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November 02, 1958 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1958-11-02

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To Discuss



"Unity in Diversity," a survey of
Indonesia, will be the featured
topic for discussion on the Uni-
versity television series 'Under-
standing Our World" to be seen
at 9 a.m. today on WXYZ-TV,
"The average Westerner knows
practically nothing about Indo-
nesia." Prof. Stephen Paraskevop-
oulos of the architecture college
said in explaining the purpose for
the program.
He will tell of his experiences,
surveying Indonesian resources.,
problems and potentials, and the
information he gained while living I
in Indonesia as a member of a

Two speech department pre-
sentations wil dominate the local
theatre scene this week.
"Al. Wilderness." Eugene
O'Neill's only comedy. will be the
first production of the speech de-
partment playbill at 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Folk Comedy
The "folk" comedy is the story
of the problems of a typical small
town American family showing
the basic tolerance and goodness
in the American way of life in a
sentimental vein that is foreign
to O'Neill's usual harsh, almost
brutal style of writing.
In the tender story Nat Miller,



Vaini"; primarily in the United States, will present the joint United Nations-University a Connecticut newspaper publti-
whowa tnceria the Un it Edtatscwil res project on community develop- er, and father of four children, has
- second concert of the University Extra Concert Series.et n ouig:. a4 rbemwt hsreelou'o
ment and housing a problem with his rebellious son
Produce Film Richard. Essie, Richard's mother,
- Tbecomes very concerned over the
Isaac Stern To Give Recl The hustle and bustle of a foo- situation while Sid Davis, her
ball Saturday in Ann Arbor will good - for - nothing brother, goes
el /"take the spotlight on a Univer- happily into a drunken stupor.
O n Extra C oncert Series ity television presentation to ap--aat's siste L i n
e VJl J1vpear at 9:45 a.m. today on WXYZ- CmlctsAto
__TV, Detroit.- -m Nat's sister Lily, an old maid
Isaac Stern, American violinist, I "Football Saturday," a color film AH, WILDERNESS -- For the first production of the 1958-59 because she refuses to marry Sid,
will appear here for the second mton rc r written, produced and photo-y te speeh depar ment ' present Eugene O'Neill's only and David McComber, who thinks
concert in the University Extrahome 'Bo derSBn inistudymgraphed by the University Televi- playbill,etin1906epate tes te Richard is too wild for his daugh-
Coner Sris tB830pn.der. BinerBBginign sudisonStdiostffdprtaycth mcmey.Se.in196,th ptytels hestryof heprblmsofa trhurel cmplcaeyheacio
-. Concert Series at 8:30 p.m. sion.Studo staff, portrays the ter Muriel, complicate the action
~ Wednesday in Hill Auditorium. of the violin at eight years of age, weekly transformation of the typical American family and add to the fun.
Program for the concert will be he made his New York debut at empty stadium into a focal point Richard finally decides to go on
"Sonata in A major, No. 2, Op. the age of 17. for cheering crowds, band forma- SHOCK TUBE: wr-ingewhen he pretends to be as
12" by Beethoven; "Sonata In G Since his Carnegie Hall debut tions and competition each fall. gworld-wise as Belle, "the swift
minor, No. 1, for violin alone," by in 1943, this violinist has been Progrm Science 'babe from New Haven," whose
Bach; "Notturno et Tarantella" by casting spells over millions of mu- Ig S eUrlO guflC vulgar comments and amorous
Szymanwski; and Sonata in F sic lovers the world around. "Science: Quest and Conquest," advances really frighten him.
minor, Op. 80" by Prokofieff. Toured Russia sity's weekly "Television Hour" Space Research Program chrgef theboy'sdrunken hoe
Stern will also play "Siciliano Citizens of Australia, nine Euro- will be seen at 10 a.m. today on coming, and Nat straightens him
and Rigaudon" by Kreisler; Ni- pean countries, Latin America and WWJ-TV, Detroit. One of the difficulties which out, while Muriel washes away the
gun" by Bloch and Caprice Bas- Israel have heard Stern's concerts, This week's discussion will center Oiinto the low - pressure chamber bitter taste of his wild oats with
que" by Sarasate. during his last 10 summers of tours on "The Mountain and the Brook." must be resolved in the develop- setting off a series of shock waves. a kiss.
Received Instruction in foreign countries. Prof. Marston Bates, of the zoology ment of travel outside the earth's The velocity of the shock waves Original Versio
Only major violinist whose Two years ago, at the invitation department, will electronically atmosphere Is the ability of craft is measured electronically. n the original Broadway ver-
training is exclusively American, of the Soviet Ministry of Culture produce a mountain and a brook to re-enter the atmosphere at Shock - tube research has been sion of "Ah Wilderness, which
- ------ -and the United States State De- to demonstrate the action of ero- thousands of miles an hour, ac- carried on in the physics depart-
partment, he toured Russia as the sion and the constant change be- cording to University Research In- raent for the past 11 years, ac- takes place more in the mood of
first American artist to appear ing produced on the face of the stitute. cording to the Institute, Since a w .rC han ireality,
there in more than 10 years. He earth. To study this problem, equip- chambers are separated by a
Lrecently returned from a concerti Apply Results ment is needed in which con- breakable plastic diaphragm, with ing role of Nat, which was taken
tour of England and Israel. Prof. Bates will apply the results trolled conditions of flow at high 1948 the supervision of this re- by Will Rogers in the road com-
His repertoire includes baroque, of his television experiment to temperature, high pressure and search has been under Prof. Otto pany.
classical, romantic and modern explain how man's concept of the high velocity can be produced con- Laporte of the physics depart- presented O'Neill's tragic "Desire
__5-"5705_vorks, and he is equally at home age of the earth developed and veniently, an Institute report said. ment. Under the Elms" last year, chose
in each period of music. how the earth's contours were Because these conditions can be "Ah, Wilderness" for the current
urn Large In the spring of 1952, Stern formed. sudied in the shock tube-which playbill because of an upsurgance
in, 16-in, went to Hollywood to play the The program will continue with was virtually unknown a decade on in Interest in O'Neill's works, ac-
50 y00pPRICEtprole of Eugene Ysaye in the 20th a consideration of Chinese rel[- gsording to Prof. Jack E. ender
75 2.25 Century-Fox production, "Tonight gious and philosophical life on the a tool for physicists and aero- Notices cor to Prof. Jack
75Most of A We Sing."series "China: The Dragon and dynamicists. f tor of the production.
75 $2.25 o aThe violinist last appeared nthe Star." In its simplest form, the shock The cast, which has been re-
75 $2.25 ampus in the May Festival of Prof. James I. Crump of the f tube consists of a tube of uniform Alpha Pi Mu, nd.. Eng. Dept. Stu- hearsing for four weeks, includes
75 $2.25 1947 and in the Choral Union eastern studies department and internal cross section that is divid- nt-Faculty Coffee Hour, 4-5:30 p.m., University students and David
75 $2.25 Series in 1955. Peter Gosling of the geography de- ed into two chambers. These . . * Swartz, a young "stand-by" actor
kwill discuss the phils gases at different pressures on Congregational & Disciples Guild, from Ann Arbor, who has also ap-
Avlimited number of tickets is phies of Confucianism, Taoism and either side. Seminar: History of Christian Thought peared in "The Desperate Hours"
Ie ElectrC Ovens available iethe nicvesityMusical Legalism and the religion of Bud- When the diaphragm is 'broken, by Rev. Edwards, Nov. 2, 9:30 a.m., and "Inherit the Wind." He will
Tower dhism. the gas under high pressure rushes . '. play Tommy, one of the four
Toer Miller children.
Congregational & Disciples guild,
.. ______ _______ _______Grad. Group: "The Integrative Func- Authentic Costumes
tAon of Religion" by Rev. Redman, Nov. Prof. Bender said the produc-
N ! DIAL 3, 8 p.m., guild House.Prfwilenr
NOW NO2-253 * * ton will feature costumes that are
Eastern Orthodox Students Soc., Din- authentic replicas of the 1908
ner-Dance, Nov. 2, 6 p.m., 414 N. Main. period. For a special effect during
:on.-Indiana*University- . a scene on the beach, a recording
"n-IndR LADa"UniverIsMy Gamma Delta-Lutheran Student Club, of a player piano was made at a
Supper & Program-panel discussion of local canoe livery and will be
-N.Y. TIMES om.ages o Mn 1511Contenpora Life." played during the performance.
As the second in a series of freer,
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking, Nov. experimental plays, the speech de-
The identical 2, 2 p.m., Meet in back of Rackham partment will present three one-
I NDpicture now Bldg. (N.W. entrance). Bact plays by Tennessee Williams at
* * * 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Arena
in its New York Italian Club, Weekly Coffee Hour, Theatre in the Frieze Building.
long' run! 1mance Langge epLug Using music as a unifying ele-
de ntreted in things Italian are ment, the program entitled "WiI-
/dtattend. ams in Three Movements," will
.f' . include "This Property is Con-
See it . Lutheran Student Assoc., Interna- demned," "Talk to Me Like the
4tional Student Supper, Nov. 2, a p.m., Rain and I Will Listen," and "The
at Lut. Student Center.Lady of Larkspur Lotion."
C OCR TCear PstrofthFormCrsta~als:tione"
R aMich. Christian Fellowship, Nov. 2, FormalIstie Set
CONCERT ~~~~~~~Prices 4 p~m., Lane Hai. Speaker: Dr. EdwinAfrmlsiseuinsahss
Reformed Church, "The Necessity of and ladders will be used to create
L ESL IE CA RON MAURICE CHEVALIER Jesus Christ." arailroadembankment In the first
LOU IS JOURDAN Newman Club Communion Bret- play which is about two children
ERMIONE GINGOLD EVA GABOR fast-after 8 & 9 mass, General Meet- who meet while playing near an
ing--"National convention"-7:3 p A.,abandoned railroad track in Ms-
Nov. 2, 331 Thompson. sissippi.
- Ph Ch ThtaNov.4, p~., us. "Talk to Me Like the Rain and
H ill A.dBdg.riRm 141,Pae Discssion on i e pr
HAi"Careers for women in Business Ad- and a woman in a tenament room
Continuous ministration." during a cold grey, rainy afternoon
Saturday , P R m and the third production is the
dWand Sunday teePMeetingl-inet.oedstuentsWe:. story of two derelicts caught in
rom 1 ' come, Nov. 4, 4 p.m., 1548 SAB. a New Orleans French Quarter
7: 5 anT155 P .M . NO Wo! Wo.teemetn's-RinlerCub ese tidngt& Pra- i asadfnais
DIAL NO 8-6416 .* * *. boarding house who find refuge
"'SHARP AND ENGROSSING . .. An expert cast gives ; women's Raifie Club, Meeting & Prac- in dreams and fantasies.
SSptice, Nov. 4, 7 p.m., WAB. Everyone O'Neill, Williams and the speech
the new French movie an air of vast excitement. Has an weicome, no experience needed, al department provide this week's
equipment furnished. For informationdprmn rvd hswe
unholy fascination . .. the impact of the detail of the Ica.i 345 Mosher. Frtheatre.


procedures in each instance is stunning. Nothing much
is left to the imagination!"--Herald-Tribune.
Another SHOCKER by the Author ofC"RIFI"

Ch~e~-a -uild
Tonight at 8

i * - Z 5 .5 W

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