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November 02, 1958 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-02

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P tP t Mtt Dally




Sixty-Ninth Year
Trutb Will Prevail STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone No 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



The Choice for Governor

HIOGHER EDUCATION in the state of Michi-
gan has been merely buffeted back and
forth between both political camps during the
current gubernatorial election with the Demo-
cratic party, under the leadership of the forever
handshaking Gov. G. Mennen Williams, cen-
terizig' their arguments on who is to blame for
the state's educational problems. Gov. "Soapy"
Williams has lambasted the supposedly de-
crepit, "deeply-entrenched" Republican Legisla-
ture for hamstringing attempts to improve
Michigan's educational facilities.
The Democratic Party has the knack of
always calling for improvements in education
but never achieving them when given the op-
portinit'y. The plight of universities and col-
leges across the state can be traced to the
state's hodgepodge tax structure. No legisla-
ture can allocate imaginary funds for educa-
tion. This has been the case under the Williams
administration which has been "deeply-en-
trenched" for the past ten years.
FIGHTING AGAINST Gov. Williams' ten
years of inaction and negative programs is
Paul D. Bagwell. GOP candidate Bagwell has
not concentrated on hindsight but foresight.
The ex-Michigan State University professor
knows all too well the effects of the present
state administration on-the higher educational
institutions in the state. Bagwell offers a plan
of action and progress in solving the state's tax
problem which in turn will alleviate the problem
of finding adequate funds for higher education.
While Bagwell has concentrated on concrete
solutions, his opponent has carefully side-
stepped the issues and shifted the blight of his
administration to the shoulders of the Eisen-
hower administration. Gov. Williams' reason for
this is two-fold. First to find some "out" for
his mishandling and secondly to bolster his
hopes for the 1960 presidential elections.
BAGWELL HAS PROPOSED several concrete,
plans for stemming the steady flow of in-
dustry from the state. Industry, the life blood
of Michigan, has suffered severely unde1' the
yoke of the Williams administration. The steady
exodus has sharply cut the state's income from
their taxes and in part has shown its effect on
allocations to the state's universities and
The Reuther-Williams team basically has
only one interest at heart-the support of the
labor vote. Gov. Williams has keyed his entire
administrative programs during the past ten
years to this key bloc of the state's citizens.
And this is to the neglect of other important
problems facing the state.

Willianis . .
FOR YEARS, Gov. G. Mennen Williams has
been pictured as a political Pandora, who
if reelected will unleash a new flood of woes
on the state. Republicans skillfully sketch Gov.
Williams as a frivilous dabbler in affairs too
deep for him, a man who cannot guide the state
through its current problems.
This just ain't so.
The blame for most of the state's troubles
should be placed squarely on the shoulders of
the state legislature-composed in the main of
ultra-conservative Republicans. Take the two
biggest problems in the state as examples, the
financial problem and the educational.
The state has had its economic troubles for
years, yet it will be only during this spring's
session that the Legislature will hear-the report
of its tax committee. It is problematical whether
the Legislature will want to take the tax
medicine it ordered, even after hearing the tax
committee's recommendation, but in any case
alterations in the state's tax structure are the
Legislature's responsibility, a responsibility that
has been slowly and ineptly met.
REPUBLICANS also charge that Gov, Wil-
liams and the Democrats are responsible
for driving industry out of the state. Un-
doubtly some industry is leaving the state.
But it would be more accurate to say that the
rate of Michigan's industrial growth--for it is
growth and not decline-is smaller than that
of many other states.
More industry could be attracted to the state
only at the expense of other, more important
items: wages, effective unions, and tax reve-
nues, which, as the past years have shown, are
inadequate now.
This is not to say that the Democrats are
not to some extent to blame for 4he "'exodus"
of industry, for they are. But-the Republicans
have failed to provide constructive, and not
merely vitrolic, criticism.
BECAUSE OF THE inept handling of the
financial problem, the Legislature has been
forced to blunder along in education too.-The,
divergent attitude of the Republican legisla-
ture, on the one hand, and Gov. Williams on the
other is nowhere better illustrated than the
example of the "young turk" Republicans, who,
in siding with the Democrats in trying to ob-
tain more money for education, have been
alienated from the main body of the Republican
But when the alternative to Gov. Williams is
some more of the thinking that has dominated
and inhibited the Legislature for many years,
there is no choice but to vote Democratic in
the race for governor.

Tax Trends
Face Voters
Daily Editorial Director
F WER FARMERS are in the
dell and the king has very
little money in the counting house,
Despite the fairy tales and cam-
paign promises aimed at Michigan
voters as they head to the polls
this Tuesday, certain solid realities
and trends underly the illusions of
the speaker's platform. And al-
though some new names are on
the ballot, the problems and issues
are both old and shared by some
other states,
Yet, the conflict between the
trends and the problems create
certain paodoxical combinations
of interest in this state which are
being largely ignored or overlooked
admist the usual campaign ora-
IN MICHIGAN, as throughout
the nation, the trend is towards
increasing urbanization. The fim-
ily farm, although far from being
extinct, is losing out to increasing
mechanization which requires
large investments for tools and
equipment, and the greater Job
opportunities in the city.
In 1957 the United States Bureau
of the Census estimated the state's
population was 7.7 million, an in-
crease of 1.3 million or 20 per cent
over 1950.
A good deal. of the increased
population is from other states
especially the south and without
taking any credit away from them
this probably has aided Gov, G.
Mennen Williams and state chair-
man Neil Staebler to shift Michi-
gan from a normally Republica
state to a more heavily Demo-
cratic one.
* s w
HOWEVER, this trend provides
an interesting background for
what Republicans charge is an-
other trend. The claim of course
is that business is leaving the
state because of an unfavorable
business climate created by Gov.
Williams and his alliance with
union leader Walter Reuther.
Numerous figures are being
thrown around by Gov. Wiliams
and his opponent, Paul Bagwell,
but they merely suggest that
figures don't lie, but rather per-
haps liers can figure. For they
are based on different sets of
data, were gathered in different
ways,cand sreally show nothing
very conclusive.
However, it is 'interesting that
those hollering the most about
business conditions are members
of the Republican controlled legis-
lature, and scarcely anything but
Democrats are sent to Lansing
from the state's industrial cen-
MOST OF THE noise comes al-
most as a reflex action . ,, each
time the Governor suggests a new
tax, Legislators scream he is driv-
ing business out of the state.
Meanwhile, demands for state
services are increasing even faster
than the population while tax
receipts have been decreasing
partly because of the recession.
The state faces both an estimated
$80 million deficit and the grow-
ing needs of education.
In December, The Citizen Ad-
visory Commission on Taxation is
expected to recommend changes
in the tax structure based on an
extensive study. This may even-
tually put some money into the
counting house and provide some
relief for one of the state's major
headaches and campaign issues.


Legislative Incumbents Hold Firm


'aily Staff Writer
WASHTENAW County, bucking
a state-wide trend, seems al-
most sure to send its three Repub-
lican incumbents back to the State
The Democratic surge continues.
In the 1957 spring elections, they
swept the entire Administrative
Board. Now. for the first time since
the Depression years, state Demo-
crats see a possibility of capturing

the House of Representatives, as
skin-tight races in various parts of
the state herald the Republican
Locally, the trend is present; the
Democratic party is beginning to
pick up strength, notably in Ann
Arbor itself. But it is not yet in a
position to challenge the firmly-
entrenched GOP legislators,
Sen. Lewis Christman, Rep.
George W. Sallade and Rep. James
F. Warner all appear to have re-


The Pasternak Case


State Financial Crisis
Affects Budget Request
Daily Staff Writer
WHILE THE FINAL outcome will not be known until the spring, past
history suggests that the State Legislature will slash the University's
proposed $37.3 million budget at least five million dollars.
The chief reason, perhaps, can be traced to the state's current
financial crisis.
Fiscal experts now estimate that the state's general fund, basis for
most regular expenditures, may total $80 million in the red when the
current fiscal year ends June 30. Just a few months ago, the accumulated
deficit was expected to soar no higher than $65 million.
Add to this the fact that Wayne State University will this year be
seeking full state support for the first time, while at the same time,
smaller schools ire also expanding. It becomes increasingly clear that
since the state has few funds and the deficit must be made up some-
where, the budgets of the University and other state supported schools
may well suffer.
SUCH HAS BEEN the pattern during the reign of the present legis-
lature, which has generally taken-philosophy of "hold the line" towards
higher education appropriations.
The University last fall requested $37 millon and after a long
struggle, received $30 million for operations during the present fiscal

election almost guaranteed as
campagns begin the last lap of
their march to the polls. At least,
none of, the three seems particu-
larly concerned about the Nov. 4
S* * ,*
SOLIDEST of the solid is Rep.
Warner, running against Democrat
Maurice Hoffman in the county's
Second District, which comprises
the area around Ypsilanti. All ex-
pectations point to a repeat of his
stunning victory in the Aug. 5 pri-
As the only one of the three
whose territory is almost entirely
outside the University district, Rep.
Warner has escaped the simmer-
ing resentment over last year's
legislative budget cuts.
Rep. Sallade, on the other hand,
has reaped substantial gains from
the bitterly-fought Battle of the
As a candidate from the Uni-
versity-dominated Ann Arbor dis-
trict, Sallade holds what is usually
the decisive trump card-the gen-
eral approval of the University. His
Mast-ditch battle to amend an
increase into the appropriations
bill earned him a considerable
amount of support, and he is gen-
erally felt to give top priority to
University interests.
Mrs. Annette Hodesh, Sallade's
Democratic opponent, has appar-
netly made little headway against
this popularity. Ann Arbor appears
to be satisfied with Sallade's rec-
ord; there is little sentiment advo-
cating a change. Confirmed Demo-
crats, of course, are supporting
Mrs. Hodesh, but even they are not
too chagrined at the thought of
Sallade's reelection.

ONLY IN the race for State
Senator, where the county's two
districts combine, is there any-
thing like. a real race. And even
here, Sen. Christman cannot be
considered in any danger.
Christman has had his troubles,
primarily within his own party. A
concerted move by a group of in-
surgent Republicans led to an open
schism in the primary election that
for a time caused an acute GOP
headache. Christman's resounding
victory, however, seems to have
snuffed out any full-scale rebellion.
Although a number of Republicans
may still move Into the Democratic
column, an actual walk-out is
highly unlikely.
* * * S
OPPOSITION to Christman,
both Democratic and Republican,
stems mainly from the Ann Arbor
area, particularly among tho e
connectedvwith thedUniversity.
Anger over the budget hovers
most over his head, for many feel
Sallade tried his best, and Warner
is outside their area of voting in-
fluence. But there is not enough
to counterbalance his solid backing
in outlying districts.
In addition, 0. Thomas Law, his
Democratic opponent, has failed to
ignite any real fighting spark in
the campaign. Law is operating
under a double handicap. First, he
lacks political experience; second,
he is a University employee, which
generates immediate animosity in
nearly every area outside Ann
In all three contests, there is a
marked tendency to stick with the
incumbent. At this moment, Wash-
tenaw County at least will not
contribute to the Democrats'
dream of House control.


Associated Press Foregn News Analyst
R OME-THE KREMLIN has executed a neat
maneuver to get itself off the horns of a
frightful dilemma,
It has found a way to expel novelist Boris
Pasternak from the Soviet Union if it decides
that course is the wise one.
Having his meek confession of sin in its
hands, the Kremlin now magnanimously an-
nounces he is free to travel out of Russia to
receive the Nobel Prize for his devastating
novel, "Doctor Zhivago."
But there is a catch-a big one. If Pasternak
goes out of the Soviet Union, he stays out. In
effect, then, he would be expelled.
What will be the next act in this grim farce?
Ordinarily, one might expect Pasternak's
humble refusal of the offer to leave, accom-
panied by the proper denunciations of himself
and the Nobel committee, to be the end.
BUT COMMUNIST BOSS Nikita Khrushchev
holds a club over Pasternak's head. Khrush-
chev can, if he chooses, simply send Pasternak
out of the country to collect his prize, and
then declare that the "traitor Pasternak" had
left the country of his own free will.
The kicker is in the Tass statement yester-
day an the Pasternak case.
If the novelist wishes to go agroad for hisp
prize, says Tass, the Soviet Union puts no

obstacles in his way. But-and this is a big but
--"if Pasternak wishes to leave the Soviet Union
altogether and the social order and people
which he slanders 'in his anti-Soviet composi-
tion," he will not be ,stopped either,
"He will," says Tass, "be given the chance of
departing beyond the frontiers of the Soviet
Union and of experiencing personally all, the
delights of the capitalist paradise.'"
The fine Russian hand of Khrushchev is
much in evidence here.
The Soviet Union illustrated the basic
savagery of the Soviet Communist system in
the Pasternak case, and Khrushchev is in the
doghouse of the free world's intellectuals. This
is 'a situation he would like to correct, if pos-
sible. He would like to give the Soviet Com-
munists something akin to respectability among
the intellectual classes abroad, because for the
Communists they are most important people.'
If Pasternak remains sufficiently meek and
humble, he may be able to stay. If he is not
sufficiently penitent, he will be shoved out to
Scandinavia to collect his prize and then be
declared a fugitive traitor.
The Soviet regime certainly could not afford
to expel Pasternak on the basis of his book
alone, even though Soviet law might provide
for expulsions. The propaganda damage from
such a move would be entirely too great for
the Communists to contemplate.
There had to be another excuse, should ex-
pulsion be deemed necesary. The excuse now
is there.
Whichever way the Kremlin decides, however,
it can hardly hope to repair the damage to
Communism already done by its behavior
throughout the story of Boris Pasternak.
New Books at the Library
Baker, Carlos H. - A Friend in Power; -NY,
Scribners, 1958.
Braden, Charles S. - Christian Science To-
day: Power, Policy and Practice; Dallas, South-
ern Methodist Univ. Press, 1958.
Brown, Maurice J. E. - Schubert: A Critical
Biography; NY, St. Martin's Press, 1958.
Childs, Marquis - Eisenhower: Captive
Ntua_ A rritis-a ctiid of thrprjavl - n, t

year. Two years ago, the original
request was $34 million, the legis-
lature finally appropriated $31
million, a record figure.
These figures illustrate the rapid
growth of the University when
contrasted with the 1951 appropri-
ation of a relatively thin $13 mil-
Adapting to last year's budget,
the University effected several ma-
jor curtailments. Included were
decision to cut staff and faculty,
anchor swelling enrollments, defer
opening the Dearborn Center for
a year, and to eliminate programs
of research in human resources.
The University also temporarily
abandoned such projects as the
Institute of Science and Technol-
ogy, and expansion of Great Lakes
resear-ch on problems of water
Opposing the legislature's ac-
tion, University President Harlan
Hatcher warned that the slash
came at a time "when we should
be moving most strongly ahead."
He listed the lack of any general
improvement in faculty salaries
and the elimination of the human
resources program as the most
serious effects of the budget re-
President Hatcher, along with
Marvin Niehuss, vice-president
and dean of faculties, declared
that the cuts would "reduce the
institution to the level of a second-

U' Seeks Capital To Maintain Standards

Daily Staff Writer.
AMONG THE PROBLEMS State legislators must meet this year is
expansion of higher education facilities in Michigan to prepare
for the 'war babies' that will be applying to colleges in 1960. A glance
at the University's capital outlay request indicates that the University
is trying to prepare for this influx.
However, in the case of a school with the stature of this Uni-
versity, the need is not merely for more classroom space to provide for
more mass education. But rather to maintain the educational standards
of the school as enrollment mounts.
SEVERAL KEY REQUESTS indicate the University's desire to
uphold its reputation while improving facilities.
The music school has been waiting three years for construction
to begin on new facilities, to say nothing of previous years spent await-
ing planning funds. Now cramped facilities and lack of space keep
music school enrollment down to a minimum. This stagnant enrollment
is apparently an effort to keep up the standards while more and more
applications are being received.
If the school can't provide the proper practice space for its students,
however, its instructors cannot expect the students to cover as much
material as is necessary for a good music education. As the facilities
become less and less in relation to the needs each year, the curriculum
will probably be curtailed and thus, the standards of the school will be
lowered, despite the efforts of the dean and faculty.
* * *
THE EDUCATION SCHOOL'S needs are another example of the
-nrobmhh A rahin., oif ,mwj,. rf m.. -- fab h. +o data

complete more projects, like the Salk vaccine, which may be beneficial
to the nation as a whole. Somehow it seems irrational to deny the Uni-
versity these facilities which aid the general public and not just the
The request of $15,668,000 for educational facilities and $3,681,370
for hospital needs may sound like too much money, but actually it is
Just a start toward accommodating the influx of students and toward
giving them the education they expect.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director

City Editor

Associate Editor

LE CANTOR.. ........ ...ronnel , P Director
LN WILLOUGHBY...... Associate Editorial Director
ATA JORGENSON .......,. Associate City Editor
ZABETH ERSKLNE,...Associate Personnel Director
A JONS. . .. ... Sports Editor
RL RIS~hAN.......,...Associate Sports Editor
COLEMAN ..SportEditor
VID ARNOLD................ .. Chief Photographer
Business Sta

~-- m~m

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