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November 02, 1958 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-02

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i 1Ti Viii V aar. .

Les Cartes Royales' Motif
To Feature Playing Cards

"Les Cartes Royales" will be
held Friday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
in the League ballroom, according
JGP To Hold
Meeting Soon
A mass meeting for the Junior
Girls' Play will be held on Nov.
12 in the League, according to!
Peggy Bayne, '60, co-chairman ofC
The central committee will be
introduced to the group and the
functions of the various commit-
tees will be explained. All junior
women are invited to attend, she

to Barbara Baske, '61, assistant
publicity chairman for the dance.
Sponsored by the Panhellenic
Association, the decorations for
the ball will be carried out by the
use of paying cards as a motif.
To emphasize the theme of royalty,
a king and queen will be made to
look like face cards, and jacks
will serve as royal knights.
The entire second floor of the
League, which lends itself well
to the illusion of a royal castle,
will be decorated to represent dif-
ferent portions of a medieval
castle, according to Sue Laansma,
'61A&D, decorations chairman.
Tickets for the dance can be
purchased from members of all
sororities and at the entrance to
the dance, Miss Baske said.


INDIANA SOLOISTS,- Appearing on campus for the Joint
Michigan-Indiana Glee Club Concerts, the soloists will be in the
program featuring the Indiana "Singing Hoosiers," "Hoosier
Queens" and Male Quartet, under the direction of Prof. George F.
Hoosiers' To Give Concerts
With University Glee Club

Two joint concerts will be pre-
sented by the University Men's
Glee Club and the Indiana Uni-
versity Men's Glee Club at 7:15
and 9:15 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 15,
in Hill Auditorium.
"Singing Hoosiers," the glee
club, will appear here for the
second time with the University
Glee Club. "Hoosier Queens," a
women's singing group of the club,
and the Male Quartet will also
Holds Cast
Musket (Michigan Union Show,
Ko-eds Too) held its first all-show
rehearsal yesterday morning in
the Union.
"The rehearsal was a bit con-
fused," Stephanie Freedman, '60,
student director of the show, ex-
plained, "but these first rehearsals
are always a little confused. On
the whole we are very happy with
the progress of the show." She
also noted that progress on the
show is "considerably ahead of
progress at this point in previous
Cast Still Sleepy
One member of the cast com-
mented that the reason why things
might be confused is that "we're
still sleepy. They had us come
over here at 9 a.m.-on Saturday,
too. Of course some of us didn't
get here until 9:15," she added
with a guilty grin.
In spite of the confusion and
the sleepiness, both show officials
and members of the cast agreed
that "a lot was accomplished at
the rehearsal."
Rehearse Separately
Miss Freedman explained that
the cast has several rehearsals a
week as separate units, for ex-
ample the principals, the dancers,
and the chorus. Then every Satur-
day morning there is a two or
two-and-a-half-hour all-cast re-
Regardless of the somewhat
jovial grumbling about the earli-
ness of the hour, the cast exhibited
excellent spirits.

This is Joan
"It ain't gonna rain no more"
But who cares if it does?
Slickers are here!
And you know they'll
keep you dry !
Yellow, red, or blue :. .$8.95
(including hat)
and You Can Charge It at

302 South Stqt.


the magic of simplicity!
Long an expert on dressing the junior
figure, Gay Gibson strikes out today for a
new sophistication, a new simplicity.
A good example of this distinctive style K
is the blouson dress with a soft satin bow
shimmering at the neck, a softly draped back.
Black or Beige. Junior sizes.


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