DTan Futurer
ENDING TONIGHT 1 Iit ! tr+i ,i1 Chamnbers PraisesTColl eeS
ax, NOvMBE
"The beauty of the higher edu-
cation system in the United States
is its great diversity," Merritt M.
Chambers, a visiting lecturer at
the University, said.
For instance, if a person wants
to attend college for only two
years, or for four, or if he wants
to go for seven or eight years and
work toward a doctorate, there
are numerous excellent junior col-
leges, colleges, or universities at
which he can fulfill his aim, he
pointed out.
"Universities, however, from
their very start, were intended to
be free," Chambers added. Most
state-supported institutions today
have upheld the idea that the
states should provide the money,
for higher education, with little
or no charge to the students, and
such students pay' only 18-20 per
cent of the total cost of their col-
lege education."
Higher Fees Proposed 4
"And yet, there has recently
been the proposal that universities;
and colleges should exact muchr
ki"'kar fa fn th %t dent_ Rs .
ent three billion to nine billion
dollars in the next ten to 12 years.
On the proposal that a joint
budget be submitted to the Michi-
gan Legislature by the nine state
supported institutions of higher
education. Chambers said there
is no evidence to prove the plan
would be effective, but that it is
"attractive in theory."
Chambers also commented that
of all the college students in the
United States today, only one-
third are women, whereas before
World War II, two-fifths of all
college students were of the fe-
male sex. "The number is increas-
ing slowly, but I would like there
to be an equal amount of women
and men at college," he added.
Utilize All Man Power
We must utilize all the man
power we have, he said. The
United States has so many people
and it should get the most it can
out of each one of them. "We need
everyone's brains," he explained.
For this reason, he advocates
the need for more colleges, and
especially junior colleges, so that
more people can have the bene-
fit of a higher education, whether
it be for two, four or eight years.
"The number of students at-
tending college varies widely in
each state and in each individual
county," he continued. Utah is
the state which has most of its
people of college age attending
, praises higher education
ation and expenditure, this might
be accomplished.
Something in this area must be
done, he emphasized, in order to
meet the cost of operating higher
at..n +tin4l intitutions a cost
MODERN DANCE-The Jose Limon Dance Company will present
a modern dance recital at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Ann Arbor High
School Auditorium. The dances and musical accompaniments
included on the program have been composed by members of the
Jose Limon To Present
Modern Dance Program
Jose Limon and his Dance
Theatre will present a modern
dance recital at 8 p.m. tomorrow
in the Ann Arbor High School
Sponsored by the University
Modern Dance Club and the Ann
Arbor Civic Ballet, the troupe will
present works by Limon and Doris
IFC To Hold
Open Rushing
Fifteen fraternity houses will
participate in organized open rush
Monday and Tuesday evenings
from 7:30 to 9:30, according to
Howard Nack, '59BAd., chairman
of the Interfraternity Council,
rushing committee.1
The fraternities taking part in
this program are Acacia, Theta
Chi, Zeta Xi, Sigma Nu, Triangle,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Kappa
Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Chi
Phi, Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa
Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa.
IThe fraternity system began
open rush last semester on an or-
ganized basis, Nack said. It is par-
ticularly useful because there is
no contact between the houses
and many of the prospective
rushees, he continued.
"Anyone may participate in
open rush. There is no need to
have previously registered with
IFC," Nack said.
by Bud-Mor
1103 South University
NO 2-6362
Humphrey, choreographer and
artistic director of the company.
Norman Lloyd, a pioneer in
composing original music for mod-
ern dance, has written the score
for Limon's original dance "La-
Malinche," based on a' play of
Spanish-American Indians.
Limon's stately "Moors Pavane,"
based on the story of dthello's
betrayal, will also be included in
the program. Music for the dance,
which recently was awarded the
Dance Magazine Award, was ar-
ranged by Simon Sadoff, music di-
rector of the group.
Pauline Koner, who formerly
led her own dance company, will
be featured as guest artist on to-
morrow's program. Lucas Hoving,
Betty Jones and Ruth Currier will
also perform as soloists.
Award Winner
Gives U' Gift
The University Department of
Journalism has been given a $500
gift as a part of this year's Ted
V, Rodgers journalism awards.
The Rodgers award this year
for outstanding articles and edi-
torials on highway improvement
and use, went to George Koether
who is on the staff of a national
The award, in addition to giv-
ing a personal award of $1,500 to
Koether, included $500 which
could be given to any school of
Journalism he should choose.
Koether selected the University
Department of Journalism for the
Prof. W. H. Maurer, chairman
of the journalism department,
said that at the present time it is
not known how the gift will be
higher iees from e stue4 ,- eauca io ai si5iU1i , VO
much as 40 per cent of the cost of which will increase from the pres-
his education at a public institu-
tion," he remarked, referring to
the article which he wrote on this
subject recently.S
If such a rise in tuition were to
be put into effect, the entirew pur-N om ination
be defeated, he added. It would
make college not a benefit, but Roy Smith of Ypsilanti town'
a thing to be bought and sold, and ship announced yesterday his
by so doing, college would be taken plans to seek the Republican par-
away from those who had the ty'snomination for township su-
ability, and given to those who pervisor in the February primary
had the money. election.
He expressed the belief that the One of the major points in his
percentage of money given by the campaign, he said, is a promise to
states to the units of higher edu- "establish a planning commis-
cation; which has decreased from sion to draw up a master plan to
10 to four per cent since 1915, is insure the continued growth and
now due for a rise, and through progress of the township."
revamping of state systems of tax- Earlier in the year Smith op-
posed plans to unify Ypsilanti and
Ann Arbor but was elected to a
Hospital Gets position on the charter commis-
sion established to carry out the
-3 plans. The unification proposal
cwasdefeated by the voters and
the commission was never acti-
The maximum three-year ac- Smith outlined plans to require
creditation was given Beyer Me- a monthly report to the township
morial Hospital of Ypsilanti by the board on the township's financial
Joint Commission on Accredita- status.
tion of Hospitals at its meeting He also advocates publishing
Thursday. the minutes of each township
"The fact that Beyer Hospital board meeting and the provision
was granted accreditation for the of adequate fire and police pro-
three years - maximum period tection and recreational areas.
under present rules of the Joint
Commission - indicates that the
standards for high quality pa-
tient care have been met," John J. f
Freysinger, Beyer superintendent
"Most of the credit for this ac-
complishment is due the medical
staff of the hospital," he empha-
Freysinger explained that the
function of the Joint Commission
is to establish and inspect stand-
ards of patient care in hospitals. 1yus f
To receive accreditation a hospi-
tal must meet or surpass these MAUPINTOUR Moaorcoaeh Tours.
All phases of hospital opera-
tion are covered in the commis- departing New York
sion's standards. Administration, Au12t.1RatDn.
Al~ .2t eas te asn
facilities, and training must be of
high quality, but special emphasis
is placed on patient care.
An independent and voluntary
organization, the Joint Commis-
sion represents the American Hos-
pital Association, The American
College of Physicians, the Ameri-
can College of Surgeons, The
American Medical Association,
and the Canadian Medical Asso-
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