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November 22, 1958 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-22

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1Mw 43U
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom



VOL. LXIX, No. 58






One Stays
In Hospital
For Study



tu den t












Allied I

-Daly-Peter Anderson
UP AND OVER-Michigan quarterback Bob Ptacek (49) smashes over the line for a touchdown.
Ptacek will play his final game for the Wolverines when they meet the heavily favored Buckeyes
of Ohio State at Columbus this afternoon. Ptacek figures to play the key role in any hopes the
Wolverines have of upsetting the Buckeyes.
Michigeaan Mes Faored
In Oo sterbaan's FnlGm

Daily Sports Editor
COLUMBUS-A capacity crowd is expected to flood Ohio Stadium
this afternoon as Coach Bennie Oosterbaan closes his Michigan career
against Ohio State.
The annual season finale between the Wolverines and Buckeyes
should draw a full house of 83,000 spectators, which will break the OSU
season attendance record for six home games.
Coach's Finale
It will be Oosterbaan's 100th game as head coach, covering a
period of 11 years. He has won 63 games, lost 32 and tied four. Aside

to the lowest point since 1936.
With a record of 2-5-1 overall and
1-4-1 in the Conference, the Wol-
verines rest in eighth place.
About all either team has to
fight for today is its coach's honor.
Seniors Leave
Besides Oosterbaan, it will be
the final game for 14 "M" seniors,
six of which are starters.
Playing their last game for
Michigan are regular ends Walt
Johnson and Gary Prahst, guard
Jerry Marciniak, center Jim Dick-
See WHITE, page 6
Cit Buses
Ask Support

Three Cars Collide
In Freak Accident
Four University students were
treated at University Hospital last
night for injuries received in a
three-car crash.
Anthony S. Kasiborski, '60, an
occupant of one of the cars, was
the only student not released after
treatment.hKasiborski was admit-
ted to the hospital for observation.
He suffered head injuries in the
The accident began when Clay
K. Dohoney was driving northwest
on Packard between E. University
and McKinley in the lane nearest
the curb, police said. When he
came on a parked car he stopped
but did not go around it because
of another car coming up the
street, the same direction as he
was going, the police reported.
The second car was driven by
Prof. Alfred C. Raphelson of the
psychology department at the
Flint Branch of the University.
Prof. Raphelson was also driving
in the lane next to the curb. When
he saw the car driven by Dohoney
he also stopped, the police report
Andrew J. Bial, '60, the driver
of the third car came up behind
the two stopped cars at a speed
of about 40 miles per hour. His
car hit the one driven by Prof.
Raphelson from behind, knocking
his car into the car driven by
Dohoney, the police added.
Four occupants besides Kasibor-
ski of the car driven by Bial were
taken to the hospital for treat-
William H. Hepfer, '59E, and
Bial were treated for lacerations
and released. Lawrence K. Howard,
'59E, was taken to the hospital,
treated for a fractured nose and
released. Janet Dayton was treated
for abrasions of both knees and
sent home.
Bial was issued a summons for
reckless driving by the Ann Arbor
Police Department.
White House
Reaffirm s
Berlin Policy'


Commager Discusses Nationalism

w (

Bnn Fa'

TO, Sponsor
Worlds Fair
Today marks the second annual
World's Fair, to be held in the
Union from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. to-
Sponsored by the Union and the
nationality clubs of the Inter-
national Students Association, the
Fair will feature exhibits keyed to
the theme, "Brussels in Ann Ar-
On the first floor of the Unilon
will be a photographic display of
the American exhibit at the
World's Fair held in Brussels this
year. The United States Depart-
ment of State donated the pho-
tographs, as well as a numebr of
posters and leaflets about the
World's Fair which will be given
out today to visitors.
On the second and third floors
of the Union, the 18 nationality
clubs participating will have their
individual booths, in which they'
will display national handicrafts
and food, and wear their national
From 7 to 10 p.m., the Fair will
be featuring a talent show, withi
11 acts from 11 diferent countries.
The show is entitled, "Have Tal-
ent, Have Traveled."a
Cecil 0. Creal
Seeks office
Of City Mayor
Cecil O. Creal announced yes-
terday he will run in the Repub-
lican primary for mayor of Ann
Arbor Feb. 16.
Creal has served 14 years in
various City Council posts. J
He said he intended to makew
the mayor's job a full time one
if necessary.,"It would be my in-
tention to spend all of the neces-
sary time to see that the city is
run efficiently and economically."
Creal has spent six years as
president of City Council (before
the new organization of the Coun-
cil abolished this position). He
has also served two years on the
city charter commission, one year
on the planning commission andI
three years on the city's Board
of Review.
The Council presidency was
once determined by a city-wide
election but went out of existence
when the new City Charter was


'from Oosterbaan's finale, today's
game' has little other meaning.
Unlike the "M"-OSU battles of the
past, this year neither squad is a
OSU in Fourth Place
The Buckeyes, who have won 27
games, lost three and tied two in
the past five years 'of Big Ten
competition, are for the first time
since 1953 put. of the running,
They have lost one and tied two in
league play this season, and are
resting in fourth place.
After winning three of four
league crowns from 1954-57, this
'season has been a letdown for
Coach Woody Hayes and his
troupe. They were predicted to go
all the way in pre-seasonz rank-
ings, and the result has meant
constant criticism from the OSU
Meanwhile, Michigan has fallen


Award 19
For Research
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, of the
Graduate School, announced yes-
terday that 19 University faculty
members have been awarded re-
search fellowships, for the 1959
summer session.
The grants, made by the Ex-
ecutive Board of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate
Studies, will approximate the sal-
ary which the faculty member
would ordinarily receive if he were
teaching full time during the
eight-week Summer Session.
According to Dean Sawyer, the
grants were made to faculty mem-
bers who have a definite research
project which can be completed
or substantially advanced during
the summer.
The program of Summer Ses-
sion fellowships has been car-
ried on for the past 10 years at
the University.

Ann Arbor Transit Co. co-ordi-
nator, John Rae, called on local
merchants to give more support
;o the city's buses yesterday.
Although the company is break-
ingĀ° even since its elimination of
two routes, there is still no money
accumulating to pay for the
equipment depreciation, he said.
Rae proposed that merchants
make more effort to get their cus-
tomers to use buses by various
means of advertising. He suggest-
ed more use of inside advertising
in buses and the possible distribu-
tion of tokens to customers who
show transfer slips.
He emphasized the need for
continued bus service in Ann Ar-
bor because of the losses that
would occur to merchants if serv-
ice were halted. "One survey tak-
en by a planner in Detroit shows
that one out of ten merchants go
out of business when the buses
Papers Defer
LANSING (MP) - Booth news-
papers Inc., which operates news-
papers in eight Michigan cities
including the Ann Arbor News,
and the International Typographi-
cal Union adjourned talks on a
new contract last night.
Ralph H. Bastien, company
president, said discussions will
The newspaper group will con-
tinue normal operation pending
resumption of the talks.

"Modern nationalism is repeat-
ing most of the mistakes of early
European nationalism," Prof.
Henry Steele Commager said yes-
In a Student Government Coun-
cil-sponsored lecture at Rackham,
Prof. Commager cited a number
of instances which contrasted the
present trend in American nation-
alism with its earlier stages, from
the American Revolution until the
early 20th century.
Some of the factors which he
said contributed to the "benign
rather than malign?' type of na-
tionalism that grew in the United
States during that period were:
the founding fathers were born
into the tradition of the enlight-
enment; the United States has
never had such a close church-
state relationship; it has never
had a military caste associated
with nationalism.
No 'Stateism' Developed
Prof. Commager also mentioned
the lack of any abiding antipathy
toward another nation in our ear-
lier years; the fact that we did
not develop the "stateism," which
is so closely associated with cer-
tain forms of European national-
ism~; the fact that we have never
had a particular educational sys-
tem associated with our national-
ism, all are factors which led to
our distinctive type of nationalism.
The fact that we had no specific
national culture to defend, but
developed our own over the course
of the years, Prof. Commager said
was also significant, because much
of the Asian and African national-
ism of today, as well as many
instances of European nationalism,
is culturally dominated and in-
These factors all held true in
our earlier years, he said, but
today "we are witnessing a large
growth in 'stateism'-the sacri-
ficing of some of our basic values
in favor of a national 'security'."
Sees Idealogical Antipathy
The previous lack of antipathy
toward other nations has given
way in recent years to an ideologi-
cal antipathy-a campaign of fear
and hatred against Communist
Russia and Communist China, he
Another marked trend which
Prof. Commager sees in the pres-
ent American nationalistic atti-
tude is "cultural chauvinism," an
insistence on the superiority of all
facets of American culture, an
attitude which he declared was "in
marked contrast with the cosmo-
politanism of the 19th century."
One of the most important fac-
tors, Prof. Commager said, is the
policy of nativism, long held by
the United States; "this includes
our discriminatory attitudes to-
ward Negroes, both in the South
and in many communities of the
North, and our discriminatory im-
migration policies toward peoples
of Southern ahd Eastern Europe

-Dally-WWlliam Kimball
DO YOU REALLY THINK SO?-Prof. Henry Steele Commager
(right), historian and educator from Columbia University and
Amherst College, discusses weighty affairs with Maynard Gold-
man, Student Government Council president. Prof. Commager
spoke yesterday on "Nationalism in the Great Community of
Australans To Choose
New Parliament Today.
SYDNEY (P)-Australians will decide today whether to keep their
9-year-old Conservative government or restore the Socialist Laborites
to power as they elect a new parliament.
Most political writers rate Prime Minister Robert G. Menzies'
Liberal and Country party coalition a good bet to win by again
gaining control of the House of Representatives, which names the
Federal Cabinet.
The coalition is pledged to encouragement of free enterprise in
this commonwealth land down under, with about 10 million people
in an area little smaller than that

Berlin, Plans
Strength, Prestige
Of Western Allies
Depend on Action
German officials said yesterday the
Adenauer government wants the
Western powers to adopt a "tough"
policy in the Berlin crisis.
Some Bonn officials want this to
go to the extent of ramming tanks
through border barricades if neces-
Official sources who asked not to.
be named told reporters, they feel
the eventual loss of West Berlin
if the Western Allies make any
move that would involve even
silent recognition of the commun-
ist East German government.
Turn over Controls
The Russians have said they will
turn over all the controls they
now exercise in East Germany to-
their puppet government there.
When this happens the Western
Allies-the United states, Britain
anld France-will, in the West Gr
man view, be lef t with only two~
choices :
1) They can agree to deal with
East German inspectors at the
border points when moving con-
voys into West Berlin or-
2) They can ignore the East
German inspectors and ram the
convoys through, accompanied by
tanks and armored cars.
Doom Berlin
If the Western Allies waver and
do not follow course No. 2, some
West Germans believe the Allies
wouldi doom West Berlin and
threaten the existence of the At-
lantic alliance.
Bonn applies the same reason-
ing to the question of using air
corridors into West Berlin. If it
comes to that, West German ol.-
cials would prefer the Allies to
send along fighter craft as escorts
for Berlin-bound planes,
Up to now the Western Allies
have played the crisis close to the
Vest. They have affirmed their in.
tention to resist with aims any
attack on West Berlin-but they
have not said how they would.
respond to acts that did not in-
volve attack.
Owter Space
Peace 'Ial-

House declared anew yesterday
United States determination to
stand firm against Soviet efforts
to force withdrawal of the West-
ern powers from West Berlin.
This affirmation of policy was
the latest in a series of statements
designed to prevent any miscalcu-
lation by Russian or East German
Communist leaders about United
States intentions in the Berlin dis-
Officials here were studying
evidence that the Red leaders are
maneuvering to drive a wedge be-
tween West Germany and its
Western allies.
They cited the fact that Russia
made its initial official disclo-
sure of its intentions to German
Chancellor Konrad A d e n a u e r
through Ambassador Andrei Smir-
nov in a meeting at Bonn Thurs-
They also noted news dis-
patches from Berlin reporting
a new trade agreement between
East and West Germany.

of the continental United States.
Hopes High
But high hopes were voiced in
the Labor camp despite:
1) Campaign eve feuding with
religious overtones and,
2) The fact Laborites need to
pick up 14 house seats to regain
the governmental reins wrested
from them by the Conservatives in
an upset Dec. 10, 1949.
The outcome of the latest test
may be clear by midnight (9 a.m.
Compulsory Voting
Under a compulsory balloting
law, 51 million Australians must
vote. Among them are 130,000
"New Australians" - naturalized
citizens of European origin. Votes
of this group may be influential
in any swing from traditional
Australian patterns.
The election is to fill the 124
seats of the House and 32 vacan-
cies in the 60-seat Senate. The
Liberal and Country parties domi-
nated the old House with 75 mem-
bers against 49 Laborites. The two
groups were tied 30-30 in the

Berlin Crisis,
Golf Share
Ike's Holiday
AUGUSTA, Ga. {) -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower played golf
again yesterday after getting alat-
est reports on the Berlin crisis
and welcoming his wife to the
family's vacation retreat.
The President turned up at 7:50
a.m. at his temporary office above
the pro shop at the Augusta Na-
tional Golf Club, where he arrived
Thursday for about a 10-day
Thanksgiving holiday.
At the office President Eisen-
hower got on the telephone to
Washington for a briefing by Act-
ing Secretary of State Christian
Herter on Soviet Union moves
aimed at ousting the occupation
forces of the United States, Brit-
ain and France from divided Ber-
The President also discussed the
same matter by phone with two
aides who called from the White
House - Brig. Gen. Andrew J.
Goodpaster, staff secretary, and
Army Maj. John S. Eisenhower,
the chief executive's son.
Maj. Eisenhower is serving as
an assistant to Gen. Goodpaster
in liaison with the Defense De-
After those conferences, the
President let it be known the
United States is determined to
keep the Allies' occupation forces
in West Berlin.
W..hite Arrives
Late -for Show



. t






First Snow of Season Alerts City for Winter
The winter's first snow fell on Ann Arbor yesterday, causing
students to run for mufflers and gloves.
The time had not yet come, however, to drag out the skates and
W sleds. The weather bureau predicts only flurries for the remainder of
- ithe week. The outlook for the next month looks equally bleak for the
winter sports fans with the weather bureau reporting that we have a
wet and relatively warm month ahead.
But the ULLR Ski Club is still undaunted. "Things are looking a
lot better," said Paul Marttila, '59E, president of the club, concerning
yesterday's snowfall. The Bovne Mountain and nther artifcia1 snnwr

Negotiations broke down yester-
day between East and West on
how to launch the United Nations
into exploration of outer space for
peaceful purposes.
The stumbling block was over
membership of an International
study group that would lay the
groundwork for a permanent UN
committee on' outer space.
The United States was report-
ed angered over what was de-
scribed as Soviet attempts to dic-
tate the makeup of the group,
Hope. faded among UN diplo-
mats for unanimous agreement in
the 81-nation political committee
on a resolution that would call for
international cooperation in see-
ing that outer space is utilized for
mankind's benefit rather than its
The diplomats had pinned their
hopes on previous concessions by
both sides.
Wnrrl nf the hne1rin.mm ra.

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