing And Speech
Washington, D.. Location of work: Center, Youngstown. Ohio. has opening Special Request: for specW studentandfaculty
Washington, D.C. Graduates: Feb., for an Audiologist to begin Jan. 1, 1959. Men with an LLB. Degree or who ex- rates and egeaions.
June. Citizenship required. Dien with Duties: Assistance in differential diag- pect one in Feb. are eligible for a Man-
any degree in Public Admin., Bus. nosis; routine audiometry; hearing aid agement Training Program in a large
Admin., Political Science, or Economics selections; auditory training: speech corporation in Detroit. The program
for Executive Trainee. Initially, by and speech reading: counseling and will involve training in the following
means of readings and conferences with guidance, especially in relation to par- departments: Compensation, Labor Re-
agency officials, all trainees receive a ents; and a limited amount of therapy lations, Personnel Management Insur- dlson Avn" t 43rd St., N. Y. 17, N.Y.
60-day orientation in the history, mis- with brain injured persons. M. A. de- ance, etc. Work will be in the Indus- AT GRAND CENTRAL STATION
sion and organization of this office. gree. trial Relations Department. If you are
The remainder of the first year is de- American Screw Company, Willman interested in this opportunity, please Other MALTY NOllTS-T Barcla & Park L.An
voted to rotation assignments in pro- tic. Conn., has opening in the Research contact the Bureau of Appointments Harry M. Anhaw, P e d
gram or administrative service areas.
The appointments are made from the *-
Management Intern Option of the Fed- . :. .. .. .. . .. ...
eral Service Entrance Examination
Personnel Requests:
Beckman, Spinco Division, Palo AltoD4u-TH
Calif., has an opening for a Manager of
Product Development. Minimum Is B .
in Mech. Eng. with advanced degree .
preferred. A good foundation in then
basic sciences required. Should have
several years project engineering exp.
Argonne National Laboratory, Uni-
versity of Chicago, has opening for a
Research Technician in the Biological
and Medical Research Division of the
Plant Physiology Group. Sex: either.
Age: 20-30. B.S. degree with B average. , 8
Major in Chemistry; minor in biology.ou
U. S. Dept. of Commerce. Weather W s ,_rS V
Bureau, announces employment oppor-
tunities for Meteorologists. Physicists,
Engineers, and Mathematicians.
County of Calhoun, Marshall, Mich..
has a vacancy for a female social work-
er. Start work Jan., 1959. B.A. with
major In social work, psychoolgy, so-
ciology, or related fields. No previous *
exp. necessary, Must be able to drive -R
and either have a car or be able to ob-
tain one. Travel reimbursement at 8
cents per mile.
The Pure Oil Company, Chicago, Ill.,
has the following positions oxen: Pat-
ent Attorney. Degree in chem. or en-
gineering with some knowledge of Til ou've seen the lr est and most n "o e u s
chem. law degree or partial completion
of law degree with intent to complete snl the city. Besides the *
degree. Two, to 10 yrs. exp. Age: 23-4, : n to al detie ad lihscr
Marketing Research SenIor Analyst,
degree.twogg'Rtos10arsSeniorAe:l23-t. ",: nationally advertised cards, tUlrch'% carry .~SAVE 25% on Budget Plan
M.B.A. degree with operations research charming and different cards from small
background desirable. Three to five yrs.
bxexp. Age: 3Q-40. Mathematician. Ph.D. ex lusive companies, both foreign and
or M.S. with Operations Research digi- domestic, at tremendous savings. Shop and H:t
tal computer training or exp. Age:
30-40. Electrical Engineer. Two-three 'a save at Urich's Bookstore, 549 East Uni-
yrs. exp. in any of the following fields,
Petroleum, Electric Utlity, Electricalversty. 510 EAS WILLIAMS
Manufacturing, Instrumentation or .. EAST
Electrical Contracting, Knowledgeof ...
electronics desirable. Age: 25-35. Train- "
See Russia
for yourself!
MAUPINTOUR Motorcoach Tours.
departing New York
Aug. 12th. Rate inc.
Economy air fare is
David Stewart at
NO 3-3883
Bring your $6.00
to the Diag Tomorrow,