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November 04, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-04

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Women's Rifle Club Open To Coeds

Forum Dis cwsses Free Press

Members of the Women's Ath-
letic Association sponsored Rifle
Club are busy making plans for
this year.
They invite all interested wo-
men to join them in such activi-
ties as a skeet shoot, shoulder-to-
shoulder matches with other col-
legiate teams, matches with the
Men's Rifle Team and postal
matches with other schools. (
Co-Managers Joann Gobel, '60,,
and Rosann Gobett, '61N, also
mention that the members of the
club work for National Rifle As-
sociation awards.
No experience is necessary to
become a member of the club and
all equipment is furnished by the
University, including ammunition.
The organization is well quali-
fied for carrying on their activi-
ties because several of the mem-
bers have gained championships
in the rifle field. Coach Nancy
Newman is a National Rifle Asso-
ciation instructor with three na-
tional records and Miss Gobel is
the Women's InternationalbOff
Hand Champion.
A Rifle Club meeting will be
held tonight at 7:00 at the Wo-
men's Athletic Building and all
students interested in joining the
club should attend the meeting.
Sawyer To Speak
To Grad Students
Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer, dean of
the graduate school, will discuss
election results and consequences
of the banning of nuclear tests
during the graduate coffee hour
from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the West Lounge of the
Rackham Building.
All graduate students are in-
vited to participate in the discus-
This is one of a series of
graduate student mixers given
throughout the school year.

-Daily-Peter Anderson
WOMEN'S RIFLE CLUB-Members of the club take a look at the
equipment that is available for use by the organization. During the
year the club has a number of activities which they take part in
and it also plans activities with the Men's Rifle Club.

Triangles Tap
From 'neath the heels of dusty
Within the vitals of the Arch,
The Great Bronze Seal called
loyal men
In the dead of night to march.
So came the men of TRIANGLES.
Once more beneath the pointed
New faces toiled with fear;
The seal of Triangles again shone
Cleansed with blood and fear.
So came: David Beste, Michael
Hoyles, Ronald Peters, William
Skinner, and William Roman.

All Members of I.S.A. are requested to attend.
Use Daily Classifieds!

To Discuss
In Language
For all undergraduates inter-,
ested in employment dealing with
a foreign language a meeting will
be held at 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 6,
in Rm. 2528 of the Frieze Build-
The meeting will be on the order
of a panel discussion between peo-
ple representing fields in which
language majors can find employ-
ment in government, education
and in private industry. The panel
discussion will be followed by a
40 minute question and answer,
Instead of being a meeting in
which information can be obtained
concerning specific jobs, the dis-
cussion will be about the oppor-
tunities that can be offered.
Mary Dow, career counselor for
the Bureau of Appointments, re-
marked that the meeting is very
informal, and she hopes that all
will feel free to participate.
The panel discussion is spon-
sored by the Bureau of Appoint-
ments in connection with the
Romance Languages.

eMpRained that each of these top-
An Arab free press, Man's 'cre- ics was assigned to a student, whc
ation of God, and off-shore li fnits has done research on the topic
are topics under discussion in 1 ;tu- and will introduce general discus-
dent Government Council's Na- siort on it.
tional and International Comr nit- Sunday afternoon, for example
tee Forums. .the students present discussed
Ahmed Bel-Khodja, Grad., of "'What is the best service a free
Tunisia, who directs the fort Imsp, pi can offer the Arab world?'
- -J ournalism student Azzat Saf-
f oun, Spec., introduced the topic,
Persecution No Free Press
(n debate which followed,.Bel
Itkodja pointed out that there is
Of Pasternajk r io free press in the Arab world
tod ay. The rest of the session was
ad Tra 1c deoted to organization for dis-
cW;sion next week on the other
0 topics National and Interna-
By THOMAS KABAKEJ J tional Chairman Carol Holland,
"The persecution of Bori, 2 ?as. '60, said.
ternak by the Soviet goveran tent The previous Sunday's meeting
is not only a great personal tr ge- was far more lively, with debate
dy, but also a great tragedy for on peventive warfare, industrial-
Russian literature," Robert M-' igi zation of the Arab world, and bo-
doff of the Slavic languagf is de- hemianism.
partment said yesterday. Preventive warfare was dis-
During the 13 years he sp ent ; in cussed in terms of Israel's 1956
Russia as a foreign corre ,poi id- invasion of Egypt, Miss Holland
ent, Magidoff became acqu- 1nted said.
with Pasternak as well as se veral Since the Arabs were numeri-
other Russian writers and n lusi- cally superior, one student main-
cians. tained, this invasion could be con-
"I believe Pasternak is the sidered preventive warfare.
greatest living Russian p set," War Debated
Magidoff said. "He is not the f irst, Granted that there is such a
nor will he be the last Rus. sian thing as preventive warfare, an-
to be martyred for literature.' other student countered, "can it
Causes Shock be successful?"
The Soviet regime's action, in A Lebanese student pointed out
this matter has been a cause "of that Israel did not attain her ob-
shock and soul searching for F .us- jective in 1956 but only aroused
sian writers in general," accot ling further animosity. Pope Pius XII
to Magidoff. once declared that he did not ap-
"This incident represents a ' i !ail. prove of preventive war because
ure on the part of the Soviet re- it only heightened tension, this
gime to win a man of talerkt ; to student continued.
its cause. Pasternak is a @ =ceat.. From this point the participants
representative of the arts, a g reats went off on a tangent, discussing
citizen and a man of great ca Dur- the right of Israel to exist as a
age." said Magidoff. Mid-Eastern state.
The Russians have not I iad Limited warfare does exist, the
freedom of expression in gele. ra- students present decided, but it is
tions, either under the py -esr -t. outmoded.
government or when the C izars Discuss Arab Unity
ruled. Because of this, liters ture Discussion on Arab unity and
has had a special place in :aRus- industrialization centered on the
sian life, he said. "The me n' of diversity of the Arab community.
letters found ways of circumx si nt, One student compared the sac-
ing the strict censorship % l tich rifices individual nations would
was imposed on them," Mag i toff have to make in joining to those
said, of the components of Austria-
Authors Discuss Ethics Hungary before World War One.
"Russian authors have been the Bel-Khodja said complete poli-
only ones who could discuss the tical union seems impossible, but
great issues of life and ethics.''] 'he the individual countries are ready
Russians have a saying that ti -eir for industrialization now.
authors are 'the conscience of t he Egypt, he said, cannot be econ-
people'," he commented. "Not it omically independent, nor can the
seems that they have lost t. he
seesthat ee they have st td eindividual North African nations.
greatest conscience they have hi ul
since Tolstoy died. GibbS girls
"Dr. Zhivago" was the first
work by Pasternak to attract i- get
ternational attention. "Not on
is it a great work of art, but it
is event a greater probing into th e
moral and ethical issues of th e
Russian people," he said.
Pasternak to Remain
Magidoff said he thought Pa
ternak would rather remain i n
Russia as an "untouchable" rath -
er than leave. "He will be reject -
ed by the community - no on e
will dare have anything to do wit a
hin additin to this, Pastern k Epecial Course for College Women.
has been expelled by the writer s Residences. Write College Dean
union. ke has no means of mak- . for GIBBS GIRLS AT WORK.
ing a livelihood. "The governmeni
doesn't care what will happen t > 9 katarnic *
him. He is quite old now ancdI§!-VVs
doesn't have much longer to go SECRETARIAL
"This tragedy transcends th
incident. It is an episode in the BOSTON 16, MASSACHUSETTS, 21Marlborough St.
NEW YORK 17, NEW YORK . . 230 Park Ave.
historic struggle of the . Russiar 4 WTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY . 33 Plymouth St.
people for expression." I V'RCVIDENCE 6, RHODE ISLAND, 155 Angel St.



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