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November 04, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-04

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Sixty-Ninth Year

nOvpinions Are Free
-uth Will Prevail"

ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Oh, Well-We'ce Got Two Years To Explain
That We Were Only Kidding"
... ....w
- 1- 6 00

ET'S TRY TO BE reasonable. Now that the
sound and fury over the gambling "scan-
al" of the past week has, died down, some
rt Af evaluation must be made.
"Right" answers to this kind of problem
nnot be found by running a set of index
rds through an IBM machine, and the an-
ver is not found either by grinding anybody's
)cial set of axes.
When the story broke last Wednesday that
ven University students were picked up for
leged involvement in a parley card ring,
udent reaction split quite clearly (This does
ot count those who don't care either way).
ne group, the more vocal one, was out to
A Barton Huthwaite and Philip Munck, the
porters who worked with the police, because
iey were "dirty squealers," disloyal to the
niversity because they blackened its name,
lc "anyway everybody does it; it's not im-
ioal, it's just against the law." The other side
sed this opportunity to "prove what they knew
1 along;" that athletics were a dirty busi-
ess, had no place in a great University or
erhaps the wrong place, and anyway, "Who
o these athletes think they are?"
) COURSE, neither side has the answer;
we'd submit it as somewhere in between
nd, in fact, that both groups are missing the

By Richard Taub

* t people should be angry at two young
who worked with the police to help en-
a law strikes us as somewhat beyond be-
Frther, it is quite clear that these men
a working within a journalistic tradition
' has the support to some degree or other
o finest newspapers In the land: The New
i Times, The St. Louis Post Dispatch, just
me a couple. This tradition holds that a
aper is a public trust and is responsible
e public welfare.
is "dirty squealer" business is apparently
T carry-over from childhood, when we are
t is bad "to tell on" somebody And the
rsity's reputation has not been blackened
1 time; it may be hurt for a few weeks,
n fact, we suspect that the University's
tion is built of firm enough stuff so that
injured scarcely at all: publicity or no
E THE PROBLEM does become a bit
mplicated. The whole business was not
ed as well as it should have been. The
t rsity sh ld have been brought in at a
s earlieEoe, and perhaps the situation
u have been handled with a good deal less
and considerably more light. And unfor-
ely too, probably some people were caught
1hould not have been and other were not
t who should have been. Finally, experi-
reporters generally keep their names out
e newspapers. But this is rather weak
ds on which to hang two reporters in
or to make unpleasant telephone calls
r tening them within an inch of their lives.
Oes, however, suggest some interesting
rs a hant thekinds of people who are in*
e K--M -pari~ey cards.
" here is the attempt to avert-
sponsibility from the people
were picked up. One reaction is to blame
whole thing on "professional gamblers,"
the other is to blame It on Huthwaite and,
nck. Yet, three University students have
ady pleaded guilty to the charge of "ille-
occupation,' and-the answer that every-
y does it is no justification at all. "Every-
'discriminates" in the South, and logical-

To The Ewitor

ly, following the above argument, we should
do nothing about it. Few people believe that.
Second, we fail to see any clear cut distinc-
tion between illegal and immoral activity.
Third, a distinction can be made between
gambling for profit, the profit of large syndi-
cates and the kind where everybody in the same
office chips in some money to a betting pool
to see who wins, or for that matter a bet be-
tween friends. Here we need not go into the
uses to which syndicate money may be put;
we just have to be aware that professionals are
in the business to make money, and they make
a living by violating the law.- And there is even
a moral question about doing business with
people who live by breaking the law.
TH{ISLEADS to a final point, and this has
to do with the athletes involved. If they
are guilty, and they may not be, the one may
be and the other not, they are the ones who
are disloyal. They are the ones who are re-
sponsible for the front page headlines all over
the nation - newspapers are not concerned
with ordinary students, and even with the two
athletes, the Detroit newspapers have sheepish-
ly retreated to playing the story on inside
pages after they discovered how much they
distorted the situation. But all the same H. O.
(Fritz) Crisler, had the right idea when he
said, "The University of Michigan expects its
athletes to remain above all suspicion, neces-
sarily maintaining even higher standards of
conduct than expected of students generally."
The athletics department has looked on its
program as a "showcase" for the University.
Last year in a statement to The Daily, Prof.
Marcus Plant, faculty representative to the
Big Ten Conference and a member of the
Board in Control of Inter-Collegiate Athletics,
said "That Inter-Collegiate athletics give the
University an opportunity to present its fine
student citizens to the public in terms it can
understand." It then goes without saying that
it is the athletes, if they are guilty, who have
sold the University short. In fact, it is pretty
clear that the students involved are those re-
sponsible for giving the University a black eye.
HOWEVER, those on the other side; those
who have used this story to knock down
athletics are equally in the wrong. We too feel
tlat athletics have gotten somewhere beyond
what they should be on the University campus
--but certainly betting on or distribution of
parley cards has no relevance for the situation.
Parley cards and other forms of syndicate
betting take place on big campuses and little
campuses, on campuses with big football, or
campuses with little or no football, which serves
not to indicate how horrible sports are, but
rather how interested people are in them and
in betting on them.
THE UNFORTUNATE factor in the entire
scandal was the way it was blown way out
of proportion, and this seems to be related to
the facts of circulation life which govern not
only the papers in Detroit, but all over the
nation. They appear to be involved in a life
and death struggle, and frequently don't care
who goes under.
However, although parley card distribution
on campus is a crime, it is not a serious one.
It would be hoped that students would not
have to pay for one youthful error with thie
rest of their lives. Especially since there is a
pretty clear-cut double or triple standard in
our society concerning this matter. But this is
a problem for tJhe Judge and a problem for
the University. Certainly justice with 'mercy or
"wisdom" is called for.




Nixon Leprend Still Continues

%5J&T w~~ "~r -

CURIOUSLY bittersweet legacies
have come to Vice-President
Richard M. Nixon from his vast
exertions in the Congressional
election campaign.
He has so consolidated himself
with the organizational Republi-
cans that he is the undoubted head
today of the GOP, in the place of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
This reality is freely accepted even
by some memb frs of the Presi-
dent's own Cabinet.
But Mr. Nixon has also hardened
- or rather' circumstances have
hardened - a public view of him-
self as a bitterly divisive politician
that already had been rather wide-
ly held.
The first of his new inheritances
-the practical acceptance of him
throughout the party structure as
"the boss," two years before Presi-
dent Eisenhower is officially to bow
out-is logical and only fair. It was
Nixon who, for better or worse
really directed the Republican
campaign; it was Nixon who took
the pressure and the heat.
* * * *
THE SECOND inheritance-the
deepened image of the Vice-Presi-
dent as only a dark and scowling
guerrilla fighter-is not logical and
not fair in the view of this column-
ist, who is no uncritical Nixon
admirer and never was. The Vice-
President simply is the victim of
an odd emotional process that
bears little resemblance to the
objective reality.
The truth is that Nixon was a
world away from the Nixon of the
1954 Congressional campaign.
Then, he repeatedly dropped in-
nuendoes suggesting that a very-
large part of the Democratic party
has a doubtful patriotism.

It was vi n plain fact a mean,
tough N 17, n then - quite mean
enOuWgh F i n. tough enough, if never
quite so ; I )ad as the Democrats
This U me, however, he said
nothing ; remotely of this sort.
Rather, I1 e went out of his way to
declare tA at there was no "party to
treason n"a tve for the Communists.
Indeed a nd here is the great
irony - his reported words were
not F my - 4 arper than those of
the 1,tsidy at himself. And in some
impo hant instances they were not


a s sharp.
vel rtheless, nobody has de-
ca : the Eisenhower speeches
ter th so mucn as the Nixon
the s have been denounced.
* * *

NI X0 )N in 1954 was doing what
the P-r 3sident did not care per-
sonr ly to do--fighting for a Re-
pul lica n Congress in behalf of the
Pri 1ida nt's Administration. It has
bef At . wnerally forgotten, but the
Pr eside nt knew what was in those
Ni xon~ speeches then. And repeat-
er fly if d Aiunreservedly he praised
' ir, N on for them.
In 958 the President himself
V /as ta ing what Nixon was doing-
rndls. ying words at least as harsh.
Vixor 4 however, is the sole villain
of,.,ba se who, because of outraged
A ariAss n feeling or in simple dis-
t kst e, , disliked this year's GOP
t1ccicsr ,.
- Wh; 'is this so? No strictly ra-
tioni p j nd adequate explanation
is , r ossible. True, Mr. Nixon had a
b. Id record from four years ago
ai id . to some, from the time he
fhi st entered Congress in 1946.
T ui , thei President's words were

largely discounted by a public
which sensed that he did not really
mean them.
But there are also these con-
In 1954 at least Nixon was work-
ing far more for President Eisen-
hower than for himself-and in-
deed he would have been this time
had the President chosen to exer-
cise his own traditional party lead-
ership rather than hand it over to
his junior.'
The President was quite content
to accept both the methods and
the results of the Nixon campaigns
-in both years.
a * *a
AND ,. . arguably at least-it
surely would seem to be as bad to
say harsh things and not mean
them as to say them and mean
them. Nothing measurable can ex-
plain that words which are entire-
ly permissible for the President
are entirely impermissible for the
The only answer to the riddle
seems to be this: Nixon has become
a cliche-figure to the Democratic
and allied opposition just as Harry
S. Truman was to the Republican
and allied opposition. All legend
to the contrary, Mr. Truman never
said of the Republicans things as
deeply wounding as Franklin
Roosevelt said. Just as, in this
campaign at any rate, Mr. Nixon
has said nothing worse than Presi-
dent Eisenhower.
But when the Republicans seek
to put a name to reckless ektrem-
ism they automatically cry "Tru-
man." And when the Democrats
seek the same they automatically
cry "Nixon."
(Copyright, 1958, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

To the Editor:
Your name is Si Coleman and
you're a columnist with delusions
of grandeur. You've been reading
Jimmy Cannon and you decide to
try his style out on some Mid-
western readers who have probably
never read his column in the New
York Post. Only you're not really
as good as Connon and you'll never
be able to capture the haunting
imagery of his prose. But you try,.
At a time when those members
of The Daily staff need the support
of everyone on the paper, you take
it upon yourself to flex your half
column muscles and castigate
them. Perhaps you would rather
have had the police expose this
thing themselves and have the
typical police press treatment
given to the story. Perhaps you
would rather have had the fact
that Michigan students helped to
break up the gambling ring that
operated on their own campus
deleted from the wires of the vari-
ous press services.
Or, perhaps you would be in
favor of giving varsity letters for
gambling. It is a wonderful exam-
ple in Michigan's brand of "clean"
athletics to have the captain of
the basketball team and starting
fullback of the football team to
merely be implicated in this scan-
dal. No high pressure recruiting
of players but a well organized
parley system is what this school
can now boast about.
It's not the fault of those
"scandal-clamoring newspaper-
men" that this story has hit front
pages across the nation, Their job
is to print the news as they find
it; you're a journalist yourself, you
should know that. Your reasoning
indicates that you would attract
newspapermen across the country
for printing what they did about
Melvin Nemer a month or so ago.
No one asked for this publicity, it
came about as a natural conse-
quence of the actions of certain
The whole thing is bad, Si. Both
as a newspaperman and as a Micl).
igan student, you should know that
your column on Friday was, to say
the least, in extremely bad taste.
You name is Si Coleman and
you're a columnist with delusions
of grandeur.
--David Droisen
Disturbance . .
To the Editor:
Thursday evening at the VFW
Hall on East Liberty Joseph Pirin-
cin, the national organizer of the
Socialist Labor Party, spoke on
socialism. Throughout the talk a
group of about ten students, sitting
at the rear of the hall, heckled,
clucked, and otherwise made sub-
stantial fools of themselves. Per-
haps Mr. Pircinin's logic was weak
at times, and maybe he did over-
state his case in a talk that seemed
to be more designed for unem-
ployed workers. But this is irrele-
vant to the issue. Without re-
verting to the worn platitudes of
"freedom of speech," "Democracy,"
etc., one can still inquire as to the
purpose of these ten enlightened
creatures that led them to create
an annoyance that was not only
distracting to most of those who
wanted to listen, but also became
incitingly aggravating to a few
people who finally walked out, no
doubt feeling more kindly towards
the much-maligned Socialist Party
than towards the "students" who
will some day enter the economy
Mr. Pirincin was flouting with his
enduring arguments.
-Wells Gray
Distress . .
To the Editor:
We are distressed by the attitude
of the majority of students on this

campus. Even in situations that
are almost pure black and white,
we note how often student opinion
turns against the& people who are
acting in the students' own inter-
Earlier this month SOC tried to
stand up to a patronizing adminis-
tration although it realized that
the majority of students did not
care about Sigma Kappa or SG.
Then it developed that powerful
student pressure blocks joined with
the administration to make a farce.

of SOC and thus cripple the stu-
dents' only bargaining organiza-
Now, the attitude expressed con-
cerning the gambling expos is
consistent with those expressed in
the Sigma Kappa issue. Students
want the administration to handle
everything. They make a sacred
cow of the administration (whe-
ther it wants to be or not) because
of its "vast experience."
Since no strong student voice
is heard in important matters, this
weakness allows outside groups,
motivated by self interest. to pres-
sure the administration.However,
if a student, or two, does take the
initiative and speak out, he (or
they) are silenced with epithets of
"Quisling!" Is this the new spirit
of democracy?
If we had had a strong SOC
-possibly the two students in ques-
tion would have taken the evidence
to it. And, presumably SOC would
work with the administration in
good faith. The fault does not lie
with the two Daily reporters, but
with the Michigan student body.
Unfortunately we are getting what
we deserve by our short sighted-
We suggest that a good victim
for an effigy hanging would be a
typical U of M student draped i
ivy league uniform with its head
buried in the sand, and a sign
stating, "I prefer loyalty to integ-
rity and justice." "I hold reputa-
tion higher than truth." "I do not
think anything is really important
enough for me to act." "I always
mind my own business, in spite of
everything." "I advocate hundreds
for gambling and pennies for
World University Service."
-Jame W. Hamilton
-Torre Bissell
-Liz Wright
--Nan Marrel)
To the Editor:
It requires many painful steps
to build a reputation, it require
but one faulty step for that repu-
tation to fall-to crumble into
oblivion. And that step was taken
by a handful of students last Tues-
day. "Two Michigan'Athletes Held
in Gambling Ring" shouted one
New York paper; and "... seven
Upiversity of Michigan students
were arraigned in a football pool
scheme., ." reported at least one
national TV network in a coast-to-
coast broadcast.
And so an institution regarded
by all as a focal point of intellec-
tual and physical prowess is pres-
ently the subject of ridicule and
scorn. But for a few lunatic fring-
ers, the Michigan tradition would
be untarnished; not it stands de-
We take no holier-than-thou
position for that would be wholly
unrealistic. We do take the position
that the quick killing would better
be made on the gridiron than off
it; that profits would better be
reaped) from a high score on the
bluebook circuit than off the point
spread gimmick,
We take the position that wheth-
er he knows it or not, the Michigan
student, athlete ard scholar, owes
a duty-a standard of conduct-to
his school and his schoolmates.
Last Tuesday this standard was
breached to the derogation of
school and schoolmate. The
breachers must assume the risk of
their foolhardiness. We shed no
tears for them; we feel for. the
institution from which we were
proud to say we were graduated.
--Robert M. Kaplan,'57LS&A
-Davey Krasney'58E4
Dodge City. ..
To the Editor:
I WISH to call attention to the
sad happenings which are oc.

curring with alarming regularity
at our central campus intersec-
tion. The Diag, gentlemen, is com-a
mencing to look like Dodge City
after the vigilantes have made a
sweep through town.
Now, mind you, I'm not saying
that some of the bodies floating
in the breeze have not every right
to be strung up, but, as Dean
Bingley said, "Our p.r. is in one
helluva shape." It is relatively cer-
tain, I believe, that having bodies
hanging from this tree is not the
best means to gain favorable pub-
licity for this great haven of
knowledge, especially since they
aren't real bodies.
There is a second problem in-
volved here, one of pressing im-
port. The University is known
world-wide for its creative, im-
aginative students. Surely they
could use some of this imagina-
tion, this creativity in finding
some more original, more effec-
tive way to show their displeasure.
Tar and feathers, voodoo dolls,
--L. L. Bridges, '60
Debate , .
To the Editor:
In reference to the YR-YD de-
bate of Oct. 29, we would like to
state that the Young Republicans
were not advocating anti-union





Senate Cotte st Overshadowed

'Concurrent Jurisdiction'
Threatens Student Government

IA S concurrent jurisdiction? The ad-
i ration, in the person of Vice-Presi-
r Student Affairs James A. Lewis, now
s e position that Student Government
cilI nd the administration have "con- .
ent jurisdiction" in recognizing student
ps; as exemplified in Sigma Kappa.
ds is a new doctrine. Nobody was talking
t concurrent jurisdiction two years ago
n SGC first found Sigma Kappa in viola-
of University regulations; it was SGC's de-
n under the SGC Plan. Now it is a joint
ern, and SGC finds suddenly it doesn't
the power it thought it had; indeed, it
n't have the power it had two years ago,
a it made precisely the same decision.
ie nearest thing to a basis for the new
ept can be found in the SGC Plan's state-
t that Council authority is subject to ad-
strative policy. Does administrative policy
insist on concurrent jurisdiction where
years ago it did not? If so, administrative
y can easily become the loophole in the
By means of the doctrine of administra-
practice, one major responsibility of the
icil has suddenly become circumscribed

other areas; the failure of the administration
to specify before last week that recognition is
a joint responsibility leaves it able to make
the same specification in the future when the
Council comes to consider other matters, thus
progressively limiting the Council's powers.
For the moment, however, the question is:
what is concurrent jurisdiction? It apparently
means that unless the administration agrees
with an SGC decision concerning recognition,
the decision has no force. Can the procedure
be reversed - if SGC disagrees with a decision
of the administration, is the decision null and
void? This would appear to be next to impos-
sible to work out in practice, since SOC is the
group that would take public action; how then
does concurrent jurisdiction work?
IN THE PRESENT CASE, a hint is provided
about procedures from Dean Bacon's com-
ment that the administration would have act-
ed against Sigma Kappa two years ago if
SGC hadn't. Apart from the interesting ques-
tions of what the administration would have
done and whether a Board in Review meeting
would have been called if SGC had found
Sikrma Kappa NOT in violation, this would
seem to make the point that SGC's authority

Daily Staff Writer
Perched on the coattails of the
gubernatorial race, Michigan's
contest for United States Senator
skids to a decision at the polls
Last minute predictions give
Democrat Philip A. dart, retiring
Lieutenant-Governor, a slim edge
over Republican Sen. Charles E.
Potter. But the final results, much
like the prior campaigning, will
probably be shaped by the over-
shadowing battle for the Gover-
nor's chair.
Throughout the campaign, the
two contests crossed and recrossed
each other's paths, for the same
issues were fought out on both
levels. Chief among these is the
state's economic situation, with
each party trying to lay the blame
on the other's doorstep.
HAMMERING away at what
they call the "Eisenhower reces-
sion." both Hart and Gov. G.
Mennen Williams attempted to
place the responsibility in the
hands of Republican policy-mak-
ers in Washington. Potter, who is
directly implicated by the attack,
has siiftred a good dea~l from it.

bitterly' 1a
other unio n
ously tried ,'.
file work v
brought.cl a
labor legislo
side ef !ect c
placab le ar

ibasting Reuther and
leaders, he simultane-
to win over rank-and-
rs. Inevitably, this
rge of zig-zagging on
ation, along with the
f organized labor's im-
* . .*

dous vote-getting popularity. With
the senatorial candidates placed
down in the seventh slot on the
ballot, Hart has a decided advan-
tage. If there is any truth in Pot-
ter's charge that he is a "carbon
copy" of the governor, Hart can
very likely expect some of the
popularity to rub through.

HA1£ V, 01 THE other hand, is
reaping . the- harvest of Gov. Wil-
liams' sturdy friendship with the
state's 'Unions, Added to the regu-
lar pa rty fog es, labor's efficient
organization ves the Democrats
their ?ljvt ,able foundation in
Repu blican s cannot offer Potter
that so -t of a id. On the state level,
the par Fy is si ;ill reeling from stun-
ning de,!eat- that have deprived it
of everr ma jor state-wide office
except that. held by Potter. The
Senatorial ra ce is crucial; if Potter
loses, the* C Ip will hit bottom.
The Senp ~ n knows this. Strong-
er than 'is pt itrty, he has concen-
trated Y ;is can ipaign on defense of
his own .eiisla tive record and criti-
cism of Mi.ich igan Democrats; he
has steerad cl 'ar of the state GOP.
* * .
LITTLE J31 , LITTLE, however,

Se ntmore Says .

''$. L


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